38 research outputs found

    Recent succession of the pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash forest in the unflooded part of Gornji Srem

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    In the unflooded part of the river Sava, Bosut and Studva bottom lands in Gornji Srem (forest sections Moroviæ and Višnjiæevo), the following succession series are clearly differentiated on large areas: forests of narrow-leaved ash (Fraxinetum angustifoliae Jov. et Tom.1979. s.l) on ((/(-(/(-gley ( forests of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash (Fraxino-Quercetum roboris Jov. et Tom.1979. s.l) on humogley, humosemigley and semigley ( forests of pedunculate oak, hornbeam and ash (Carpino-Fraxino-Quercetum roboris Jov. et Tom. 1979, s.l) on semigley, brown forest soil and soil lessive Forest of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash, which is an intermediary stage of the ecological succession series, is also differentiated into three ecological units (subassociations), which are the developmental phases of the association - primary, optimal and terminal – Forest of pedunculate oak and ash with hygrophilic accessories (Fraxino-Quercetum roboris hygrophyllum) on moderately moist hydromorphic black soils (humogley, ecological (-gley) is the primary phase, ecologically and syn-dynamically related to the terminal phase of the previous stage – forest of narrow-leaved ash with sedge (Fraxinetum angustifoliae caricetosum remotae) on (/(-gley. The dominant edificator is narrow-leaved ash, while pedunculate oak is in the subdominant position Moister meadow black soils are characterised by intensive moisture, because already at the depth of 20/30-50 cm, the process of gleying occurs. Underground water stagnates at the depth of 80-120 cm – Typical forest of pedunculate oak and ash (Fraxino-Quercetum roboris typicum) on the drier varieties of humosemigley is the optimal phase in the development of the association, with a slowed down dynamism. Both edificators are in their ecological and coenological optima, i.e. the conditions of their development are excellent In the drier hygromorphic black soils the level of underground water is about 40 cm lower than the moister variety, so that the stagnating underground water occurs at the depth of 120-160 cm. However, thanks to capillary rise, the tree root system has abundant moisture. Simultaneously, the physical properties of the soil are more favourable, so the ecological productivity potential is very high – Forest of pedunculate oak and ash with field maple and Tartar maple (Fraxino-Quercetum roboris aceretosom) on semigleys is the terminal phase, syn-dynamically and spatially related to the following phase – forest of pedunculate oak, hornbeam and ash with sedge (Carpino-Fraxino-Quercetum roboris caricetosum remotae) on semigleys to semigleys lessive in the unflooded zone. Pedunculate oak undertakes the role of the dominant edificator, while ash is retreating The depth of the stagnating ground water is 150/160-200 cm and the soils are significantly lighter, so that capillary rise is twice as difficult. This is not unfavourable to pedunculate oak, which reaches its ecological optimum even in the less moist communities with hornbeam in the terrestrial conditions, but it hinders the development of the more hygrophilic narrow-leaved ash and thus accelerates the syn-dynamic processes of the transition to the following, drier stage The study of the dynamism of pedunculate oak and narrow-leaved ash forests, one of the most widely distributed and most productive ecosystems in Gornji Srem, should direct, advance and facilitate the carrying out of all operations on its enhancement

    Kultura i globalizacija - suprotstavljena tumačenja

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    Author's intention in this paper is to analyze the interpretations of cultural globalization. The first part deals with the critical literature where cultural globalization is seen as a challenge to homogenous national and local cultures. In the second part, attention is given to a different discourse in cultural globalization analysis. In this discourse cultural globalization is not described as standardization but as raising awareness about cultural diversity and specificity. In the third part, we give one possible answer to the question: Where can guide the cultural globalization?.Autorova namera je da u ovom tekstu analizira suprotstavljena tumačenja odnosa kulture i globalizacije. U prvom delu teksta autor razmatra kritičku literaturu koja globalizaciju u kulturi vidi kao izazov homogenim nacionalnim i lokalnim kulturama. U nastavku, pažnja je posvećena drugačijem diskursu u analizi složenog odnosa kulture i globalizacije. Taj diskurs globalizaciju u kulturi determiniše ne kao standardizaciju već kao širenje svesti o različitostima i kulturnim posebnostima. U trećem delu rada ponuđen je jedan od mogućih odgovora na pitanje kuda može voditi globalizacija u kulturi

