2 research outputs found

    A decision support system for modelling and implementing the supply network configuration and operations scheduling problem in the machine tool industry

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    [EN] This paper presents a decision support system to simultaneously solve the supply network configuration problem and the operations scheduling problem for the machine tool industry. A novel database structure, which is able to consider alternative operations and alternative bills of material, has been used. An algorithm for complete enumeration to determine all the feasible solutions using stroke graphs is introduced. A multiagent-based simulator evaluates the different key performance indicators that the supply network deals with for each alternative solution (e.g. workload, profits, delivery times, etc.) to determine that ‘satisficed’ by the collaborative decision-making among its members. A case study based on a Spanish company that assembles highly customised machines and tools in several European plants is considered. From the experiments results based on data linked to this industry, it will be demonstrated that the tool is potentially useful for stakeholders and for the central decision-maker to make decisions collaboratively in a multisite context caseWe thank the EWG-DSS and their four expert anonymous referees as well as the guest editorial board for their useful suggestions and criticism on earlier versions of this paper. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. NMP2-SL-2009-229333 and has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation within the 'Proyectos de Investigacion Fundamental No Orientada Programme' through Project 'CORSARI MAGIC DPI2010-18243'. Julien Maheut holds a VALi+d grant funded by the Regional Valencian Government (Ref. ACIF/2010/222).Maheut, JPD.; Besga, JM.; Uribetxebarria, J.; García Sabater, JP. (2014). A decision support system for modelling and implementing the supply network configuration and operations scheduling problem in the machine tool industry. Production Planning and Control. 25(8):679-697. https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2013.798087S67969725