11 research outputs found

    Balancing Natural and Agricultural Systems in the Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil

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    The aim of this work was to find ways of balancing natural and agricultural systems (AS) in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil. Trade-offs and synergies were analyzed. Energy and emergy analysis, agro-biodiversity assessment, eco-volume were used as methodologies. Seven agricultural systems and 3 natural systems were studied. Agro-climax was defined as the equilibrium point between the natural and agricultural systems. Biodiversity management and conservation activities were analyzed and the corresponding biodiversity indices calculated. Finally, the farmer perception of biodiversity was presented. Ecological and sylvopastoral systems contribute positively to the conservation of biodiversity, on the contrary, dominant cattle systems are the main cause for forest fragmentation, breaking the dynamics of animal and plant populations. The main primary agricultural production systems have low energy conversion ratio, and store only small quantities of energy (biomass) in the system. The ecological system has the most efficient use of energy, and saves great biomass quantity in the system. The cattle system presents the lowest values for all energy and biomass parameters causing largest environmental damage. All vegetable systems present positive economic indicators, the cattle only negative ones. The ecological system, presents highest sustainability in ecological terms. The basin as a system contributes positively to the economy. It gives more emergy than that it takes from the economic system in form of materials and services. This fact represents also a loss of capital. The environmental impact caused by the agricultural systems is moderate as their use of renewable resources is high. Hence, the ecological sustainability is moderate to good. Eco-volume is an important parameter to measure the ecological function and thequality of natural systems, as well as their interactions with agricultural systems. Reduction of eco-volume represents a negative impact on the ecosystem functionality, which in turn disrupts the supply of goods and ecological services. The eco-volume concept also plays a central role in the measurement of the resilience of natural and agricultural systems. Cattle and vegetable systems have the lowest resilience, ecological and sylvopastoral systems the greatest ones. Bilanzierung zwischen natĂŒrlichen und landwirtschaftlichen Systemen des Atlantischen Regenwaldes Brasiliens Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Bilanzierung zwischen Natursystemen (NS) und Agrarsystemen (AS) im Atlantischen Regenwald von Brasilien. Energie- und Emergieanalysen, Bewertung der AgrobiodiversitĂ€t und Eco-Volumen (V_eco), wurden als Methoden durchgefĂŒhrt. Untersucht wurden 7 Agrar- und 3 Natursysteme. Agro-climax wird definiert als Gleichgewichtspunkt zwischen den NS und den AS. BiodiversitĂ€tsmanagement und Naturerhaltungsmaßnahmen werden analysiert und der dazugehörige BiodiversitĂ€tsindex kalkuliert. Weiterhin werden die Vorstellungen der Produzenten zur Bedeutung der BiodiversitĂ€t erfasst. Ökologische und Sylvopastorale Systeme tragen positiv zur Erhaltung der BiodiversitĂ€t bei. Im Kontrast dazu steht die dominante Weidewirtschaft, die der Hauptverursacher der Waldfragmentierung ist. Die Fragmentierung zerstört die Tier- und Pflanzenpopulationsdynamik. Die im Untersuchungsraum vorherrschenden PrimĂ€ragrarsysteme besitzen eine niedrige Energieumwandlung und speichern nur eine geringe EnergiequantitĂ€t (Biomasse). Die ökologischen Systeme (ÖS) haben meist eine effiziente Energiebilanz und sichern eine gute BiomassenquantitĂ€t in ihren Systemen. Die Weidewirtschaft (WW) weist die geringsten Werte fĂŒr alle Biomassenparameter auf und verursacht gleichzeitig die grĂ¶ĂŸten UmweltschĂ€den. Alle GemĂŒseanbausysteme (GS) zeigen positive ökonomische Indikatoren, die WW als einziges System negative. Die höchste ökologische VertrĂ€glichkeit ist erwartungsgemĂ€ĂŸ in den ökologisch bewirtschafteten Systemen zu finden. Das Einzugsgebiet, als System, trĂ€gt positiv zum Wirtschaftssystem bei . Es gibt mehr Emergy als es vom Wirtschaftssystem in Form von GĂŒtern und Dienstleistungen nimmt. Das bedeutet einen Kapitalverlust fĂŒr ersteres. Die AS haben moderate Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt, da sie hĂ€ufig erneuerbare Energien nutzen. V_eco ist ein wichtiger Parameter zur Messung der ökologischen Funktion und der QualitĂ€t der NS und ihrer Interaktionen mit den AS. Die Reduzierung des V_eco hat einen negativen Einfluss auf die FunktionalitĂ€t des Ökosystems, was wiederum das Angebot von GĂŒtern und „ecolocigal services“ unterbricht. Das V_eco Konzept spielt weiterhin eine zentrale Rolle in der Messung von Resilienz von NS und AS. Weidewirtschaft und GemĂŒseanbausystemen weisen die geringste, ökologische und sylvopastorale Systeme die höchste Resilienz auf

    Socio-economic perspectives of family farming in south america: cases of bolivia, colombia and peru

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    Family farming is very important because it is, among other types, the principal source of food and employment, especially in developing countries. Given the constant changes in the agrarian structure and environment, what are the prospects of family farming under current conditions in South America? To answer this question, we have chosen three countries from this continent: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Based on a literature review of case studies in each country, a comparative analysis of the following topics was carried out: purpose of family farming, production unit, and agricultural production, integration with the market, income, and food security. Many similarities were found in the studied countries, which allow for some generalizations in certain aspects related to the studied cases. Family farming is largely moving to the rhythm of the markets. Its transition from a condition of subsistence to commercial status depends mainly on the availability of sufficient resources for production: mainly land, labor, and financial capital. The scarcity of these resources is forcing farming families to seek other sources of income or to migrate. The monetization of farming is increasing

