911 research outputs found

    A First Order Analytical Solution for Spacecraft Motion about (433)Eros

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/76061/1/AIAA-2002-4543-167.pd

    Psychological elements explaining the consumer's adoption and use of a website recommendation system: A theoretical framework proposal

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    The purpose of this paper is to understand, with an emphasis on the psychological perspective of the research problem, the consumer's adoption and use of a certain web site recommendation system as well as the main psychological outcomes involved. The approach takes the form of theoretical modelling. Findings: A conceptual model is proposed and discussed. A total of 20 research propositions are theoretically analyzed and justified. Research limitations/implications: The theoretical discussion developed here is not empirically validated. This represents an opportunity for future research. Practical implications: The ideas extracted from the discussion of the conceptual model should be a help for recommendation systems designers and web site managers, so that they may be more aware, when working with such systems, of the psychological process consumers undergo when interacting with them. In this regard, numerous practical reflections and suggestions are presented

    Estrategia de la empresa Erie en el simulador de negocios Capsim

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    Trabajo que presenta la experiencia del grupo Erie en el simulador de negocios CAPSIM. En este documento se presenta un marco teórico sobre la importancia de las estrategias de negocios y se da un análisis de la industria de los semiconductores, que es sobre la que se basa el simulador. Se expone la misión, visión, cultura y estructura organizacional del grupo Erie, se da a conocer su estrategia de negocio, así como la implementación de esta estrategia y sus resultados

    Visual vs auditory augmented reality for indoor guidance

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    Indoor navigation systems are not widely used due to the lack of effective indoor tracking technology. Augmented Reality (AR) is a natural medium for presenting information in indoor navigation tools. However, augmenting the environment with visual stimuli may not always be the most appropriate method to guide users, e.g., when they are performing some other visual task or they suffer from visual impairments. This paper presents an AR app to support visual and auditory stimuli that we have developed for indoor guidance. A study (N=20) confirms that the participants reached the target when using two types of stimuli, visual and auditory. The AR visual stimuli outperformed the auditory stimuli in terms of time and overall distance travelled. However, the auditory stimuli forced the participants to pay more attention, and this resulted in better memorization of the route. These performance outcomes were independent of gender and age. Therefore, in addition to being easy to use, auditory stimuli promote route retention and show potential in situations in which vision cannot be used as the primary sensory channel or when spatial memory retention is important. We also found that perceived physical and mental efforts affect the subjective perception about the AR guidance app

    Diagnosis of a Chopper Controlled DC Motor by Boosting

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    This paper proposes a methodology to diagnose a transient state of a dynamic system using boosting. The methodology is composed by two steps: one off-line process and another on-line process. The off-line phase begins gathering data from the system, both when it is running free of fault and when the system is running in each fault mode. A segmentation and normalization algorithm is used to reduce the large amount of gathered data. The final step is the generation of a decision tree by a classification tool. The boosting technique is used with the aim of improving the classification results. The on-line process of the methodology consists of evaluating a new reading of the system sensors with the generated decision trees. The diagnosis of the system is the result of this evaluation which has very low computational cost due to the simplicity of the decision trees. Also, the implementation cost is very low due to this simplicity.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2003-07146-C02-0

    Artroplastia de rodilla infectada: Revisión del tratamiento y valoración de resultados

