3,332 research outputs found

    Thermal post-treatments to enhance the water stability of NH2-MIL-125(Ti)

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    NH2-MIL-125(Ti) is a metal organic framework (MOF) based on Ti-oxo-clusters widely investigated in water-related applications. Such applications require MOFs with an excellent stability in the aqueous phase, but, despite this, the extent of MOFs’ degradation in water is still not yet fully understood. In this study, we report a quantitative study of the water stability of NH2-MIL125(Ti), analyzing the ligand release along the contact time in water. This study demonstrates that NH2-MIL-125(Ti) easily leached out over time while maintaining its structure. The effect of different thermal treatments applied to NH2-MIL-125(Ti) was investigated to enhance its water stability. The structural and textural properties of those modified MOFs were studied in detail and those maintaining the NH2-MIL-125(Ti) properties were exposed to aqueous medium. The analysis of the released ligand concentration in the filtrate can provide information on the water stability of this materialThis research was funded by Spanish MINECO (project CTQ2016-78576-R

    Accelerated amyloid angiopathy and related vascular alterations in a mixed murine model of Alzheimer´s disease and type two diabetes

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    Amyloid; Multiphoton microscopy; PrediabetesAmiloide; Microscòpia multifotònica; PrediabetisAmiloide; Microscopía multifotónica; PrediabetesBackground While aging is the main risk factor for Alzheimer´s disease (AD), emerging evidence suggests that metabolic alterations such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) are also major contributors. Indeed, several studies have described a close relationship between AD and T2D with clinical evidence showing that both diseases coexist. A hallmark pathological event in AD is amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition in the brain as either amyloid plaques or around leptomeningeal and cortical arterioles, thus constituting cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). CAA is observed in 85–95% of autopsy cases with AD and it contributes to AD pathology by limiting perivascular drainage of Aβ. Methods To further explore these alterations when AD and T2D coexist, we have used in vivo multiphoton microscopy to analyze over time the Aβ deposition in the form of plaques and CAA in a relevant model of AD (APPswe/PS1dE9) combined with T2D (db/db). We have simultaneously assessed the effects of high-fat diet-induced prediabetes in AD mice. Since both plaques and CAA are implicated in oxidative-stress mediated vascular damage in the brain, as well as in the activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), we have also analyzed oxidative stress by Amplex Red oxidation, MMP activity by DQ™ Gelatin, and vascular functionality. Results We found that prediabetes accelerates amyloid plaque and CAA deposition, suggesting that initial metabolic alterations may directly affect AD pathology. T2D significantly affects vascular pathology and CAA deposition, which is increased in AD-T2D mice, suggesting that T2D favors vascular accumulation of Aβ. Moreover, T2D synergistically contributes to increase CAA mediated oxidative stress and MMP activation, affecting red blood cell velocity. Conclusions Our data support the cross-talk between metabolic disease and Aβ deposition that affects vascular integrity, ultimately contributing to AD pathology and related functional changes in the brain microvasculature.University of Cadiz Predoctoral Fellowship (CHB). This study is part of the current project (RECOGNISED; Clinical Trials gov registration no. NCT04281186) funded by the European Commission (H2020 programme-GA 847749) focusing on common mechanisms in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, brain pathology and cognitive impairment, with special interest in the neurovascular unit, in the T2D population. Agencia Estatal de Investigacion. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion. Programa Estatal de Generacion de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Cientifico y Tecnologico del Sistema de I + D + i y del Programa Estatal de I + D + i Orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad, del Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion (PID2020-115499RB-I00/AEI/10.130 39/501100011033). Programa Estatal de I + D + I orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad (BFU 2016-75038-R), financed by the Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. Proyectos de I + D + i, en regimen de concurrencia competitiva, destinadas a las universidades y entidades publicas de investigacion calificadas como agentes del Sistema Andaluz del Conocimiento, en el ambito del Plan Andaluz de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI 2020). Andalucia se mueve con Europa (P20-00928)

    Stochastic unit commitment in microgrids based on model predictive control

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    This article deals with the problem of Stochastic Unit Commitment (SUC), considering the stochastic nature of demand and meteorological phenomena. This paper shows the optimal operation of a hybrid microgrid composed of the following generation units: wind turbine (WT), photovoltaic solar panel (PV), diesel engine generator (DE), micro-turbine (MT), as well as storage devices such as Battery Energy Storage (BES), considering its constraints and the requirements of the reserve generation. For this purpose, a Model-based Predictive Control (MPC), which uses dynamic models of prediction of renewable power and demand in real time, is developed, allowing feedback at each step of time, which corrects the uncertainty of the models. A comparison with a classic UC formulation has been made. The results reach a lower cost solution

    Antidiabetic polypill improves central pathology and cognitive impairment in a mixed model of Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is an important risk factor to suffer dementia, being Alzheimer's disease (AD) as the most common form. Both AD and T2D are closely related to aging and with a growing elderly population it might be of relevance to explore new therapeutic approaches that may slow or prevent central complications associated with metabolic disorders. Therefore, we propose the use of the antidiabetic polypill (PP), a pharmacological cocktail, commonly used by T2D patients that include metformin, aspirin, simvastatin, and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. In order to test the effects of PP at the central level, we have long-term treated a new mixed model of AD-T2D, the APP/PS1xdb/db mouse. We have analyzed AD pathological features and the underlying specific characteristics that relate AD and T2D. As expected, metabolic alterations were ameliorated after PP treatment in diabetic mice, supporting a role for PP in maintaining pancreatic activity. At central level, PP reduced T2D-associated brain atrophy, showing both neuronal and synaptic preservation. Tau and amyloid pathologies were also reduced after PP treatment. Furthermore, we observed a reduction of spontaneous central bleeding and inflammation after PP treatment in diabetic mice. As consequence, learning and memory processes were improved after PP treatment in AD, T2D, and AD-T2D mice. Our data provide the basis to further analyze the role of PP, as an alternative or adjuvant, to slow down or delay the central complications associated with T2D and AD

    Taphonomic and spatial analyses from the Early Pleistocene site of Venta Micena 4 (Orce, Guadix-Baza Basin, southern Spain)

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    Venta Micena is an area containing several palaeontological sites marking the beginning of the Calabrian stage (Early Pleistocene). The richness of the fossil accumulation including species of Asian, African and European origin, makes Venta Micena a key site for the the palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental study of southern Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Thus, research has been focused on Venta Micena 3, which was originally interpreted as a single palaeosurface associated with a marshy context, in which most of the fauna was accumulated by Pachycrocuta brevirostris. Recent excavations have unearthed a new site, Venta Micena 4, located in the same stratigraphic unit (Unit C) and in close proximity to Venta Micena 3. Here we show the first analyses regarding the taphonomic and spatial nature of this new site, defining two stratigraphic boundaries corresponding to two different depositional events. Furthermore, the taphonomic analyses of fossil remains seem to indicate a different accumulative agent than Pachycrocuta, thus adding more complexity to the palaeobiological interpretation of the Venta Micena area. These results contribute to the discussion of traditional interpretations made from Venta Micena 3.Peer reviewe

    Pliocene to Middle Pleistocene climate history in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the environmental conditions of early Homo dispersal in Europe

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    The Guadix-Baza Basin (GBB) in Andalucia, Spain, comprises palaeontological and archaeological sites dating from the Early Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene, including some of the earliest sites with evidence for the presence of early humans (Homo sp.) in Europe. Thus, the history of climate and environments in this basin contributes significantly to our understanding of the conditions under which early humans spread into Europe during the Early Pleistocene. Here we present estimates of precipitation and primary productivity in the GBB from the Pliocene to the Middle Pleistocene based on dental ecometrics in fossil communities of large herbivorous mammals, and perform an ecometrics-based distribution modelling to analyse the environmental conditions of Early and Middle Pleistocene human sites in Europe. Our results show that Early Pleistocene humans generally occupied on average relatively diverse habitats with ecotones, such as woodlands and savannas, but avoided very open and harsh (cool or dry) environments. During the Middle Pleistocene in Europe, humans occupied a comparatively much broader range of environments than during the Early Pleistocene, but were on average more concentrated in environments where the dental ecometric of mammals indicate wooded palaeoenvironments. In the earliest human occupation sites of the GBB, Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3, the mean annual precipitation and net primary production estimates indicate climatic conditions close to modern Mediterranean sclerophyllous woodland environments, but with slightly higher primary productivity, indicating some similarity with East African woodlands. On the other hand, the environments did not resemble African grassland savannas. The browse-dominated diets of ungulates from Barranco Leon and Fuente Nueva 3 further suggest palaeoenvironments where grasses were a minor component of the vegetation. In the slightly older site of Venta Micena that has no evidence for the presence of hominins, dental ecometric estimates indicate climate and environments similar to Mediterranean "forest steppe" environments existing in the surroundings of Baza today. Grasses were prevalent in the diet of some taxa, especially equids, in Venta Micena, but most of the species show browse-dominated diets even there. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Unravelling Hominin Activities in the Zooarchaeological Assemblage of Barranco Leon (Orce, Granada, Spain)

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    Little is known about the subsistence practices of the first European settlers, mainly due to the shortage of archaeological sites in Europe older than a million years. This article contributes to the knowledge of the subsistence of the first Europeans with new zooarchaeology and taphonomic data from the Palaeolithic site of Barranco Leon (Orce, Granada, Spain). We present the results of the analysis of the faunal assemblages retrieved in the context of new excavations undertaken between 2016 and 2020. We have followed a standard methodology for the identification and quantification of species, mortality profiles, skeletal representation and taphonomic analysis. With regard to the taphonomic evidence, we have documented the extent of rounding, abrasion and other alterations. Finally, we examined traces from the activities of carnivores and hominins that led to the accumulation and alteration of the bone assemblages. Results indicate that the archaeo-paleontological deposits from Barranco Leon present a dual-patterned mixed taphonomic origin. The first phase primarily involved waterborne processes (BL-D1), which led to the accumulation of lithic raw materials, a few archaeological stone tools, and some faunal remains with percussion and cutmarks. The second phase (BL-D2) contains several stone tools associated with faunal remains with more anthropogenic alterations, such as cutmarks and percussion marks. After analysing the Barranco Leon zooarchaeological assemblage, the present study concludes that hominins had access to the meat and within-bone nutrients of animals of diverse sizes. However, the specific carcass acquisition mechanisms that hominins followed are less certain because the presence of tooth marks suggests that carnivores also played a role in the accumulation and modification of the Barranco Leon faunal assemblage.Peer reviewe

    A multiple health behaviour change intervention to prevent depression: A randomized controlled trial

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    Health behaviour; Major depressive disorders; Primary health care;Comportament de salut; Trastorns depressius majors; Atenció primària de salutComportamiento de salud; Trastornos depresivos mayores; Primeros auxiliosObjective: To examine the effectiveness of a 12-month MHBC intervention in the prevention of onset depression in primary health care (PHC). Methods: Twenty-two PHC centres took part in the cluster-randomized controlled trial. Patients were randomized to receive either usual care or an MHBC intervention. The endpoints were onset of major depression and reduction of depressive symptoms in participants without baseline depression at a 12-month follow-up. Results: 2531 patients agreed and were eligible to participate. At baseline, around 43% were smokers, 82% were non-adherent to the Mediterranean diet and 55% did not perform enough physical activity. The intervention group exhibited a greater positive change in two or more behaviours (OR 1.75 [95%CI: 1.17 to 2.62]; p = 0.006); any behaviour (OR 1.58 [95%CI: 1.13 to 2.20]; p = 0.007); and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (OR 1.94 [95%CI: 1.29 to 2.94]; p = 0.002), while this increase was not statistically significant for smoking and physical activity. The intervention was not effective in preventing major depression (OR 1.17; [95% CI 0.53 to 2.59)]; p =0.690) or reducing depressive symptoms (Mean difference: 0.30; [95% CI -0.77 to 1.36]; p = 0.726) during follow-up. Conclusions: As compared to usual care, the MHBC intervention provided a non-significant reduction in the incidence of major depression