70 research outputs found

    Hybridiorganisaatioiden ja niiden konsernijohtamisen muotoutuminen

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    HYBRIDIORGANISAATIOIDEN JA NIIDEN KONSERNIJOHTAMISEN MUOTOUTUMINEN Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Jyväskylän, Oulun, Tampereen ja Turun palvelutuotannon hierarkkisten ja markkinasuuntautuneiden toimintatapojen ja niiden konsernijohtamisen muutoksia vuosina 1993 - 2006. Tutkimus on instituutioiden taloustieteen piiriin kuuluva hallinnon tutkimus, jonka tavoitteena on ymmärtää tapahtuneita muutoksia ja antaa virikkeitä toimintatapojen valintaan ja niiden konsernijohtamisen kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ensin toimintatapojen ja kaupunkien keskushallintojen käyttämien johtamisjärjestelmien muutoksia omina ilmiöinään ja lopuksi ne yhdistetään palvelutuotannon toimintatapojen valinnan ja sen tuloksena muotoutuneen hybridiorganisaation hallinnan suhteiden tarkasteluksi. Kaupunkien toimintatapojen muutokset ovat perustuneet pääosin konsernijohdon näkemyksiin niiden tuloksellisuudesta. Muutokset ovat olleet varovaisia ja vaiheittaisia. Markkinasuuntautunut toimintatapa, erityisesti konsernin sisäinen tilaaja-tuottajamalli, on yleistynyt. Kilpailuttaminen ja näennäismarkkinoiden kehittäminen on ollut vähäistä, mutta lisääntymässä henkilöstön eläköityessä ja tilaajaosaamisen kehittyessä. Toimintatapojen valinnassa ei juurikaan ole hyödynnetty transaktiokustannuslaskennan tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia kaupunkien kirjanpitojärjestelmien kehittymättömyydestä johtuen. Kaupunkien johdolla on kuitenkin ollut varsin hyvä kuva markkinoiden ja hierarkioiden ongelmista. Myös normiohjauksen ja muiden tuotannontekijöiden rajoitusten vaikutuksista eri toimintatapojen kustannuksiin on olemassa jonkinlainen kuva. Tuotannontekijöiden rajoituksilla on tutkimuksen mukaan keskeinen vaikutus siihen, että hierarkioilla, markkinoilla ja hybrideillä on alueensa, jossa niiden kustannukset ovat pienimmät. Toimintatapojen valinta ja johtamisjärjestelmien ja -menetelmien kehittäminen ovat erillisiä ilmiöitä, vaikka ne vaikuttavatkin jossain määrin toisiinsa. Konsernimainen rakenne syntyi hierarkian sisällä päätösvallan delegoinnin kautta. Markkinasuuntautuneet toimintatavat johtivat konsernirakenteen ja -johdon muotoutumiseen. Toimintaympäristön hallintaan ja kuntayhteisön johtamiseen kehitettyä strategista johtamismenetelmää muokattiin myös konsernijohtamiseen soveltuvaksi vuorovaikutteisten prosessien ja BSC-mittariston avulla. Toimintatapojen valintojen ja markkinasuuntautuneiden toimintatapojen yleistymisen seurauksena muotoutui kaupunkeihin hybridiorganisaatio, jossa on kolme vahvaa ohjausjärjestelmää: markkinat, hierarkia ja hybridijärjestelmän kaltainen tilaaja-tuottajamalli. Järjestelmien johtaminen on osittain eriytynyt ja hybridiorganisaatiota pyritään hallitsemaan konsernirakenteen, strategisen johtamisen ja ns. toimintamalliajattelun avulla. Kaupungit ovat yhdistäneet viime vuosina toimintatapojen valintaa ja johtamisjärjestelmää koskevat päätökset yhdeksi kokonaisuudeksi, jota yleisesti kutsutaan toimintamalliksi. Tällöin yhdistetään valintaan liittyvä tuloksellisuuden arviointi ja demokraattiseen poliittiseen päätöksentekoon liittyvä asioiden ja ihmisten johtaminen. Samalla tullaan määritelleeksi toimintatapojen valinnan ja hallinnan suhteet ja niiden osatekijöiden välinen tasapaino. