24 research outputs found


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    Dalam perseroan terbatas terdapat 3 organ yaitu rapat umum pemegang saham, direksidan dewan komisaris. Rapat umum pemegang saham merupakan organ perseroan yang memiliki segala wewenang yang tidak diserahkan kepada direksi dan dewan komisaris. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham selaku pemegang saham merupakan pemilik perseroan yang melakukan control terhadap kepungurusan yang dilakukan oleh direksi maupun terhadap kekayaan serta kebijakan kepengurusan yang dijalankan oleh manajemen perseroan. Dalam perseroan terbatas, selain Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, dikenal konsep pengambilan keputusan melalui mekanisme Circular Resolution atau resolusi sirkuler. Pengambilan keputusan seperti ini dilakukan tanpa perlu dilaksanakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham secarafisik, tetapi keputusan diambi ldengan cara mengirimkan secara tertulis usul yang akan diputuskan kepada semua pemegang saham dan usul tersebut disetujui secara tertulis oleh seluruh pemegang saham. Yang dimaksud dengan keputusan yang mengikat adalah keputusan yang mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama dengan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham


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    The purpose of this study is to address issues regarding the use covernote practices in accelerating the process of loan disbursement and legal effect issued by the notary covernote in speeding up the disbursement process in terms of the law of treaties and the law notary. This study juridical emphasis on empirical field research related to the issuance covernote with primary data source based on the direct study of the covernote used to obtain data directly from the source. Data obtained both secondary data and primary data processed qualitatively and then presented descriptively with the outlines and describes in accordance with the problems associated with the research findings. The results showed that: (1) the use of practice issued by the notary covernote in speeding up the process of withdrawal of credit is based on the general policy of the bank (Best Practices) which allows the credit to be drawn by the debtor after the receipt covernote without waiting for the completion of a copy of the deed, (2) the notary Covernote not have the force of law as ambtelijke acte, so it does not have the force of law is perfect, but only has the strength of evidence as evidence or clues kea direction can be used as additional evidence, and entirely dependent on the judge's assessment as provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 1881 Civil Code. When viewed in terms of the law of treaties, has the power of law covernote for both parties that should be done consistently if covernote requirements are listed in the credit agreement that was made legally. An examination of the law notary covernote unregulated Notary Act (UUJN) so that the impact of general law applicable both civil and criminal

    Fuzzy system learned through fuzzy clustering and support vector machine for human skin color segmentation

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    This paper proposes a Fuzzy System learned through Fuzzy Clustering and Support Vector Machine (FS-FCSVM). The FS-FCSVM is a fuzzy system constructed by fuzzy if-then rules with fuzzy singletons in the consequence. The structure of FS-FCSVM is constructed by fuzzy clustering on the input data, which helps to reduce the number of rules. Parameters in FS-FCSVM are learned through a support vector machine (SVM) for the purpose of achieving higher generalization ability. In contrast to nonlinear kernel-based SVM or some other fuzzy systems with a support vector learning mechanism, both the number of parameters/rules in FS-FCSVM and the computation time are much smaller. FS-FCSVM is applied to skin color segmentation. For color information representation, different types of features based on scaled hue and saturation color space are used. Comparisons with a fuzzy neural network, the Gaussian kernel SVM, and mixture of Gaussian classifiers are performed to show the advantage of FS-FCSVM

    A self-organizing TS-type fuzzy network with support vector learning and its application to classification problems

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    A self-organizing Takagi-Sugeno (TS)-type fuzzy network with support vector learning (SOTFN-SV) is proposed in this paper. The proposed SOTFN-SV is inspired by analysis of TS-type fuzzy systems and composite-kernel support vector machine (SVM). SOTFN-SV is a fuzzy system constructed by the hybridization of fuzzy clustering and SVM. The antecedent part of SOTFN-SV is generated via fuzzy clustering of the input data, and then SVM is used to tune the consequent part parameters to give the network better generalization performance. For demonstration, SOTFN-SV is applied to several classification problems, especially the skin color classification problem. In the skin color classification application, each color pixel is represented by hue and saturation (HS) color space. To represent color information by histogram as accurately as possible, a nonuniform partition of HS space is proposed. For comparison, SVMs and other fuzzy systems trained by SVM or neural networks are applied to the same classification problems. The advantages of SOTFN-SV are verified by comparisons with the results of these methods