1,207 research outputs found

    Intergenerational transmission of left-right ideology: A question of gender and parenting style?

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    "Left" and "right" are common concepts when it comes to describing both political attitudes of citizens and politicians or to classifying, for example, parties on the political spectrum. But how do political ideological attitudes emerge? One central factor is political socialization, in which the family is a key socialization agent. However, existing research focuses largely on partisan preferences and how they emerge through family political socialization. Nevertheless, due to multiparty systems, this concept is less suitable in the European context. This paper therefore contributes to filling this research gap by looking at the role of the family as a political socialization agent in the emergence of political ideological attitudes. Hereby the focus is on two key research questions: what difference does the cross-gender transmission of left-right ideology make? How does the parenting style affect intergenerational transmission? These questions are examined using the Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship (CUPESSE) dataset, whose structure allows for several advances on existing studies. First, it contains a high number of cases with more than 4,000 parent-child dyads, which come from a total of 11 European countries and thus allow a view beyond existing single country studies. Furthermore, it contains the classification of the parenting style by the children and thus enables analyses based on the perception of the recipients of the parenting rather than the parent self-assessment. The results of the analysis indicate that existing differences in political ideology between parents and children vary for cross-gender transmission processes. It also shows that the similarity of political ideology between parents and children is influenced by the parenting style, such as whether children experienced warmth from their parents, support in the pursuit of autonomy, or strong controlling behavior

    The democratic lessons learned—How experiences of (un-)equal treatment in school influence satisfaction with democracy in later life

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    Previous studies have shown that economic and political experiences influence the level of satisfaction with democracy; however, they fail to explain whether these experiences have the same effect for everyone, whether there is interindividual variance and where these differences might be rooted. In this article, we investigate these roots of interindividual variance and base our argument on the observation that early experiences in school are formative and influence the effect of economic and political experiences on satisfaction with democracy. We analyze an original representative dataset on the German population to test how school experiences, more precisely equal treatment in school, interact with economic and political experiences in later life and thereby influence satisfaction with democracy. We find that school experiences play a significant role here. Voting for the governing parties especially increases satisfaction with democracy if respondents were treated equally in school. Similarly, past experiences of unemployment in particular decrease people’s levels of satisfaction with the political system if they were not treated equally in school. The findings highlight that early experiences made in school can have a relevant influence on satisfaction with democracy in later life

    The More Rural the Less Educated? An Analysis of National Policy Strategies for Enhancing Young Adults' Participation in Formal and Informal Training in European Rural Areas

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    Young adults in rural areas in many cases have limited educational opportunities. To obtain higher educational qualifications, rural youth often travel long distances. Therefore, many rural youths choose the “shorter” route and complete vocational training closer to home or drop out of their education prematurely. Against this background, this study examines the education policies of European countries and explores the extent to which these problems are addressed within their policy framework and what measures are taken to improve the situation. Using a unique dataset of policies of 31 European countries for the period 2010 to 2020, we examine more than 500 national and subnational policies that address formal and informal education and training. The results show that despite the sometimes high number of rural youths not in education, employment, or training (NEETs) and high early-school-leaving rates, only some countries have developed a respective policy strategy. The analysis presents the different measures implemented in the countries and furthermore shows that a high problem pressure in a country is not necessarily accompanied by a consideration in policy. Prospectively, there is a need for new policies that understand the multidimensionality of the issue and significantly improve the situation of rural youth

    Die Zyklik der Profite in der Ernährungswirtschaft: Ein internationaler Vergleich.

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    Im Rahmen des Struktur-Verhaltens-Ergebnis-Ansatz analysiert der vorliegende Aufsatz die Determinanten und die Zyklik der Profite verschiedener Branchen der Ernährungswirtschaft in Deutschland, den USA sowie den Niederlanden. Aus der Schwankung der Profite im Zeitablauf lassen sich, bei gegebener Marktstruktur, Hinweise auf die Intensität des Wettbewerbs und damit das Verhalten der Unternehmen gewinnen. Die Ergebnisse der ökonometrischen Panelanalyse zeigen ausgeprägte prozyklische Schwankungen der Profite in Deutschland in hochkonzentrierten Branchen, während das Ausmaß der Schwankungen in Branchen mit niedriger Konzentration in Deutschland sowie in sämtlichen Branchen der USA gering ist. Die Beobachtungen für Deutschland deuten auf eine Zunahme der Wettbewerbsintensität in einer Rezession hin. Die Schätzung ökonometrischer Modelle für die Niederlande führt zu unbefriedigenden Ergebnissen. -- Based upon the structure-conduct-performance-approach the present paper analyses determinants of price-cost-margins over the business cycle for food industries in Germany, the USA as well as the Netherlands. Controlling for market structure variables, cyclical fluctuations in profitability are interpreted as evidence for changes in firm behaviour. The econometric panel data models reveal procyclic fluctuations of profits in highly concentrated industries in Germany. In contrast, profitability in competitive industries in Germany as well as in all US-food industries are found to be more stable over the business cycle. This observation is explicable in terms of a more aggressive behaviour of firms in boom periods. The econometric model does not adequately explain industry differences in profitability in the Netherlands.Struktur-Verhalts-Ergebnis-Ansatz,LERNER-Index,Ernährungswirtschaft,Panelanalyse,Deutschland,Niederlande,structure-conduct-performance-approach,LERNER-index,food industries,panel data,Germany,Netherlands,USA

    Teaching genetics, genomics and related disciplines to Erasmus students in English, language versus conceptual weaknesses

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    [SPA] El alto número de alumnos Erasmus nos llevó a iniciar la docencia en inglés en el curso 2000-1. Se han impartido asignaturas optativas como Biología Molecular Aplicada, Ingeniería Genética Vegetal y Genómica, cursos de master: Herramientas de Genómica en Investigación o troncales como Genética. La evaluación se ha llevado a cabo con presentaciones orales, y desde 2009 se ha añadido un examen tipo test. El examen test criba a los alumnos sin conocimientos básicos y falta de atención a las clases. Presentar un artículo de investigación requiere tutorías debido a la densidad de la escritura científica comparada con la de los textos para estudiantes. Los estudiantes de grado obtuvieron notas similares independientemente de su origen. Por el contrario, los estudiantes de master españoles obtuvieron notas significativamente mejores. Esta discrepancia podría deberse a que los alumnos extranjeros de grado tienen un nivel de conocimientos previo parecido a los españoles para las asignaturas. Sin embargo, en el master, los españoles eligen por afinidad temática mientras que los extranjeros lo hacen porque se oferta en inglés. El principal predictor del éxito de los alumnos no es que la asignatura se imparta en inglés, sino el grado de conocimientos previos relacionados con la materia impartida. [ENG] As a result of a relative important number of Erasmus students we started to teach in English in 2000-2001. Throughout the years the courses included optional courses like Applied Molecular Biology, and Plant Genetic Engineering for undergraduates, Genomics for graduate students, Genomic tools in research for master and compulsory courses like Genetics. Despite the offer of the different courses in English, the main predictor for the students success was a general knowledge of biological concepts and genetics rather than their English level beyond a certain minimal threshold. Grading was performed on the basis of an oral presentation of a scientific paper and since 2009 we included a short multiple-choice test of basic concepts. Both proved difficult but the multiple choice weeded out those students that did not do the everyday work of attendance. The preparation of a scientific paper required tutorial guidance as a result of the density of the scientific writing as compared to regular undergraduate textbooks. Undergraduate students graded equal irrespective of their origin while graduate students were significantly better when coming from Spanish universities probably as a result of choosing the subject based on previous knowledge and not on the language used


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    Trabalho e dramaturgia baseado no conto “Cinderela Indígena” do livro das Vir- tudes Para Crianças, de William J. Bennett.