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    La infección de la artroplastia total de rodilla representa su complicación local más temida con una incidencia actual entre el 1-5%. Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo del tratamiento empleado en 16 artroplastias de rodilla infectadas (3,1%) en los últimos seis años entre 516 artroplastias realizadas en ese mismo periodo de tiempo valorando la ausencia de infección asó como la evaluación de la rodilla tanto funcional mediante las escalas de la Knee Society como subjetiva del paciente mediante una escala analógica visual en función del tratamiento empleado. En todos los casos se erradicó al final del seguimiento aunque los resultados variaron en función del tratamiento. Los mejores resultados lo obtuvieron las infecciones agudas en las que se realizó un desbridamiento precoz o una revisión en 1 tiempo. La revisión en 2 tiempos obtuvo buenos resultados en infecciones tardía aunque fracasó cuando se realizó en infecciones hematógenas y agudas. La artrodesis se utilizó ante el fracaso de otras técnicas obteniendo resultados regulares. La artroplastia de resección obtuvo malos resultados en todos los casos.Infection of knee arthroplasty in the most local ugly complication with an incidence of 1 to 5%. We retrospectively studied 16 infected knee arthroplasties out of of 516 primary artrhoplasties performed in our department the last 6 years (3.1%), evaluating the absence of infection and the functional knee with the Knee Society Score. Subjective assessment was made using a visual analog scale. At the end of the follow-up the cases were free of infection although results changed depending on treatment performed. Best results were found on acute infections, in which early debridement or one-stage revision were performed. Two-stage revision obtained good results on late infections although it failed when it was attempted on hematogeneus and acute infections. Arthrodesis was done in cases where other techniques failed obtaining fair results. Resection arthroplasty obtained poor results in all cases

    Protected indications of origin as differentiation cue of food products: the Spanish .

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    The "country/region of origin" is a traditionally strategy used by food companies in order to differentiate their production from each other. In Spain, there are more than 140 EU recognised- Designations of Origin comprising several categories of food and drinks. From these, there are only six quality labels on Spanish dry-cured ham. In spite of this lower number of Designations, they suppose almost the 15% of the global economic value. From both a quantitative and a qualitative perspective -based on a SWOT analysis, this paper traits to analyse the role of origin as a marketing differentiation tool. In addition, interesting recommendations are offered in order to enhance the consumer's knowledge of Designations' main characteristics.Differentiation; Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications

    NuIl sex differences in General Intelligence: Evidence from the WAIS-III.

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    Using response surface methodology to optimize factors in conjoint experiments

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    Identifying relevant attributes or variables is the first objective of conjoint analysis in market research. As a result of technological development, today it is common for researchers to use sequential experimental methods for adjusting design factors in successive phases. In particular, in the field of consumer behaviour these models are used predominantly for assessing subjective perceptions relating to the attributes of different products with high sensorial components (e.g. food, drinks and personal care products) ..

    Propuesta metodológica mediante diseños Box-Behnken para mejorar el rendimiento del análisis conjunto en estudios experimentales de mercado

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    ResumenEl análisis conjunto es una técnica utilizada para estudiar las preferencias de los consumidores en estudios de mercado. Uno de los aspectos más importantes relacionados con el desarrollo de dicha técnica, se centra en fijar el conjunto de elección que deben evaluar los entrevistados. De forma tradicional, se utilizan diseños factoriales para estimar los valores parciales de los factores. Sin embargo, si el investigador, además, está interesado en estimar las interacciones entre dos o más factores, estos diseños requieren un número tan elevado de alternativas que se hace difícil su evaluación, provocando que los entrevistados no utilicen criterios compensatorios. La utilización de diseños Box-Behnken agrupados en bloques permite reducir el esfuerzo cognitivo de los entrevistados y, a la vez, ajustar un modelo de segundo grado. Este trabajo ilustra, mediante un experimento, el uso y las ventajas de utilizar diseños Box-Behnken en estudios de mercado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran el mayor rendimiento de estos modelos en comparación con los diseños factoriales habituales.AbstractConjoint analysis is a technique used to study consumer preferences in market research. One of the most important issues is to determine the choice set which respondents must assess; usually factorial designs to estimate part-worth factors have been used. But, if the researcher is also interested in estimating two or more factor interactions, factorial designs require such a large number of alternatives that makes their evaluation very difficult, leading respondents to not use compensatory criteria. Using Box-Behnken designs in blocks reduce the cognitive effort made by respondents and, at the same time, it allows fitting a quadratic model. This paper illustrates, through an experiment, the properties and how to use Box-Behnken designs in market research. Results showed a better performance of these models when compared with standard factorial designs