13 research outputs found

    Motives for Prosocial Behavior : A Literature Review

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    Servicing a De Havillarnd DHC-2 Beaver of Eastern Provincial Airways circa 1958

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    NewGander History.10 of 23 (Photo courtesy of Still and Moving Images collection, Provincial Archives of newfoundland and Labrador

    The method of densities for non-isotropic Boolean models

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    This book deals with the Boolean model, a basic model of stochastic geometry for the description of porous structures like the pore space in sand stone. The main result is a formula which gives in two and three dimensions a series representation of the most important model parameter, the intensity, using densities of so-called harmonic intrinsic volumes, which are new observable geometric quantities

    The Weighted Generalised Covariance Measure

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    We introduce a new test for conditional independence which is based on what we call the weighted generalised covariance measure (WGCM). It is an extension of the recently introduced generalised covariance measure (GCM). To test the null hypothesis of X and Y being conditionally independent given Z, our test statistic is a weighted form of the sample covariance between the residuals of nonlinearly regressing X and Y on Z. We propose different variants of the test for both univariate and multivariate X and Y . We give conditions under which the tests yield the correct type I error rate. Finally, we compare our novel tests to the original GCM using simulation and on real data sets. Typically, our tests have power against a wider class of alternatives compared to the GCM. This comes at the cost of having less power against alternatives for which the GCM already works well. In the special case of binary or categorical X and Y , one of our tests has power against all alternatives.ISSN:1532-4435ISSN:1533-792

    On the isotropic constant of random polytopes with vertices on an â„“p-Sphere

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    The symmetric convex hull of random points that are independent and distributed according to the cone probability measure on the p-unit sphere of Rn for some 1 ≤ p < ∞ is considered. We prove that these random polytopes have uniformly absolutely bounded isotropic constants with overwhelming probability. This generalizes the result for the Euclidean sphere (p = 2) obtained by Alonso-Gutiérrez. The proof requires several different tools including a probabilistic representation of the cone measure due to Schechtman and Zinn and moment estimates for sums of independent random variables with log-concave tails originating in a paper of Gluskin and Kwapien