11 research outputs found

    Unique Cell Adhesion and Invasion Properties of Yersinia enterocolitica O:3, the Most Frequent Cause of Human Yersiniosis

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    Many enteric pathogens are equipped with multiple cell adhesion factors which are important for host tissue colonization and virulence. Y. enterocolitica, a common food-borne pathogen with invasive properties, uses the surface proteins invasin and YadA for host cell binding and entry. In this study, we demonstrate unique cell adhesion and invasion properties of Y. enterocolitica serotype O:3 strains, the most frequent cause of human yersiniosis, and show that these differences are mainly attributable to variations affecting the function and expression of invasin in response to temperature. In contrast to other enteric Yersinia strains, invasin production in O:3 strains is constitutive and largely enhanced compared to other Y. enterocolitica serotypes, in which invA expression is temperature-regulated and significantly reduced at 37°C. Increase of invasin levels is caused by (i) an IS1667 insertion into the invA promoter region, which includes an additional promoter and RovA and H-NS binding sites, and (ii) a P98S substitution in the invA activator protein RovA rendering the regulator less susceptible to proteolysis. Both variations were shown to influence bacterial colonization in a murine infection model. Furthermore, we found that co-expression of YadA and down-regulation of the O-antigen at 37°C is required to allow efficient internalization by the InvA protein. We conclude that even small variations in the expression of virulence factors can provoke a major difference in the virulence properties of closely related pathogens which may confer better survival or a higher pathogenic potential in a certain host or host environment

    An optimized IFN-γ ELISpot assay for the sensitive and standardized monitoring of CMV protein-reactive effector cells of cell-mediated immunity

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    Background: In healthy individuals, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is efficiently controlled by CMV-specific cell-mediated immunity (CMI). Functional impairment of CMI in immunocompromized individuals however can lead to uncontrolled CMV replication and severe clinical complications. Close monitoring of CMV-specific CMI is therefore clinically relevant and might allow a reliable prognosis of CMV disease as well as assist personalized therapeutic decisions. Methods: Objective of this work was the optimization and technical validation of an IFN-gamma ELISpot assay for a standardized, sensitive and reliable quantification of CMV-reactive effector cells. T-activated (R) immunodominant CMV IE-1 and pp65 proteins were used as stimulants. All basic assay parameters and reagents were tested and optimized to establish a user-friendly protocol and maximize the signal-to-noise ratio of the ELISpot assay. Results: Optimized and standardized ELISpot revealed low intra-assay, inter-assay and inter-operator variability (coefficient of variation CV below 22%) and CV inter-site was lower than 40%. Good assay linearity was obtained between 6 x 10(4) and 2 x 10(5) PBMC per well upon stimulation with T-activated (R) IE-1 (R-2 = 0.97) and pp65 (R-2 = 0.99) antigens. Remarkably, stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with T-activated (R) IE-1 and pp65 proteins resulted in the activation of a broad range of CMV-reactive effector cells, including CD3(+) CD4(+) (Th), CD3(+) CD8(+) (CTL), CD3-CD56(+) (NK) and CD3(+) CD56(+) (NKT-like) cells. Accordingly, the optimized IFN-gamma ELISpot assay revealed very high sensitivity (97%) in a cohort of 45 healthy donors, of which 32 were CMV IgG-seropositive. Conclusion: The combined use of T-activated (R) IE-1 and pp65 proteins for the stimulation of PBMC with the optimized IFN-gamma ELISpot assay represents a highly standardized, valuable tool to monitor the functionality of CMV-specific CMI with great sensitivity and reliability

    Validation of T-Track® CMV to assess the functionality of cytomegalovirus-reactive cell-mediated immunity in hemodialysis patients

