48 research outputs found

    Factores competitivos determinantes del liderazgo turístico de España en 2015

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    El concepto de competitividad turística ha sido ampliamente debatido en ambientes académicos y profesionales, presentando actualmente un doble problema de delimitación y de medición. De los diferentes modelos existentes, el más conocido es el modelo del World Economic Forum (WEF) que presenta un posicionamiento competitivo de 141 economías, mediante su Travel and Tourism Competitivenes Index (TTCI), que recoge aspectos de la agenda neoliberal, que ha de ser considerados para lograr el éxito tanto en los destinos como en sus organizaciones gestoras (en inglés: Destination Management Organizations: DMO). España es líder mundial en competitividad turística en el informe del WEF de 2015 y, de acuerdo al doble problema destacado, se pretende con este trabajo conocer las base de la competitividad de España y su posicionamiento competitivo. El logro de esos objetivos se realizará utilizando la Teoría de la Medición de Rasch (TMR), que permite la medición objetiva del modelo competitivo del WEF, y en particular del posicionamiento competitivo de las 141 economías, así como de los factores (pilares) determinantes de esos posicionamientos. Las conclusiones referidas a España evidencian los factores competitivos determinantes de su posicionamiento en el modelo del WEF de 2015. España dispone de un alto nivel en los factores claves en el mercado turístico mundial: pilar 4 (Human Resources and Labour Market), pilar 2 (Safety and Securit) y pilar 3 (Health and Hygiene). Mientras que destaca sus fortalezas en algún factor no clave: pilar 6 (Priorization of Travel & Tourism), pilar 11 (Ground and Port Infrastructure), pilar 12 (Tourist Service Infrastructure) y pilar 14 (Cultural Resources and Business Travel). El pilar 8 (Price Competitiveness) es una debilidad de España. Esta situación se compensa, en términos relativos, dado que sus competidores directos están en una situación peor

    Benchmarking interno en una central de compras de agencias de viajes

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    The tourism sector is one of the most dynamic of our economy, but one that needs to implement new strategies to maintain its level of contribution to the GDP. The objective of this paper is to determine, through a probabilistic conjoint analysis using the Rasch model, the relative importance of the crucial factors in tourism supply for a strategic alliance between travel agencies: Travel Advisors Guild (TAG). The results highlight the positioning of the agencies that make up the TAG, as well as internal competitive imbalances.El sector turístico es uno de los más dinámicos de nuestra economía que necesita poner en marcha nuevas estrategias para mantener sus niveles de participación en el PIB. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar, mediante un análisis conjunto probabilístico, utilizando el modelo de Rasch, la importancia relativa de los factores determinantes de la oferta turística de una alianza estratégica entre agencias de viajes: Travel Advisors Guild (TAG). En los resultados se destaca el posicionamiento de las agencias integradas en el TAG, así como los desajustes competitivos internos

    Diseño de un instrumento de medida para el análisis comparativo de los recursos culturales tangibles

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    La formulación de estrategias de marketing de turismo cultural necesita una correcta evaluación de los recursos culturales tangibles disponibles para el soporte de las mismas. En esta investigación se desarrolla una metodología, basada en el Modelo de Rasch, para el diseño un instrumento de medida que nos permita jerarquizar, a partir de su nivel de disponibilidad, tanto los recursos culturales, como los municipios en que están ubicados. Los datos utilizados corresponden a los municipios de la Comunidad canaria registrados en la Guía de Recursos y Espacios Culturales de las Islas Canarias.The formulation of marketing strategies of cultural tourism needs a correct evaluation of tangible cultural resources available to support them. In this research, we carry on a methodology, on the basis of Rasch Model, for the design of an instrument of measurement, that permits to establish a hierarchy, depending on its availability level, not only for cultural resources but the for towns in which they are located. The data used are of towns of Canary Community register in the Guide of Resources and Cultural Places of the Canary Islands

    Las variables culturales, como fortalezas y debilidades, en el diagnóstico competitivo de los destinos turísticos. El caso de las zonas turísticas de Tenerife

