19 research outputs found

    Technical inspection of agricultural sprayers in brazil

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    The periodic maintenance of agricultural sprayers is essential to ensure safe spraying from an environmental point of view and technically efficient, with respect to acceptable quality limits. Aiming to optimize the use of pesticides for protecting farming, many countries worldwide have been developing projects on the inspection of agricultural sprayers. In Brazil, regardless its tradition of being an agricultural country, still now these inspections are done in a voluntary way, showing that most agricultural sprayers are not in use conditions, which can affect the technical efficiency of the operation, offer a risk of environmental contamination and, intoxication of the operator. This review aim describe the results got through projects on inspection of agricultural sprayers in different Brazilian regions. The methodology was based on the survey of data published in scientific articles and thesis. The most serious problems detected in those agricultural sprayers are mainly in terms of absence of environmental and user safety, no protection of the cardan tree, of belts and pulleys as well as leakage occurrence. Furthermore, the most common problems related to spraying activities are those of manometer precision as well as those of worn spray nozzles and spray transverse distribution wear and tear that in all justifies the obligation for technical inspection of agricultural sprayers in Brazil. Besides that, it is important to emphasize the necessity of public policies for development and approval of research centers for tests on agricultural implements


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    The need to increase production in agricultural areas, the concern for healthier food and reduce environmental contamination makes the use of pesticides increasingly technical and with accurate application. In this sense, there is a need for agricultural sprayer inspection projects to be intensified in Brazil, taking account that in the countries of European Union, these inspections are carried out in a mandatory form. In this way, in order to obtain the accuracy of pesticide applications, in Europe the EN 13790 standard was established, which later allowed the ISO 16122 to be generated. This norm establishes the requirements and methods for the necessary verification in the sprayers inspections, which refers to mainly to the state of conservation of the sprayer in relation to the safety of the operators, potential risk of environmental contamination and ways to optimize the applications. Therefore, the aim of this review was described the importance of agricultural sprayers inspection and their most relevant aspects, which are directly related to the spraying accuracy of pesticides. Considering the positive results found in the European countries, it can be concluded that it is necessary that the methodology used be disseminated in order to intensify its use, which will be of fundamental importance to standardize the method of agricultural sprayers inspections in Brazil. fundamental importância para padronizar o método das inspeções de pulverizadores agrícolas no Brasil.A necessidade de aumentar da produção das áreas agrícolas, a preocupação com alimentos mais saudáveis e a redução da contaminação ambiental faz com que a utilização de agrotóxicos seja cada vez mais técnica e sua aplicação precisa. Nesse sentido, há necessidade de que os projetos de inspeção de pulverizadores agrícolas sejam intensificados no Brasil, visto que, nos países que compõem a União Européia as inspeções são realizadas de forma obrigatória. Desta forma, com o intuito de buscar a precisão das aplicações de agrotóxicos, na Europa foi instituída a normativa EN 13790, o que, posteriormente possibilitou gerar a norma ISO 16122. Esta estabelece os requisitos e métodos para a verificação necessária nas inspeções técnicas de pulverizadores, referindo-se principalmente ao estado de conservação do pulverizador em relação à segurança dos operadores, risco potencial de contaminação do meio ambiente e formas de otimizar as aplicações. Com isso, o objetivo desta revisão foi descrever a importância da inspeção de pulverizadores agrícolas e seus aspectos mais relevantes, os quais estão diretamente relacionados à precisão das pulverizações de agrotóxicos. Considerando os resultados positivos encontrados nos países Europeus, pode-se concluir que há necessidade de que a metodologia utilizada seja difundida, de forma a intensificar sua utilização, a qual será de fundamental importância para padronizar o método das inspeções de pulverizadores agrícolas no Brasil

    Critérios técnicos para a seleção de pulverizadores autopropelidos comercializados no mercado brasileiro

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    Nos últimos anos, a oferta de pulverizadores autopropelidos no mercado brasileiro aumentou, principalmente para suprir a demanda de agricultores que possuem grandes extensões de áreas, nas quais se requer um alto ritmo operacional. Neste trabalho, foram avaliados, em função da potência nominal do motor, os diferentes tipos de transmissões, a capacidade do reservatório de calda, tamanho das barras e vão livre, considerados critérios técnicos importantes para a seleção dessas máquinas. Para tanto, utilizaram-se informações técnicas de 41 modelos de pulverizadores autopropelidos comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Como resultado, classificaram-se os pulverizadores em cinco classes, segundo a potência do motor. Verificou-se que, com o aumento da potência, os pulverizadores são equipados com transmissão hidrostática e a capacidade dos reservatórios de calda são maiores

