16 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Fisik Dan Screen Based Activity Pada Remaja Di Wates

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    Latar Belakang: Prevalensi durasi tidur pada remaja menurun sekitar satu jam tiap malam. Pola tidur buruk dapat meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kematian. Pola tidur dipengaruhi banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah aktifitas fisik dan screen based activity. Pada remaja, terjadi peningkatan aktifitas fisik kurang dan tingginya durasi screen based activity (SBA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara aktifitas fisik dan SBA dengan pola tidur remaja.Metode: Rancangan penelitian ini adalah cross sectional study yang dilaksanakan di sekolah menengah pertama Kecamatan Wates, pada bulan Agustus 2016. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 536 responden dengan teknik pemilihan sampel menggunakan stratified random sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan kuesioner terstruktur, pengukuran tinggi badan dan lingkar pinggang. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square, Mann-Whitney dan regresi logistik.Hasil: Total 536 responden yang dilibatkan dalam penelitian diketahui bahwa kualitas tidur buruk (34,5%) dan durasi tidur pendek (45,3%) lebih banyak terjadi pada remaja perempuan. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara SBA (OR=2.0; 95% CI= 1,3-3.3; p=0,003) dengan kualitas tidur remaja. Selain itu, ditemukan hubungan aktifitas fisik (OR= 0.7; 95% CI=0,4-0,9; p=0,05) dengan durasi tidur.Kesimpulan: Aktifitas fisik serta SBA berhubungan dengan pola tidur remaja. Sebaiknya, melakukan advokasi kepada Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk melakukan physchoeducation di sekolah

    Defisiensi Vitamin A dan Zinc Sebagaifaktor Risiko Terjadinya Stunting pada Balita di Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Children of 1 - 5 years old often face nutrition problems such as undernourishment, vitamin A and zinc deficiency, anemia, stunting and low mental development index (MDI). Vitamin A deficiency can cause growth disorder and declining zinc transport and mobilization in the heart meanwhile zinc is needed in retinol binding protein synthesis. If the deficiency lasts for long it can cause growth disorder as manifested in stunting incidence. To study vitamin A and zinc deficiency as risk factors for the incidence of stunting among underfives at Nusa Tenggara Barat. The study was analytic observational with cross sectional design. Subject of the study were 327 underfives of 6 - 59 months at the Province of Nusa Tenggara Barat. Nutrition status was assessed through measurement of anthopometry, retinol serum level using HPLC, zinc serum level using AAS and hemoglobin using hemoCue. Data of individual characteristics and rearing pattern were obtained through interview and nutrient intake were measured using recall 2 x 24 hours. Data analysis used bivariate technique for variable related to stunting, chi square test for category data, independent t-test for ratio and logistic regression test to measure risk of some variables simultaneously related to incidence of stunting. The result of bivariate analysis showed that was difference in age between stunted and normal underfives (p<0.05) . In the group of underfives that were no longer breastfed there was difference in intake of zinc between stunted and normal underfives (p<0.05). The result of multivariate analysis showed that underfives that were no longer breastfed had risk 2 times greater for being stunted after the control of age, status of vitamin A and zinc. The effect is modified by age and breast-feeding. There was no evidence that showed that vitamin A and zinc deficiency among underfives were risk factors for the incidence of stunting. Variable that was individually as well as simultaneously significant for the incidence of stunting was breastfeeding status. Underfives that were not breastfed had risk 2 times greater for being stunted than those that were breastfed, and the effect is modified by age and breast-feeding

