26 research outputs found

    Aspectos jurídicos e implicações da repercussão geral como pressuposto de admissibilidade do recurso extraordinário

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    Os nuances jurídicos afetos à repercussão geral como pressuposto de recurso extraordinário perfazem o objeto nuclear deste trabalho. Desde a concepção do instituto pela emenda constitucional nº 45 de 2004 até os fenômenos processuais decorrentes de seu julgamento, estudada previamente a figura do recurso extraordinário, serão pesquisados o escorço histórico, bases normativas, panorama ensejador, características e processamento do instituto. Quanto aos aspectos procedimentais, o foco residirá nas consequências jurídicas do manejo da repercussão geral enfatizando-se o sobrestamento de recursos nos órgãos de origem durante o julgamento do leading case pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Destaca-se a questão da sucumbência às partes daquelas demandas sopesadas, imposta por ocasião de decisão desfavorável no julgamento por amostragem pelo STF, podendo ser compreendida como hipótese indevida de mitigação do direito de ação. Nesse ponto, será discorrida a possibilidade de se contemplar o amicus curiae como instrumento hábil àqueles sucumbentes para que possam reverter eventuais ônus gerados pela decisão paradigma

    Optimization of Tensor Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Exploration Methods: Case Study from Trachyte Mesa Intrusion, Henry Mountains, Utah

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    The Henry Mountains in Utah are home to several small igneous intrusions from the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene. One of the most critical small satellite bodies to the main intrusions of the Henry Mountains is the Trachyte Mesa intrusion. What is interesting about the Trachyte Mesa intrusion is that geologist and geophysicist are able to observe outcrops on the surface of Earth in order to characterize the mesa. An important question that is continuously being researched about this area concerns the emplacement of these intrusions. Scientist believe that by understanding the internal structure of these intrusions, answers regarding the emplacement of these intrusions will appear. There has been debate, however, regarding this internal structure. The main dispute is between two structural geologists who have competing ideas regarding Trachyte Mesa after conducting magnetic surveys in the area. Sven Morgan (2008) has concluded that the Trachyte Mesa intrusion internal structure is based on a sheet magma stacking model. Whereas Paul Wetmore (2009) believes that the mesa took the shape of the surrounding rock structures. In order to shed further light upon this dilemma, the original aim of the project was to conduct a tensor control-source electromagnetic characterization survey of the area and produce a model of the Trachyte Mesa intrusion. Due to several complications with responses from the equipment, the aim of the project was modified. The new goal is to discover the cause of the unusual signals from the equipment, whether it be from equipment malfunctions or the resistive environment present at Trachyte Mesa. With the extensive testing of equipment, a controlled-source electromagnetic survey process that will pave the way for future projects using the same methodology will also be established

    Bridging Gaps: Urban Planning for Coexistence

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    Urban planning as a discipline has been continuously evolving in the past decades, aiming to become the response to diverse issues through transdisciplinarity, innovation, creativity and justice. As a result of an ever- accelerating pace of life, we constantly witness worldwide transitions and turbulences, from environmental crises to socio-economic struggles, that challenge cities, regions, and the nature of the planning discipline itself. Climate change and both natural and man-made disasters render territories fragile and force humans and species to migrate, while the growing urban population requires solutions for sustainable transformation for life in the city and beyond. In this context of increasing uncertainty, the planning discipline attempts to suggest ways forward, yet often lacks in providing tangible examples of how to bridge theory and practice. Within this framework, the conference focuses on the predominant discontinuities that currently characterise the planning field. Those are articulated into two directions of discussion that are in dialogue with and between each other: the urban-rural divide (Track 1 and Track 2) and the academia-practice divide (Track 3 and Track 4). The conference aims to create space for these dialogues to emerge, and to ultimately bridge these gaps by reflecting on our role as researchers, on our position towards, and in relationship with, society and on the effectiveness of practice. The questions that arise are timely and crucial, contemplating on the complexities inherent in a perpetual endeavour for coexistence between humans, species and the environment (Track 5). How can planning reinvent itself? How can we reconcile a holistic perception of territories? Which theories, strategies and methods should planning adopt so as to contribute to a better future for the human and natural species? Which are the tools and practices that will ensure human well-being and coexistence with the world

