984 research outputs found

    Gasification and pyrolysis of Posidonia oceanica in the presence of dolomite

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    In the present work, a very detailed study of the reforming of syngas produced in the decomposition of Posidonia oceanica is done. The effect of the presence of different amounts of dolomite is analyzed. Also pyrolysis is studied, in nitrogen atmosphere, and gasification in the presence of air, oxygen and different amounts of steam. A detailed discussion on formation and destruction of tars is done. Furthermore, the effect of the heating rate in the decomposition and the residence time of the evolved gases are discussed. Syngas with ratio H2/CO from 0.3 to ca. 3 can be obtained from this interesting material. Marine species (microalgae) are usually studied with the aim of cultivating them for gas or oil production, but in this paper we draw attention to the possibility of using a natural resource with a very small impact in the ecosystem.Support for this work was provided by the CTQ2013-41006-R project from the Ministry of Education and Science (Spain) and the PROMETEOII/2014/007 project from the Valencian Community Government (Spain)

    Sandra Cisneros: la creación artística fronteriza

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    La escritora chicana Sandra Cisneros se hace eco del mestizaje de discursos con la intención de reivindicar su origen a la vez que pone de relieve la situación que la mujer chicana sufre en la actualidad dentro de esa cultura e idiosincrasia propia. Especialmente se centra en la situación de las mujeres mexicanas que encuentran el coraje necesario para sobreponerse a las paupérrimas condiciones en las que viven. Lo que es relevante es el hecho de que nunca antes se había centrado nadie en este tipo de personajes. Así que Cisneros está decidida a presentarlos al público estadounidense en general.  Y precisamente ahí radica la finalidad de este artículo. Pretendemos indagar no sólo en la figura de la novelista Sandra Cisneros, sino en su exploración de los límites fronterizos entre ambas culturas en la literatura estadounidense, luchando por encontrar su propio espacio en la ficción del país que le acoge.

    New technologies use in the foreign language classroom

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    Se avecinan cambios importantes en el trabajo de aula de nuestros centros escolares debido a la progresiva implantación de las TIC en los mismos. Las TIC permiten el desarrollo de nuevos materiales didácticos de carácter electrónico que utilizan variados y diferentes soportes. Los nuevos soportes de la información, más allá de sus peculiaridades y particularidades técnicas, generan una gran innovación comunicativa provocando de esta forma nuevos entornos de aprendizaje colaborativo. Y la clase de idiomas no podía, y no debía, permanecer inmune a dichos cambios. Con el fin de adaptarse a las necesidades de la actual sociedad del conocimiento, la enseñanza obligatoria en todas sus áreas y materias, y por extensión los centros escolares, debe desarrollar formas de integrar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en su práctica docente diaria Por tanto, ahondaremos en este artículo la necesidad de adecuarse a los nuevos tiempos y las posibilidades que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías nos permite. Se enunciarán también algunas orientaciones metodológicas prácticas para poder afrontarlas de una manera seria, decidida, organizada, y estructurada

    The figure of Ana Castillo as representative of the female chicana literature

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    Los escritores chicanos han logrado abrirse paso en los cánones literarios de los Estados Unidos. Entre ellos destacan autoras como Gloria Anzaldúa, Sandra Cisneros o Ana Castillo, entre muchos otros, quienes testimonian en sus obras la lucha de miles de latinos contra una cultura hegemónica que los menosprecia y en la que logran alcanzar el éxito. Y especialmente, Ana Castillo, quien defiende con denuedo la figura de la mujer chicana.Chicano writers have managed to break through the literary canons of the United States. Among them, authors like Gloria Anzaldúa, Sandra Cisneros and Ana Castillo stand out, among many others, who testify in their works the struggle of thousands of Latinos against a hegemonic culture that belittles them and in which they manage to achieve success. And especially, Ana Castillo, who defends strenuously the figure of the Chicana woman

    The relation of congresswoman Edith N. Rogers with the mass media

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    A lo largo del presente artículo nos centraremos en analizar la participación activa de la congresista republicana Edith Nourse Rogers en los diferentes medios de comunicación de su época. Una figura pública de su calado era de suponer, y de esperar, que apareciese con cierta frecuencia y periodicidad en los principales medios del momento (prensa escrita y emisoras de radio).Throughout this article we focused on analyzing the active participation of Republican Congresswoman Edith Nourse Rogers in the different media of her time. A public figure of his draft was the assumption, and the wait, the appearance of frequency and periodicity in the mainstream media at the time

