16 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Pajak Daerah Untuk Peningkatan Kapasitas Fiskal Kabupaten Dan Kota Di Sulawesi Utara

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    An Analysis on North Sulawesi\u27s Local Tax Potential to Strengthening Its Fiscal CapacityDespite recording double digit growth since 2005, North Sulawesi\u27s tax to GDRP ratio has been fairly stable at about 0,24% on average (6,89% to total revenue). This paper cataloques a range of factors that may account for the local tax potential of North Sulawesi\u27s to strengthen its fiscal capacity. Calculation on local tax potency especially on restaurant tax confirm gap between real revenues and its potency about Rp1.06 billion. By using panel data through econometric methodologies, the paper assesses the statistical significance of a number of potential determinants of local tax revenue, using data from 15 regions in North Sulawesi over the period 2009–2014. The results indicate that, among the variables that exert a statistically significant influence on local tax potential are per capita GDRP, agriculture sectors, and high school number, while the employee has no statistically significance

    Kualitas Belanja Daerah dan Hubungannya dengan Kinerja Pembangunan di Provinsi Banten

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    This study aims to analyze the relevant indicators of spending quality in measuring the quality of regional spending as well as the relationship between the quality of regional spending and the development performance of the regencies/cities of Banten Province. This study uses secondary data from the governance, financial and performance development of the districts/cities of Banten Province between 2009 – 2013. The Data are analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS–SEM) using SmartPLS software version 2.0 & SmartPLS version 3.0. The Results show that there are 21 indicators out of 40 indicators that are relevant in measuring the quality of the districts/cities spending in Banten Province. The change of the spending quality map from 2009 to 2013 shows that the quality of North Banten (Tangerang Regency, Tangerang City, Tangerang Selatan, Serang Regency, Serang City and Cilegon City) is better than South Banten (Pandeglang and Lebak). In addition, the estimation results from the model used indicate that the quality of the region spending of Banten Provinve has a positive relationship with the performance of development with the value of the indicator 0,678

    Dampak Bea Keluar Kakao Indonesia terhadap Country Market Power di Pasar Biji Kakao Amerika Serikat dan Terms Of Trade

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    As the world's third-largest cocoa beans producer, Indonesia is expected to have a comparative advantage and to become cocoa beans price reference. This research investigates market power of Indonesia cocoa beans export for the United State market as an impact of an export tax. Five cocoa beans exporting countries namely Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Ghana, Dominica Rep and Nigeria are calculated their market power as Indonesia's competitors by estimating residual demand elasticity with two stage least square method. The results show that Indonesia's market power suffered after imposing the export tax. Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana get advantages from this export restriction. The effect of export tax on welfare is analyzed by calculating terms of trade. The gain from cocoa beans trade depicts a declining terms of trade for dealing with the International cocoa beans market

    Analisis Nilai Ekonomi Wisata Kebun Kina Bukit Unggul Kabupaten Bandung

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    For the past several decades, tourism sector is continuously growing and become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Indonesia also shows an increasing trend on tourism. PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII (PT PN VIII), a state-owned plantation enterprise, is trying to develop agrotourism potentials in each of their plantation unit. Bukit Unggul plantation is one of many plantations owned by PT PN VIII, which has been developing Bukit Unggul Quinine Tourism since 2009. As a tourism site, Bukit Unggul has the intangible benefits and characteristics of public goods, which are non-rivalry, non-excludability, and congestible. The main characteristic of public goods is the absence of market and pricing mechanism. The objectives of this study are to identity factors that influence demand (visiting frequency) and to estimate the economic value of Bukit Unggul Plantation Tourism. This study used travel cost method in its economic analysis. The result of tourism demand analysis shows that demand (visiting frequency) is positively influenced by tourists' monthly income and the time needed to get information about the tourism site, and it is negatively influenced by the distance to the site. Consumer's surplus per visit in this tourism demand model is IDR 166,700. The economic value of Bukit Unggul Quinine Plantation Tourism Site is IDR 1,108,054,900 per year

    Peramalan Penyediaan dan Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak Indonesia dengan Model Sistem Dinamik

