325 research outputs found

    Gene networks driving bovine milk fat synthesis during the lactation cycle

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The molecular events associated with regulation of milk fat synthesis in the bovine mammary gland remain largely unknown. Our objective was to study mammary tissue mRNA expression via quantitative PCR of 45 genes associated with lipid synthesis (triacylglycerol and phospholipids) and secretion from the late pre-partum/non-lactating period through the end of subsequent lactation. mRNA expression was coupled with milk fatty acid (FA) composition and calculated indexes of FA desaturation and <it>de novo </it>synthesis by the mammary gland.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Marked up-regulation and/or % relative mRNA abundance during lactation were observed for genes associated with mammary FA uptake from blood (<it>LPL</it>, <it>CD36</it>), intracellular FA trafficking (<it>FABP3</it>), long-chain (<it>ACSL1</it>) and short-chain (<it>ACSS2</it>) intracellular FA activation, <it>de novo </it>FA synthesis (<it>ACACA</it>, <it>FASN</it>), desaturation (<it>SCD</it>, <it>FADS1</it>), triacylglycerol synthesis (<it>AGPAT6</it>, <it>GPAM</it>, <it>LPIN1</it>), lipid droplet formation (<it>BTN1A1</it>, <it>XDH</it>), ketone body utilization (<it>BDH1</it>), and transcription regulation (<it>INSIG1</it>, <it>PPARG</it>, <it>PPARGC1A</it>). Change in <it>SREBF1 </it>mRNA expression during lactation, thought to be central for milk fat synthesis regulation, was ≤2-fold in magnitude, while expression of <it>INSIG1</it>, which negatively regulates SREBP activation, was >12-fold and had a parallel pattern of expression to <it>PPARGC1A</it>. Genes involved in phospholipid synthesis had moderate up-regulation in expression and % relative mRNA abundance. The mRNA abundance and up-regulation in expression of <it>ABCG2 </it>during lactation was markedly high, suggesting a biological role of this gene in milk synthesis/secretion. Weak correlations were observed between both milk FA composition and desaturase indexes (i.e., apparent SCD activity) with mRNA expression pattern of genes measured.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A network of genes participates in coordinating milk fat synthesis and secretion. Results challenge the proposal that <it>SREBF1 </it>is central for milk fat synthesis regulation and highlight a pivotal role for a concerted action among <it>PPARG</it>, <it>PPARGC1A</it>, and <it>INSIG1</it>. Expression of <it>SCD</it>, the most abundant gene measured, appears to be key during milk fat synthesis. The lack of correlation between gene expression and calculated desaturase indexes does not support their use to infer mRNA expression or enzyme activity (e.g., <it>SCD</it>). Longitudinal mRNA expression allowed development of transcriptional regulation networks and an updated model of milk fat synthesis regulation.</p

    Gene Networks Driving Bovine Mammary Protein Synthesis During the Lactation Cycle

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    A crucial role for both insulin and mTOR in the regulation of milk protein synthesis is emerging. Bovine mammary biopsies harvested during late-pregnancy through end of subsequent lactation were used to evaluate via quantitative PCR the expression of 44 genes involved in pathways of insulin, mTOR, AMPK, and Jak2-Stat5 signalling and also glucose and amino acid (AA) transporters. We observed an increased expression during lactation of ELF5, AA and glucose transporters, insulin signaling pathway components, MAPK14, FRAP1, EIF4EBP2, GSK3A and TSC1 among mTOR signaling-related genes. Among ribosomal components RPL22 was down-regulated. The overall data support a central role of AA and glucose transporters and insulin signaling through mTOR for the regulation of protein synthesis in bovine mammary gland. Furthermore, the existence of translational competition favoring the translation of milk protein transcripts was inferred from the combined dataset

    Short communication: Endoplasmic reticulum stress gene network expression in bovine mammary tissue during the lactation cycle.

