41 research outputs found

    Environmentally Marginalized Populations: the perfect storm for infectious disease pandemics, including COVID-19

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    COVID-19 has exacted a severe toll on the United States population’s physical and mental health and its effects have been felt most severely among people of color and low socioeconomic status. Using illustrative case studies, this commentary argues that in addition to COVID-19 health disparities created by psychosocial stressors such as the inability to socially distance and access quality healthcare, environmental justice communities have the additional burden of disproportionate exposure to toxic contaminants that contribute to their higher risk of COVID-19. Environmental contaminants including heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants found contaminating their nearby environments can alter the immune response, produce an inflammatory response, and induce systemic adverse health effects that, alongside social stressors, create the “perfect storm” in environmental justice communities for COVID-19

    Breaking Patterns of Environmentally Influenced Disease for Health Risk Reduction: Immune Perspectives

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    Diseases rarely, if ever, occur in isolation. Instead, most represent part of a more complex web or “pattern� of conditions that are connected via underlying biological mechanisms and processes, emerge across a lifetime, and have been identified with the aid of large medical databases. Objective We have described how an understanding of patterns of disease may be used to develop new strategies for reducing the prevalence and risk of major immune-based illnesses and diseases influenced by environmental stimuli. Findings Examples of recently defined patterns of diseases that begin in childhood include not only metabolic syndrome, with its characteristics of inflammatory dysregulation, but also allergic, autoimmune, recurrent infection, and other inflammatory patterns of disease. The recent identification of major immune-based disease patterns beginning in childhood suggests that the immune system may play an even more important role in determining health status and health care needs across a lifetime than was previously understood. Conclusions Focusing on patterns of disease, as opposed to individual conditions, offers two important venues for environmental health risk reduction. First, prevention of developmental immunotoxicity and pediatric immune dysfunction can be used to act against multiple diseases. Second, pattern-based treatment of entryway diseases can be tailored with the aim of disrupting the entire disease pattern and reducing the risk of later-life illnesses connected to underlying immune dysfunction. Disease-pattern–based evaluation, prevention, and treatment will require a change from the current approach for both immune safety testing and pediatric disease management

    Effects of Metal Compounds with Distinct Physicochemical Properties on Iron Homeostasis and Antibacterial Activity in the Lungs: Chromium and Vanadium

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    In situ reactions of metal ions or their compounds are important mechanisms by which particles alter lung immune responses. The authors hypothesized that major determinants of the immunomodulatory effect of any metal include its redox behavior/properties, oxidation state, and/or solubility, and that the toxicities arising from differences in physicochemical parameters are manifest, in part, via differential shifts in lung iron (Fe) homeostasis. To test the hypotheses, immunomodulatory potentials for both pentavalent vanadium (V(V); as soluble metavanadate or insoluble vanadium pentoxide) and hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI); as soluble sodium chromate or insoluble calcium chromate) were quantified in rats after inhalation (5 h/day for 5 days) of each at 100 mu g metal/m(3). Differences in effects on local bacterial resistance between the two V(V), and between each Cr(VI), agents suggested that solubility might be a determinant of in situ immunotoxicity. For the soluble forms, V(V) had a greater impact on resistance than Cr(VI), indicating that redox behavior/properties was likely also a determinant. The soluble V(V) agent was the strongest immunomodulant. Regarding Fe homeostasis, both V(V) agents had dramatic effects on airway Fe levels. Both also impacted local immune/airway epithelial cell Fe levels in that there were significant increases in production of select cytokines/chemokines whose genes are subject to regulation by HIF-1 (whose intracellular longevity is related to cell Fe status). Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the role that metal compound properties play in respiratory disease pathogenesis and provide a rationale for differing pulmonary immunotoxicities of commonly encountered ambient metal pollutants

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    Adverse Effects of Black Carbon (BC) Exposure during Pregnancy on Maternal and Fetal Health: A Contemporary Review

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    Black carbon (BC) is a major component of ambient particulate matter (PM), one of the six Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Criteria air pollutants. The majority of research on the adverse effects of BC exposure so far has been focused on respiratory and cardiovascular systems in children. Few studies have also explored whether prenatal BC exposure affects the fetus, the placenta and/or the course of pregnancy itself. Thus, this contemporary review seeks to elucidate state-of-the-art research on this understudied topic. Epidemiological studies have shown a correlation between BC and a variety of adverse effects on fetal health, including low birth weight for gestational age and increased risk of preterm birth, as well as cardiometabolic and respiratory system complications following maternal exposure during pregnancy. There is epidemiological evidence suggesting that BC exposure increases the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus, as well as other maternal health issues, such as pregnancy loss, all of which need to be more thoroughly investigated. Adverse placental effects from BC exposure include inflammatory responses, interference with placental iodine uptake, and expression of DNA repair and tumor suppressor genes. Taking into account the differences in BC exposure around the world, as well as interracial disparities and the need to better understand the underlying mechanisms of the health effects associated with prenatal exposure, toxicological research examining the effects of early life exposure to BC is needed