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    Background: Uncontrolled cytomegalovirus (CMV) replication in immunocompromised solid-organ transplant recipients is a clinically relevant issue and an indication of impaired CMV-specific cell-mediated immunity (CMI). Primary aim of this study was to assess the suitability of the immune monitoring tool T-Track (R) CMV to determine CMV-reactive CMI in a cohort of hemodialysis patients representative of patients eligible for renal transplantation. Positive and negative agreement of T-Track (R) CMV with CMV serology was examined in 124 hemodialysis patients, of whom 67 (54%) revealed a positive CMV serostatus. Secondary aim of the study was to evaluate T-Track (R) CMV performance against two unrelated CMV-specific CMI monitoring assays, QuantiFERON (R)-CMV and a cocktail of six class I iTAg (TM) MHC Tetramers. Results: Positive T-Track (R) CMV results were obtained in 90% (60/67) of CMV-seropositive hemodialysis patients. In comparison, 73% (45/62) and 77% (40/52) positive agreement with CMV serology was achieved using QuantiFERON (R)-CMV and iTAg (TM) MHC Tetramer. Positive T-Track (R) CMV responses in CMV-seropositive patients were dominated by pp65-reactive cells (58/67 [ 87%]), while IE-1-responsive cells contributed to an improved (87% to 90%) positive agreement of T-Track (R) CMV with CMV serology. Interestingly, T-Track (R) CMV, QuantiFERON (R)-CMV and iTAg (TM) MHC Tetramers showed 79% (45/57), 87% (48/55) and 93% (42/45) negative agreement with serology, respectively, and a strong inter-assay variability. Notably, T-Track (R) CMV was able to detect IE-1-reactive cells in blood samples of patients with a negative CMV serology, suggesting either a previous exposure to CMV that yielded a cellular but no humoral immune response, or TCR cross-reactivity with foreign antigens, both suggesting a possible protective immunity against CMV in these patients. Conclusion: T-Track (R) CMV is a highly sensitive assay, enabling the functional assessment of CMV-responsive cells in hemodialysis patients prior to renal transplantation. T-Track (R) CMV thus represents a valuable immune monitoring tool to identify candidate transplant recipients potentially at increased risk for CMV-related clinical complications

    Yersinia enterocolitica palearctica serobiotype O:3/4 - a successful group of emerging zoonotic pathogens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-pathogenic <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>enterocolitica </it>caused several human outbreaks in Northern America. In contrast, low pathogenic <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>palearctica </it>serobiotype O:3/4 is responsible for sporadic cases worldwide with asymptomatic pigs being the main source of infection. Genomes of three <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>palearctica </it>serobiotype O:3/4 human isolates (including the completely sequenced Y11 German DSMZ type strain) were compared to the high-pathogenic <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>enterocolitica </it>8081 O:8/1B to address the peculiarities of the O:3/4 group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most high-pathogenicity-associated determinants of <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>enterocolitica </it>(like the High-Pathogenicity Island, <it>yts1 </it>type 2 and <it>ysa </it>type 3 secretion systems) are absent in <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>palearctica </it>serobiotype O:3/4 genomes. On the other hand they possess alternative putative virulence and fitness factors, such as a different <it>ysp </it>type 3 secretion system, an RtxA-like and insecticidal toxins, and a N-acetyl-galactosamine (GalNAc) PTS system (<it>aga</it>-operon). Horizontal acquisition of two prophages and a tRNA-Asn-associated GIYep-01 genomic island might also influence the <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>palearctica </it>serobiotype O:3/4 pathoadaptation. We demonstrated recombination activity of the PhiYep-3 prophage and the GIYep-01 island and the ability of the <it>aga</it>-operon to support the growth of the <it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>enterocolitica </it>O:8/1B on GalNAc.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Y. enterocolitica </it>ssp. <it>palearctica </it>serobiotype O:3/4 experienced a shift to an alternative patchwork of virulence and fitness determinants that might play a significant role in its host pathoadaptation and successful worldwide dissemination.</p

    Die komplette Genomsequenz von Yersinia enterocolitica Subspezies palearctica Serotyp O:3: Identifikation neuer Virulenz-assoziierter Gene und evolutionäre Aspekte