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    Abstract The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has a crucial role in cellular metabolism. Recent studies in nonruminants discovered that components of the ER stress pathway, induced during the unfolded protein response, play critical roles in regulating lipogenesis. The bovine mammary gland faces extreme metabolic stress at the onset of lactation due primarily to the increase in flux through pathways associated with milk fat and protein synthesis. Our objective was to study, via quantitative real-time PCR, the expression of the ER stress pathway components P58IPK , PERK , XBP1 , ATF4 , ATF3 , ATF6 , CHOP , MBTPS1 , GRP94 , and BiP in mammary tissue (n=7 cows × 5 time points) collected at −15, 1, 15, 60, and 240 d relative to parturition. Expression of P58IPK and ATF4 increased to a peak at d 60, followed by a decrease by d 240 postpartum. Despite the decrease in expression by 240 d, P58IPK remained higher than prepartal levels (d −15). Expression patterns of ATF3 and CHOP were similar and peaked at d 15, followed by a decrease through d 240, at which point CHOP expression was still greater than prepartal levels. The sharp increase in milk production postpartum (d 15) as well as apoptosis during late lactation (240 d) may have induced a pseudo unfolded protein response state. This is supported by the similar expression patterns of P58IPK and PERK . In the context of lactation, however, transcriptional changes in the ER stress pathway at different stages of the lactation cycle are a normal aspect of the tissue's adaptation to the changing physiological state

    Differences in liver functionality indexes in peripartal dairy cows fed rumen-protected methionine or choline are associated with performance, oxidative stress status, and plasma amino acid profiles

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    The liver functionality index (LFI) represents an assessment of transition cow metabolic health by measuring changes in biomarkers associated with liver plasma protein synthesis (albumin), lipoprotein synthesis (cholesterol), and heme catabolism (bilirubin). The present analysis was conducted to determine the role of peripartal rumen-protected Met or choline (CHOL) supplementation on LFI groupings, and to assess relationships with performance, inflammation, oxidative stress status, and plasma AA profiles. A cohort of 40 multiparous Holstein cows that were part of a randomized complete block design with 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of Met (Smartamine M, Adisseo NA, Alpharetta, GA) and CHOL (ReaShure, Balchem Inc., New Hampton, NY) level (with or without) were used. From -21 d to calving, cows received the same close-up diet and were assigned randomly to each treatment. From calving to 30 d, cows were on the same postpartal diet and continued to receive the same treatments until 30 d. Addition of Met was adjusted daily at 0.08% dry matter of diet and CHOL was fed at 60 g/cow per day. Liver (-10, 7, 20, and 30 d) and blood (-10, 4, 8, 20, and 30 d) samples were harvested for biomarker analyses. Cows were ranked retrospectively and assigned to low (LLFI, LFI0) and high (HLFI, LFI0) LFI groups regardless of Met or CHOL supplementation. Compared with cows in LLFI, close-up and lactation DMI, milk yield, milk fat yield, and milk protein yield were greater in HLFI cows. As expected, cows in LLFI had lower plasma cholesterol and albumin but greater bilirubin concentrations around parturition. Plasma haptoglobin concentration was also lower in HLFI cows, but plasma paraoxonase and hepatic total and reduced hepatic glutathione concentrations were greater. Although higher concentrations of His, Met, and Trp, as well as a tendency for greater Ile, were observed in HLFI cows, overall essential AA concentrations did not differ with LFI status. In contrast, overall concentrations of nonessential AA were greater in HLFI cows due to greater circulating concentrations of Ala, Asn, Gln, Pro, and Ser. Similarly, overall concentrations of total AA and total sulfur-containing compounds were greater in cows with HLFI. Feeding Met compared with CHOL led to a tendency for more cows classified as HLFI. Overall, results support the broader application of the LFI in the management of transition cows. In that context, the fact that precalving concentrations of compounds such as reduced glutathione, total sulfur-containing compounds, Met, Tau, and homocysteine differed between HLFI and LLFI independent of Met or CHOL feeding also underscores their potential for monitoring cows that might be at a greater risk of developing health problems after calving. Further studies on the applicability of these biomarkers to monitor transition success appears warranted

