39 research outputs found

    Adéu a la llet pasteuritzada!

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    Cada cop més, les expectatives del consumidor són més exigents. Valors com el sabor, la conservació o el nivell nutritiu dels aliments esdevenen prioritats de la demanda alimentària. Per aquest motiu, centres d'investigació com el Centre Especial de Recerca Planta de Tecnologia d'Aliments (CERPTA) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona investiguen noves alternatives tecnològiques que implementin el procés de producció. La ultra alta pressió homogeneïtzació (UHPH) en llets animals i vegetals és una d'elles, un projecte conjunt entre el CERPTA i altres universitats i empreses europees que estudia els avantatges de sotmetre els productes a homogeneització amb pressions de fins a 400 MPa. Els resultats són bons. Aquesta nova tecnologia permetria substituir el tradicional procés de pasteurització, i obtenir una llet i uns derivats làctics de millor sabor, textura i conservació.Cada vez más, las expectativas del consumidor son más exigentes. Valores como el sabor, la conservación o el nivel nutritivo de los alimentos se convierten en prioridades de la demanda alimentaria. Por ello, centros de investigación como el Centro Especial de Investigación Planta de Tecnología de Alimentos (CERPTA) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona investigan nuevas alternativas tecnológicas que implementen el proceso de producción. La ultra alta presión homogenización (UHPH) en leches animales y vegetales es una de ellas, un proyecto conjunto entre el CERPTA y otras universidades y empresas europeas que estudia las ventajas de someter los productos a homogeneización con presiones de hasta 400 MPa. Los resultados son buenos. Esta nueva tecnología permitiría sustituir el tradicional proceso de pasteurización, y obtener una leche y derivados lácteos de mejor sabor, textura y conservación

    Centre Especial de Recerca Planta de Tecnologia dels Aliments

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    El Centre Especial de Recerca Planta de Tecnologia dels Aliments (CERPTA) és un centre de recerca de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Entre les seves funcions principals, destaquen el desenvolupament d'una recerca de qualitat i la transferència de tecnologia a empreses de l'àmbit alimentari. El nostre compromís és el de transferir aquesta tecnologia per tal de fermés competitives i rendibles les empreses que produeixin i comercialitzin nous productesmés saludables i amb una estabilitatmillorada. Tanmateix, el CERPTA també dóna servei als alumnes de veterinària, als de ciència i tecnologia dels aliments i als alumnes de postgrau i de doctorat.The Centre Especial de Recerca Planta de Tecnologia dels Aliments (CERPTA) is a special center of research linked to Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,mainly focused to the development of quality research and the transference of technology to the food industry companies.Our commitment is to transfer this technology tomake the companiesmore competitive and profitable, to produce and commercialize new and healthier products,with improved stability. Likewise, it gives support to the students of veterinary, science and food technology and postgraduate and PhD students

    Acid and Rennet Coagulation Properties of A2 Milk

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    This study investigated the acid and rennet milk coagulation properties of A2 milk (β-casein (CN) A2A2 genotype), in comparison to a control milk (blend of A2A1/A1A1/A2A2 genotypes). Acid and rennet coagulation were evaluated using the Optigraph system, measuring the coagulation time, aggregation rate, and gel density or curd firmness. The acidification kinetics were monitored using a CINAC system, evaluating the time to reach pH 4.6, the acidification rate, the maximum acidification rate, the time required to reach it, and the latency time. The water-holding capacity of acid milk gels and the potential yield, total solids, and syneresis of enzymatic gels were also evaluated. Some variables were highly influenced by the farm factor, showing the importance of the effect of extrinsic parameters. Acid and enzymatic coagulation times were not affected in either milk. The A2 milk presented higher acid gel density and latency time than the control milk. Although the differences in water-holding capacity were not statistically significant, the A2 milk presented lower values, related with the higher gel density. The A2 milk also showed higher rennet aggregation rate and curd firmness than the control milk. Potential yield and syneresis were higher in the A2 milk, which is in accordance with the higher firmness of curd. Coagulation results and gel and curd properties indicate that it is possible to manufacture acid and rennet coagulation dairy products from A2 milk with no major differences when compared with a control milk

    The Effect of Salt Reduction and Partial Substitution of NaCl by KCl on Physicochemical, Microbiological, and Sensorial Characteristics and Consumers' Acceptability of Semi-Hard and Hard Lactose-Free Cow's Milk Cheeses