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan yleistää vain kohdekaupunkien kaltaisiin kuntiin. Tilaaja-tuottajamallin yleistyminen ja kuntien yhteistyöhankkeet lisäävät tulosten soveltamismahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuksen pohjalta voidaan kehittää transaktiokustannuslaskentaa ja siihen perustuvaa tuotannontekijöiden rajoitusten analysointia toimintatapoja valittaessa. Kaupunkien johto voi myös saada virikkeitä tutkimuksesta johtamisjärjestelmien kehittämiseen toimintatapojen valinnan ja hybridiorganisaation hallinnan suhteiden osalta.The starting point of this approach was very pragmatic, the purpose being to pursue the former studies on the purchaser-producer split of the target towns by dealing more extensively with issues concerning their corporate management. During the research the issues concerning the choice and the control of service production mechanisms in the corporate management became significant. What kind of mechanisms and tools does the corporate management formed as a result of the generalization of market uses use and how does it control the hybrid organization caused by the differing mechanisms. The purpose of the research has been primarily to increase understanding of the changes that have taken place. One goal has been also to give the municipal management stimulus for developing the management of mechanisms and learning from the examples and experiences of the others. The towns often used vague and inconsistent terms and concepts, which also had to be standardized and defined. That part of the research was mainly mapping out the situation. The research was performed according to a case study method based on abductive logic. The goal of this reasoning was to achieve the logic that occurs on the practical level. Each issue relevant to the study (changes in governance structures and processes concerning service production as well as changes in the methods of corporate management and the mechanisms of hybrid organizations) was first scrutinized considering its initial stage and the changes that have been made. The essential concepts used in the study for examining the material were defined on the basis of empirical study material and research literature. This kind of hermeneutic circle was trodden several times. The result of each study field can be reduced as follows: 1.The market orientated mechanisms and especially the internal purchaser-producer split of the corporation based on co-operation, which has developed towards hybrid organization, have become common in recent years. Bid seeking and the development of quasi market have been insignificant, but increasing when the personnel are retiring and the markets as well as the customer knowledge are improving. As the result of the changes in mechanisms the municipal management has adopted corporate structure and hybrid organization, which include several governance structures and processes. 2.Strategic management has also developed into the management form used in corporate structure and hybrid organization as a result of interactive strategy processes, target settings based on input-output strategies and BSC meters, and productivity valuation. Strategic management is also used as a basis when choosing mechanisms. Although the corporate management structures in each town are very different the forms of strategic management are very similar. 3.The management of different service production mechanisms concentrates on choosing the ones based on their productivity and efficiency valuation and the management of the resulting hybrid organization. The choice is strongly influenced by political views and the estimates of the corporate management concerning the suitability of different governance structures and processes for different types of mechanisms. This research also emphasizes the effects of asset specificity, for example normative guidance, on the total costs and the choice of different mechanisms. It also analyzes the elements of productivity and the relation efficiency and governance in the mechanisms of the different towns. Understanding the changes and mutually agreed concept definitions can help to clarify how to improve the choice of governance structures and processes and the corporate management in the towns. Developing the choice criteria of the mechanisms examined still requires a lot of research work and improving calculation systems