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    Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:3/4 ist verantwortlich für 80-90 % aller Yersiniosen beim Menschen in Deutschland und Europa. Y. enterocolitica Infektionen zeigen vielfältige Krankheitsbilder wie Gastroenteritis, Lymphadenitis und verschiedene Spätkomplikationen wie reaktive Arthritis. Das wichtigste Tierreservoir stellt das Hausschwein dar. Rohes Schweinefleisch in Metzgereien in Deutschland und anderen Regionen in Nord-Ost Europa ist häufig mit Yersinien kontaminiert (Bayern: 25 %). Da sich Serobiotyp O:3/4-Stämme geografisch und phylogenetisch deutlich von dem bisher sequenzierten Serobiotyp O:8/1B Stamm 8081 unterscheiden, wurde eine komplette Genomsequenzierung des europäischen Serobiotyp O:3/4 DSMZ Referenzstammes Y11 (aus Patientenstuhl isoliert) durchgeführt. Um einen genaueren Einblick in die Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Gruppe zu erhalten, wurden zusätzlich zwei weitere Serobiotyp O:3/4 Isolate (Stamm Y8265, Patientenisolat, und Stamm Y5307, mit reaktiver Arthritis assoziiertes Patientenisolat), sowie ein eng verwandtes Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:5,27/3 Isolat, Stamm Y527P, und zwei Biotyp 1A Isolate (ein Isolat nosokomialer Herkunft (Serogruppe O:5) und ein Umwelt-Isolat (O:36)) unvollständig sequenziert. Die nicht mausvirulenten Stämme wurden mit dem mausvirulenten Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica Serobiotyp O:8/1B Stamm 8081 verglichen, um genetische Besonderheiten von Stamm Y11 und der Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Gruppe zu identifizieren. Besonderer Fokus lag hierbei auf dem pathogenen Potential von Stamm Y11, um neue potentielle Virulenz Faktoren und Fitnessfaktoren zu identifizieren, darunter vor allem solche, die eine Rolle bei der Wirtsspezifität von Serobiotyp O:3/4 spielen könnten. Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:3/4 Stämmen fehlen einige der Charakteristika der mausvirulenten Gruppe Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica, beispielsweise die Yersiniabactin kodierende‚ High-Pathogenicity Island (HPI), das Yts1 Typ 2 Sekretionssystem und das Ysa Typ 3 Sekretionssystem. Die Serobiotyp O:3/4-Stämme haben ein anderes Repertoir von Virulenz Faktoren erworben, darunter Gene bzw. genomische Inseln für das Ysp Typ 3 Sekretionssystem, Rtx-ähnliches putatives Toxin, Insektizid-Toxine und ein funktionelles PTS System für die Aufnahme von N-acetyl-galactosamin, dem aga-Operon. Nach dem Transfer des aga-Operons in Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica O:8/1B konnte Wachstum auf N-acetyl-galactosamin festgestellt werden. Neben diesen Genen können möglicherweise auch zwei Prophagen (PhiYep-2 und PhiYep-3) und eine asn tRNA assoziierte genomische Insel (GIYep-01) zur Pathoadaptation von Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:3/4 beitragen. Der PhiYep-3 Prophage und die GIYep-01 Insel weisen Rekombinationsaktivität auf, und PhiYep-3 wurde nicht in allen untersuchten Serobiotyp O:3/4 Stämmen gefunden. Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica Serobiotyp O:5,27/3 Stamm Y527P ist genetisch eng verwandt zu allen Serobiotyp O:3/4 Isolaten, wohingegen die Biotyp 1A Isolate ein mehr Mosaik-artiges Genom aufweisen und potentielle Virulenzgene sowohl mit Serobiotyp O:8/1B als auch O:3/4 gemeinsam haben, was einen gemeinsamen Vorfahren impliziert. Neben dem pYV Virulenz-Plasmid fehlen den Biotyp 1A Isolaten klassische Virulenzmarker wie das Ail Adhesin, das YstA Enterotoxin und das Virulenz-assoziierte Protein C (VapC). Interessanterweise gibt es keine beträchtlichen Unterschiede zwischen den bekannten Virulenzfaktoren des nosokomialen Isolats und dem Umweltisolat der Biotyp 1A-Gruppe, abgesehen von einem verkürzten Rtx Toxin-ähnlichem Genkluster und Überresten eines P2-ähnlichen Phagen im Krankenhausisolat der Serogruppe O:5.Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica serobiotype O:3/4 comprises about 80-90 % of all human patient isolates in Germany and Europe and is responsible for sporadic cases worldwide. Even though this serobiotype is low pathogenic, Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica serobiotype O:3/4 is involved in gastroenteritis, lymphadenitis and various extraintestinal sequelae as reactive arthritis. The main animal reservoir of this serobiotype are pigs, causing a high rate of O:3/4 contaminations of raw pork in butcher shops in Germany (e.g. Bavaria 25 %) and countries in north-east Europe. As Y. enterocolitica O:3/4 is geographically and phylogenetically distinct from the so far sequenced mouse-virulent O:8/1B strain, complete genome sequencing has been performed for the European serobiotype O:3/4 DSMZ reference strain Y11, which has been isolated from a patient stool. To gain greater insight into the Y. enterocolitica subspecies palearctica group, also draft genome sequences of two other human O:3/4 isolates (strains Y8265, patient isolate, and Y5307, patient isolate associated with reactive arthritis), a closely related Y. enterocolitica palearctica serobiotype O:5,27/3 (strain Y527P), and two biotype 1A strains (a nosocomial strain of serogroup O:5 and an environmental serogroup O:36 isolate) have been performed. Those strains were compared to the high-pathogenic Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica serobiotype O:8/1B strain 8081 to address the peculiarities of the strain Y11 and the Y. enterocolitica subspecies palearctica group. The main focus was to unravel the pathogenic potential of strain Y11 and thus to identify novel putative virulence genes and fitness factors, especially those that may constitute host specificity of serobiotype O:3/4. Y. enterocolitica subspecies palearctica serobiotype O:3/4 strains lack most of the mouse-virulence-associated determinants of Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica serotype O:8, for example the HPI, Yts1 type 2 and Ysa type three secretion systems. In comparison, serobiotype O:3/4 strains obviously acquired a different set of genes and genomic islands for virulence and fitness such as the Ysp type three secretion system, an RtxA-like putative toxin, insecticidal toxins and a functional PTS system for N-acetyl-galactosamine uptake, named aga-operon. The aga-operon is able to support the growth of the Y. enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica O:8/1B on N-acetyl-galactosamine after transformation with the aga operon. Besides these genes, also two prophages, PhiYep-2 and PhiYep-3, and a asn tRNA-associated GIYep-01 genomic island might influence the Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica serobiotype O:3/4 pathoadaptation. The PhiYep-3 prophage and the GIYep-01 island show recombination activity and PhiYep-3 was not found in all O:3/4 strains of a small strain collection tested. Y. enterocolitica subsp. palearctica serobiotype O:5,27/3 strain Y527P was found to be closely related to all serobiotype O:3/4 strains, whereas the biotype 1A isolates have more mosaic-segmented genomes and share putative virulence genes both with serobiotypes O:8/1B and O:3/4, which implies their common descent. Besides the pYV virulence plasmid, biotype 1A strains lack classical virulence markers as the Ail adhesin, the YstA enterotoxin, and the virulence-associated protein C. Interestingly, there are no notable differences between the known virulence factors present in nosocomial and environmental strains, except the presence of a truncated Rtx toxin-like gene cluster and remnants of a P2-like prophage in the hospital serogroup O:5 isolate

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    Assay variability. Intra-assay (Table S1.), inter-assay (Table S2.), inter-operator (Table S3.) and inter-site (Table S4.) variability was assessed as described in the respective legends. (PDF 128 kb

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    Gating strategy of flow cytometry analyses following surface marker (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD56) and intracellular IFN-γ staining. PBMC (4 replicates each) from six CMV-seropositive healthy donors were stimulated with T-activated® pp65 and IE-1 antigens for 6 h, as indicated in the legend to Fig. 9. (A) Cells were first gated on single events in a Forward Scatter-Area (FSC-A) x FSC-Height (FSC-H) dot plot (Gating #1). Based on FSC-A x Side Scatter-Area (SSC-A) properties, a gate was next set around lymphocytes (Gating #2). By plotting CD3 against CD56, CD56 single positive cells (Gating #3), CD3/CD56 double positive cells (Gating #4) and CD3 single positive cells (Gating #5) were separated. CD3 single positive cells (Gating #5) were further subdivided into CD3/CD4 double positive (Gating #6) and CD3/CD8 double positive cells (Gating #7). (B) Representative dot plots (1 out of 4 replicates) of stained PBMC of donor d290. In each plot, percentage value in gated area is the mean frequency (from 4 replicates) of IFN-γ-expressing CD3+CD4+ (Th), CD3+CD8+ (CTL), CD3−CD56+ (NK) and CD3+CD56+ (NKT-like) cells. (PDF 351 kb

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    Positivity cut-off definition. Results obtained using the optimized IFN-γ ELISpot assay on PBMC isolated from whole blood of 45 healthy donors (Table 1 and Fig. 8) were used to generate precision profiles for each IE-1 and pp65 stimulation. Limits of quantitation (LoQ) for IE-1 and pp65 were 8.6 and 7.1 SFC/200,000 PBMC respectively. LoQ calculated on a cohort of 124 hemodialysis patients [49] were in a similar range (7.8 and 8.3 for IE-1 and pp65 respectively). Therefore, a positivity cut-off of 10 SFC/200,000 PBMC was chosen for the standardized assay. In addition, intra-assay standard deviation (SD) within both cohorts of healthy donors (n = 45) and hemodialysis patients (n = 124) for stimulated and unstimulated measurements was the basis for the calculation of a criterion that the ratio of geometric means of stimulated to unstimulated values is at least 2.5. Finally, considering a test result as positive when geometric mean for at least one of the IE-1 or pp65 stimulated approach is ≥ 10 SFC/200,000 PBMC, positive agreement (sensitivity) and negative agreement (specificity) of the optimized IFN-γ ELISpot test results with CMV serology within the collective of 45 healthy donors was 97% and 85% respectively (Fig. 8). (PDF 73 kb