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    Increasing consumer demand for healthier foods prompts the development of cheeses reduced in salt. The aim of his study was to assess the effect of reducing the level of sodium chloride (NaCl) and their partial substitution by potassium chloride (KCl) on the biochemical, microbiological, and sensorial characteristics and consumer's acceptability of semi-hard and hard lactose-free cow's milk cheeses. To improve the possible lower salty taste or the development of bitter taste, the addition to yeast extract, as a flavor enhancer, was also checked. Different brining times and brine conditions were tested to obtain a reduction of >25% of salt with respect to conventional cheese. Reduced-salt cheeses were elaborated by reducing half the salting time used in conventional cheeses, and a ratio of 60 Na + :40 K + was used to reduce Na concentration in substituted cheeses. The results obtained in this study show that the reduction of salt by both methods in semi-hard and hard lactose-free cheeses could be an alternative for the production of healthier and sensorial acceptable cheeses, without significantly affecting their physicochemical characteristics. The addition of yeast extract, as a flavor enhancer, increased the free amino acids (FAAs) levels but decreased the acceptability of cheeses

    Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) oil extracted with hexane, ethanol, diethyl ether and 2-MTHF at different temperatures - An individual assessment

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    Sea buckthorn oil (SBO) has been individually extracted using two green solvents (2-methyltetrahydrofuran (2-MTHF) and ethanol) and two conventional solvents (hexane and diethyl ether) using accelerated solvent extraction at four different temperatures (60, 90, 120 and 150 ºC). The efficiency of the extraction was evaluated in terms of oil yield by weight difference, the quantification of α-tocopherol and β-carotene by HPLC and the evaluation of fatty acid profile by GC-FID/MS. The results were treated separately so any effect of the temperature was clearly seen for each solvent, and the fatty acid profile data was further treated jointly using a principal component analysis, as it is one of the most valued parts of sea buckthorn oil. All solvents revealed different optimal extraction temperature when in terms of oil yield; for ethanol was observed at 90 ºC (21.75%), for hexane was at 60 ºC (23.25%), for 2-MTHF was at 150 ºC (14.65%) and for diethyl ether was at 120 ºC (24.98%). The present work shows the optimal extraction temperature for SBO for each solvent studied depending on aim of the extraction

    Encapsulating capacity of ultra-high-pressure homogenization (UHPH) : Replacement of milk fat by vegetable oils using buttermilk as a functional ingredient in yogurt processing

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    This study investigated the characteristics of yogurts produced by substituting dairy fat with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)-rich oils encapsulated with buttermilk (BM) in spray-dried emulsions (SDE). Two homoge- nization methods, conventional (CH) and ultra-high-pressure homogenization (UHPH), were compared to obtain the emulsions for spray drying. Recombined milks (RMs) were formulated using two different concentrations (4 g/100 g and 6 g/100 g) of SDE, followed by fermentation. Yogurt characteristics were evaluated during cold storage using various parameters, including coagulation properties, texture and rheology, microstructure, physicochemical characteristics (color, pH, total acidity, and water holding capacity), oxidative stability, main fatty acid profile, microbial assessment, and sensory evaluation. During cold storage, several parameters significantly influenced the yogurt characteristics. The CH yogurts exhibited higher textural parameters (firm- ness and consistency) and viscoelastic parameters (G' and G'') compared to the UHPH yogurts at the same SDE concentration. However, UHPH yogurts generally showed better water holding capacity (WHC) values. UHPH yogurts also demonstrated superior stability to oxidation and higher PUFA content. The observed differences between the CH and UHPH treatments can be attributed to the structuring of fat-protein-BM into colloidal particles based on the homogenization system employed in this study. Neither of the homogenization systems nor the SDE content impacted yogurt flavor.This study investigated the characteristics of yogurts produced by substituting dairy fat with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)-rich oils encapsulated with buttermilk (BM) in spray-dried emulsions (SDE). Two homogenization methods, conventional (CH) and ultra-high-pressure homogenization (UHPH), were compared to obtain the emulsions for spray drying. Recombined milks (RMs) were formulated using two different concentrations (4 g/100 g and 6 g/100 g) of SDE, followed by fermentation. Yogurt characteristics were evaluated during cold storage using various parameters, including coagulation properties, texture and rheology, microstructure, physicochemical characteristics (color, pH, total acidity, and water holding capacity), oxidative stability, main fatty acid profile, microbial assessment, and sensory evaluation. During cold storage, several parameters significantly influenced the yogurt characteristics. The CH yogurts exhibited higher textural parameters (firmness and consistency) and viscoelastic parameters(G' and G'') compared to the UHPH yogurts at the same SDE concentration. However, UHPH yogurts generally showed better water holding capacity (WHC) values. UHPH yogurts also demonstrated superior stability to oxidation and higher PUFA content. The observed differences between the CH and UHPH treatments can be attributed to the structuring of fat-protein-BM into colloidal particles based on the homogenization system employed in this study. Neither of the homogenization systems nor the SDE content impacted yogurt flavor