    Gasification and Pyrolysis of Posidonia oceanica in the Presence of Dolomite

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    Resumen del póster presentado en Symposium on Renewable Energy and Products from Biomass and Waste, CIUDEN (Cubillos de Sil, León, Spain), 12-13 May 2015Thermochemical conversion pathways of biomass for the production of primary energy by direct combustion, as well as other thermal processes, have a remarkable drawback among others: tar formation. In the present work, a detailed study of the reforming of syngas produced in the decomposition of Posidonia oceanica is done. The effect of the presence of different amounts of dolomite is analysed. Gasification of the species is done in the presence of sub-stoichiometric air, analyzing the produced gases. Also pyrolysis is studied, in nitrogen atmosphere, and gasification in the presence of air, oxygen and different amounts of steam. A discussion on formation and destruction of tars is done. Furthermore, the effect of the heating rate in the decomposition and the residence time of the evolved gases are discussed. Syngas with ratio H2/CO from 0.3 to ca. 3 can be obtained from this interesting material. It can be concluded that: 1) The presence of increasing percentages of water vapor in the reaction gases in the presence of dolomite increases the ratio H2/CO and decreases the NCV of the gas for all reaction atmospheres and residence times; 2) The highest values of the ratio H2/CO and less NCV are obtained for combustion in sub-stoichiometric air and low residence time; 3) The possible use of syngas goes from heat engines use with internal and external combustion to the processing fluid for obtaining biofuels, methanol, ammonia, synthetic natural gas and hydrogen; 4) If atmospheres are used with an amount of oxygen, it would be necessary a post-treatment aimed to remove the oxygen gas. Marine species (microalgae) are usually studied with the aim of cultivate them for gas or oil production, but in this work we draw attention to the possibility of using a natural resource with a very small impact in the ecosystem.Authors kindly wish to thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain): CTQ2013-41006-R and Valencian Community Government (Spain): PROMETEOII/2014/007 for provided support of this work. The author M.E. Iñiguez also thanks the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain), for a Ph.D. grant (contract grant number BES-2014-069473)

    Error Analysis in the Written Compositions of Spanish Engineering Students: A Comparative Taxonomy

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    Needless to say, writing is a language skill that for most FL students is quite difficult to master. Especially for undergraduate technical students, this seems to be a challenging task since the presence of difficulties in any FL writing forces them to commit various errors in their written productions. Henceforth, errors seem to be inevitable when writing in a foreign language. And in order to regulate this appearance of errors, many researchers have started to study the errors made by these students, putting then into different categories. Therefore, what this research paper tries to identify and track is those errors made by engineering students in a public Spanish Polytechnic University over the last two academic years. We shall attempt to categorise errors based on their source following the comparative taxonomy proposed by Dulay, Burt and Krashen in “Language Two” (1982), one of the different taxonomies as established by them.And in order to conduct this research, a total of 70 essays undertaken by a number of engineering students were selected taking into account their written productions along the task assigned in these two last academic years. These numerous writings have thus been analysed and the errors detected have been tracked down and categorised basing ourselves on the comparative analysis of errors. The main objective of this study is to prove that the results obtained from this analysis have undoubtedly demonstrated that the majority of errors committed by these engineering students can be classified as belonging to the interlingual category, being the category with the highest number of occurrences, contrary to the opinion of some other researchers. In terms of the number of incidences, we shall validate that the errors detected in those 70 essays can be graded in the following order according to this comparative taxonomy of errors: interlingual errors, other errors, ambiguous errors, and developmental errors

    Innovation and investigation: use of icts in the FL classroom

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    [SPA]Se avecinan cambios importantes, cuando no sean ya una realidad, en el trabajo de aula de nuestros centros escolares debido a la progresiva implantación de las TIC en los mismos. Las TIC permiten el desarrollo de nuevos materiales didácticos de carácter electrónico que utilizan variados y diferentes soportes. Los nuevos soportes de la información, más allá de sus peculiaridades y particularidades técnicas, generan una gran innovación comunicativa provocando de esta forma nuevos entornos de aprendizaje colaborativo. Y la clase de idiomas no podía, y no debía, permanecer inmune a dichos cambios. Con el fin de adaptarse a las necesidades de la actual sociedad del conocimiento, la enseñanza obligatoria en todas sus áreas y materias, y por extensión los centros escolares, debe desarrollar formas de integrar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en su práctica docente diaria. A la par es necesario también un cambio de mentalidad a la hora de afrontar los tradicionales papeles de alumno y profesor en las enseñanzas regladas por lo que se refiere a los canales de comunicación, así como al diseño de muevas metodologías y prácticas docentes. Este artículo pretende identificar el rol del docente actual frente a la masiva utilización de las TIC dentro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como los recursos puestos a su disposición para su explotación didáctica. Particularmente nos concentraremos en los casos específicos de los profesores de idiomas y de los recursos de los que éstos se pueden servir. Por tanto, ahondaremos en este artículo la necesidad de adecuarse a los nuevos tiempos y las posibilidades que el uso de las nuevas tecnologías nos permite. Se enunciarán también algunas orientaciones metodológicas prácticas para poder afrontarlas de una manera seria, decidida, organizada, y estructurada. [ENG]Teachers are nowadays experiencing important changes, whether they have already turned into reality or not, in the daily classroom work in most of our school centres due to the progressive establishment and incorporation of ICTS. These allow the development of new didactic materials of an electronic nature which use varied and different standings for its carrying into practice. These new standings of information, beyond their own peculiarities and technical requirements, generate a huge communicative innovation provoking as such new settings of collaborative learning process. Besides, a FL classroom could not, and hence should not, stay away from such changes. With the scope of getting used to the needs of the actual society of knowledge, the Spanish compulsory education system in all its areas of knowledge, and by extension the whole scholar network, must develop new ways of integrating the new information and communication technologies in its daily teaching practice. It is also advisable, at the same time, a change of mentality so as to face the traditional roles assumed by both teachers and students in the compulsory stages. This is mainly reflected in the proper channels of communication as well as in the design of new methodologies and teaching practices. The aim of this article is to set the role of the modern FL teacher when facing the massive use of ICTs in the teaching-learning process as well as all the resources at their disposal for their didactic exploitation. We will mainly focus our attention in those specific cases of FL teachers and the wide range of resources which they can make use of. Henceforth, we will deepen in this article the need to get used to the new methodological tendencies and the possibilities that the use of ICTs allows us in our daily classroom practice. We will also enumerate some practical methodological orientations so as to be able to face them in a serious, determined, organized, and structured way.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murcia