152 research outputs found

    Development of algebraic techniques for the atomic open-shell MBPT(3)

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    The atomic third-order open-shell many-body perturbation theory is developed. Special attention is paid to the generation and algebraic analysis of terms of the wave operator and the effective Hamiltonian as well. Making use of occupation-number representation and intermediate normalization, the third-order deviations are worked out by employing a computational software program that embodies the generalized Bloch equation. We prove that in the most general case, the terms of effective interaction operator on the proposed complete model space are generated by not more than eight types of the nn-body (n2n\geq2) parts of the wave operator. To compose the effective Hamiltonian matrix elements handily, the operators are written in irreducible tensor form. We present the reduction scheme in a versatile disposition form, thus it is suited for the coupled-cluster approach

    The transformation of irreducible tensor operators under spherical functions

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    The irreducible tensor operators and their tensor products employing Racah algebra are studied. Transformation procedure of the coordinate system operators act on are introduced. The rotation matrices and their parametrization by the spherical coordinates of vector in the fixed and rotated coordinate systems are determined. A new way of calculation of the irreducible coupled tensor product matrix elements is suggested. As an example, the proposed technique is applied for the matrix element construction for two electrons in a field of a fixed nucleus.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    On the idempotents of Hecke algebras

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    We give a new construction of primitive idempotents of the Hecke algebras associated with the symmetric groups. The idempotents are found as evaluated products of certain rational functions thus providing a new version of the fusion procedure for the Hecke algebras. We show that the normalization factors which occur in the procedure are related to the Ocneanu--Markov trace of the idempotents.Comment: 11 page

    Proof of Stanley's conjecture about irreducible character values of the symmetric group

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    R. Stanley has found a nice combinatorial formula for characters of irreducible representations of the symmetric group of rectangular shape. Then, he has given a conjectural generalisation for any shape. Here, we will prove this formula using shifted Schur functions and Jucys-Murphy elements.Comment: 9 page

    General expression for the dielectronic recombination cross section of polarized ions with polarized electrons

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    A general expression for the differential cross section of dielectronic recombination (DR) of polarized electrons and polarized ions is derived by using usual atomic theory methods and is represented in the form of multiple expansions over spherical tensors. The ways of the application of the general expressions suitable for the specific experimental conditions are outlined by deriving asymmetry parameters of angular distribution of DR radiation in the case of nonpolarized and polarized ions and electrons.Comment: 4 page

    A mixed hook-length formula for affine Hecke algebras

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    Consider the affine Hecke algebra HlH_l corresponding to the group GLlGL_l over a pp-adic field with the residue field of cardinality qq. Regard HlH_l as an associative algebra over the field C(q)C(q). Consider the Hl+mH_{l+m}-module WW induced from the tensor product of the evaluation modules over the algebras HlH_l and HmH_m. The module WW depends on two partitions λ\lambda of ll and μ\mu of mm, and on two non-zero elements of the field C(q)C(q). There is a canonical operator JJ acting on WW, it corresponds to the trigonometric RR-matrix. The algebra Hl+mH_{l+m} contains the finite dimensional Hecke algebra of rank l+ml+m as a subalgebra, and the operator JJ commutes with the action of this subalgebra on WW. Under this action, WW decomposes into irreducible subspaces according to the Littlewood-Richardson rule. We compute the eigenvalues of JJ, corresponding to certain multiplicity-free irreducible components of WW. In particular, we give a formula for the ratio of two eigenvalues of JJ, corresponding to the ``highest'' and the ``lowest'' components. As an application, we derive the well known qq-analogue of the hook-length formula for the number of standard tableaux of shape λ\lambda.Comment: 36 pages, final versio

    Coupled tensorial form for atomic relativistic two-particle operator given in second quantization representation

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    General formulas of the two-electron operator representing either atomic or effective interactions are given in a coupled tensorial form in relativistic approximation. The alternatives of using uncoupled, coupled and antisymmetric two-electron wave functions in constructing coupled tensorial form of the operator are studied. The second quantization technique is used. The considered operator acts in the space of states of open-subshell atoms

    Teksto redaktorių MS Word 2003, MS Word 2007 ir OpenOffice Writer 3.0 naudojamumo palyginimas

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    In order to address ergonomic problems in the process of education, education relevant to the use of ergonomic work tools. The article includes educational process is widely used in a text editor usabilityresults of the study, of the performance experiment. Operating results of the experiment showed that MS Office Word 2007 usability respect ahead of MS Word 2003 and OpenOffice Writer 3.0 applications: task completion time for work in MS Word 2007 editor is 5 percent lower than the same task in MS Word 2003 and 8 percent lower then in Open Office Writer 3.0 editor; navigational errors in learning a task using MS Word 2007 and Word 2003 decreased by 9 times on average, while using OpenOffice Writer 3.0 approximately 3.5-times; task performance accuracy (formatting error) is the best on MS Word 2007, there’s no errors then task is learned. The fact that OpenOffice Writer is a free open source product, this is a relatively well-developed alternative to the commercial Microsoft Office Word.Siekiant sprėsti ugdymo proceso ergonomines problemas, ugdymo procese aktualu naudoti ergonomiškas darbo priemones. Straipsnyje pateikiami ugdymo procese plačiai naudojamų teksto redaktorių naudojamumo tyrimo, atliekant veiklos eksperimentą,  rezultatai.&nbsp

    On the secondly quantized theory of many-electron atom

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    Traditional theory of many-electron atoms and ions is based on the coefficients of fractional parentage and matrix elements of tensorial operators, composed of unit tensors. Then the calculation of spin-angular coefficients of radial integrals appearing in the expressions of matrix elements of arbitrary physical operators of atomic quantities has two main disadvantages: (i) The numerical codes for the calculation of spin-angular coefficients are usually very time-consuming; (ii) f-shells are often omitted from programs for matrix element calculation since the tables for their coefficients of fractional parentage are very extensive. The authors suppose that a series of difficulties persisting in the traditional approach to the calculation of spin-angular parts of matrix elements could be avoided by using this secondly quantized methodology, based on angular momentum theory, on the concept of the irreducible tensorial sets, on a generalized graphical method, on quasispin and on the reduced coefficients of fractional parentage

    An efficient approach for spin-angular integrations in atomic structure calculations

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    A general method is described for finding algebraic expressions for matrix elements of any one- and two-particle operator for an arbitrary number of subshells in an atomic configuration, requiring neither coefficients of fractional parentage nor unit tensors. It is based on the combination of second quantization in the coupled tensorial form, angular momentum theory in three spaces (orbital, spin and quasispin), and a generalized graphical technique. The latter allows us to calculate graphically the irreducible tensorial products of the second quantization operators and their commutators, and to formulate additional rules for operations with diagrams. The additional rules allow us to find graphically the normal form of the complicated tensorial products of the operators. All matrix elements (diagonal and non-diagonal with respect to configurations) differ only by the values of the projections of the quasispin momenta of separate shells and are expressed in terms of completely reduced matrix elements (in all three spaces) of the second quantization operators. As a result, it allows us to use standard quantities uniformly for both diagona and off-diagonal matrix elements