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    Prediction of Fuel Supply and Consumption in Indonesia with System Dynamics ModelThis study contributes to the existing literature of oil industries in Indonesia by examining fuel supply and consumption in Indonesia. The objectives of this research were to predict fuel supply and consumption in Indonesia in the future. The model formed in this research was system dynamic. The simulation result showed that until 2016, fuel oil supply can meet the fuel oil consumption. From 2017 to 2025, fuel oil supply cannot meet domestic fuel oil consumption. In 2025, fuel oil supply is estimated up to 651.092 million barrel and fuel oil consumption is up to 719.048 million barrel

    Dampak Pengembangan Perkebunan Kelapa Rakyat Terhadap Kemiskinan Dan Perekonomian Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    EnglishIndragiri Hilir Regency is one of the coconut production centers in Indonesia and is considered as the main source of income for most of the farmers. However, this Regency has a high percentage of poverty during the past few years in Riau Province. This research aims to analyze the impact of coconut sector development on regional economy, identify the potential of regional losses, and formulate policy options to improve of regional income and to decrease poverty level. Primary and secondary data were analyzed using Social Accounting Matrix, Foster-Greer Thorbecke Poverty Index and descriptive analysis. The result indicates that coconut and its processing activities have high impact on structure of output, gross added value, and employment opportunity. Coconut sector has indicated regional losses, especially at the large-scale processing activity caused by the flow of both employment and capital incomes to other regions. Investment policies amounted to Rp. 50 billion each in coconut sector (Simulation 1), large-scale coconut industry sector (Simulation 2), and household scale industry sector (Simulation 3) could only reduce poverty level at 2.78 percent (for farm household landholding size ranges from 0.00 to1.00 ha), and 5.67 percent (for landholding size more than 1.00 ha). Other household groups have no change in poverty level. Simulation 1 provides higher contribution in improving incomes of production factors and household, respectively at 2.07 and 2.08 percent compared with Simulation 2 and 3. Meanwhile, Simulation 3 contributes the highest impact in increasing income of production sector (about 2.79 percent). IndonesianKabupaten Indragiri Hilir merupakan salah satu sentra produksi kelapa di Indonesia dan sebagian besar peduduknya berusaha di sektor kelapa sebagai mata pencaharian utamanya. Disisi lain, kabupaten ini memiliki persentase penduduk miskin yang tertinggi diantara kabupaten/kota yang ada di Provinsi Riau pada beberapa tahun terakhir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak pengembangan sektor kelapa terhadap perekonomian wilayah, menganalisis indikasi dan potensi kebocoran wilayah sektor kelapa serta dampaknya terhadap perekonomian wilayah, dan menganalisis opsi kebijakan yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan dan menurunkan kemiskinan. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sekunder yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan Sistem Neraca Sosial Ekonomi, Indeks kemiskinan Foster-Greer-Thorbecke, dan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sektor kelapa dan sektor industri pengolahan kelapa memiliki dampak yang besar terhadap pembentukan output, nilai tambah bruto, dan penyerapan tenaga kerja di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Sektor kelapa mengalami kebocoran wilayah, terutama pada sektor industri pengolahan kelapa skala besar yang disebabkan oleh adanya aliran pendapatan modal dan tenaga kerja yang keluar wilayah. Kebijakan investasi pada sektor kelapa (simulasi 1), sektor industri kelapa skala besar (simulasi 2), dan sektor industri kelapa skala rumah tangga (simulasi 3) masing-masing 50 milyar rupiah hanya mampu menurunkan kemiskinan sebesar 2,8 persen untuk rumah tangga petani yang memiliki lahan 0,00-1,00 ha, dan 5,67 persen untuk rumah tangga petani yang memiliki lahan > 100 ha. Disisi lain, pada kelompok rumah tangga lainnya tidak mengalami penurunan kemiskinan. Simulasi 1 memberikan kontribusi yang lebih besar dalam peningkatkan pendapatan faktor produksi dan pendapatan rumah tangga, yaitu 2,07 persen dan 2,08 persen dibandingkan simulai 2 dan 3. Sedangkan simulasi 3 memiliki dampak yang tertingi dalam meningkatkan pendapatan pada sektor produksi yaitu sebesar 2,79 persen