405 research outputs found

    Goals and strategies for a constructive practice in musical performance teaching

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    The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Cultura y Educación 2008 http://www.tandfonline.com/ http://dx.doi.org/10.1174/113564008783781468Este artículo muestra las metas y estrategias que caracterizan la práctica de un modelo constructivo, ilustrándolas mediante el análisis de casos de enseñanza instrumental en aulas de conservatorio. Partiendo de un análisis metacognitivo de secuencias de enseñanza y aprendizaje, se muestran las estrategias seguidas desde una práctica constructiva para planificar las actividades, supervisarlas y evaluarlas. Se observa que las metas, y también las estrategias que utilizan, difieren de las empleadas en enfoques más tradicionales, siendo la principal diferencia el convertir la reflexión en objetivo de la enseñanza, para el cual los contenidos musicales son solo un medio para alcanzar esa metaThe main purpose of this paper is to show the goals and strategies that characterize the practice of a constructive model through the analysis of cases of musical performance teaching in conservatoire classrooms. Adopting a metacognitive analysis of teaching-learning sequences, we illustrate the strategies derived from a constructive practice in the planning, regulation and evaluation. We show that the goals, and consequently the strategies used by teachers that assume a constructive approach, differ from those employed in more traditional approaches, which are based on more direct teaching strategies. In constructive practice reflection on learning becomes the main objective whilst musical pieces are conceived as the means to achieve those reflective goals, contrasting with more traditional teaching approache

    Students at Risk: Self-Esteem, Optimism and Emotional Intelligence in Post-Pandemic Times?

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    Understanding the emotional profile of students during their training, as well as associated psychosocial factors such as optimism versus pessimism and self-esteem, is critical to improving student performance, especially in the post-pandemic period. In this study, 798 university students participated, belonging to the Degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education, with a mean age of 24.52 years ( 5.48). The following instruments were used: Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS-S), Life Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). The objective was to determine the predictive value of self-esteem on emotional intelligence and optimism vs. pessimism. A positive relationship between several dimensions of the instruments used (p < 0.01) were found. Moreover, the regression model predicted an association between emotional intelligence (use of emotions), pessimism and self-esteem. The practical consequences suggest the importance of the acquisition of emotional competences by university students is essential to obtain higher performances

    El aula virtual como herramienta y metodología para la enseñanza en medicina nuclear

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    Se presenta un estudio investigativo propositivo de corte cualitativo, bajo el diseño de investigación acción, que busca proponer y diseñar nuevos métodos y herramientas para el análisis y diagnostico a través de imágenes utilizadas en el proceso de enseñanza de la Medicina Nuclear. Se desarrolla y publica material visual a través de la plataforma Moodle utilizada en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, se enuncian las etapas de diseño, capacitación, selección del material, organización de la temática y puesta en marcha del aula virtual, de la misma manera se presentan actividades para el análisis e interpretación de diferentes casos patológicos, el material visual se clasifica según los diferentes sistemas orgánicos subdivididos por las patologías correspondientes.We present a proactive research study, qualitative, under the design action-research that seeks to propose and design new methods and tools for analysis and diagnosis through images used in the teaching of Nuclear Medicine. It develops and publishes visual material through the Moodle platform used in the medical faculty of the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, sets out the stages of design, training, selection of material, organization of subject matter and implementation of virtual classroom, activities are also presented for the analysis and interpretation of different pathological cases, the visual material is classified according to different organ systems divided by the corresponding diseases. Since the implementation of this methodology is demonstrated that can facilitate the learning of different techniques, procedures and diagnoses using the platform as a means of multidisciplinary team work, discussion and analysis for complex decision-making active student participation in the process of formatio

    Emotional self-regulation of individuals with autism spectrum disorders: smartwatches for monitoring and interaction

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    In this paper, we analyze the needs of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to have a pervasive, feasible and non-stigmatizing form of assistance in their emotional self-regulation, in order to ease certain behavioral issues that undermine their mental health throughout their life. We argue the potential of recent widespread wearables, and more specifically smartwatches, to achieve this goal. Then, a smartwatch system that implements a wide range of self-regulation strategies and infers outburst patterns from physiological signals and movement is presented, along with an authoring tool for smartphones that is to be used by caregivers or family members to create and edit these strategies, in an adaptive way. We conducted an intensive experiment with two individuals with ASD who showed varied, representative behavioral responses to their emotional dysregulation. Both users were able to employ effective, customized emotional self-regulation strategies by means of the system, recovering from the majority of mild stress episodes and temper tantrums experienced in the nine days of experiment in their classroomThis work has been partially funded by the projects “e-Training y e-Coaching para la integración socio—laboral” (TIN2013-44586-R) and “eMadrid-CM: Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid” (S2013/ICE-2715). It has been also funded by Fundación Orange during the early stages of the project “Tic-Tac-TEA: Sistema de asistencia para la autorregulación emocional en momentos de crisis para personas con TEA mediante smartwatches

    The potential of smartwatches for emotional self-regulation of people with autism spectrum disorder

