4 research outputs found
The Gravity Collective: A Search for the Electromagnetic Counterpart to the Neutron Star-Black Hole Merger GW190814
- Author
- Allam Sahar S.
- Annis James T.
- Antilen Juanita
- Arcavi Iair
- Bachmann Tristan G.
- Bloom Joshua S.
- Bom Clecio R.
- Bostroem K. Azalee
- Brink Thomas G.
- Brout Dillon
- Burke Jamison
- Butler Robert E.
- Butner Melissa
- Campillay Abdo
- Clever Karoli E.
- Conselice Christopher J.
- Cooke Jeff
- Coulter David A.
- Dage Kristen C.
- de Carvalho Reinaldo R.
- de Jaeger Thomas
- Desai Shantanu
- Dimitriadis Georgios
- Felipe Olivares E.
- Filippenko Alexei
- Foley Ryan J.
- Garcia Alyssa
- Garcia-Bellido Juan
- Gill Mandeep S. S.
- Girish Nachiket
- Hallakoun Na'ama
- Herner Kenneth
- Hiramatsu Daichi
- Holz Daniel E.
- Howell D. Andrew
- Huber Grace
- Jones David O.
- Kasen Daniel
- Kawash Adam M.
- Kilpatrick Charles D.
- Makler Martin
- McCully Curtis
- Medallon Sophia A.
- Metzger Brian D.
- Modak Shaunak
- Morgan Robert
- Munoz Ricardo R.
- Munoz-Elgueta Nahir
- Murakami Yukei S.
- Palmese Antonella
- Patra Kishore C.
- Pereira Maria E. S.
- Pessi Thallis L.
- Pineda-Garcia J.
- Piro Anthony L.
- Quirola-Vasquez Jonathan
- Ramirez-Ruiz Enrico
- Rembold Sandro Barboza
- Rest Armin
- Rodriguez Osmar
- Rojas-Bravo Cesar
- Sand David J.
- Santana-Silva Luidhy
- Sherman Nora F.
- Siebert Matthew R.
- Smith Carli
- Smith J. Allyn
- Soares-Santos Marcelle
- Stacey Holland
- Stahl Benjamin E.
- Strader Jay
- Strasburger Erika
- Sunseri James
- Swift Jonathan J.
- Tinyanont Samaporn
- Tucker Brad E.
- Tucker Douglas
- Ulloa Natalie
- Valenti Stefano
- Vasylyev Sergiy S.
- Wiesner Matthew P.
- Zhang Keto D.
- Zheng WeiKang
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 12/06/2021
- Field of study
We present optical follow-up imaging obtained with the Katzman Automatic
Imaging Telescope, Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Nickel
Telescope, Swope Telescope, and Thacher Telescope of the LIGO/Virgo
gravitational wave (GW) signal from the neutron star-black hole (NSBH) merger
GW190814. We searched the GW190814 localization region (19 deg2 for the
90th percentile best localization), covering a total of 51 deg2 and 94.6%
of the two-dimensional localization region. Analyzing the properties of 189
transients that we consider as candidate counterparts to the NSBH merger,
including their localizations, discovery times from merger, optical spectra,
likely host-galaxy redshifts, and photometric evolution, we conclude that none
of these objects are likely to be associated with GW190814. Based on this
finding, we consider the likely optical properties of an electromagnetic
counterpart to GW190814, including possible kilonovae and short gamma-ray burst
afterglows. Using the joint limits from our follow-up imaging, we conclude that
a counterpart with an r-band decline rate of 0.68 mag day−1, similar to
the kilonova AT 2017gfo, could peak at an absolute magnitude of at most −17.8
mag (50% confidence). Our data are not constraining for ''red'' kilonovae and
rule out ''blue'' kilonovae with M>0.5M⊙ (30% confidence). We
strongly rule out all known types of short gamma-ray burst afterglows with
viewing angles <17∘ assuming an initial jet opening angle of
∼5.2∘ and explosion energies and circumburst densities similar to
afterglows explored in the literature. Finally, we explore the possibility that
GW190814 merged in the disk of an active galactic nucleus, of which we find
four in the localization region, but we do not find any candidate counterparts
among these sources.Comment: 86 pages, 9 figure
Proneness to Boredom Mediates Relationships Between Problematic Smartphone Use With Depression and Anxiety Severity
- Author
- Antony M. M.