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    The measurement of the construct «Competitiveness of the Tourist Areas of Tenerife» by Rasch Measurement Theory permit determine both the competitive position of the tourist areas and the relative availability of factors of competitiveness of the construct. From this information has been assessed the strengths and weaknesses of each tourist area, which has allowed us to propose a Benchmarking of Diagnostic, where specifically considered the relative importance of Cultural Resources in their approaches different competitive areas.La medición del constructo «Competitividad de las zonas turísticas de Tenerife» mediante la Teoría de la Medición de Rasch permite determinar tanto la posición competitivade las zonas turísticas como la disponibilidad relativa de los factores de competitividad del constructo. A partir de esta información se ha determinado las fortalezas y debilidades de cada zona turística, lo que nos ha permitido plantear un Benchmarking de Diagnóstico, en donde se ha considerado específicamente la importancia relativa de los Recursos Culturales de las distintas zonas en sus planteamientos competitivos

    Acciones de mejora del posicionamiento en recursos culturales tangibles de los municipios canarios

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    Los recursos culturales tangibles pueden fundamentar una oferta diferenciada de productos turísticos culturales. En estos casos se configuran como elementos motivadores que generan desplazamiento de visitantes con expectativas culturales a satisfacer. El turismo urbano es un turismo emergente que se apoya en los recursos culturales tangibles de los municipios. Desde esta perspectiva el patrimonio cultural tangible de los municipios se convierte en un elemento básico para el diseño de las estrategias de marketing turístico, de acuerdo a la especificidad del destino y a su posicionamiento competitivo. El análisis de posicionamiento de los recursos culturales tangibles aplicado a los municipios de la Comunidad Autónoma de Canarias, mediante la modelización de Rasch, nos permitirá hacer un diagnóstico competitivo de dotación de dichos recursos. El análisis entre los municipios destacará la importancia relativa de las diferentes dotaciones municipales de recursos culturales tangibles. Los datos utilizados corresponden a los municipios de la Comunidad canaria registrados en la Guía de Recursos y Espacios Culturales de las Islas Canarias.The tangible cultural resources can base a differentiated supply of cultural tourist products. In these cases they are formed like motivator elements that generate displacement of the visitor with cultural expectations to satisfy. The urban tourism is an emergent tourism that leans in the tangible cultural resources of the municipalities. From this perspective the tangible cultural patrimony of the municipalities becomes a basic element for the design of the strategies of tourist marketing, according to the specificity of the destiny and to its competitive positioning. The analysis of positioning of the tangible cultural resources applied to the municipalities of the Canary Autonomous Community, by means of the modelización of Rasch, will allow us to make a diagnosis competitive of dowry of these resources. Analysis between the municipalities will emphasize the relative importance of the different municipal dowries from tangible cultural resources. The used data correspond to the registered municipalities of the canary Community in Guía de Recursos y Espacios Culturales de las Islas Canarias

    Las relaciones verticales y el poder de negociación de los agricultores integrados en forma de cooperativa frente a los individuales

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    Relations among the agricultural sector, the food industry and the retail sector take many forms, making it difficult to draw up a sufficiently exhaustive analytic framework capable of being generalised to all food activities. The nature of these relations depends to a great measure on the bargaining power of each of the agents taking part. Hence, for example, organising farmers into co-operatives or other forms of association raises their bargaining power with the food industry and/or the retail sector. In this way, following a methodology integrating “filière” analysis and the Structure-Conduct-Results model for Industrial Organisation, an empirical study is carried out with the aim of determining if differences exist in the vertical relations and bargaining power of Tenerife potato farmers associated to co-operatives versus independent growers in the area. Research results show that farmers associated to co-operatives and their customers and suppliers enjoy greater stability due to the existence of written contracts, though it is also true that they are dominated by oligopoly figures who supply and distribute the agricultural inputs and outputs, who are knowledgeable about the market and occur at the beginning and the end of the “filière”. Hence horizontal integration becomes a necessary strategy for the survival of the primary sector in Tenerife, with the aim of carrying out vertical integration enabling control of the product production and distribution chain.Agricultural system, Filière, Structure-Conduct-Results, Co-operative membership.

