6 research outputs found

    Propylene glycol energy supplementation during peripartal period in dairy cows and reproduction efficiency parameters

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the impact of two energy supplements based on propylene glycol in dairy cows diet on ovarian and follicular morphology, conception, insemination index and length of service period. A total number of 60 Holstein Friesian dairy cows, parity between 2-8, with an average milk production of 7000 kg/305 days of lactation were divided into three experimental groups (20 dairy cows per group). The first group of dairy cows was supplemented daily with "Energy-plus" (O1 group; 200 mL propylene-glycol supplement) and the second group was supplemented with "Ketal" (O2 group; 160 mL propylene-glycol supplement), two weeks before partus until 30 days post partum. The third experimental group were non supplemented dairy cows (O3, control group). Ultrasound examination of the reproductive system using real time echo camera Falco VET 100 (ESAOTE PieMedical, Holland, B-shaped scan with linear-array endorectal 5-8 MHz probe) was conducted on every animal starting from day 40 postpartum. The diameters of the ovaries (left and right) and of the dominant follicle(s) were recorded. Ultrasound testing was repeated on day 50 and 60 postpartum only in cows which in the meantime were not inseminated. Reproduction efficiency parameters (conception rate, number of inseminations and length of service period) were recorded individually. The statistical significance of the differences between groups was tested using ANOVA with LSD test at the level of significance p<0.05, chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (the length of service period). There was no significant impact of the propylene glycol supplementation on the ovarian and follicular morphology at the first ultrasound examination. At the second ultrasound examination there was a significant difference between left ovarian dominant follicle diameter in the control and supplemented dairy cows (1.67±0.53 vs 1.12±0.29 and 1.11±0.35 cm, p<0.05, O3 vs O1 and O2, respectively). The cumulative percentage of conception after the first and second insemination was 60%, 81% and 25% in groups O1, O2 and O3, respectively (p<0.05, chi-square test). The insemination index was lowest in group O2 and statistically significant differences were found between groups O2 and O3 (1.69±0.79 : 3.38±1.36, respectively, p<0,05). The length of the service period was significantly (p<0.05, LSD test) shorter in the O2 group (100±35 days) compared to groups O1 and O3 (168±59 and 157±52 days, respectively), that was confirmed by the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of days open periods. The use of propylene glycol supplement in dairy cows diet during peripartal period induced higher percentage of pregnancy rates after the first and second insemination, significantly shortened the length of the service period and reduced the insemination index

    Energetska suplementacija propilen glikolom tokom peripartalnog perioda i parametri efikasnosti reprodukcije kod mlečnih krava

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    The aim of this work was to investigate the impact of two energy supplements based on propylene glycol in dairy cows diet on ovarian and follicular morphology, conception, insemination index and length of service period. A total number of 60 Holstein Friesian dairy cows, parity between 2-8, with an average milk production of 7000 kg/305 days of lactation were divided into three experimental groups (20 dairy cows per group). The first group of dairy cows was supplemented daily with 'Energy-plus' (O1 group; 200 mL propylene-glycol supplement) and the second group was supplemented with 'Ketal' (O2 group; 160 mL propylene-glycol supplement), two weeks before partus until 30 days post partum. The third experimental group were non supplemented dairy cows (O3, control group). Ultrasound examination of the reproductive system using real time echo camera Falco VET 100 (ESAOTE PieMedical, Holland, B-shaped scan with linear-array endorectal 5-8 MHz probe) was conducted on every animal starting from day 40 postpartum. The diameters of the ovaries (left and right) and of the dominant follicle(s) were recorded. Ultrasound testing was repeated on day 50 and 60 postpartum only in cows which in the meantime were not inseminated. Reproduction efficiency parameters (conception rate, number of inseminations and length of service period) were recorded individually. The statistical significance of the differences between groups was tested using ANOVA with LSD test at the level of significance p lt 0.05, chi-square test and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis (the length of service period). There was no significant impact of the propylene glycol supplementation on the ovarian and follicular morphology at the first ultrasound examination. At the second ultrasound examination there was a significant difference between left ovarian dominant follicle diameter in the control and supplemented dairy cows (1.67±0.53 vs 1.12±0.29 and 1.11±0.35 cm, p lt 0.05, O3 vs O1 and O2, respectively). The cumulative percentage of conception after the first and second insemination was 60%, 81% and 25% in groups O1, O2 and O3, respectively (p lt 0.05, chi-square test). The insemination index was lowest in group O2 and statistically significant differences were found between groups O2 and O3 (1.69±0.79 : 3.38±1.36, respectively, p lt 0,05). The length of the service period was significantly (p lt 0.05, LSD test) shorter in the O2 group (100±35 days) compared to groups O1 and O3 (168±59 and 157±52 days, respectively), that was confirmed by the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis of days open periods. The use of propylene glycol supplement in dairy cows diet during peripartal period induced higher percentage of pregnancy rates after the first and second insemination, significantly shortened the length of the service period and reduced the insemination index.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj primene dva tipa energetskih dodataka u ishrani mlečnih krava na bazi propilen glikola na morfologiju jajnika i folikula, koncepciju, indeks osemenjavanja i dužinu servis perioda. U ogled je bilo uključeno ukupno 60 krava Holštajn Frizijske rase, u toku 2-8 laktacije, sa prosečnom proizvodnjom mleka od 7000 kg/305 dana laktacije, koje su bile podeljene u tri ogledne grupe (20 krava po grupi). Prva grupa mlečnih krava (O1) je svakodnevno suplementirana peroralnom aplikacijom 200 mL 'Energy-plus', druga grupa krava (O2) suplementirana je sa 160 mL 'Ketal-a', počevši od dve nedelje pre partusa do 30 dana nakon partusa. Treću grupu mlečnih krava (O3, kontrola) su predstavljale netretirane životinje. Ultrazvučni pregled reproduktivnog sistema vršen je sa uređajem Falco VET 100 (ESAOTE PieMedical, Holland), linearnom endorektalnom sondom od 5-8 MHz kod svake životinje najmanje dva puta počevši od 40 dana posle partusa. Ultrazvučni pregled je ponovljen sa 50 i/ili 60 dana posle partusa kod krava koje nisu u međuvremenu osemenjene. U toku svakog pregleda su registrovani prečnik oba jajnika i dominantnog folikula. Kod svake ogledne životinje su određeni parametri efikasnosti reprodukcije: stepen koncepcije, indeks osemenjavanja i servis period. Statistička značajnost razlika srednjih vrednosti dobijenih parametara određivana je ANOVA metodom i LSD testom na nivou značajnosti od p lt 0.05, hi-kvadrat testom i Kaplan-Majerovom analizom (dužina servis perioda). Rezultati prvog ultrazvučnog pregleda su ukazali da nema statistički značajnih razlika u morfologiji jajnika i dominantnog folikula između suplementiranih grupa u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu krava. Rezultati drugog ultrazvučnog pregleda su ukazali da postoji statistički značajna razlika između srednjih vrednosti prečnika dominantnog folikula na levom jajniku kod kontrolne grupe krava u odnosu na suplementirane životinje (1,67±0,53:1,12±0,29 i 1,11±0,35 cm, p lt 0.05, O3:O1 i O2). Zbirne vrednosti procenta koncepcije nakon prvog i drugog osemenjavanja bile su statistički značajno više kod suplementiranih krava u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu životinja (60% : 81% : 25%; O1:O2:O3, p lt 0,05, hi-kvadrat test). Najniža vrednost indeksa osemenjavanja je utvrđena kod ogledne grupe krava suplentirane Ketal-om (1.69±0.79), koja je bila značajno viša u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu krava (3.38±1.36, p lt 0,05). Dužina servis perioda je bila najmanja kod grupe krava suplementiranih Ketal-om (100±35 days) i značajno se razlikovala u odnosu na ostale ogledne grupe (168±59 i 157±52 dana, O1 i O2), što je potvrđeno Kaplan Majerovom analizom. Energetska suplementacija mlečnih krava propilen glikolom tokom peripartalnog perioda može dovesti do povećanja procenta gravidnih krava nakon prvog i drugog osemenjavanja, smanjenja vrednosti indeksa osemenjavanja i skraćenja dužine servis perioda


