339 research outputs found

    El pensamiento imaginario del Molino de Flores en las prácticas fotográficas de sus visitantes.

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    Dentro del fenómeno turístico existen múltiples actividades realizadas por los diversos actores involucrados, como son los prestadores de servicios, la comunidad receptora y los turistas, entre otros. Las actividades realizadas por el turista son diversas, ya que mucho depende de la oferta del destino turístico o de los intereses de cada individuo al momento de la práctica turística. Es por ello que “el turismo como actividad recreativa es popularmente asociado a los viajes, el descanso, la diversión y vacaciones” (Monterubio, 2015: 13)

    Prevención del síndrome doloroso regional complejo asociado a cirugía. Una revisión de la literatura

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    Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a clinical entity of uncertain pathophysiology and complex therapeutic approach. Its varied etiology is often associated with prolonged immobilization after surgery or trauma and is characterized by a variable clinical presence of pain, hyperalgesia, allodynia and vasomotor and bone trophic changes. There are no specifi c laboratory tests for early diagnosis and prevention are essential to prevent damage. Recent studies have demonstrated the effi cacy of vitamin C in the prevention of CRPS. Given the safe use and the available evidence regarding the benefi ts of employment, an indication of vitamin C in podiatric surgery should be considered routinely. Key words: Complex regional pain syndrome, prevention, ascorbicEl síndrome doloroso regional complejo (SDRC) es un cuadro clínico de fi siopatología incierta y abordaje terapeútico complejo. Su etiología es diversa, se asocia con frecuencia a inmovilizaciones prolongadas tras cirugía o a traumatismos y se caracteriza por presentar una clínica variable con presencia de dolor intenso, hiperalgesia, alodinia, edema y trastornos vasomotores tróficos y óseos. Dado que no existen pruebas complementarias específi cas para su diagnóstico la detección precoz y sobre todo la prevención son fundamentales para evitar secuelas. Estudios recientes han demostrado la efi cacia de la vitamina C en la prevención del SDRC. Dada la inocuidad de su empleo y las evidencias disponibles respecto a las ventajas de su uso, la indicación de vitamina C en cirugía podológica de forma rutinaria debería ser considerada

    Resultados de la implementación de autoevaluaciones virtuales en matemática

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    La evaluación, como parte integral del proceso educativo, no escapa a los cambios generados por el uso de las TIC, constituyéndose en una etapa fundamental para mejorarlo. Las autoevaluaciones virtuales, contribuyen a orientar el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar los resultados logrados al implementar un sistema de autoevaluaciones virtuales a los alumnos de primer año que cursaron la asignatura matemática i de las carreras de ciencias económicas de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) en el periodo lectivo 2012 y su efecto en el rendimiento académico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las prácticas realizadas constituyen una buena alternativa de aprendizaje

    SVD Applied to Voltage Sag State Estimation

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    The method presented in this paper addresses the problem of voltage sag state estimation (VSSE). The problem consists in estimating the voltage sags frequency at non-monitored buses from the number of sags measured at monitored sites. Usually, due to limitations on the number of available voltage sag monitors, this is an underdetermined problem. In this approach, the mathematical formulation presented is based on the fault positions concept and is solved by means of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique. The proposed estimation method has been validated by using the IEEE 118 test system and the results obtained have been very satisfactory

    Frailty, Complexity, and Priorities in the Use of Advanced Palliative Care Resources in Nursing Homes

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    Background and objectives: This study aimed to determine the frailty, prognosis, complexity, and palliative care complexity of nursing home residents with palliative care needs and define the characteristics of the cases eligible for receiving advanced palliative care according to the resources available at each nursing home. Materials and Methods: In this multi-centre, descriptive, and crosssectional study, trained nurses from eight nursing homes in southern Spain selected 149 residents with palliative care needs. The following instruments were used: the Frail-VIG index, the case complexity index (CCI), the Diagnostic Instrument of Complexity in Palliative Care (IDC-Pal), the palliative prognosis index, the Barthel index (dependency), Pfeiffer’s test (cognitive impairment), and the Charlson comorbidity index. A consensus was reached on the complexity criteria of the Diagnostic Instrument of Complexity in Palliative Care that could be addressed in the nursing home (no priority) and those that required a one-off (priority 2) or full (priority 1) intervention of advanced palliative care resources. Non-parametric tests were used to compare non-priority patients and patients with some kind of priority. Results: A high percentage of residents presented frailty (80.6%), clinical complexity (80.5%), and palliative care complexity (65.8%). A lower percentage of residents had a poor prognosis (10.1%) and an extremely poor prognosis (2%). Twelve priority 1 and 14 priority 2 elements were identified as not matching the palliative care complexity elements that had been previously identified. Of the studied cases, 20.1% had priority 1 status and 38.3% had priority 2 status. Residents with some kind of priority had greater levels of dependency (p < 0.001), cognitive impairment (p < 0.001), and poorer prognoses (p < 0.001). Priority 1 patients exhibited higher rates of refractory delirium (p = 0.003), skin ulcers (p = 0.041), and dyspnoea (p = 0.020). Conclusions: The results indicate that there are high levels of frailty, clinical complexity, and palliative care complexity in nursing homes. The resources available at each nursing home must be considered to determine when advanced palliative care resources are required