    Formatge fresc semidesnatat elaborat amb inulina

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    Per evitar alguns dels problemes de la producció de formatges baixos en greix com són la pèrdua d'aroma, els sabors no esperats i la textura defectuosa, s'usen substituts del greix. Un d'aquests és la inulina, que a més de formar part de la fibra alimentària, estimula el creixement de microorganismes beneficiosos per a la salut. Un estudi realitzat en el CERPTA (UAB) demostra que l'addició d'un 5% de inulina millora les característiques sensorials i nutricionals dels formatges frescos baixos en greix.Para evitar algunos de los problemas de la producción de quesos bajos en grasa como son la pérdida de aroma, los sabores no esperados y la textura defectuosa, se usan sustitutos de la grasa. Uno de estos es la inulina, que además de formar parte de la fibra alimentaria, estimula el crecimiento de microorganismos beneficiosos para la salud. Un estudio realizado en el CERPTA (UAB) demuestra que la adición de un 5% de inulina mejora las características sensoriales y nutricionales de los quesos frescos bajos en grasa.Fat replacers are used to avoid some of the problems found when producing low-fat cheeses such as lack of flavour, bitterness, off-flavour, poor meltability, undesirable colour and rubbery texture. One of these is inulin, which possesses the properties of dietary fibers and stimulates the growth of beneficial microorganisms. A study from CERPTA (UAB) shows that adding 5% of inulin improves the sensory and nutritional characteristics of low-fat fresh cheeses

    Libro de Comunicaciones XII Congreso CyTA-CESIA 2024

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    Congrés organitzat conjuntament per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i la Universitat de BarcelonaEl XII Congreso CyTA CESIA, organizado conjuntamente por las dos universidades públicas de Barcelona que imparten el Grado en Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos: la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) y la Universitat de Barcelona (UB) convoca conjuntamente los congresos de “Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos” (avalado por la Conferencia de Decanos de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, www.ccyta.es) y de “Ingeniería de los Alimentos” (CESIA). Este congreso es un punto de encuentro para todos aquellos profesionales relacionados con la ciencia, la tecnología y la ingeniería de los alimentos. El programa científico que se ha diseñado para ello incluye varias sesiones temáticas que abarcan distintas disciplinas relacionadas con la investigación en dicho ámbito. Este evento se complementa con la celebración del IV Congreso CyTA Junior, dirigido a estudiantes y recién titulados. El presente documento recoge todas las comunicaciones orales, oral flash y pósteres presentadas en el XII congreso CyTA-CESIA

    Guia per desenvolupar la competència transversal. Comunicació escrita i oral

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    Les competències transversals són un aspecte clau en la formació dels estudiants de la Universitat. El Grup d'innovació docent de la Facultat de Veterinària ha desenvolupat unes guies amb l'objectiu d'estandarditzar l'ensenyament de les competències transversals al graus impartits a la Facultat, oferir eines i recursos a l'alumnat per ajudar-los a desenvolupar aquestes competències, i oferir eines i recursos al professorat per facilitar l'ensenyament i l'avaluació de les competències en el marc de les assignatures pròpies. La guia per desenvolupar la competència transversal de comunicació escrita i oral estableix tres nivells de domini i 7 indicadors d'aprenentatge que l'estudiant ha d'assolir de forma progressiva al llarg del grau. En acabar els estudis l'estudiant ha de demostrar que ha adquirit l'habilitat d'expressar-se oralment i per escrit en un registre científic