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    This paper focuses on the potential of smartwatchers as interventors in the process of emotional self-regulation on individuals with ASD. Parting from a model of assistance in their self-regulation tasks, we review the main advantages of smartwatches in terms of sensors and pervasive interaction potential. We argue the suitability of smartwatches for this kind of assistance, including studies that had used them for related purposes, and the relation of this idea with the affective computing area. Finally, we propose a technological approach for emotional self-regulation assistance that uses smartwatches and applies to the mentioned intervention model.This work has been partially funded by the projects “e-Training y e-Coaching para la integración socio—laboral” (TIN2013--44586--R) and “eMadrid-CM: Investigación y Desarrollo de Tecnologías Educativas en la Comunidad de Madrid” (S2013/ICE-2715). It has been also funded by Fundación Orange during the early stages of the project “Tic-Tac-TEA: Sistema de asistencia para la autorregulación emocional en momentos de crisis para personas con TEA mediante smartwatches”

    Cultures in music education: learning to play an instrument

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    The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Estudios de Psicología 2005 http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1174/0210939054024858En nuestra tradición cultural, la formación artística y más específicamente la educación musical, ocupa un lugar secundario dentro de la educación formal. En una cultura en la que se privilegian los conocimientos abstractos, formalizados y descontextualizados, formar la sensibilidad artística no está entre las prioridades educativas. Vero incluso en los espacios de instrucción dedicados específicamente a la educación musical, como es el caso de los Conservatorios Superiores de Música, se sigue privilegiando la transmisión del conocimiento abstracto, formal. En este artículo se presentan dos estudios que analizan los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la música en Conservatorios. El primero de ellos muestra cómo se enseña en los conservatorios la interpretación musical, mientras que el segundo analiza la forma en que los alumnos aprenden el lenguaje musical en su proceso de formación como intérpretes. En ambos estudios se observa una progresión desde formas de enseñanza y aprendizaje centradas en la reproducción de las obras musicales, como productos culturales cerrados, acabados, hacia estrategias que activan los conocimientos y representaciones de los alumnos con el fin de promover en ellos una comprensión e interpretación más profunda de la música como forma de sentir y conocer el mundoIn our cultural tradition, artistic education and, more specifically, music education occupies a secondary place to formal education. In a society in which abstract, formalized and decontextualized knowledge is a privilege, building an artistic sensibility is not among the priorities of education. But even in places exclusively dedicated to music education, such as the Conservatory of Music, the transmission of formal and abstract knowledge is still privileged. The paper presents two studies analysing music teaching-learning processes in Conservatories. The first shows how music interpretation is taught at conservatories, while the second analyses how student learn music language during the process of training to interpret. In both studies, students progress from a teaching-learning system focused on reproducing musical pieces as closed and finished cultural products, to strategies that activate students' knowledge and representations in order to promote a deeper understanding and interpretation of music as a way of discovering and feeling about the worl

    Supporting self-evaluation for children with mental disabilities through Augmented Reality

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    Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, Boise© Association for Computing Machinery 2019. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in {SourcePublication}, https://doi.org/10.1145/3311927.3325307Self-evaluation is the ability to assess one's work, and is a key element in the psycho-pedagogical development of children with special needs in their path towards autonomy and self-determination. Acquiring this skill requires explicit training and materials, and it is often cumbersome and time-consuming. In this paper we present a study to ascertain to what extent systems based on Augmented Reality (AR) are a suitable and less expensive alternative to help children with cognitive disabilities to train self-evaluation skills in special education schools. For this purpose, we have developed tablet application (BART) that offers assistance to children with special needs to self-evaluate basic arithmetic operations. The system was designed through the involvement of 2 educators, 2 experts on psycho-pedagogy, and 2 software designers. The contribution of this paper is the description of BART, an innovative system for children with special needs and a concrete plan for an empirical study that is to be carried out on a short-term basis. Here we describe the methodology that is to be applied to the proposed study and outline the main expectations about the results and their implications in the issue of self-evaluation skills acquisition for children in special education

    Learning and teaching musical performance: changing conceptions and educationl practices

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    The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Cultura y Educación 2008 http://www.tandfonline.com/ http://dx.doi.org/10.1174/113564008783781495En los últimos años, la enseñanza de la interpretación musical en los conservatorios viene estando sometida a exigencias de cambio, tanto por las propias reformas curriculares que han tenido lugar como por el desarrollo de la propia investigación en este dominio. Sin embargo, esas demandas de cambio hacia una enseñanza basada en un modelo constructivista apenas han alcanzado la realidad de las aulas. Este artículo propone que una de las razones de esa resistencia al cambio son las concepciones implícitas sobre el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de profesores y alumnos, al tiempo que introduce el resto de los estudios que componen este número monográficoDuring the last few years, the education of musical interpretation in conservatoires is demanding a change due to 1) curricular reforms that have taken place and 2) progress made by research in this field. Nevertheless, these demands of change towards an education based on a constructivist model have scarcely reached the reality of the classroom. It is proposed that one of the reasons for this resistance to change is teachers’ and pupils’ implicit conceptions about learning and education. The paper also introduces the rest of the studies that make up this monographic issueEste artículo forma parte de la investigación Instrucción para el cambio representacional: de las teorías implícitas al aprendizaje de conocimientos en contextos educativos, financiada por el Plan Nacional I+D+, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, SEJ2006-15639-C02-01, cuya investigadora principal es María del Puy Pérez Echeverrí