34 research outputs found

    Autopercepción de la ansiedad en alumnos de Grado de Educación Infantil y Primaria ante situaciones de examen

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    This study is part of a broader whose purpose is to analyze the influence of emotional competence in the social climate of a classroom and academic performance of students. Anxiety is one of the factors that adversely affect performance and results obtained by students in exam situations. This study intends to know the Self-rated Anxiety in university students. This population has been taking as Grade Teacher at the University of Extremadura during the course 2012-2013, selecting a sample of 114 students aged between 18 and 20 years. Data have been obtained through the application of a Test Anxiety Self-Perception in in situations of examination...Keywords: Anxiety; Pupils; University; Exams.Este estudio forma parte de una investigación más amplia cuya finalidad es analizar la influencia de la competencia emocional en el clima social de un aula y en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos. La ansiedad es uno de los factores que inciden negativamente en el rendimiento y los resultados obtenidos por estudiantes en situaciones de examen. El presente estudio pretende conocer la Autopercepción de Ansiedad en universitarios. Para ello se ha tomado como población a alumnos del Grado de Maestros de la Universidad de Extremadura durante el curso 2013-2014, seleccionando una muestra de 114 estudiantes de entre 18 y 20 años...Palabras clave: Ansiedad; Alumnos; Universidad; Exámenes

    Valor de uso, importancia cultural y percepciones sobre mamíferos silvestres medianos y grandes en la Mixteca Poblana

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    At the Mixteca Poblana wild mammals are subject to a strong anthropic pressure. The type of research that has been conducted in this region had focused on important game species. That leads to a bias in ecological valuations of the rest of the mammal species in the region, in addition to not considering, in any valuation, the traditional knowledge and needs of the people who take advantage of wildlife. Therefore, it is necessary to know the uses, local knowledge, attitudes and actions about the wild mammals that the population have, through determination of the cultural value and the people willing towards the sustainable use of wild mammals in the study area. The food is the most important use value in the Mixteca with a 49.2% of mention, followed by medicine use (23.7%), trophy (13.7%), amulet (8.2%), decoration (2%), trade (1.1%) and hunting, ritual, clothing, taxidermy and pet (<1%). The most important species for the Mixteca habitants are the white-tailed deer with 9 kinds of uses, the coati with 8, the coyote with 6 and the skunk with 3, but it counts with more number of mentions than the coyote. The species with a higher index of cultural importance (IIC) were the deer, coati, coyote, armadillo, skunk, gray fox and leoncillo. As for the perception that the habitants have about the 12 species of research interest, the coyote and opossum are displeasing, this, despite the coyote being culturally important and widely used. At the Mixteca Poblana, the species that have no use as food obtained low magnitudes of IIC and use value; carnivores (order Carnivora) are considered harmful and are killed to avoid damage at the productive systems. Coyote is a carnivore with the most demand due to the multiple uses that represents and, although it has a high IIC, the negative perception of it coming from myths and fear, forbids it to be a priority species for management and conservation.la mixteca poblana los mamíferos silvestres son un grupo sujeto a constante presión antrópica. El tipo de investigaciones que se han hecho en la zona se enfocan a especies con importancia cinegética, esto conlleva a un sesgo en la valoración ecológica del resto de especies de mamíferos en la región, además de no tomar en cuenta el conocimiento tradicional y las necesidades de las personas que aprovechan la fauna silvestre. Ante esto, se hace necesario conocer el uso, los saberes locales, actitudes y acciones hacia los mamíferos silvestres que tienen los habitantes, mediante la determinación de su importancia cultural, y la posible inclinación hacia la conservación y el uso sustentable de los mamíferos silvestres en la zona de estudio. El valor de uso más importante en la Mixteca es el de alimento con un 49.2% de mención, seguido del uso medicinal (23.7%), trofeo (13.7%), amuleto (8.2%), decoración (2%), comercio (1.1%) y aprovechamiento cinegético, ritual, vestimenta, taxidermia y mascota (<1%). Las especies con más usos son el venado cola blanca con 9 usos, el tejón con 8, el coyote con 6 y el zorrillo el cual solo tiene 3 diferentes usos, pero con mayor número de menciones que el coyote. Las especies con un mayor índice de importancia cultural (IIC) fueron: venado cola blanca, tejón, coyote, armadillo, zorrillo, zorra gris y leoncillo. En cuanto a la percepción que los habitantes tienen de las 12 especies de interés en el estudio, el coyote y el tlacuache son de desagrado, esto a pesar, de que el coyote culturalmente es importante y de gran utilización. En la mixteca poblana, las especies que no tienen un uso como alimento obtuvieron un IIC y valor de uso bajo; los carnívoros (orden Carnivora) son considerados como perjudiciales y son eliminados para evitar daños en los sistemas productivos. El coyote es de los carnívoros con mayor demanda por los múltiples usos que representa y aunque tiene un IIC alto, la percepción negativa que se tiene por las creencias, mitos y el miedo que infunde en la gente, impiden que sea una especie con prioridad de manejo y conservación por parte de las comunidades estudiadas

    Bulario de la sagrada religion de hospitalidad de N.P.S. Juan de Dios : con utilissimas reflexiones y advertencias para perfecta inteligencia de sus tratados oportunamente exornado

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    Sign.: A-P\p2\s, A-4Q\p2\s, 4I-4M\p2\s, 4NPort. a dos tinta


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    Supporting information Fig. S5. SEM images and elemental composition of the ventral (visceral) surface of one of the eggshells of Testudoolithus oospp., as well as the rock matrix that covers most of the shell bones and some of the eggs. A, ventral surface of the eggshell, showing small circular bumps interpreted as the organic cores of shell units; B, SEM and elemental composition analysis of a region of the ventral surface of the egg (see rectangle “B” in A), details of the composition are given in the table below A, indicating high carbon content. C, photograph showing the rock matrix covering most of the shell bones and some of the eggs; D, SEM and EDS analysis of the rock matrix (see rectangle “D” in D), details of the composition are given in the table below C, with absence of carbon and abundant contents of silica, aluminium, and iron


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    Data Archiving Statement Video S2. Coronal view of the specimen FCG-CBP-7


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    Supporting information Fig. S6. Cathodoluminescence of the ventral surface of one of the eggs of Desmatochlys padillai exhibiting purple to cyan fluorescent colours corresponding to wavelengths between 400 and 500 nm


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    Supporting information Fig. S1. Additional views and location of the finding of Desmatochelys padillai FCG-CBP-75 specimen and its eggs, Testudoolithus osspp. (A). Map showing the location of Villa de Leyva town in Colombia (top) and the geology of the region (bottom), as well as the Monsalve hill where the fossil was found, figure modified from (1). B–C. Right lateroventral view of the posterior region of the shell, showing the hypoplastron (red) and portions of the ilium (green); (D–E). Cross view of one of the naturally fractured blocks that composed the fossil specimen, showing details of the hypoplastron, costal bone, a potential peripheral fragment (blue), and a totally recrystallized egg (green). Abbreviations: co, costal bone; hyp, hypoplastron; ili, ilium; pe, peripheral bone