    Socio-economic perspectives of family farming in south america: cases of bolivia, colombia and peru

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    Family farming is very important because it is, among other types, the principal source of food and employment, especially in developing countries. Given the constant changes in the agrarian structure and environment, what are the prospects of family farming under current conditions in South America? To answer this question, we have chosen three countries from this continent: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Based on a literature review of case studies in each country, a comparative analysis of the following topics was carried out: purpose of family farming, production unit, and agricultural production, integration with the market, income, and food security. Many similarities were found in the studied countries, which allow for some generalizations in certain aspects related to the studied cases. Family farming is largely moving to the rhythm of the markets. Its transition from a condition of subsistence to commercial status depends mainly on the availability of sufficient resources for production: mainly land, labor, and financial capital. The scarcity of these resources is forcing farming families to seek other sources of income or to migrate. The monetization of farming is increasing

    Socio-economic perspectives of family farming in south america: cases of bolivia, colombia and peru

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    Family farming is very important because it is, among other types, the principal source of food and employment, especially in developing countries. Given the constant changes in the agrarian structure and environment, what are the prospects of family farming under current conditions in South America? To answer this question, we have chosen three countries from this continent: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Based on a literature review of case studies in each country, a comparative analysis of the following topics was carried out: purpose of family farming, production unit, and agricultural production, integration with the market, income, and food security. Many similarities were found in the studied countries, which allow for some generalizations in certain aspects related to the studied cases. Family farming is largely moving to the rhythm of the markets. Its transition from a condition of subsistence to commercial status depends mainly on the availability of sufficient resources for production: mainly land, labor, and financial capital. The scarcity of these resources is forcing farming families to seek other sources of income or to migrate. The monetization of farming is increasing

    Socio-economic perspectives of family farming in south america: cases of bolivia, colombia and peru

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    Family farming is very important because it is, among other types, the principal source of food and employment, especially in developing countries. Given the constant changes in the agrarian structure and environment, what are the prospects of family farming under current conditions in South America? To answer this question, we have chosen three countries from this continent: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Based on a literature review of case studies in each country, a comparative analysis of the following topics was carried out: purpose of family farming, production unit, and agricultural production, integration with the market, income, and food security. Many similarities were found in the studied countries, which allow for some generalizations in certain aspects related to the studied cases. Family farming is largely moving to the rhythm of the markets. Its transition from a condition of subsistence to commercial status depends mainly on the availability of sufficient resources for production: mainly land, labor, and financial capital. The scarcity of these resources is forcing farming families to seek other sources of income or to migrate. The monetization of farming is increasing

    Exploring Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks: a photographic approach to risk analysis

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    The objective of this study was to explore Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks in contaminated urban areas, and to test the environmental photography technique as a research tool for engaging adolescents in community-based health research. The study was conducted with 74 adolescents from two communities in the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Participants were provided with disposable cameras and asked to take photographs of elements and situations which they believed affected their personal health both at home and outside their homes. They were also asked to describe each photograph in writing. Photographs and written explanations were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Risk perception plays a crucial role in the development of Risk Communication Programs (RCPs) aimed at the improvement of community health. The photography technique opens up a promising field for environmental health research since it affords a realistic and concise impression of the perceived risks. Adolescents in both communities perceived different environmental health risks as detrimental to their well-being, e.g. waste, air pollution, and lack of hygiene. Yet, some knowledge gaps remain which need to be addressed

    Socio-economic perspectives of family farming in South America: cases of Bolivia, Colombia and Peru

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    Family farming is very important because it is, among other types, the principal source of food and employment, especially in developing countries. Given the constant changes in the agrarian structure and environment, what are the prospects of family farming under current conditions in South America? To answer this question, we have chosen three countries from this continent: Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru. Based on a literature review of case studies in each country, a comparative analysis of the following topics was carried out: purpose of family farming, production unit, and agricultural production, integration with the market, income, and food security. Many similarities were found in the studied countries, which allow for some generalizations in certain aspects related to the studied cases. Family farming is largely moving to the rhythm of the markets. Its transition from a condition of subsistence to commercial status depends mainly on the availability of sufficient resources for production: mainly land, labor, and financial capital. The scarcity of these resources is forcing farming families to seek other sources of income or to migrate. The monetization of farming is increasing

    Exploring Mexican adolescents' perception of environmental health risks:a photographic approach to risk analysis

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    The objective of this study was to explore Mexican adolescents' perceptions of environmental health risks in contaminated urban areas, and to test the environmental photography technique as a research tool for engaging adolescents in community-based health research. The study was conducted with 74 adolescents from two communities in the city of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Participants were provided with disposable cameras and asked to take photographs of elements and situations which they believed affected their personal health both at home and outside their homes. They were also asked to describe each photograph in writing. Photographs and written explanations were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative content analysis. Risk perception plays a crucial role in the development of Risk Communication Programs (RCPs) aimed at the improvement of community health. The photography technique opens up a promising field for environmental health research since it affords a realistic and concise impression of the perceived risks. Adolescents in both communities perceived different environmental health risks as detrimental to their well-being, e.g. waste, air pollution, and lack of hygiene. Yet, some knowledge gaps remain which need to be addressed