    Les télévisions au Liban aujourd'hui

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    Cette recherche décrit le paysage télévisuel au Liban qui reflète l image des identités politico-communautaires. Que regarde le public libanais ? Deux enquêtes quantitatives auprès d un échantillon représentatif de 1439 personnes de tous bords vont montrer que le téléspectateur se réfugie auprès de la chaîne qui représente sa communauté religieuse et/ou ses convictions politiques. Quel est le contexte politique au Liban et dans quelle mesure chaque parti, clan féodal ou confession ont eu leur mot à dire dans la régularisation du paysage audiovisuel ? Quelles sont ces chaînes et quels sont les objectifs de leur propriétaire ? L assassinat du Premier ministre Rafic Hariri et la division des Libanais entre les blocs de 14-Mars et de 8-Mars a conduit à une division similaire des médias. La diffusion par satellite de la LBC et de Future TV a rendu à Beyrouth sa place primordiale dans la production de programmes de divertissement avec des présentatrices à la Jennifer Lopez , un savoir-faire à la libanaise et un professionnalisme dans l adaptation des émissions comme Star Ac et Super Star. Ces deux chaînes à puissance médiatique transnationale font vibrer les cœurs dans les ménages arabes et caressent leurs rêves les plus fous. En audience, elles sont ainsi parmi les premières chaînes au Moyen-Orient. Tandis qu Al-Manar occupe une place notoire à côté des autres chaînes panarabes tout info.La grille des programmes de chaque chaîne est étudiée : elle est envahie par des feuilletons égyptiens, syriens, mexicains ou turcs et des programmes femmes et satiriques. Une place proéminente est accordée aux JT et émissions politiques au détriment de la culture, de la jeunesse, de l économie et des émissions francophonesPARIS-CUJAS-BU Droit (751052119) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Incidence des itinéraires culturaux (fertilisation foliaire azotée, irrigation et hauteur de haie végétale, sur la composition azotée des baies de Vitis vinifera en climat méditerranéen)

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    Compte tenu des changements climatiques, la vigne dans les régions méditerranéennes est de plus en plus soumise à des conditions de sécheresse estivale prononcée provoquant des contraintes hydriques plus ou moins intenses. L absorption d azote, extrêmement dépendante de l eau du sol, peut être très réduite, voire bloquée, entraînant une résonance importante sur la composition des baies, en particulier au niveau de la concentration en azote avec des conséquences sur la fermentescibilité des moûts. Ce travail comporte une étude très fine de la composition azotée des baies dans leurs différents compartiments tout au long du cycle végétatif. A la lumière des résultats, des solutions sont proposées, permettant d assurer la qualité des raisins issus de vignes soumises à des conditions de contrainte hydrique sévère, parmi lesquelles la fertilisation foliaire azotée apparaît comme un moyen efficace. Notre travail met en évidence l effet améliorateur, sur la composition azotée des baies de plants de Vitis vinifera, de pulvérisations foliaires d azote à différents niveaux de contrainte hydrique : les effets dose , stade d apport et ceux de l interaction croisée dose-stade d apport sont explorés. L effet de l interaction alimentation hydriquehauteur de haie foliaire est également étudié. D une manière générale, la fertilisation foliaire affirme son efficacité dans toutes les expérimentations et révèle que plus la carence azotée ou hydrique est marquée, plus l effet de la fertilisation foliaire est important. L apport à véraison, par rapport aux autres stades de développement, est le plus approprié pour améliorer la teneur des baies en azote. Dès la dose de 10 kg N/ha apportée à cette période clé, les carences azotées des moûts sont enrayées. Ce travail contribue à la connaissance de la distribution de l azote apporté par voie foliaire, de l évolution de certains acides aminés comme la glutamine et l arginine ainsi que du métabolisme et de la remobilisation de l azote dans la vigne durant la maturation. Nous révélons aussi l incidence de la fertilisation foliaire azotée, de l irrigation et de la hauteur de haie foliaire sur la synthèse des précurseurs d arômes en particulier ceux du sulfure de diméthyle.MONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Optimization of catheter’s implementation in the mold, in the case of vaginal HDR brachytherapy treatment

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare results obtained in high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy treatment of vaginal cancer. Different catheters distributions inside the custom mold were explored. The difference between those distributions is the position of the posterior catheter located near the rectum in the actual custom mold applicator used in different hospitals, each one having a catheter displacement of 0.5 which is equal to the length of a step position. The best catheters distribution offering an optimal dose distribution: better coverage of the clinical target volume (CTV), while reducing the dose received by organs at risk (OARs), were discussed. Materials and methods: A group of 60 patients treated with HDR brachytherapy, alone or in combination with external radiotherapy, was investigated. A custom mold is normally used for HDR brachytherapy vaginal cancer treatment. Three different geometrical positions of the catheters (G1, G2 and G3) and, consequently, 3 different dosimetries were simulated out for each patient on the CT images, using the Oncentra planning system. The coverage of the CTV was studied. Results: The average volume treated was 30.46 cc (min = 9.8 cc, max = 70.86 cc). The total prescribed dose, including external and internal radiotherapy, was 80 Gy. We evaluated conformity index (CI), dose homogeneity index (DHI) and conformality index (COIN) indices for the three implantation geometries to reach the same coverage criteria of the CTV. The D2cc parameter allowed the evaluation of the dose received by the OARs. For the rectum, a dose reduction of 9.67% (range 0.29–32.86) was obtained with the second geometry of implantation compared to 10.14% (range 1.43–28.33) with the third geometry. For the bladder, the second geometry of implantation showed a better preservation for this organ [15.93% (range 0.86–58.71) vs. 8.35% (range 0.33–30.43) with the third geometry]. The sigmoid was more protected using the second plan of implantation as well [6.33% (range 0.14–40.71) for the second implantation compared to 5.95% (range 0.33–36) for the third implantation]. Conclusions: G2 and G3 catheters’ distribution, having catheter position farther from the mold wall and so from the vaginal wall compared to the catheter position applied showed a better protection for the OARs while giving the same prescribed dose for the CTV