    Emissões de gases poluentes de um motor agrícola utilizando biocombustíveis

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as emissões e a opacidade dos gases poluentes de um motor ciclo Diesel de um trator agrícola, utilizando óleo Diesel S500 (B5) e sua mistura com 6, 12 e 15% de etanol hidratado. As variáveis avaliadas foram: emissões de CO2 (g kWh-1), NOx (g kWh-1) e a opacidade (valor k) dos gases a cada 100 rpm, desde 1400 até 2100 rpm do motor. Foram também mensurados os valores de O2 (%) emitido pelo motor e a temperatura dos gases de escape (ºC). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, no desenho bifatorial 4x8, com três repetições. Os resultados indicam que, de forma geral, as misturas de etanol no óleo Diesel, diminuem as emissões de poluentes. A opacidade dos gases foi reduzida a medida que a adição de etanol no B5 foi incrementada, bem como devido ao aumento da rotação do motor. Já para os gases NOx e CO2, as reduções de seus níveis foram mais sensíveis as reduções da rotação do motor, ao incremento da porcentagem de etanol na mistura. Ainda, observou-se uma relação direta entre a opacidade dos gases e a quantidade de O2 emitido pelo motor, e entre os gases NOx e CO2 com a temperatura dos gases poluentes

    The development and validation of an ergonomics index for assessing tractor operator work place

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    ABSTRACT: This study aimed to develop and validate an ergonomics index for the operator workplace assessment of agricultural tractors sold in the Brazilian market. To develop the ergonomics index, the operator work places were assessed for compliance with current, national and international, safety and ergonomics standards. The following standards were analyzed to develop ergonomics index: ISO 15077 (1996), which regulates the position of operator controls; ABNT NBR ISO 4254-1(2015) and ABNT NBR ISO 4252 (2011), which regulate the access to operator workplaces; and NR 12 (2010), which determines the mandatory items of operator workplaces.Thirty-four operator work places of 152 models of new agricultural tractors sold in the Brazilian market were analyzed in this study. Ergonomics index was developed and validated using these standards, and the findings enabled the ranking of agricultural tractors. Therefore, the proposed ergonomics index proved feasible and may be applied to other agricultural machines

    A novel Sporothrix brasiliensis genomic variant in Midwestern Brazil: evidence for an older and wider sporotrichosis epidemic.

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    Sporotrichosis is a subcutaneous infection caused by fungi from the genus Sporothrix. It is transmitted by inoculation of infective particles found in plant-contaminated material or diseased animals, characterizing the classic sapronotic and emerging zoonotic transmission, respectively. Since 1998, southeastern Brazil has experienced a zoonotic sporotrichosis epidemic caused by S. brasiliensis, centred in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Our observation of feline sporotrichosis cases in Brasília (Midwestern Brazil), around 900 km away from Rio de Janeiro, led us to question whether the epidemic caused by S. brasiliensis has spread from the epicentre in Rio de Janeiro, emerged independently in the two locations, or if the disease has been present and unrecognized in Midwestern Brazil. A retrospective analysis of 91 human and 4 animal cases from Brasília, ranging from 1993 to 2018, suggests the occurrence of both sapronotic and zoonotic transmission. Molecular typing of the calmodulin locus identified S. schenckii as the agent in two animals and all seven human patients from which we were able to recover clinical isolates. In two other animals, the disease was caused by S. brasiliensis. Whole-genome sequence typing of seven Sporothrix spp. strains from Brasília and Rio de Janeiro suggests that S. brasiliensis isolates from Brasília are genetically distinct from those obtained at the epicentre of the outbreak in Rio de Janeiro, both in phylogenomic and population genomic analyses. The two S. brasiliensis populations seem to have separated between 2.2 and 3.1 million years ago, indicating independent outbreaks or that the zoonotic S. brasiliensis outbreak might have started earlier and be more widespread in South America than previously recognized