412 research outputs found

    Road-safety management in Brazil, Russia, India, and China

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    This study examined road-safety management in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRIC countries). The main topics reviewed were recent crash statistics, key governmental agencies in charge of road safety, road-safety programs, influential organizations outside of the government, key research institutes, and major barriers to improvement. The main findings are as follows: (1) Each BRIC country has governmental organizations with responsibilities for road safety. However, none of these countries has a single lead governmental unit responsible for national road safety. (2) The Russian Federation has a strategic road-safety plan, including a specific target for reduction of road fatalities. The strategic safety plan of China is limited to certain types of roads, and it aims to reduce fatality rates per vehicle. In Brazil and India, there is not yet any road-safety plan or road-safety targets. (3) There are several non-governmental organizations involved in road-safety work in Brazil, the Russian Federation, and India, but not in China. (4) Road-safety research is conducted in each of the four countries. (5) All four countries have recently introduced several new road-safety interventions. However, the introduced interventions are not based on a systems approach that would involve comprehensive measures supporting each other, or they are not applied uniformly throughout the country.The University of Michigan Sustainable Worldwide Transportationhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89427/1/102786.pd

    Near accidents and collisions between pedestrians and cyclists

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    Abstract Cities throughout the world have increasingly promoted walking and cycling as healthy and sustainable modes of travel. However, collisions between pedestrians and cyclists have remained largely unstudied, and existing accident statistics suffer from underreporting. This study aimed to explore near accidents and collisions between pedestrians and cyclists, assess the frequency of near accidents, and evaluate pedestrians’ and cyclists’ sense of safety in traffic. An online survey was directed to inhabitants of Finnish cities with populations greater than 100,000, and the resulting data included 1046 respondents who walk and/or cycle regularly. The main results show that near accidents between pedestrians and cyclists are around 50 times more frequent than collisions. Only 16 survey respondents had been involved in a collision during the 3-year period, whereas roughly a third had experienced at least one near accident. For both near accidents and collisions, the involved parties were usually travelling in the same direction. Most incidents occurred on pedestrian paths and shared pedestrian and bicycle paths. On shared pedestrian and bicycle paths separated by mode of transport, incidents were much rarer. Furthermore, sense of safety and willingness to walk and cycle were lower in environments where near accidents were more frequent. These findings tentatively suggest that spatially separating modes of transport could improve people’s sense of safety and prevent near accidents and collisions. Prevention of near accidents could increase the willingness to walk and cycle

    Acceptance and use of ADAS

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    Sähköisen rytminsiirron toteutus (cardioversio ccu:ssa) video : Sairaanhoitajan työtehtävät

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa video sydämen sähköisestä rytminsiirrosta erään keskussairaalan sydänvalvontaosaston (CCU:n) henkilöstölle. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi laadittiin narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus sähköisen rytminsiirron toteutuksesta osana erään keskussairaalan sydänvalvontaosaston (CCU:n) hoitotyön kehittämistä. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli videoida sähköinen rytminsiirto toimenpiteenä. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessä viitekehyksessä käsitellään sydämen sähköistä rytminsiirtoa ja eteisperäisistä rytmihäiriöistä yleisempiä rytmihäiriöitä, jotka ovat eteisvärinä ja eteislepatus. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella vastataan kysymyksiin: "Mikä on sairaanhoitajan tehtävä sähköisessä rytminsiirrossa?" ja " Mitä tehtäviä sairaanhoitajalla on sähköisesti suoritettavan rytminsiirron aikana?" Opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan sairaanhoitajan tehtäviä elektiivisesti toteutetun sydämen sähköisen rytminsiirron aikana.The purpose of this thesis was to produce a video on cardioversion for central hospitals’ CCU staff. To achieve the goal of this thesis, a literature view about cardioversion was made to develop central hospitals nursing actions. The purpose of this thesis was to film cardioversion as a procedure. The theoretical framework handles cardioversion and the most common arrhythmias which are atrial fibrillation and atrial fluttery. The theoretical framework answers questions like ''what is the nurses’ role in a cardioversion?'' and ''what tasks nurse have during cardioversion?'' This thesis will observe the nurses’ role during elective cardioversion

    Effects of dedicated stop-lamps on nighttime rear-end collisions

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    This study was designed to evaluate whether dedicated stop lamps, in comparison to stop lamps that are functionally combined with tail or turn signals, provide additional safety benefits at night. The analysis compared the frequencies of rear-end collisions in which the vehicles were struck to those collisions in which the same vehicles were the striking ones. The analysis used 1999-2003 Florida and North Carolina crash data. The vehicle sample consisted of 38 passenger car models for the years 1994-2003. Overall, the results include a statistically significant pattern that suggests a beneficial effect of dedicated stop lamps. However, the results are complex and further analyses should be done to better understand the possible effect of dedicated versus combined stop lamps.University of Michigan Industry Affiliation Program for Human Factors in Transportation SafetyVTT Technical Research Centre of Finlandhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/58718/1/99600.pd

    Traffic accidents in Finland and the U.S.A.: a cross-cultural comparison of associated factors

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    Academy of Finland, Helsinkihttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/973/2/82897.0001.001.pd

    Driver risk assessment in Finland and Michigan

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    Academy of Finland, HelsinkiHenry Ford Foundationhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/1116/2/87597.0001.001.pd