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    Tokom četiri proizvodne godine (2011-2014), analizirani su reproduktivnipokazatelji iz 123 laktacije 46 umatičenih grla i to 79 laktacija od 30 kravaholštajnske rase i 44 laktacija od 16 krava simentalske rase, na dva porodičnagazdinstva. Krave su hranjene uz dodatak različitih količina vitaminskih silažaCOMBO-VIT-SIL®. Silaže su na bazi šargarepe, tri vrste bundeve i cele biljkekukuruza, svežeg repinog rezanca ili klipa kukuruza. Prva proizvodna godina,2011. godina, uzeta je kao kontrolna, jer tada nije korišćena vitaminska silaža uishrani krava. Najveći sadržaj β-karotina utvrđen je u silaži šargarepe i muskatnebundeve: 391,65 mg/kg suve materije. Upotrebom vitaminskih silaža u našemogledu, postignut je porast prosečnog prinosa mleka, na farmi holštajnske rase,za 1,101 kg , a na farmi simentalske rase za 29 kg, (p>0,05). Prosečan indeks VOsmanjen je kod krava holštajnske rase od oko 3,38 doza, na 2,42±1,80 doza, akod krava simentalske rase od 1,60±1,35 na 1,40±1,26 doza. Servis period je nafarmi krava holštajnske rase bio značajno kraći uz silaže sa vitaminskombundevom (p<0,01), u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, a na farmi krava simentalskerase, uz dodatak silaže sa muskatnom bundevom, u odnosu na dodatak silaže sašargarepom (p<0,05). Uz pomenuto, značajno je skraćen i normalizovanmeđutelidbeni interval, kod krava holštajnske rase od 427±74 dana, na 372±17dana, a kod krava simentalske rase od 480±124 dana, na 364±38 dana


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    Abstract: Gilts reproductive efficiency is one of the primary factors of successful piglets ’ production. This performance, among other things, is expresses by the number of pregnant gilts, with desirable genetic traits, body weight and age, sexual maturity status, and general good health, provided for the replacement of sows in primary herd. This goal is very difficult to achieve in practical conditions. The main reason is occurrence of prolonged preinsemination anoestrus (oestrus was not detected even after 8 months of age). This paper review the occurrence of prolonged preinsemination anoestrus, based on the results of our and study of other authors. All studies consistently show that, in most of these gilts, pubertal cyclic ovarian activity were established, that silent oestrus occurred in only 4 % of the cyclic gilts, and that this problem can be solved by applying appropriate technologies for oestrus detection, and by treatment with adequate hormonal preparations. Key words: prolonged anoestrus, oestrus detection, boar contact, hormonal treatment, gil

    Spermaglutinini u krvnom serumu teladi

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    Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj