20 research outputs found

    The urban space in Łódź as an archive. Material traces of Construction in Process

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    At the end of October and at the beginning of November 1981 (26.10 – 15.11.1981) Łódź hosted the first Construction in Process. Although it was held outside the official structures and institutional art circulation, it became an important event and an independent artistic undertaking on the international scale. Łódź was then visited by eminent artists bound with the avant-garde artistic trends of those days like Sol LeWitt, Richard Serra, Richard Nonas, Dennis Oppenheim or David Rabinowitch. Artistic interventions and activities frequently took place outside the buildings. Traits that have remained enrich public space and, at the same time, testify to the events from the past. Therefore, Łódź can be perceived as a sort of an archive of pieces of art and cultural artefacts in public space. The “archival collection” is made up of works created during the following Łódź editions of Construction in Process

    The industrial heritage and post-industrial urban identity: the case of Lodz in Poland

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    This article examines how the concept of redefinition of city identity is connected and merges with activities concerning adaptive reuse of the 19th-century post-industrial architectural heritage of Lodz, one of largest Polish cities

    The Role of Visual, Semantic and Sensual Aspects of Architecture in Perpetuating the Memory of the Past – the New Synagogue in Mainz

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    Thanks to its expressive form, the New Synagogue and the Jewish Community Centre in Mainz erected in 2008–2010 is a powerful sign in the urban space, creating a sort of aesthetic energy of the place. Its shape and influence results from the special synergy of an ultra-modern form and content deeply rooted in tradition. Serving particular functions, the building at the same time becomes an important urban art piece, determining and defining identity of the place

    Audiodeskrypcja dzieł sztuki. Metody, problemy, przykłady

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    Autorki książki przedstawiły problem wyrównania szans osób niewidomych i niedowidzących w dostępie do dóbr kultury. Zaprezentowały metodę tworzenia audiodeskrypcji dzieł w kontekście upowszechniania sztuki wśród osób z dysfunkcjami wzroku. Ponieważ tworzenie audiodeskrypcji wymaga znacznego zasobu zróżnicowanej wiedzy, zaproponowały wprowadzenie specjalistycznych zajęć z audiodeskrypcji prowadzonych metodą projektową. [...] Zebrany w ten sposób materiał stał się ważnym uzupełnieniem książki, a zarazem pozwolił na cały szereg istotnych sformułowań związanych z teorią i praktyką tworzenia audiodeskrypcji. Ta pionierska praca jest istotną pozycją dla studentów, muzealników i wszystkich zainteresowanych ułatwianiem osobom z niepełnosprawnością wzroku, niewidomym i niedowidzącym dostępu do sztuk plastycznych, a tym samym integracji społecznej w obszarze kultury. Z recenzji prof. Ryszarda HungeraUdostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    The Former Gestapo Headquarters and the Provincial Office of Public Security in Anstadt Avenue in Łódź Interdisciplinary Site Research

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    The paper discusses the research me­thods and the most important results of the interdisciplinary project “The Former Gestapo Headquarters and the Provincial Office of Public Security in Anstadt Avenue in Łódź. Interdisciplinary Site Research” conducted in 2019–2021. Considering the challenges faced by the archaeology of the contemporary past, a subdiscipline of archaeology, an attempt was made to link the results of archaeological research to the relatively well-known historical context of structural and functional transformations of the site explored, mostly the establishment of a Jewish school in Anstadt Avenue at the end of the 1930s, the operation of the Gestapo headquarters during the Second World War and of the communist Provincial Office of Public Security after the war, and the division of the site into police and school sections in 1957, which has been preserved to date. Also ethno­graphic research was carried out, which identified sources referring to the forms of remembrance and commemoration of places, events, and people. The Authors hope that the archaeological research will be soon resumed on account of the planned investments, allowing to publish a complementary and interdisciplinary monograph of the site explored

    The avant-garde art in the 19th-century factory

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    The Art Museum in Łódź, whose collections are well-known in the international arena, is not yet situated in its own modern museum building. A unique set of the international avantgarde works included in the Museum’s 1930s collection has placed this institution among the world’s leading museums. Yet for decades it has lacked proper exhibition space. Both in the inter-war period and in times of the Polish People’s Republic, the collection was displayed in the 19th-century buildings adapted for exhibition purposes. The situation has not changed recently although the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries brought great interest and a real boom for modern museum architecture. In 2008, the Art Museum in Łódź started functioning in the new seat of the 19th century weaving mill, belonging formerly to the complex of Israel Poznański’s plant, currently converted into the trade and entertainment centre, named Manufaktura. Spatial coexistence of the art museum and the trade centre arouses emotions and controversies.Publikacja dofinansowana przez Fundację Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego oraz Katedrę Historii Sztuk

    History of construction of the new building of the Museum of art in Łódź in the context of a political situation

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    In 1931, an international collection of modern art works was presented for the first time in Łód´z, being then the second largest city in Poland and one of the most important industrial centres. It was a world-class event, since in the 1930s, Łód´z museum was the only Polish and European museum presenting works of the most important avant-garde artists as a part of its permanent exhibition. In the post-war period considerable efforts were taken to erect a new building of the Museum of Art in Łód´z. It was going to be an event on a national scale, since it would be the first modern multifunctional museum built from scratch during the period of People’s Poland. Yet, the lack of perspective thinking and ideological entanglement of cultural institutions, as well as propaganda dictate and the lack of consistency in actions of communist authorities prevented Łód´z from taking the chance of remaining in the very centre of pioneering museum activities

    Miasto post-socjalistyczne - "zwrot" w kształtowaniu architektonicznego oblicza miasta przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Przykład Łodzi

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    Following the political breakthrough of 1989 architects were faced with completely new challenges. After the lethargy of the 1980s Polish architecture experienced a real turn. A remarkable transformation was taking place along with the general cultural, social, political and economic changes. The opening to the trends in Western culture, the establishment of numerous private architectural studios, the appearance of development companies or foreign investors, coupled with new technological possibilities resulted in the change of Polish urban landscape. As a result, Polish municipal authorities had to review their way of thinking about their cities. The paper aims at analysing the changes stimulated by the “turn” which took place in Polish architecture in the 1990s. It presents some observations on the transformation and the emerging challenges and problems of Łódź urban space.Przełom polityczny i systemowy, który nastąpił w 1989 r., otworzył przed architektami całkowicie nowe możliwości działalności twórczej. Po marazmie lat 80. w architekturze polskiej nastąpił prawdziwy zwrot. Swoista rewolucja dokonała się w korelacji ze zmianami ogólnokulturowymi, społecznymi, a także politycznymi i gospodarczymi. Otwarcie na nurty obecne w architekturze "Zachodu", powstawanie licznych prywatnych pracowni architektonicznych, pojawienie się firm developerskich, czy też zagranicznych inwestorów, wraz z nowymi możliwościami technologicznymi wpłynęło na przeobrażenia zachodzące w krajobrazie polskich miast. Jednocześnie zmusiło władze miast do zrewidowania sposobu myślenia o mieście. Artykuł stanowi analizę zmian stymulowanych "zwrotem", który miał miejsce w polskiej architekturze lat 90. Prezentuje on spostrzeżenia dotyczące przeobrażeń, jak również pojawiających się nowych wyzwań i problemów zachodzących w łódzkiej przestrzeni miejskiej

    Artistic and scientifically documentative journeys around Manhattan in Łódź

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    In 1991, an innovative and original artistic space was created by Krystyna Potocka-Suwalska on the ground fl oor of a block of fl ats in Łódź’s Manhattan district (which is a housing estate dating from the 1970s). Since the very beginning, a signifi cant part of the program of the Manhattan Gallery, which presents trends important to modern art as well as artists linked with alternative culture (including music, literature and activities from the borders of various artistic disciplines), has been joining or in many cases initiating a discourse on the city. Importantly, projects run by The Manhattan Gallery have not been limited to activities closed within the gallery space, provoking artists to set off on a peculiar, real and conceptual journey around the city and around a specifi c area within its structure, namely a communist housing estate, whose name was borrowed from the very heart of capitalist New York, Manhattan, and transferred to worker’s Łódź. The question of a place’s context and its artistic penetration has always been an important element of the Manhattan Gallery’s functioning and artistic establishment. One of the fi rst activities of that kind was an educational and social project A guide to Manhattan (Przewodnik po Manhattanie) carried out at the end of 1995/beginning of 1996. It provoked both audience and authors to make a unique journey promoting a new outlook - discovering, interpreting and understanding Łódź’s city space, namely the Manhattan housing estate. After ten years, the same people made a journey around Manhattan once again. Another confrontation with the city provided a strong impetus to a new self-refl ection and resulted in the project A guide to Manhattan. 1995-2010. Continuation (Przewodnik po Manhattanie. 1995-2010. Ciąg dalszy). As far as art and science are concerned, the journeys around Łódź’s Manhattan fosters a divulging memory and identity of the place through creating multi-layered micro-narrations. Creative activity provides an opportunity for diagnosing as well as undertaking a peculiar assessment of this anonymous urban space