14 research outputs found

    Impacto da água residuária de suinocultura no solo e na produção de capim-elefante Impacts of pig farming wastewater on elephant grass production and on soil

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    A água residuária de suinocultura (ARS) possui características que possibilitam sua disposição no solo como fertilizante. Esta é uma alternativa para o não acúmulo desse material na propriedade, além de proporcionar redução de custos com fertilizantes químicos. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de água residuária de suinocultura sobre as propriedades químicas de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico e sobre a produção do capim elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum). O experimento foi realizado em condições de campo, com os tratamentos definidos como segue: T0 = 0 (testemunha), T1 = 150, T2 = 300, T3 = 450, T4 = 600 e T5 = 750 m3 ha-1 de ARS, aplicada durante o ciclo da cultura do capim elefante. A aplicação de ARS contribuiu para o aumento do magnésio e do fósforo e a redução do alumínio no solo. Não houve efeito significativo das doses de água residuária de suinocultura em relação à altura das plantas e massa seca, enquanto a relação folha/colmo apresentou diferença estatística a nível de 5% de probabilidade.Intensive pig farming concentrates a great number of animals per area generating high volume of wastewater, which requires correct disposal since it might cause environmental imbalance. Pig farming wastewater (PFW) can be used as fertilizer due to its characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying pig farming wastewater on chemical properties of Dystric Nitosol and on elephant grass (Pennistum purpureum Schum) production. An experiment was carried out in field conditions consisted of five treatments plus control. T0 = without PFW application (control), T1 = 150 m3 ha-1, T2 = 300 m3 ha-1, T3 = 450 m3 ha-1, T4 = 600 m3 ha-1, T5 = 750 m3 ha-1 PFW applied during elephant grass crop cycle. P, K+, Mg+2, Ca+2 concentrations were obtained in the soil before and after PFW application. Phosphorus concentration in the soil increased as a function of PFW application rates increase. Al+3 concentration decreased. PFW application did not influence plant height and dry mass production of the grass

    Changes in chemical properties of distrophic Red Latosol as result of swine wastewater application

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    Swine wastewater (SW) has characteristics that allow its disposal in the soil as a fertilizer. This is an alternative in order not to accumulate this material in the farm as well as it provides savings with mineral fertilizers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of applying swine wastewater on the chemical properties of a distrophic Red Latosol for two seasons. The experiment was carried out under field conditions with treatments defined as T0 = 0 (control), T1 = 150, T2 = 300, T3 = 450, T4 = 600, T5 = 750 m3 ha-1 of SW applied during the crop cycle of elephant grass. SW application contributed to the increase of magnesium and phosphorus and the reduction of soil aluminum in the first season. As for the second season when compared to the first one, there were reductions in K, Ca, and P concentrations. Hence applications of SW did not contribute to the increase in concentration of elements in the soil

    Measurements of CO2 exchange over a woodland savanna (Cerrado Sensu stricto) in southeast Brasil

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    The technique of eddy correlation was used to measure the net ecosystem exchange over a woodland savanna (Cerrado Sensu stricto) site (Gleba Pé de Gigante) in southeast Brazil. The data set included measurements of climatological variables and soil respiration using static soil chambers. Data were collected during the period from 10 October 2000 to 30 March 2002. Measured soil respiration showed average values of 4.8 molCO2 m-2s-1 year round. Its seasonal differences varied from 2 to 8 molCO2 m-2s-1 (Q10 = 4.9) during the dry (April to August) and wet season, respectively, and was concurrent with soil temperature and moisture variability. The net ecosystem CO2 flux (NEE) variability is controlled by solar radiation, temperature and air humidity on diel course. Seasonally, soil moisture plays a strong role by inducing litterfall, reducing canopy photosynthetic activity and soil respiration. The net sign of NEE is negative (sink) in the wet season and early dry season, with rates around -25 kgC ha-1day-1, and values as low as 40 kgC ha-1day-1. NEE was positive (source) during most of the dry season, and changed into negative at the onset of rainy season. At critical times of soil moisture stress during the late dry season, the ecosystem experienced photosynthesis during daytime, although the net sign is positive (emission). Concurrent with dry season, the values appeared progressively positive from 5 to as much as 50 kgC ha-1day-1. The annual NEE sum appeared to be nearly in balance, or more exactly a small sink, equal to 0.1 0.3 tC ha-1yr-1, which we regard possibly as a realistic one, giving the constraining conditions imposed to the turbulent flux calculation, and favourable hypothesis of succession stages, climatic variability and CO2 fertilization


