38 research outputs found

    Supporting Early Modeling and End-to-end Timing Analysis of Vehicular Distributed Real-Time Applications

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    REACTION 2012. 1st International workshop on Real-time and distributed computing in emerging applications. December 4th, 2012, San Juan, Puerto Rico.The current model- and component-based development approaches for automotive distributed real-time systems have non-existing, or limited, support for modeling network traffic originating from outside the vehicle, i.e., vehicle-tovehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure, and cloud-based applications. We present novel modeling and analysis techniques to allow early end-to-end timing analysis of distributed applications based on their models and simple models of network traffic that originates from outside of the model. As a proof of concept, we implement these techniques in the existing industrial tool suite Rubus- ICE which is used for the development of software for vehicular embedded systems by several international companies. We also conduct an application-case study to validate our techniques.This work is supported by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KKS) within the project FEMMVA. We thank the industrial partners Arcticus Systems, BAE Systems Hägglunds and Volvo Construction Equipment (VCE), Sweden

    A TDMA scheduler for the AROS architecture

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    Abstract In this paper we present a Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheduler for the Asymmetric communication and ROuting in Sensor networks architecture (AROS). The scheduler enables dynamic network configurations of the AROS architecture. We show that asymmetric multihop communication with dynamic network configurations in AROS prolongs the lifetime of sensor nodes in long distance networks compared to the LEACH architecture

    Efficient Response-Time Analysis for Tasks with Offsets

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    We present a method that enables an efficient implementation of the approximative response-time analysis (RTA) for tasks with offsets presented by Tindell [13] and Palencia Gutierrez et al. [8]

    Component Technology in Resource Constrained Embedded Real-Time Systems

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    This paper presents a framework to incorporate real-time theory with component based software engineering, in order to achieve predictable systems. The proposed technology is aimed at releasing the developers from analysis aspects, and having a synthesis tool resource efficiently mapping a feasible component based software architecture to a run-time environment. Two component technologies form the base of our proposal, the predictable infrastructure PECT and the real-time component technology AutoComp. By combining properties from both, we achieve a framework suited for resource constrained real-time systems

    Tighter Response-Times for Tasks with Offsets

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    We present an improvement to the analysis methods for calculating approximate response times for tasks with offsets. Our improvement calculates tighter (i.e. lower) response-times than does earlier approximation methods, and simulations show that the method, under certain conditions, calculates the exact worst-case response time. We reveal, and exploit,..

    Extending Response-Time Analysis of Mixed Messages in CAN with Controllers Implementing Non-Abortable Transmit Buffers

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    The existing response-time analysis for messages in Controller Area Network (CAN) with controllers implementing non-abortable transmit buffers does not support mixed messages that are implemented by several high-level protocols used in the automotive industry. We present the work in progress on the extension of the existing analysis for mixed messages. The extended analysis will be applicable to any high-level protocol for CAN that uses periodic, sporadic and mixed transmission modes and implements non-abortable transmit buffers in CAN controllers.(c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.</p

    Response Time Analysis for Mixed Messages in CAN Supporting Transmission Abort Requests

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    The existing response-time analysis for messages in Controller Area Network (CAN) with CAN controllers facilitating transmission abort requests in transmission buffers does not support mixed messages. The existing analysis assumes that a message is queued for transmission either periodically or sporadically. However, a message can also be queued both periodically and sporadically using a mixed transmission mode implemented by several high-level protocols for CAN used in the industry today. We extend the existing analysis for mixed messages in CAN which is generally applicable to any high-level protocol that uses periodic, sporadic and mixed transmission modes and supports transmission abort requests in CAN controllers.(c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.</p

    Tracing Event Chains for Holistic Response-Time Analysis of Component-Based Distributed Real-Time Systems

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    Abstract-In this paper we discuss the problem of tracing event chains (distributed transactions) while extracting an end-to-end timing model from an existing industrial component model, the Rubus Component Model (RCM). RCM supports component-based development of distributed embedded and real-time systems. The purpose of extracting an end-to-end timing model is to perform the holistic response-time analysis of component-based distributed realtime applications modeled with RCM. We present a solution for RCM by introducing special purpose generic components to it. We believe that the solution is also suitable for other component models that use a pipe-and-filter style for component interconnection. Keywords-holistic response-time analysis; distributed realtime systems; timing model; model-based development. I. INTRODUCTION One of the most important requirements during the development of distributed real-time systems is to provide an evidence that each action in the developed system will meet its deadline. Tindell and Clark [1] developed the Holistic Response-Time Analysis (HRTA) to meet this requirement. HRTA is a well established schedulability analysis technique to calculate upper bounds on the response times of event chains (distributed transactions) in a distributed real-time system. In order to perform HRTA, all timing related information of the distributed real-time system under analysis should be available. The Model-and Component-Based Development [2], [3] is often considered a suitable choice for the development of embedded and real-time systems for many reasons such as: handling complexity of embedded software; lowering development cost; reducing time-to-market and time-to-test; allowing reusability; enabling modeling and analysis at higher level of abstraction, etc. In order to perform HRTA of component-based distributed real-time systems, the component model for the development of such systems should support the extraction of required timing information into an end-to-end timing model. In this paper, we discuss the extraction of an end-toend timing model from the industrial component model, the Rubus Component Model (RCM), that is used to develop resource-constrained distributed real-time systems. We discuss the problem of tracing event chains (distributed transactions) while extracting an end-to-end timing model from the modeled application. We also propose a solution to this problem by introducing special purpose components to RCM. We believe that the solution is also suitable for other component models for distributed real-time systems that use a pipe-and-filter style for component interconnection, e.g., ProCom Component Mode

    Implementation of Holistic Response-time Analysis in Rubus-ICE

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    Abstract The process of implementing and integrating state-of-the-art real-time analysis techniques with an existing industrial tool suite for the development of Distributed Real-time Embedded (DRE) systems offers many challenges. The implementer has to not only code and implement the analysis in the tool suite, but also deal with several issues. In this paper we present an implementation of the Holistic Response-Time Analysis (HRTA) as a plug-in for an industrial tool suite Rubus-ICE that is used for the component based development of DRE systems. We discuss and solve the issues encountered and highlight the experiences gained during the process of implementation, integration and evaluation of HRTA plugin. We provide a proof of concept by modeling an automotive application (autonomous cruise control system) using component-based development and analyzing it with HRTA plug-in

    Support for Holistic Response-time Analysis in an Industrial Tool Suite: Implementation Issues, Experiences and a Case Study

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    The process of implementing and integrating state-of-the-art real-time analysis techniques with an existing industrial tool suite for the development of Distributed Real-time Embedded (DRE) systems offers many challenges. The implementer has to not only code and implement the analysis in the tool suite, but also deal with several issues such as extraction of unambiguous timing and tracing information from the design model. In this paper we present an implementation of the Holistic Response-Time Analysis (HRTA) as a plug-in for an industrial tool suite Rubus-ICE that is used for component-based development of DRE systems. We discuss and solve the issues encountered and highlight the experiences gained during the process of implementation, integration and evaluation of HRTA plug-in. We also provide a proof of concept by modeling an automotive application (autonomous cruise control system) using component-based development and analyzing it with HRTA plug-in.(c) 2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.</p