    The relationship between Modic changes and intervertebral disc degeneration

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    BACKGROUND: Recent reported results have added to the weight of evidence supporting association between disc degeneration and Modic changes. Endplate or Modic changes are also associated with increased body mass index. The most recent study from Teichtahl et al. titled 'Modic changes in the lumbar spine and their association with body composition, fat distribution and intervertebral disc height - a 3.0 T-MRI study' showed associations of Modic changes with quantitatively measured reduced disc height and fat mass index. However, there were some facts, which we would like to address in this Correspondence to their article. DISCUSSION: The different components of intervertebral disc degeneration such as loss of disc height and disc signal intensity have already been shown associated with endplate changes - but not disc height if it is assessed using newer more precise methods of quantitation of disc height. A possible protective effect of different adiposity distribution in the body to Modic change development would be of interest if observed in a longitudinal study in the future. Modic changes have been associated with different components of intervertebral disc degeneration such as loss of disc height and disc signal intensity previously. The influence of body fat distribution on endplate changes would be interesting to study longitudinally

    Association of lumbar disc degeneration with low back pain in middle age in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

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    Background: Although it has been suggested that lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) is a significant risk factor for low back pain (LBP), its role remains uncertain. Our objective was to clarify the association between LDD and LBP and whether mental distress modifies the association.Methods: Participants of a birth cohort underwent 1.5-T lumbar magnetic resonance imaging at the age of 47. The association between the sum score of LDD (Pfirrmann classification, range 0-15) and LBP (categorized into "no pain", "mild-to-moderate pain", "bothersome-and-frequent pain") was assessed using logistic regression analysis, with sex, smoking, body mass index, physical activity, occupational exposure, education, and presence of Modic changes and disc herniations as confounders. The modifying role of mental distress (according to the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25 [HSCL-25], the Beck Depression Inventory and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale) in the association was analyzed using linear regression.Results: Of the study population (n = 1505), 15.2% had bothersome and frequent LBP, and 29.0% had no LBP. A higher LDD sum score increased the odds of belonging to the "mild-to-moderate pain" category (adjusted OR corresponding to an increase of one point in the LDD sum score 1.11, 95% CI 1.04-1.18, P = 0.003) and the "bothersome-and-frequent pain" category (adjusted OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10-1.31, P Conclusions: LDD was significantly associated with both mild-to-moderate and bothersome-and-frequent LBP. However, the co-occurrence of mental distress diminished the association between LDD and LBP bothersomeness. Our results strongly suggest that mental symptoms affect the pain experience.</p

    Association of lumbar disc degeneration with low back pain in middle age in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

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    Background: Although it has been suggested that lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) is a significant risk factor for low back pain (LBP), its role remains uncertain. Our objective was to clarify the association between LDD and LBP and whether mental distress modifies the association. Methods: Participants of a birth cohort underwent 1.5-T lumbar magnetic resonance imaging at the age of 47. The association between the sum score of LDD (Pfirrmann classification, range 0–15) and LBP (categorized into “no pain”, “mild-to-moderate pain”, “bothersome-and-frequent pain”) was assessed using logistic regression analysis, with sex, smoking, body mass index, physical activity, occupational exposure, education, and presence of Modic changes and disc herniations as confounders. The modifying role of mental distress (according to the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25 [HSCL-25], the Beck Depression Inventory and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale) in the association was analyzed using linear regression. Results: Of the study population (n = 1505), 15.2% had bothersome and frequent LBP, and 29.0% had no LBP. A higher LDD sum score increased the odds of belonging to the “mild-to-moderate pain” category (adjusted OR corresponding to an increase of one point in the LDD sum score 1.11, 95% CI 1.04–1.18, P = 0.003) and the “bothersome-and-frequent pain” category (adjusted OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.10–1.31, P < 0.001), relative to the “no pain” category. Mental distress significantly modified the association between LDD and LBP, as a linear positive association was consistently observed among individuals without mental distress according to HSCL-25 (adjusted B 0.16, 95% CI 0.07–0.26, P < 0.001), but not among individuals with higher mental distress. Conclusions: LDD was significantly associated with both mild-to-moderate and bothersome-and-frequent LBP. However, the co-occurrence of mental distress diminished the association between LDD and LBP bothersomeness. Our results strongly suggest that mental symptoms affect the pain experience.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    The role of co-occurring insomnia and mental distress in the association between lumbar disc degeneration and low back pain related disability

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    Background Lumbar disc degeneration (LDD) is associated with low back pain (LBP). Although both insomnia and mental distress appear to influence the pain experience, their role in the association between LDD and LBP is uncertain. Our objective was to investigate the role of co-occurring insomnia and mental distress in the association between LDD and LBP-related disability. Methods A total of 1080 individuals who had experienced LBP during the previous year underwent 1.5-T lumbar magnetic resonance imaging, responded to questionnaires, and participated in a clinical examination at the age of 47. Full data was available for 843 individuals. The presence of LBP and LBP-related disability (numerical rating scale, range 0-10) were assessed using a questionnaire. LDD was assessed by a Pfirrmann-based sum score (range 0-15, higher values indicating higher LDD). The role of insomnia (according to the five-item Athens Insomnia Scale) and mental distress (according to the Hopkins Symptom Check List-25) in the association between the LDD sum score and LBPrelated disability was analyzed using linear regression with adjustments for sex, smoking, body mass index, education, leisure-time physical activity, occupational physical exposure, Modic changes, and disc herniations. Results A positive association between LDD and LBP-related disability was observed among those with absence of both mental distress and insomnia (adjusted B = 0.132, 95% CI = 0.028-0.236, p = 0.013), and among those with either isolated mental distress (B = 0.345 CI = 0.039-0.650, p = 0.028) or isolated insomnia (B = 0.207, CI = 0.040-0.373, p = 0.015). However, among individuals with co-occurring insomnia and mental distress, the association was not significant (B = -0.093, CI = -0.346-0.161, p = 0.470). Conclusions LDD does not associate with LBP-related disability when insomnia and mental distress co-occur. This finding may be useful when planning treatment and rehabilitation that aim to reduce disability among individuals with LDD and LBP. Future prospective research is warranted.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Structure and characterization of a novel chicken biotin-binding protein A (BBP-A)

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    BACKGROUND: The chicken genome contains a BBP-A gene showing similar characteristics to avidin family genes. In a previous study we reported that the BBP-A gene may encode a biotin-binding protein due to the high sequence similarity with chicken avidin, especially at regions encoding residues known to be located at the ligand-binding site of avidin. RESULTS: Here, we expand the repertoire of known macromolecular biotin binders by reporting a novel biotin-binding protein A (BBP-A) from chicken. The BBP-A recombinant protein was expressed using two different expression systems and purified with affinity chromatography, biochemically characterized and two X-ray structures were solved – in complex with D-biotin (BTN) and in complex with D-biotin D-sulfoxide (BSO). The BBP-A protein binds free biotin with high, "streptavidin-like" affinity (K(d )~ 10(-13 )M), which is about 50 times lower than that of chicken avidin. Surprisingly, the affinity of BBP-A for BSO is even higher than the affinity for BTN. Furthermore, the solved structures of the BBP-A – BTN and BBP-A – BSO complexes, which share the fold with the members of the avidin and lipocalin protein families, are extremely similar to each other. CONCLUSION: BBP-A is an avidin-like protein having a β-barrel fold and high affinity towards BTN. However, BBP-A differs from the other known members of the avidin protein family in thermal stability and immunological properties. BBP-A also has a unique ligand-binding property, the ability to bind BTN and BSO at comparable affinities. BBP-A may have use as a novel material in, e.g. modern bio(nano)technological applications

    Structure and characterization of a novel chicken biotin-binding protein A (BBP-A)

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    Background. The chicken genome contains a BBP-A gene showing similar characteristics to avidin family genes. In a previous study we reported that the BBP-A gene may encode a biotin-binding protein due to the high sequence similarity with chicken avidin, especially at regions encoding residues known to be located at the ligand-binding site of avidin. Results. Here, we expand the repertoire of known macromolecular biotin binders by reporting a novel biotin-binding protein A (BBP-A) from chicken. The BBP-A recombinant protein was expressed using two different expression systems and purified with affinity chromatography, biochemically characterized and two X-ray structures were solved – in complex with D-biotin (BTN) and in complex with D-biotin D-sulfoxide (BSO). The BBP-A protein binds free biotin with high, "streptavidin-like" affinity (Kd ~ 10-¹³ M), which is about 50 times lower than that of chicken avidin. Surprisingly, the affinity of BBP-A for BSO is even higher than the affinity for BTN. Furthermore, the solved structures of the BBP-A – BTN and BBP-A – BSO complexes, which share the fold with the members of the avidin and lipocalin protein families, are extremely similar to each other. Conclusion. BBP-A is an avidin-like protein having a β-barrel fold and high affinity towards BTN. However, BBP-A differs from the other known members of the avidin protein family in thermal stability and immunological properties. BBP-A also has a unique ligand-binding property, the ability to bind BTN and BSO at comparable affinities. BBP-A may have use as a novel material in, e.g. modern bio(nano)technological applications.peerReviewe
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