- Billieux J.
- Brian J. Hall
- Brown T. A.
- Castaneda A. E.
- Cazzulino F.
- Chambel M. J.
- Cheever N. A.
- Chiu S.-I.
- Demirci K.
- Demirci K.
- Dimidjian S.
- Elhai J. D.
- Elhai J. D.
- Elhai J. D.
- Elhai J. D.
- Elhai J. D.
- Elhai J. D.
- Farmer R.
- Godwin-Jones R.
- Goldberg Y. K.
- Graham J. W.
- Gökçearslan Ş.
- Harwood J.
- Heiligenstein E.
- Hoffner C. A.
- Hu L.
- Isacescu J.
- Jason C. Levine
- Jeong S.-H.
- Jon D. Elhai
- Juanita K. Vasquez
- Kalkbrenner J.
- Kardefelt-Winther D.
- Karsten J.
- Khang H.
- Kim J.
- Kim Y.
- Krueger R. F.
- Kwon M.
- Lee Y.-K.
- Lepp A.
- Lepp A.
- Lin C.-H.
- Long J.
- Lovibond P. F.
- Lu X.
- MacKinnon D. P.
- Mansell W.
- Mercer-Lynn K. B.
- Misra R.
- Naicker K.
- Oulasvirta A.
- Park N.
- Ragsdale J. M.
- Rebold M. J.
- Robinson T. E.
- Robinson T. E.
- Salanova M.
- Samuel D. Lustgarten
- Shan Z.
- Skues J.
- Smallwood J.
- Smetaniuk P.
- Sommers J.
- Soror A. A.
- Thompson L. L.
- van Deursen A. J. A. M.
- Wang J.-L.
- Watson D.
- Whiting A.
- Wirth R. J.
- Wolniewicz C. A.
- Xie Y.
- Zhitomirsky-Geffet M.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
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- Wong Austin Henry
- Wood Thalia
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- Zheleva Bistra
- Publication venue
- 'Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)'
- Publication date
- 18/02/2017
- Field of study
Annual Selected Bibliography
- Author
- A Directory of International Migration Study Centers
- Accountability
- Adamsky Richard A
- Adler Jacob
- Adler N.J.
- Aggarwal Pramila
- Alcalay Glenn
- Alegado Dean T
- Alegado Dean T
- Allen James P
- Almeira Aileen
- Almirol Edwin B
- Almquist Elizabeth M
- American Council on Education.
- Americans of Japanese Ancestry and the United States Constitution
- Andersen Patrick
- Anglade M.G.
- Annotated Selections
- Aoki Elizabeth
- Applegate Bill
- Arax Mark
- Aronson L.
- Asamen Joy K
- Ascher Carol
- Ashabranner
- Ashton Geoffrey C
- Asian
- Asian
- Asian
- Asian Pacific CommunityDirectory of Organizations in GreaterLos Angeles. Los Angeles
- Asian Pacijic
- Asian Yellow Pages
- Asian-American Admissionsat the University of California.
- Association
- August Lynn
- Axford Roger W
- Ayabe Tsueno
- Babcock Charlotte G
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- Bachu Amara
- Baglo Ferdy
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- Baker Lillian
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- Bathtub Poetry Santa Fe
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- Beechert Edward D
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- Bello Madge Kho
- Berry J.W.
- Bertino Mary
- Bilingual VocationalEducation
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- Bleed Peter
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- Boehnlein J.K.
- Bonacich Edna
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- Bromley Mary Ann
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- Buck Elizabeth
- Bunzel John
- Bureau of the Census.
