783 research outputs found

    Precursors of an upcoming solar cycle at high latitudes from coronal green line data

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    After reviewing potential early indicators of an upcoming solar cycle at high latitudes, we focus attention on the rush-to-the-poles (RTTP) phenomenon in coronal green line emission. Considering various correlations between properties of the RTTP with the upcoming solar cycle we find a correlation between the rate of the RTTP and the time delay until the maximum of the next solar cycle. On the basis of this correlation and the known internal regularities of the sunspot number series we predict that, following a minimum in 2019, cycle 25 will peak in late 2024 at an amplitude of about 130 (in terms of smoothed monthly revised sunspot numbers). This slightly exceeds the amplitude of cycle 24 but it would still make cycle 25 a fairly weak cycle.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures J. Atm. Sol.-Terr. Phys., in pres

    Dynamics at barriers in bidirectional two-lane exclusion processes

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    A two-lane exclusion process is studied where particles move in the two lanes in opposite directions and are able to change lanes. The focus is on the steady state behavior in situations where a positive current is constrained to an extended subsystem (either by appropriate boundary conditions or by the embedding environment) where, in the absence of the constraint, the current would be negative. We have found two qualitatively different types of steady states and formulated the conditions of them in terms of the transition rates. In the first type of steady state, a localized cluster of particles forms with an anti-shock located in the subsystem and the current vanishes exponentially with the extension of the subsystem. This behavior is analogous to that of the one-lane partially asymmetric simple exclusion process, and can be realized e.g. when the local drive is induced by making the jump rates in two lanes unequal. In the second type of steady state, which is realized e.g. if the local drive is induced purely by the bias in the lane change rates, and which has thus no counterpart in the one-lane model, a delocalized cluster of particles forms which performs a diffusive motion as a whole and, as a consequence, the current vanishes inversely proportionally to the extension of the subsystem. The model is also studied in the presence of quenched disordered, where, in case of delocalization, phenomenological considerations predict anomalously slow, logarithmic decay of the current with the system size in contrast with the usual power-law.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Hyperfine structure of antiprotonic helium revealed by a laser-microwave-laser resonance method

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    Using a newly developed laser-microwave-laser resonance method, we observed a pair of microwave transitions between hyperfine levels of the (n,L)=(37,35)(n,L)=(37,35) state of antiprotonic helium. This experiment confirms the quadruplet hyperfine structure due to the interaction of the antiproton orbital angular momentum, the electron spin and the antiproton spin as predicted by Bakalov and Korobov. The measured frequencies of νHF+=12.89596±0.00034\nu_{\text HF}^+ =12.89596 \pm 0.00034 GHz and νHF−=12.92467±0.00029\nu_{\text HF}^- =12.92467 \pm 0.00029 GHz agree with recent theoretical calculations on a level of 6×10−5 6 \times10^{-5}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Semigroups with operation-compatible Green’s quasiorders

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    We call a semigroup on which the Green’s quasiorder ≤ J (≤ L, ≤ R) is operation-compatible, a ≤ J-compatible (≤ L-compatible, ≤ R-compatible) semigroup. We study the classes of ≤ J-compatible, ≤ L-compatible and ≤ R-compatible semigroups, using the smallest operation-compatible quasiorders containing Green’s quasiorders as a tool. We prove a number of results, including the following. The class of ≤ L-compatible (≤ R-compatible) semigroups is closed under taking homomorphic images. A regular periodic semigroup is ≤ J-compatible if and only if it is a semilattice of simple semigroups. Every negatively orderable semigroup can be embedded into a negatively orderable ≤ J-compatible semigroup

    Weakly coupled, antiparallel, totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes

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    We study a system composed of two parallel totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes with open boundaries, where the particles move in the two lanes in opposite directions and are allowed to jump to the other lane with rates inversely proportional to the length of the system. Stationary density profiles are determined and the phase diagram of the model is constructed in the hydrodynamic limit, by solving the differential equations describing the steady state of the system, analytically for vanishing total current and numerically for nonzero total current. The system possesses phases with a localized shock in the density profile in one of the lanes, similarly to exclusion processes endowed with nonconserving kinetics in the bulk. Besides, the system undergoes a discontinuous phase transition, where coherently moving delocalized shocks emerge in both lanes and the fluctuation of the global density is described by an unbiased random walk. This phenomenon is analogous to the phase coexistence observed at the coexistence line of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process, however, as a consequence of the interaction between lanes, the density profiles are deformed and in the case of asymmetric lane change, the motion of the shocks is confined to a limited domain.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The effect of detachment and attachment to a kink motion in the asymmetric simple exclusion process

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    We study the dynamics of a kink in a one-lane asymmetric simple exclusion process with detachment and attachment of the particle at arbitrary sites. For a system with one site of detachment and attachment we find that the kink is trapped by the site, and the probability distribution of the kink position is described by the overdumped Fokker-Planck equation with a V-shaped potential. Our results can be applied to the motion of a kink in arbitrary number of sites where detachment and attachment take place. When detachment and attachment take place at every site, we confirm that the kink motion obeys the diffusion in a harmonic potential. We compare our results with the Monte Carlo simulation, and check the quantitative validity of our theoretical prediction of the diffusion constant and the potential form.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure
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