    Antioxidant and Immune-Related Implications of Minerals in COVID-19: A Possibility for Disease Prevention and Management

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    Since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic appeared, both governments and the scientific community have focused their efforts on the search for prophylactic and therapeutic alternatives in order to reduce its effects. Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 have been approved and administered, playing a key role in the overcoming of this situation. However, they have not reached the whole world population, and several doses will be needed in the future in order to successfully protect individuals. The disease is still here, so other strategies should be explored with the aim of supporting the immune system before and during the infection. An adequate diet is certainly associated with an optimal inflammatory and oxidative stress status, as poor levels of different nutrients could be related to altered immune responses and, consequently, an augmented susceptibility to infections and severe outcomes derived from them. Minerals exert a wide range of immune-modulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities, which may be useful for fighting this illness. Although they cannot be considered as a definitive therapeutic solution, the available evidence to date, obtained from studies on similar respiratory diseases, might reflect the rationality of deeper investigations of the use of minerals during this pandemic

    Implications of Vitamins in COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment through Immunomodulatory and Anti-Oxidative Mechanisms

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    This manuscript was supported by the Vicerrectorado de Investigacion y Transferencia of University of Granada, "Programa de Estimulacion a la Investigacion".Since the appearance of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and its announcement as a global pandemic, the search for prophylactic and therapeutic options have become a priority for governments and the scientific community. The approval of several vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 is being crucial to overcome this situation, although the victory will not be achieved while the whole population worldwide is not protected against the virus. This is why alternatives should be studied in order to successfully support the immune system before and during a possible infection. An optimal inflammatory and oxidative stress status depends on an adequate diet. Poor levels of several nutrients could be related to an impaired immune response and, therefore, an increased susceptibility to infection and serious outcomes. Vitamins exert a number of anti-microbial, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activities, which can be of use to fight against this and several other diseases (especially vitamin D and C). Even though they cannot be considered as a definitive therapeutic option, in part owing to the lack of solid conclusions from well-designed clinical trials, currently available evidence from similar respiratory diseases may indicate that it would be rational to deeply explore the use of vitamins during this global pandemic.Vicerrectorado de Investigacion y Transferencia of University of Granada, "Programa de Estimulacion a la Investigacion

    A New Approach to the Identification of Palliative Care Needs and Advanced Chronic Patients among Nursing Home Residents

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    This research was supported by the Andalusian CICYE project AP-0105-2016.Results belong to one of the objectives for a Doctoral Tesis study of the Clinic Medicine and Public Health Doctoral Program of the University of Granada. We would like to thank all the participants and professionals who participated.Background: Proper planning of Palliative Care in nursing homes requires advanced knowledge of the care needs that residents show. The aim of the study was to evaluate Palliative Needs and other conditions such as fragility, complexity, and prognosis and also to suggest new indicators for the establishment of the resident's advanced chronic condition. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted in 149 nursing homes Complex Chronic residents evaluated by trained professionals. Palliative Care Needs, assessed by the NECPAL ICO-CCOMS (c) tool, and fragility, case and palliative complexity and prognosis were evaluate through a comprehensive assessment. Descriptive analyses and association measures were performed setting the statistical significance at 0.05. Results: More than 50% of the residents had positive Surprise Question and other Palliative Needs and were classified as Advanced Chronic Patients. Distress and/or Severe Adaptative Disorder was the most frequent need shown by the residents and significant differences in levels of frailty and other characteristics, were found between the Positive and the Negative Surprise Question Groups. Statistically significant correlations were also found between aspects of both groups. Conclusions: Nursing homes residents show Palliative Needs regardless of the response to the Surprise Question of the NECPAL tool. Other characteristics such as presence of an intermediate level of frailty are suggested as a new perspective to identify advanced chronic patients among nursing homes residents.Junta de Andalucia AP-0105-201