- Burki Elizabeth Anne
- Burwell Ronald J
- Buttlar Lois
- Buttny Richard
- Buys Christian J
- Byrne
- Caknipe John
- Caledonian Society of Hawaii
- Calhoun M.A.
- California Department of Health Services.
- California Finance Department
- California State Department of Education.
- Campbell D.A.
- Campbell Russell N
- Carroll Murray L
- Catran Jack
- Center for South and Southeast Asia Studies.
- Cerquone J.
- Cervantes Nena
- Cha
- Chae M.
- Chai Alice Yun
- Chambers Steven M
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- Cordasco Francesco
- Cornford Daniel
- Cox Carole
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- Cuadraz
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- Davis Mike
- Davreu Francoise
- Day A. Grove
- DBS Corporation
- de Cristoforo Kazue Matsuda
- De Jong Gordon F
- DeFiglio Pamela
- Deinard Amos S
- Dench Geoff
- Department of Education Kansas City, Missouri.
- DeSoto Hisaye Yamamoto
- Devine William James
- Dion Kenneth L
- Directory Los Angeles
- Dittus Erick
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- Flaskerud Jacquelyn H
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- Fong Joe Chung
- Forbes K.R.
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- Friedman Fritz
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- Fukuda Kimiko Ann
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- Gillenkirk Jeff
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- Graduate School Admissionsfor University of California. San Francisco
- Graham Morris A
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- Greene Roger L
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- Griffiths Stephen
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- Gudykunst William B
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- Hawaii Department of Education.
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- Hess Robert D
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- Japanese American Citizens League Women's Concerns Committee
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- Jensen Joan M
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- Johnson Henry S
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- Johnson Jennifer
- Johnson Phyllis J
- Johnson Ronald C
- Johnson Willis L
- Juhl Lynn Ralph
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- Kanahele George Hu'eu
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- Kinloch Patricia
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- Kwong Peter
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- Liu William T
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- Minority Organizations
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- Nation
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- Okihiro Gary Y
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- Olsen Laurie
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- Ong P.M.
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- Orfield Gary
- Orfield Gary
- Osako Masako M
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- Pai Young
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- Park Christine
- Parker
- Parrish R.G.
- Paskowski M.
- Payton Carolyn R
- Payton Robert L
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- Peffer George Anthony
- Pennsylvania
- Perea Jacob Evanjelisto
- Persons Stow
- Peters David
- Peters Gary L
- Peters Gary L
- Peterson Sally
- Pham T.N.
- Philp Kenneth R
- Poltrack T.
- Porte Zelda
- Posadas Barbara M
- Postel Mitchell
- Pouesi Daniel I
- Powell Melvin Cecil
- Powell Robert G
- Powers Stephen
- Powers Stephen
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- Puette Bill
- Pukui Mary Kawena
- Qmatsu Glenn
- Quigg Agnes
- Quincy H. Keith.
- Rabine Leslie W
- Raines Jeff
- Reed Adolph Jr
- Reed T. Edward.
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- Report
- Rescorla Leslie
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- Reyes Vince
- Rimonte Nilda
- Ritter Eric W
- Ritterbush S. Deacon.
- Rocerto L.R.
- Rohra S.K.
- Roos Patricia A
- Rosca Ninotchka
- Rose Peter I
- Roseman Curtis C
- Rundall R.A.
- Rutledge Paul
- Ryan Angela Shen
- Rynearson Ann M
- Sack William H
- Saiki Jessica
- Sakuda Nancy
- Salanga
- Salzburg Australia
- San Francisco Unified School District
- San Jose
- Sanai Cyrus M
- Sanders Jimy M
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- Saran Parmatma
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- Sawada Mitziko
- Schachter Jim
- Schafer-Taylor Mary
- Schlacter Gail Ann
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- Schreiner T.
- Schuyler
- Schwartz J.
- Schwendinger Robert J
- Serby Michael
- Serota Carol Ann
- Sharma G.C
- Sharma Kailas Nath
- Sherman Susan
- Shimada Shigeo
- Shimamoto Y.
