3,490 research outputs found

    Heating of Flare Loops With Observationally Constrained Heating Functions

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    We analyze high cadence high resolution observations of a C3.2 flare obtained by AIA/SDO on August 1, 2010. The flare is a long duration event with soft X-ray and EUV radiation lasting for over four hours. Analysis suggests that magnetic reconnection and formation of new loops continue for more than two hours. Furthermore, the UV 1600\AA\ observations show that each of the individual pixels at the feet of flare loops is brightened instantaneously with a timescale of a few minutes, and decays over a much longer timescale of more than 30 minutes. We use these spatially resolved UV light curves during the rise phase to construct empirical heating functions for individual flare loops, and model heating of coronal plasmas in these loops. The total coronal radiation of these flare loops are compared with soft X-ray and EUV radiation fluxes measured by GOES and AIA. This study presents a method to observationally infer heating functions in numerous flare loops that are formed and heated sequentially by reconnection throughout the flare, and provides a very useful constraint to coronal heating models.Comment: This paper is revise

    The Application of the English-Chinese Comparison to Discourse Structures Analysis

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    This paper makes an attempt to employ the English-Chinese comparison to English discourse structures analysis to help students avoiding some errors of interference from their native language and developing students’ linguistic skills to a high level of proficiency. Key words: the English language, the Chinese language, comparison, Discourse structure Résumé: L’article présent tente d’employer la comparaison anglais-chinois dans l’analyse de structure du discours anglais pour aider les étudiants à éviter des erreurs d’interférence venues de leur langue maternelle et à éléver leur le niveau linguistique. Mots-Clés: langue anglaise, langue chinoise, comparaison, structure du discour

    The Impact of Biblical Literature on the Production of Chinese and Foreign Literatures

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    Through an investigation into what Biblical Literature is and its great impact on the production of Chinese and foreign literatures, this paper demonstrates to us that the value orientation, emotions and aesthetics of Biblical Literature have been influencing the language, styles and aesthetics of Chinese and foreign literatures. Key words: the Bible, Chinese and foreign literatures, impact, production Résumé: Dans cet article, en faisant des recherches sur ce que c'est que la littérature biblique et en étudiant son influence profonde sur la création littéraire chinoise et étrangère, l'auteur nous fait reconnaître que la littérature biblique exerce une influence sur le langage, le style artistique et la connotation esthétique de la littérature chinoise et étrangère par leur concept de valeur, leur mode d'émotion et leur goût esthétique. Mots-clés: Bible, littérature chinoise et étrangère, influence, création 摘要:本文通過探討什麼是《聖經》文學以及它對中外文學創作的深遠影響,使我們認識到《聖經》文學通過他們的 價值取向、情感方式和審美情趣,影響著中外文學的文學語言,藝術風格和美學內涵。 關鍵詞:聖經;中外文學;影響;創

    Study on L1 Transfer in English Writing of Chinese College Students

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    Language transfer has long been a controversial topic in applied linguistics, second language acquisition, and language teaching for more than 100 years. The paper concentrates on several aspects that have an especially important bearing on tle study of L1 transfer in English writing of Chinese college students: causes , differences between English and Chinese discourse analysis and characteristics of English and Chinese syntactical structure. Key words: L1 transfer, English writing, Chinese students, discourse analysis Résumé: 100 ans se sont passés depuis que le transfert linguistique est devenu un thème d’étude important dans la linguistique appliquée, l’acquisition de la deuxième langue et l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues. Commençant par les différences du texte et celles de la syntaxe entre l’anglais et le chinois, l’article présent analyse essentiellement les causes et les caractéristiques du phénomène de transfert de la langue maternelle dans la rédaction anglaise des étudiants chinois. Mots-clés: transfert de la langue maternelle, rédaction en anglais, étudiants chinois, analyse du texte 摘要:語言遷移成為應用語言學、第二語言習得和語言教學領域中的重要研究課題至今已有一百年歷史。本文從英漢語篇的差異及英漢句法結構的不同入手著重分析了中國大學生英語寫作中的母語遷移現象的原因及特點。關鍵詞:母語遷移;英語寫作;中國學生;語篇分

    The Application of English-Chinese Comparison to Culture Teaching

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    This thesis is a tentative endeavor to employ English-Chinese comparison to culture teaching so as to help English learners overcome negative transfer from their native culture and learn more idiomatic English. Key words: the English language, the Chinese language, comparison, culture teaching Résumé: Cet essai tente d’employer la comparaison anglais-chinois à l’enseignement de culture afin d’aider les apprenants de l’anglais à vaincre les transferts négatifs de leur culture native à la culture anglaise et à apprendre davantage un anglais impeccable. Mots-Clés: langue anglaise, langue chinoise, comparaison, enseignement de cultur

    Sjogren's Syndrome

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    This issue of eMedRef provides information to clinicians on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and therapeutics of Sjogren's Syndrome

    UV and EUV Emissions at the Flare Foot-points Observed by AIA

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    A solar flare is composed of impulsive energy release events by magnetic reconnection, which forms and heats flare loops. Recent studies have revealed a two-phase evolution pattern of UV 1600\AA\ emission at the feet of these loops: a rapid pulse lasting for a few seconds to a few minutes, followed by a gradual decay on timescales of a few tens of minutes. Multiple band EUV observations by AIA further reveal very similar signatures. These two phases represent different but related signatures of an impulsive energy release in the corona. The rapid pulse is an immediate response of the lower atmosphere to an intense thermal conduction flux resulting from the sudden heating of the corona to high temperatures (we rule out energetic particles due to a lack of significant hard X-ray emission). The gradual phase is associated with the cooling of hot plasma that has been evaporated into the corona. The observed footpoint emission is again powered by thermal conduction (and enthalpy), but now during a period when approximate steady state conditions are established in the loop. UV and EUV light curves of individual pixels may therefore be separated into contributions from two distinct physical mechanisms to shed light on the nature of energy transport in a flare. We demonstrate this technique using coordinated, spatially resolved observations of UV and EUV emission from the footpoints of a C3.2 thermal flare

    Oral contraceptives

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    This issue of eMedRef provides information to clinicians about oral contraceptives