    The effect of calving in the summer on the hepatic transcriptome of Holstein cows during the peripartal period

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    The liver is the main metabolic organ coordinating the adaptations that take place during the peripartal period of dairy cows. A successful transition into lactation, rather than management practices alone, depends on environmental factors such as temperature, season of parturition, and photoperiod. Therefore, we analyzed the effect of calving season on the hepatic transcriptome of dairy cows during the transition period. A total of 12 Holstein dairy cows were assigned into 2 groups based on calving season (6 cows March-April, spring; 6 cows June-July, summer, SU). The RNA was extracted from liver samples obtained at -30, 3, and 35 DIM via percutaneous biopsy and hybridized to the Agilent 44K Bovine (V2) Gene Expression Microarray (Agilent Technologies Inc., Santa Clara, CA). A quantitative PCR on 22 target genes was performed to verify and expand the analyses. A total of 4,307 differentially expressed genes were detected (false discovery rate ≤0.05) in SU compared with spring. Furthermore, 73 unique differentially expressed genes were detected in SU compared with spring cows after applying a fold-change threshold ≥3 and ≤-3. For Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways analysis of differentially expressed genes, we used the dynamic impact approach. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis software was used to analyze upstream transcription regulators and perform gene network analysis. Among metabolic pathways, energy metabolism from lipids, carbohydrates, and amino acids was strongly affected by calving in SU, with a reduced level of fatty acid synthesis, oxidation, re-esterification, and synthesis of lipoproteins, leading to hepatic lipidosis. Glycan-synthesis was downregulated in SU cows probably as a mechanism to counteract the progression of this lipidosis. In contrast, calving in the SU resulted in upregulation of gluconeogenesis but also greater use of glucose as an energy source. Among nonmetabolic pathways, the heat-shock response was obviously activated in SU cows but was also associated with inflammatory and intracellular stress response. Furthermore, data support a recent finding that cows experience endoplasmic reticulum stress around parturition. Transcription regulator analysis revealed how metabolic changes are related to important regulatory mechanisms, including epigenetic modification. The holistic analyses of the liver transcriptome response to calving in the summer at high environmental temperatures underscore how transition cows should be carefully managed during this period, as they experience alterations in liver energy metabolism and inflammatory state increasing susceptibility to health disorders in early postpartum

    Effect of dietary starch level and high rumen-undegradable protein on endocrine-metabolic status, milk yield, and milk composition in dairy cows during early and late lactation

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    Diet composition defines the amount and type of nutrients absorbed by dairy cows. Endocrine-metabolic interactions can influence these parameters, and so nutrient availability for the mammary gland can significantly vary and affect milk yield and its composition. Six dairy cows in early and then late lactation received, for 28 d in a changeover design, 2 diets designed to provide, within the same stage of lactation, similar amounts of rumen fermentable material but either high starch plus sugar (HS) content or low starch plus sugar content (LS). All diets had similar dietary crude protein and calculated supply of essential amino acids. Dry matter intake within each stage of lactation was similar between groups. Milk yield was similar between groups in early lactation, whereas a higher milk yield was observed in late lactation when feeding HS. At the metabolic level, the main difference observed between the diets in both stages of lactation was lower blood glucose in cows fed LS. The lower glucose availability during consumption of LS caused substantial modifications in the circulating and postprandial pattern of metabolic hormones. Feeding LS versus HS resulted in an increase in the ratio of bovine somatotropin to insulin. This increased mobilization of lipid reserves resulted in higher blood concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate, which contributed to the higher milk fat content in both stages of lactation in the LS group. This greater recourse to body fat stores was confirmed by the greater loss of body weight during early lactation and the slower recovery of body weight in late lactation in cows fed LS. The lower insulin to glucagon ratio observed in cows fed LS in early and late lactation likely caused an increase in hepatic uptake and catabolism of amino acids, as confirmed by the higher blood urea concentrations. Despite the higher catabolism of amino acids in LS in early lactation, similar milk protein output was observed for both diets, suggesting similar availability of amino acids for peripheral tissue and mammary gland. The latter could be the result of sparing of amino acids at the gut level due to starch that escaped from the rumen, and to the balanced amino acid profile of digestible protein. This last aspect appears worthy of further research, with the aim to enhance the efficiency of protein metabolism of dairy cows, reducing environmental nitrogen pollution without affecting milk yield potential

    Functional annotation of novel lineage-specific genes using co-expression and promoter analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The diversity of placental architectures within and among mammalian orders is believed to be the result of adaptive evolution. Although, the genetic basis for these differences is unknown, some may arise from rapidly diverging and lineage-specific genes. Previously, we identified 91 novel lineage-specific transcripts (LSTs) from a cow term-placenta cDNA library, which are excellent candidates for adaptive placental functions acquired by the ruminant lineage. The aim of the present study was to infer functions of previously uncharacterized lineage-specific genes (LSGs) using co-expression, promoter, pathway and network analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Clusters of co-expressed genes preferentially expressed in liver, placenta and thymus were found using 49 previously uncharacterized LSTs as seeds. Over-represented composite transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in promoters of clustered LSGs and known genes were then identified computationally. Functions were inferred for nine previously uncharacterized LSGs using co-expression analysis and pathway analysis tools. Our results predict that these LSGs may function in cell signaling, glycerophospholipid/fatty acid metabolism, protein trafficking, regulatory processes in the nucleus, and processes that initiate parturition and immune system development.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The placenta is a rich source of lineage-specific genes that function in the adaptive evolution of placental architecture and functions. We have shown that co-expression, promoter, and gene network analyses are useful methods to infer functions of LSGs with heretofore unknown functions. Our results indicate that many LSGs are involved in cellular recognition and developmental processes. Furthermore, they provide guidance for experimental approaches to validate the functions of LSGs and to study their evolution.</p

    Changes in nutrient balance, methane emissions, physiologic biomarkers, and production performance in goats fed different forage-to-concentrate ratios during lactation

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    [EN] The objective was to determine the effect forage-to-concentrate (F:C) ratio and stage of lactation on methane emissions, digestibility, nutrient balance, lactation performance, and metabolic responses in lactating goats. Twenty Murciano-Granadina dairy goats were used in an experiment divided into 3 periods: early (30 d), mid (100 d), and late (170 d) lactation. All goats were fed a diet with 35:65 F:C (FCL) during early-lactation. Then, 1 group (n = 10 goats) remained on FCL through mid- and late-lactation while the other group (n = 10 goats) was fed a diet with 50:50 F:C at mid-lactation (FCM) and 65:35 (FCH) at late lactation. A greater proportion of concentrate in the diet was associated with greater overall intake and digestibility (P < 0.05). Energy balance was negative in early-lactation (-77 kJ/kg of BW0.75, on average) and positive for FCL at mid- and late-lactation (13 and 35 kJ/kg of BW0.75, respectively). Goats fed FCM and FCH maintained negative energy balance throughout lactation. Plasma concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids at mid-lactation were greater for FCM than FCL (680 mEq/L), and at late-lactation concentrations were greater for FCH and FCL (856 mEq/L). A similar response was detected for plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate. Methane emission was greater (P < 0.05) for FCM than FCH (1.7 g CH4/d). This study demonstrated that differences in F:C across stages of lactation lead to distinct metabolic responses at the level of the rumen and tissues.This study was supported by LIFE Project, European Commission (ref. LIFE2016/CCM/ES/000088 LOW CARBON FEED).Fernández Martínez, CJ.; Hernández, A.; Gomis-Tena Dolz, J.; Loor, JJ. (2021). Changes in nutrient balance, methane emissions, physiologic biomarkers, and production performance in goats fed different forage-to-concentrate ratios during lactation. Journal of Animal Science. 99(7):1-13. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab114S11399

    Nutrigenomic effect of saturated and unsaturated long chain fatty acids on lipid-related genes in goat mammary epithelial cells:What is the role of PPARγ?

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    A prior study in bovine mammary (MACT) cells indicated that long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) C16:0 and C18:0, but not unsaturated LCFA, control transcription of milk fat-related genes partly via the activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR&gamma;). However, in that study, the activation of PPAR&gamma; by LCFA was not demonstrated but only inferred. Prior data support a lower response of PPAR&gamma; to agonists in goat mammary cells compared to bovine mammary cells. The present study aimed to examine the hypothesis that LCFA alter the mRNA abundance of lipogenic genes in goat mammary epithelial cells (GMEC) at least in part via PPAR&gamma;. Triplicate cultures of GMEC were treated with a PPAR&gamma; agonist (rosiglitazone), a PPAR&gamma; inhibitor (GW9662), several LCFA (C16:0, C18:0, t10,c12-CLA, DHA, and EPA), or a combination of GW9662 with each LCFA. Transcription of 28 genes involved in milk fat synthesis was measured using RT-qPCR. The data indicated that a few measured genes were targets of PPAR&gamma; in GMEC (SCD1, FASN, and NR1H3) while more genes required a basal activation of PPAR&gamma; to be transcribed (e.g., LPIN1, FABP3, LPL, and PPARG). Among the tested LCFA, C16:0 had the strongest effect on upregulating transcription of measured genes followed by C18:0; however, for the latter most of the effect was via the activation of PPAR&gamma;. Unsaturated LCFA downregulated transcription of measured genes, with a lesser effect by t10,c12-CLA and a stronger effect by DHA and EPA; however, a basal activation of PPAR&gamma; was essential for the effect of t10,c12-CLA while the activation of PPAR&gamma; blocked the effect of DHA. The transcriptomic effect of EPA was independent from the activation of PPAR&gamma;. Data from the present study suggest that saturated LCFA, especially C18:0, can modulate milk fat synthesis partly via PPAR&gamma; in goats. The nutrigenomic effect of C16:0 is not via PPAR&gamma; but likely via unknown transcription factor(s) while PPAR&gamma; plays an indirect role on the nutrigenomic effect of polyunsaturated LCFA (PUFA) on milk fat related genes, particularly for CLA (permitting effect) and DHA (blocking effect)

    A Novel Dynamic Impact Approach (DIA) for Functional Analysis of Time-Course Omics Studies: Validation Using the Bovine Mammary Transcriptome

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    The overrepresented approach (ORA) is the most widely-accepted method for functional analysis of microarray datasets. The ORA is computationally-efficient and robust; however, it suffers from the inability of comparing results from multiple gene lists particularly with time-course experiments or those involving multiple treatments. To overcome such limitation a novel method termed Dynamic Impact Approach (DIA) is proposed. The DIA provides an estimate of the biological impact of the experimental conditions and the direction of the impact. The impact is obtained by combining the proportion of differentially expressed genes (DEG) with the log2 mean fold change and mean –log P-value of genes associated with the biological term. The direction of the impact is calculated as the difference of the impact of up-regulated DEG and down-regulated DEG associated with the biological term. The DIA was validated using microarray data from a time-course experiment of bovine mammary gland across the lactation cycle. Several annotation databases were analyzed with DIA and compared to the same analysis performed by the ORA. The DIA highlighted that during lactation both BTA6 and BTA14 were the most impacted chromosomes; among Uniprot tissues those related with lactating mammary gland were the most positively-impacted; within KEGG pathways ‘Galactose metabolism’ and several metabolism categories related to lipid synthesis were among the most impacted and induced; within Gene Ontology “lactose biosynthesis” among Biological processes and “Lactose synthase activity” and “Stearoyl-CoA 9-desaturase activity” among Molecular processes were the most impacted and induced. With the exception of the terms ‘Milk’, ‘Milk protein’ and ‘Mammary gland’ among Uniprot tissues and SP_PIR_Keyword, the use of ORA failed to capture as significantly-enriched (i.e., biologically relevant) any term known to be associated with lactating mammary gland. Results indicate the DIA is a biologically-sound approach for analysis of time-course experiments. This tool represents an alternative to ORA for functional analysis