    Malnutrisi Akut Berat dan Determinannya pada Balita di Wilayah Rural dan Urban

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    Malnutrisi akut berat merupakan malnutrisi yang paling serius yang memengaruhi Balita dan merupakan masalah kesehatan utama di negara-negara berkembang. Malnutrisi telah meluas baik di perkotaan maupun perdesaan. Akar permasalahan malnutrisi di negara berkembang salah satunya adalah faktor sosial demografi. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat perbedaan kejadian malnutrisi dan determinannya di area perkotaan dan pedesaan di Yogyakarta. Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan responden adalah semua Balita malnutrisi akut berat di Kabupaten Sleman (23 Balita) dan Kota Yogyakarta (33 Balita). Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan inferensial. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Desember 2012 - Februari 2013. Prevalensi Balita malnutrisi akut lebih banyak di perkotaan daripada di pedesaan (59% vs. 41%). Persentase faktor risiko kejadian malnutrisi pada kelompok urban dan rural adalah jumlah Balita dalam keluarga satu orang (60,7%), jenis kelamin laki-laki (58,9%), riwayat pemberian ASI tidak eksklusif (60,7%), usia ibu kurang dari 35 tahun (62,5%), pekerjaan non-PNS (98,2%), penghasilan orang tua lebih dari UMR (58,9%), tingkat pendidikan ayah dan ibu tinggi (71,4% dan 64,3% ) dan pengasuh Balita di rumah adalah ibu (82,1%). Perbedaan yang signifikan (p<0,05) pada variabel pekerjaan dan penghasilan orang tua, tingkat pendidikan orang tua dan pengasuh Balita, sedangkan hasil pengukuran antropometri tidak menunjukkan adanya perbedaan. Determinan kejadian malnutrisi pada kelompok urban dan rural adalah jumlah Balita dalam keluarga.Severe acute malnutrition is the most serious form of malnutrition affecting children under-five and widely recognized as a major health problem in developing countries. It is wide spread in rural and urban areas. Social demographic factor is one of the main causes of severe acute malnutrition. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of severe acute malnutrition and determinants of children in urban and rural area in Yogyakarta. A cross-sectional study was used in this study, where the respondents were all children with severe acute malnutrition in Sleman and Yogyakarta (23 and 33 children respectively). Descriptive and inferencial statistic were used to analyze the data. The study was carried out in December 2012-February 2013. The prevalence of severe acute malnutrition children was higher in urban than rural communities (59% vs. 41%). Risk factors percentage of malnourished were number of children in family was one person (60.7%), male gender (58.9%), the history of not exclusive breastfeeding (60.7%), mother age less than 35 years old (62.5%), lower class job (98.2%), monthly income was high (58.9%), higher education of father and mother (71.4% and 64.3% respectively), and children caregiver was mother (82.1%). There were a significant diference (p<0.05) in father profession, parents\u27 education, household economic status, and caregiver of children, whereas anthropometric measurement did not show any difference between two groups. Determinants of malnutrition in urban and rural groups is the number of children in the family

    What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country survey

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    Background: The use of lengthy, detailed, and complex informed consent forms (ICFs) is of paramount concern in biomedical research as it may not truly promote the rights and interests of research participants. The extent of information in ICFs has been the subject of debates for decades; however, no clear guidance is given. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the perspectives of research participants about the type and extent of information they need when they are invited to participate in biomedical research. Methods: This multi-center, cross-sectional, descriptive survey was conducted at 54 study sites in seven Asia-Pacific countries. A modified Likert-scale questionnaire was used to determine the importance of each element in the ICF among research participants of a biomedical study, with an anchored rating scale from 1 (not important) to 5 (very important). Results: Of the 2484 questionnaires distributed, 2113 (85.1%) were returned. The majority of respondents considered most elements required in the ICF to be \u27moderately important\u27 to \u27very important\u27 for their decision making (mean score, ranging from 3.58 to 4.47). Major foreseeable risk, direct benefit, and common adverse effects of the intervention were considered to be of most concerned elements in the ICF (mean score = 4.47, 4.47, and 4.45, respectively). Conclusions: Research participants would like to be informed of the ICF elements required by ethical guidelines and regulations; however, the importance of each element varied, e.g., risk and benefit associated with research participants were considered to be more important than the general nature or technical details of research. Using a participant-oriented approach by providing more details of the participant-interested elements while avoiding unnecessarily lengthy details of other less important elements would enhance the quality of the ICF