- Shimasaki Kana
- Short Thomas
- Shulman Polly
- Siddiqi Musab U
- Simcox David E. U S .
- Simon Rita J
- Simpson MacKinnon
- Slackman Michael
- Slang Directory
- Smith J
- Smith J. Owens.
- Smith Jessie Carney
- Smith Joan
- Smyser W.R.
- Social Services Oahu
- Sodowsky Gargi Roysircar
- Song Cathy
- Sowell Thomas
- St. Andrews B.A.
- Stack John F
- Stanley J.C.
- State of the County Los Angeles 1987. Los Angeles
- Stavig G.R.
- Stein M.L.
- Steinberg Laurence
- Steiner Dale R
- Steingasser Jean
- Stephens Michael
- Stern Bernard W
- Stewart Frank
- Stolarik M.
- Stone John
- Stoneburner Bryan C
- Street Richard Steven
- Strom Robert
- Sue David
- Sue David
- Suh Hyuk-Kyo
- Suinn Richard M
- Surovell Hariette
- Sutherland Debbie Ann
- Suzuki Peter T
- Swartout Robert R
- Swenson I.
- Taitte W. Lawson
- Takaki Ronald
- Tan Thomas
- Tanaka Ronald
- Taylor
- Taylor Charles A
- TheMaster Plan Renewed
- Thom Wah Chan
- Thompson M.
- Thompson R.
- Thompson Vivian L
- Tien-Hyatt J.L.
- Tienda Marta
- Tokeshi Jimmy
- Tomasi Lydio F
- Tonai Rosalyn
- Torres-Gil Fernando
- Trachtenberg J.A.
- Tran Thanh Van
- Tran Thanh Van
- Trask Haunani-Kay
- Trotter Edgar P
- Trotter Rhonda
- Trotter Rhonda
- Tsuchida Nobuya
- Tsukamoto Mary
- Tsushima W.T.
- Tuck Donald
- Tune Suelyn Ching
- Ty-Casper Linda
- U.S. Census Bureau
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- US. Commission on Civil Rights.
- Uyematsu Amy
- Valeri Valerio
- Vallangca Caridad Concepcion
- Van Tran Thanh
- Vasquez Jesse M
- Vellela
- Villapando Venny
- Viray Manuel A
- Viviano Frank
- Vost Lynn A
- Wada Yori
- Waianae Coast Culture and Arts Society
- Waldinger Roger D
- Walls Thomas K
- Wang Wayne
- Warren William H
- Washington
- Washington Michael
- Wax Rosalie H
- Weeks Charles J. Jr.
- Weisbender
- Weiss Julian M
- Wendt Albert
- Werner Emmy E
- Westermeyer Joseph
- Whang Minsun Sung
- White C.
- White Virginia
- Whitehead John S
- Wiley Richard
- Wilkinson Doris
- Williams C.L.
- Williams R.A. Jr.
- Wilson William H
- Wolf Charlotte
- Wolf Susan
- Wolfram Walt
- Woll Allen L
- Won-Doornink Myong Jin
- Wong H.K.
- Wong Jerry
- Wong Marshall J
- Wong Shawn
- Wong Shelley Diane
- Wong-Chu Jim
- WongHo Leung
- Worthley
- Wright Doris J
- Wright Ian
- Yamane Tokio
- Yao E.L.
- Yao E.L.
- Yao Esther Lee
- Yee Barbara W
- Yeung Alexander
- Yoneda Karl Goso
- Yoo Suisun
- Young Rosalie F
- Yu Diane C
- Yu Eui-Young
- Yu Eui-Young
- Yuan D.Y.
- Yuen Shirley Mark
- Zanger Virginia Vogel
- Zbaracki Jacqueline Ulmen
- Zeng Zifan
- Zinsmeister Karl
- Zinsmeister Karl
- Zulfacar Diane
- Publication venue
- 'UCLA American Indian Studies Center'
- Publication date
- Field of study