53 research outputs found

    Molecular beacons with intrinsically fluorescent nucleotides

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    We report the design, synthesis and characterization of a novel molecular beacon (MB-FB) which uses the fluorescent bases (FB) 2-aminopurine (AP) and pyrrolo-dC (P-dC) as fluorophores. Because the quantum yield of these FB depend on hybridization with complementary target, the fluorescent properties of MB-FB were tuned by placing the FB site specifically within the MB such that hybridization with complementary sequence switches from single strand to double strand for AP and vice versa for P-dC. The MB-FB produces a ratiometric fluorescence increase (the fluorescence emission of P-dC over that of AP in the presence and absence of complementary sequence) of 8.5 when excited at 310 nm, the maximum absorption of AP. This ratiometric fluorescence is increased to 14 by further optimizing excitation (325 nm). The fluorescence lifetime is also affected by the addition of target, producing a change in the long-lived component from 6.5 to 8.7 ns (Exc. 310 nm, Em. 450 nm). Thermal denaturation profiles monitored at 450 nm (P-dC emission) show a cooperative denaturation of the MB-FB with a melting temperature of 53°C. The thermal denaturation profile of MB-FB hybridized with its target shows a marked fluorescence reduction at 53°C, consistent with a transition from double stranded helix to random coil DNA

    Prognostic Values of microRNAs in Colorectal Cancer

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    The functions of non-coding microRNAs (miRNAs) in tumorigenesis are just beginning to emerge. Previous studies from our laboratory have identified a number of miRNAs that were deregulated in colon cancer cell lines due to the deletion of the p53 tumor suppressor gene. In this study, the in vivo significance of some of these miRNAs was further evaluated using colorectal clinical samples. Ten miRNAs (hsa-let-7b, hsa-let-7g, hsa-miR-15b, hsa-miR-181b, hsa-miR-191, hsa-miR-200c, hsa-miR-26a, hsa-miR-27a, hsa-miR-30a-5p and hsa-miR-30c) were evaluated for their potential prognostic value in colorectal cancer patients. Forty eight snap frozen clinical colorectal samples (24 colorectal cancer and 24 paired normal patient samples) with detailed clinical follow-up information were selected. The expression levels of 10 miRNAs were quantified via qRT-PCR analysis. The statistical significance of these markers for disease prognosis was evaluated using a two tailed paired Wilcoxon test. A Kaplan-Meier survival curve was generated followed by performing a Logrank test. Among the ten miRNAs, hsa-miR-15b (p = 0.0278), hsa-miR-181b (p = 0.0002), hsa-miR-191 (p = 0.0264) and hsa-miR-200c (p = 0.0017) were significantly over-expressed in tumors compared to normal colorectal samples. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis indicated that hsa-miR-200c was significantly associated with patient survival (p = 0.0122). The patients (n = 15) with higher hsa-miR-200c expression had a shorter survival time (median survival = 26 months) compared to patients (n = 9) with lower expression (median survival = 38 months). Sequencing analysis revealed that hsa-miR-181b (p = 0.0098) and hsa-miR-200c (p = 0.0322) expression were strongly associated with the mutation status of the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Some of these miRNAs may function as oncogenes due to their over-expression in tumors. hsa-miR-200c may be a potential novel prognostic factor in colorectal cancer

    Saturation mutagenesis reveals manifold determinants of exon definition.

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    To illuminate the extent and roles of exonic sequences in the splicing of human RNA transcripts, we conducted saturation mutagenesis of a 51-nt internal exon in a three-exon minigene. All possible single and tandem dinucleotide substitutions were surveyed. Using high-throughput genetics, 5560 minigene molecules were assayed for splicing in human HEK293 cells. Up to 70% of mutations produced substantial (greater than twofold) phenotypes of either increased or decreased splicing. Of all predicted secondary structural elements, only a single 15-nt stem-loop showed a strong correlation with splicing, acting negatively. The in vitro formation of exon-protein complexes between the mutant molecules and proteins associated with spliceosome formation (U2AF35, U2AF65, U1A, and U1-70K) correlated with splicing efficiencies, suggesting exon definition as the step affected by most mutations. The measured relative binding affinities of dozens of human RNA binding protein domains as reported in the CISBP-RNA database were found to correlate either positively or negatively with splicing efficiency, more than could fit on the 51-nt test exon simultaneously. The large number of these functional protein binding correlations point to a dynamic and heterogeneous population of pre-mRNA molecules, each responding to a particular collection of binding proteins

    Inorganic−Organic Hybrid Luminescent Binary Probe for DNA Detection Based on Spin-Forbidden Resonance Energy Transfer