    Development of loss of function alleles based on CRISPR/CAS9 to study flower and fruit development

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    [SPA] El sistema CRISPR/Cas9 se ha convertido en la tecnología más útil para obtener alelos nuevos al estar basada en el proceso local de reparación de ADN activado localmente por la rotura del ADN. El complejo CRISPR/Cas9 es guiado por una molécula guía de ARN que le da especificidad de acción sobre una secuencia de ADN concreta. El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar una colección de alelos en genes de interés relacionados con el desarrollo de la flor y fruto. [ENG] The CRISPR/cas9 system has taken over the methodologies to obtain new alleles as it is based on DNA repair mechanisms activated locally by DNA breakage. The CRISPR/Cas9 complex is driven by a guide RNA conferring specificity of action on a given DNA sequence. The aim of the work is to develop a set of alleles in genes of interest involved in flower and fruit development.The experiments will be conducted in Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBB), Cartagena within Polytechnic University of Cartagena. This work is supported by BFU2017-88300-C2-1-R

    Role of molecular markers in environmental studies on the example of the endangered species Cistus heterophyllus

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    [SPA] Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar un conjunto de marcadores moleculares para el rastreo de eventos de hibridación en la población de una especie en peligro de extinción de la familia Cistaceae, Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis limitada a una sola población natural en el noreste de España. En esta población coocurren individuos con fenotipo silvestre y fenotipos híbridos, descritos antes en Africa como C. × clausonis, lo que sugiere eventos de hibridación entre esta población en peligro de extinción y una especie localmente abundante, Cistus albidus. Hemos aplicado marcadores plastídicos y la region internos inter-espaciados (ITS) de la ADN ribosómico como marcadores para su aplicación en la población mencionada. Observamos heteroplasmia en C. heterophyllus y C. × clausonis local, pero no en C. albidus. La región de ITS fue analizada en poblaciones geograficamente aisladas de Cistus heterophyllus, Cistus albidus y posibles híbridos entre estos dos especies. Depnediendo de individuo o población, C. × clausonis filogenéticamente parece más a Cistus heterophyllus o Cistus albidus y problamente está relacionado a la homogenización de variación por evolution concertada. [ENG] This study aims to analyse a set of molecular markers for tracing hybridization events in the population of an endangered species from the Cistaceae family, Cistus heterophyllus subsp. carthaginensis limited to only one natural population in the north-eastern Spain. In this population individuals with wild type and hybrid phenotypes, described before in Africa as C. × clausonis, co-occure, suggesting hybridization events between the endangered population and the locally abundant Cistus albidus. We applied plastid DNA and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the ribosomal DNA as markers in the aforementioned population. We observed heteroplasmy for rpoB and rpoC1 plastid genes in C. heterophyllus and the local C. × clausonis, but not in C. albidus. The ITS region was analysed in geographically isolated populations of Cistus heterophyllus, Cistus albidus and possible hybrids of these two species. Depending on the individual and population, C. × clausonis phylogenetically resembles more either Cistus heterophyllus or Cistus albidus and it might be related to the homogenization of variation between repeat types through concerted evolution.This work was funded by the Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia Project “Molecular markers in conservation and management of the flora of Murcia Region”

    Development of loss of function alleles based on CRISPR/CAS9 to study flower and fruit development

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    [SPA] El sistema CRISPR/Cas9 se ha convertido en la tecnología más útil para obtener alelos nuevos al estar basada en el proceso local de reparación de ADN activado localmente por la rotura del ADN. El complejo CRISPR/Cas9 es guiado por una molécula guía de ARN que le da especificidad de acción sobre una secuencia de ADN concreta. El objetivo del trabajo es desarrollar una colección de alelos en genes de interés relacionados con el desarrollo de la flor y fruto. [ENG] The CRISPR/cas9 system has taken over the methodologies to obtain new alleles as it is based on DNA repair mechanisms activated locally by DNA breakage. The CRISPR/Cas9 complex is driven by a guide RNA conferring specificity of action on a given DNA sequence. The aim of the work is to develop a set of alleles in genes of interest involved in flower and fruit development.The experiments will be conducted in Institute of Plant Biotechnology (IBV), Cartagena within Polytechnic University of Cartagena