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    Introduction/Justification: The use of artificial intelligence using convolutional neural networks in clinical practice is recent. Thus, a growing need exists to validate software performance in different tasks in different diseases. Objectives: To evaluate the performance of artificial intelligence software to determine metabolic tumor burden in the primary staging of rectal cancer. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective analysis was conducted on 51 histology-proven rectal cancer patients (35% females; mean age = 61 years) who underwent a staging 18F-FDG PET/CT. Whole-body metabolic tumor burden parameters (wbMTV and wbTLG) were quantified semi-automatically and through AI algorithm (Syngovia VB60; Siemens Healthineers Medical Solutions). The AI software's ability to correctly identify and classify the primary lesion, regional lymph nodes, and distant metastases was evaluated. In addition, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was applied to evaluate concordance between the AI-based software and the semiautomatic software in determining wbMTV and wbTLG. Values above 0.7 were considered to indicate substantial agreement. Resultados: The AI and semiautomatic tumor burden metrics correlated strongly for both wbMTV (ICC = 1.00; 95% CI = 0.94 - 0.99; P < 0.0000) and wbTLG (ICC = 1.00; 95% CI = 0.80 – 0.90; P < 0.0000). Additionally, the AI software's ability to correctly identify lesions compared to the documented staging was better for the identification of distant metastasis (78,57% of patients), mildly adequate to identify regional lymph nodes (50,00%) and had poor performance for identification of the primary lesion (5,76%). On the other hand, the time spent calculating these metrics was less by AI than by the semiautomatic method, especially in patients with advanced disease. Conclusion: The determination of whole-body metabolic tumor burden on 18F-FDG PET/CT with artificial intelligence software is challenging because of the physiologic bowel activity. However, deep learning may have the ability to overcome these challenges and may therefore improve the primary staging of rectal cancer

    Estimativas da produção de leite por vacas holandesas mestiças, segundo o sistema CNCPS, em dietas contendo cana-de-açúcar com diferentes valores nutritivos Estimates of the milk production by crossbred holstein cows, in accordance to CNCPS System, in diets containing sugar cane with different nutritive values

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi usar os dados observados sobre as variações nos teores da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), lignina e das frações de carboidratos e das correspondentes taxas de degradação de 15 variedades de cana-de-açúcar, para avaliar a disponibilidade destes nutrientes em promover produção de leite de vacas holandesas mestiças, usando o sistema CNCPS. Um suplemento nutricional composto de silagem de milho, caroço de algodão, farelo de soja e uréia foi usado para complementar as exigências nutricionais destes animais na produção de 10 kg de leite diário. Os valores utilizados para predizer as respostas na produção de leite foram: FDN (%MS) -- 40, 50 e 60, lignina (%FDN) 10,14 e 18, taxas de digestão (%/h) dos carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF) -- 10,20 e 30 e taxa de digestão (%/h) dos carboidratos fibrosos (CF) -- 1, 2,5 e 4. A cana-de-açúcar, quando usada como principal volumoso da dieta, acarretou redução na ingestão de matéria seca e energia, limitando a produção de leite destes animais. A predição da quantidade de leite que poderia ser produzida em função da quantidade de energia metabolizável (EM), fornecida pela dieta, decresceu 24%, quando o teor de FDN aumentou de 40 para 60%, para um percentual de 14% de lignina. Também houve acréscimo de 14% na produção de leite, quando a taxa de digestão dos CF aumentou de 1 para 2,5%/h. Embora as variações nos teores de FDN e lignina e nas taxas de digestão dos carboidratos, das variedades de cana-de-açúcar, tenham promovido grande efeito sobre a produção de leite das vacas mestiças, torna-se necessária a validação destes resultados.<br>The objective of the present study was to use the observed data on the changes of the neutral detergent fiber (NDF), lignin and carbohydrate fractions and of the related degradation rates of 15 sugar cane varieties, to evaluate this nutrient availability in promoting the milk production of the crossbred Holstein cows using the CNCPS system. A concentrate supplement compose by corn silage, whole cottonseed and soybean meal and urea was used to attend the nutritional requirement of this animals to produce 10 kg of daily milk. The values used to predict the response in the milk production were: NDF (%DM) - 40,50 and 60, lignin (%NDF) 10,14 and 18, digestion rates (% /h) of the non fiber carbohydrates (NFC) - 10,20 and 30 and digestion rate (% /h) of the fiber carbohydrates (FC) - 1, 2,5 and 4. The sugar cane, when used as main forage in the diet, caused a reduction in the dry matter intake and energy, limiting the milk production of these animals. The prediction of the amount of milk that could be produced in function of the amount of energy metabolizable (ME), supplied by the diet, decreased 24% when the FDN content increased from 40 to 60%, for a 14% of lignin. There was also an increment of 14% in the milk production when the FC digestion rate increased from 1 to 2,5%/h. Although the changes in the of NDF and lignin contents and in the carbohydrate digestion rates of the sugar cane varieties, have promoted a great effect on the crossbred Holstein cows milk production, it is necessary to validate these results