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    We describe the design of new fluorescent binary probe sensors for DNA detection based on spin-forbidden resonance energy transfer (SF-RET). Binary probes consist of a donor and acceptor fluorophores that are attached to two different oligonucleotides and serve as a resonance energy transfer (RET) donor−acceptor pair when hybridized to adjacent sites of a target sequence. In the absence of target, excitation of the donor results in fluorescence only from the donor, but when the probes hybridize to the target, the fluorophores are brought into close proximity favoring RET, yielding fluorescence mainly from the acceptor fluorophore. These new binary probes use the metal complex Ru(bpy‘)(DIP)_2^(2+) as the energy donor and an organic fluorophore (Cy5) as the energy acceptor. Energy transfer from the MLCT state of the Ru complex to singlet Cy5 is spin forbidden and produces a delayed fluorescence of Cy5. This paper demonstrates that fluorescence delay of Cy5 can be used to time resolve the emission of the probe from the intense fluorescence background of a model system for cellular background; this provides the reported system to overcome intense autofluorescence, an important and general advantage over “classical” spin-allowed steady-state probes

    Saturation mutagenesis reveals manifold determinants of exon definition.

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    To illuminate the extent and roles of exonic sequences in the splicing of human RNA transcripts, we conducted saturation mutagenesis of a 51-nt internal exon in a three-exon minigene. All possible single and tandem dinucleotide substitutions were surveyed. Using high-throughput genetics, 5560 minigene molecules were assayed for splicing in human HEK293 cells. Up to 70% of mutations produced substantial (greater than twofold) phenotypes of either increased or decreased splicing. Of all predicted secondary structural elements, only a single 15-nt stem-loop showed a strong correlation with splicing, acting negatively. The in vitro formation of exon-protein complexes between the mutant molecules and proteins associated with spliceosome formation (U2AF35, U2AF65, U1A, and U1-70K) correlated with splicing efficiencies, suggesting exon definition as the step affected by most mutations. The measured relative binding affinities of dozens of human RNA binding protein domains as reported in the CISBP-RNA database were found to correlate either positively or negatively with splicing efficiency, more than could fit on the 51-nt test exon simultaneously. The large number of these functional protein binding correlations point to a dynamic and heterogeneous population of pre-mRNA molecules, each responding to a particular collection of binding proteins

    Pyrene binary probes for unambiguous detection of mRNA using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy

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    We report here the design, synthesis and application of pyrene binary oligonucleotide probes for selective detection of cellular mRNA. The detection strategy is based on the formation of a fluorescent excimer when two pyrene groups are brought into close proximity upon hybridization of the probes with the target mRNA. The pyrene excimer has a long fluorescence lifetime (>40 ns) compared with that of cellular extracts (∼7 ns), allowing selective detection of the excimer using time-resolved emission spectra (TRES). Optimized probes were used to target a specific region of sensorin mRNA yielding a strong excimer emission peak at 485 nm in the presence of the target and no excimer emission in the absence of the target in buffer solution. While direct fluorescence measurement of neuronal extracts showed a strong fluorescent background, obscuring the detection of the excimer signal, time-resolved emission measurements indicated that the emission decay of the cellular extracts is ∼8 times faster than that of the pyrene excimer probes. Thus, using TRES of the pyrene probes, we are able to selectively detect mRNA in the presence of cellular extracts, demonstrating the potential for application of pyrene excimer probes for imaging mRNAs in cellular environments that have background fluorescence

    Translational control analysis by translationally active RNA capture/microarray analysis (TrIP–Chip)

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    We have developed a new approach to systematically study post-transcriptional regulation in a small number of cells. Actively translating mRNAs are associated with polysomes and the newly synthesized peptide chains are closely associated with molecular chaperones such as hsp70s, which assist in the proper folding of nascent polypeptides into higher ordered structures. These chaperones provide an anchor with which to separate actively translating mRNAs associated with polysomes from free mRNAs. Affinity capture beads were developed to capture hsp70 chaperones associated with the polysome complexes. The isolated actively translating mRNAs were used for high-throughput expression profiling analysis. Feasibility was demonstrated using an in vitro translation system with known translationally regulated mRNA transcript thymidylate synthase (TS). We further developed the approach using HCT-116 colon cancer cells with both TS and p53 as positive controls. The steady-state levels of TS and p53 mRNAs were unaltered after 5-fluorouracil treatment as assessed by real-time qRT-PCR analysis. In contrast, the protein expression and polysome-associated mRNA levels of both genes were increased. These differences in translational rate were revealed with our new approach from 500 cells. This technology has the potential to make investigation of translational control feasible with limited quantities of clinical specimens

    Diagnostic System for Rapid and Sensitive Differential Detection of Pathogens

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    Naturally emerging and deliberately released pathogens demand new detection strategies to allow early recognition and containment. We describe a diagnostic system for rapid, sensitive, multiplex discrimination of microbial gene sequences and report its application for detecting 22 respiratory pathogens in clinical samples