    Environmental management in SMEs: organizational and sectoral determinants in the context of an Outermost European Region

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    This paper evaluates the environmental behavior of smes in the Canary Islands (Spain), one of the Outermost European Regions. The islands’ fragile socioeconomic systems and scarce resources noticeably condition the competitiveness of their firms. An empirical analysis ranks environmental protection practices in smes and identifies differences on the basis of size and business sector. In addition, groups of firms with different environmental behavior are identified to facilitate the design of environmental policies, improve effectiveness in decision making and the more efficient use of resources. From a theoretical perspective, this paper contributes to the gap identified by the precursors of the Natural Resource-Based View of the firm by analyzing specific resource combinations that each firm can use to improve its environmental performance and achieve competitive advantages. The firms best positioned to develop the dynamic capabilities needed are identified not only considering the physical environment, but also the socio-economic one and key intangible resources are measured that shape firms’ environmental strategy

    Strategic reference points, risk and strategic choices in small and medium-sized enterprises

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    This article presents a realistic view of the strategic process in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The study integrates prospect theory and strategic reference point theory: strategic choices depend on how the decision maker perceives the situation in relation to the reference and the risk being taken. Applying Rasch models to a sample of firms in the Canary Islands (Spain), the results show that SMEs that are more influenced by external references take higher risks. These enterprises differ in their strategic choices from those that do not focus on external references in the greater importance they attach to market diversification. This study is pioneer in considering the internal and external dimension of references that SME managers have in mind and linking them, via prospect theory (Kahneman, Tversky 1979), to the risk they take in their strategic choices. It also has the added value of applying Rasch Measurement Theory. For managers, the study of the SRPs shows a large number of enterprises with a more internal than external view. Thus, the need for rethinking their SRPs and for designing a greater market orientation of firms in the service sector is worth highlighting. There are also important implications for the public administration and institutions. They should emphasize the promotion of cooperation among enterprises to increase their external orientation and then, the importance of external SRPs. Training, financial and organizational support could be some of the strategies that ought to be implemented. First published online:  02 Oct 201

    Agrupaciones de empresas según el número de vínculos interorganizativos establecidos mediante el modelo Rasch

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    La escasez de recursos y capacidades disponibles para hacer frente a la vulnerabilidad de las empresas en los diferentes mercados en los que actúa propicia la búsqueda de vínculos interorganizativos (fusiones, absorciones, participaciones empresariales, asociaciones y contratos de diversos tipos). Estos vínculos deben proporcionar un soporte para el logro de ventajas competitivas. Mediante la aplicación del modelo dicotómico de Rasch se han analizado de forma conjunta dos grupos de variables: las industrias agroalimentarias (IAA) de Canarias y los vínculos interorganizativos que han utilizado en sus acciones estratégicas en los mercados. Se ha tratado de confirmar las relaciones establecidas por la literatura entre tamaño de las empresas, mercados en las que actúan y número de vínculos utilizados. Las conclusiones que se obtienen vienen a confirmar, en general, dichas relaciones destacando especificidades de comportamientos estratégicos que pueden ser explicadas por el tipo de entorno en las que las IAAs desarrollan sus actividades.The scarcity of availability of resources and capacities to face up to the business vulnerability in different markets in which they compete cause the searching of inter organizational links (mergers, takeovers, business participations, joint-ventures and associations of different kinds): Those links would produce a support for the achievement of competitive advantages. We applied the dichotomous Rasch model for a joint analysis of two groups of variables: Agro food industries (IAA) of the Canary Islands and inter organizational links that has been used for their strategies actions in the markets. We try to confirm the relationships provided for the literature between business sizes, competitive markets and number of inter organizational links used. In general, the conclusions obtained confirm those relationships. They point out specificities of the strategy behaviour that could be explained by the type of environment in which the IAAs carrying on their activities