    The role of emotions in making political decisions: critique of rational choice theory

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    Predmet istraživanja u ovoj studiji je uticaj emocija na proces donošenja političkih odluka, sa posebnim fokusom na epistemološke kritike teorije racionalnog izbora i teorije izgleda. Studija je zasnovana na pretpostavci da je uloga emocija u procesu odlučivanja toliko važna da kod ljudi kod kojih su indukovane određene emocije dolazi do ponašanja koje odstupa od propozicija teorije racionalnog izbora i teorije izgleda. Cilj studije je da istraži ulogu emocija u političkom odlučivanju, odnosno da empirijskim nalazima sistematizuje saznanja i argumente zašto su emocije nezaobilazne kada govorimo o kritici modela racionalnog izbora i modela teorije izgleda. Sa metodološko-istraživačkog aspekta, studija počiva na eksperimentalnom i kvazi-eksperimentalnom dizajnu. Nalazi laboratorijskog eksperimenta i istraživanja javnog mnjenja pokazuju da su opšta i posebne hipoteze valjano postavljene i potvrđene empirijskim nalazima. Nulta hipoteza o nepostojanju razlika između uticaja emocija kada je reč proceni verovatnoće, proceni rizika, načina pregovaranja i odnosa prema sekuritizaciji, je odbačena. Podaci pokazuju da svaka od ovih emocija ima različit uticaj na proces odlučivanja, što doprinosi upotpunjavanju modela racionalnog izbora i modela teorije izgleda.The topic of the research is the impact of emotions on the decision-making process, with a special focus on the epistemological critique of the rational choice theory and prospect theory. The study is based on the assumption that the role of emotions in the decision-making process is relevant to the extent that, when particular emotions are induced, the behavior of the people tends to diverge from the premises of the rational choice theory and prospect theory. The research aims to explore the role of emotions in the process of political decision-making, and, by situating the empirical results of the research in the corpus of present argumentation and findings in this field of study, demonstrate that emotions are inevitable in the critical reassessment of the model of rational choice. In terms of the methodological research approach, the research is based on experimental and quasi-experimental research design. The findings of a laboratory experiment and public opinion research confirm the validity of the general and specific hypotheses, which were supported by empirical data. The null hypothesis that suggest the absence of difference in the influence of emotion in case of probability estimation, risk assessment, negotiation style, and relationship to securitization, was rejected. The acquired data show a range of influence of emotions on the process of decision-making, thereby extending the existing models of the rational choice theory and prospect theory

    How journalists in Serbia deal with online attacks – normalization of digital violence as a consequence of lack of institutional support

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    U ovom radu predstavljamo rezultate i uvide iz kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog istraživanja sa novinarima u Republici Srbiji o digitalnom nasilju kojem su izloženi. Istraživačko pitanje na koje pokušavamo da damo odgovor odnosi se na to kako se na digitalno nasilje odgovara i reaguje na ličnom-profesionalnom nivou pojedinačnog novinara, a kako na digitalno nasilje i ugrožavanje bezbednosti novinara reaguje sistem, kako medijski, tako i pravno-institucionalni. Osnovna hipoteza našeg rada je da usled izostanka adekvatne institucionalne podrške u slučajevima digitalnog nasilja, novinari i novinarke razvijaju specifične mehanizme samozaštite. U prvom delu rada, analiziramo medijski kontekst, dok u drugom delu rada izlažemo metodološki dizajn sprovedenog istraživanja. U trećem delu rada predstavljamo podatke iz kvantitatvne studije, dok u četvrtom delu rada predstavljamo uvide iz kvalitativne studije, odnosno intervjua sa novinarima i novinarkama.In this paper, we present the results and insights from quantitative and qualitative research with journalists in the Republic of Serbia about the digital violence they are exposed to. The research question that we are trying to answer relates to how digital violence is answered and reacted at the personal-professional level of an individual journalist, and how the system, both media and legal-institutional, reacts to digital violence and endangering safety of journalists. The hypothesis of our work is that due to the lack of adequate institutional support in cases of digital violence, journalists develop specific self-protection mechanisms. In the first part of the paper, we analyze the media context, while in the second part we present the methodological design of the conducted research. In the third part of the paper, we analyze data from the quantitative study, while in the fourth part we present insights from the qualitative research, interviews with journalists

    Understanding Sentiment Towards Russia-Ukraine War: The Role of the Militant Extremist Mindset (Mems) and Big Five Personality

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    Serbia’s political positioning towards the Russia-Ukraine war is a highly contentious public issue and thus there is importance in understanding the factors that predict attitudes in this domain. In the current study we sought to examine individual differences in the sentiment towards the Russia-Ukraine war with a particular focus on Militant Extremist Mindset (subscales: Proviolence, Vile world, Divine power) and Big Five personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism, Openness and Conscientiousness). The sentiment towards the war is operationalized through War Anxiety (WAS), positive and negative emotions in relation to war (self-reported on a Likert scale), accountability perceptions of different actors (Russia, Ukraine, NATO, EU, and USA) and attitude towards imposing sanctions against Russia. The data was collected in Aprile 2022 by combining face-to-face and online surveying, on a two-stage stratified (region and education) random sample of 917 adults. The predictive power of personality predictors was tested after controlling for socio-economic variables (age, education, urbanization). A total of 8% of variance in war anxiety (WAS) can be explained with neuroticism (ꞵWAS = -.23, p < .01), agreeableness (ꞵWAS = .13, p < .01), and Divine power (ꞵWAS = .13, p = .01). Emotions in relation to war can be explained by agreeableness, neuroticism, conscientiousness, Proviolence and/or Divine power (7% of variance in negative emotions and 16% of variance in positive emotions), with MEMS factors being particularly predictive for positive feelings in relation to war (13% of variance explained). Perceived accountability of the Ukraine, NATO, EU, and USA is positively predicted by Vile World (ꞵ = .33, p < .01, 10% of variance explained), while Russia's accountability is negatively predicted by all MEMS factors (Proviolence ꞵ = -.14, p < .01, Vile world ꞵ = -.12, p < .01, Divine power ꞵ = -.18, p < .01, 8% of variance explained). Agreeableness predicted positive attitude towards imposing sanctions against Russia, explaining 4% of variance (Wald = 5.35, p = .02). As expected, sentiment towards RussiaUkraine war reflects personality traits typically predictive of political behavior and even greater extent radical and violent extremism mindset. Relatively small percentage of criteria explained variation suggests that the explanations of the war related attitudes should be expanded to the domain of more specific political attitudes, social identity, as well as social influence processes shaping public opinion

    Preparation of LiFePO4/C composites by co-precipitation in the presence of stearic acid

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    The olivine type compositions LiMPO4 (M = Fe, Mn, Co) are among the most attractive materials for the positive electrode of lithium-ion battery. The benefits of using LiFePO4 are excellent cycle life, high structural stability, low cost and environmental friendliness. Its main limitation is low total electrical conductivity, which can be overcome by carbon coating and/or the achievement of a small and homogeneous particle size distribution. Here is presented a simple and inexpensive route for obtaining LiFePO4/C composites by aqueous co-precipitation of an Fe(II) precursor material in the presence of stearic acid and subsequent heat treatment at different temperatures. Stearic acid serves as both chelating agent and carbonaceous material. During pyrolytic degradation stearic acid decomposes to carbon while creating reductive atmosphere. The crystal structures of the powders were revealed by X-ray powder diffraction. It was shown that phase purity of the synthesized powders is very dependent on calcination temperature, as well as their electrochemical properties

    Microemulsion-mediated hydrothermal synthesis of LiFePO4 cathode material

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    Poster presented at the 12th Annual Conference of the Materials Research Society of Serbia - YUCOMAT 2010, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 6–10, 2010.LiFePO4 is a material of great interest as cathode material for lithium ion batteries thanks to its good characteristics. One of the advanced techniques for LiFePO4 powder preparation is hydrothermal synthesis. In this work, LiFePO4 powders were prepared by a new approach, a microemulsion-mediated hydrothermal method in which microemulsion medium was further treated by hydrothermal reaction. The main advantage of the proposed route is low reaction temperature and short processing time that prevents agglomeration in the formed particles. LiFePO4 powders were prepared by microemulsion-mediated hydrothermal method in cyclohexane/Triton X-100/n-hexanole/water at 180 °C. The product of hydrothermal synthesis was heat treated in reductive atmosphere to avoid oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. Powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and galvanostatic charge-discharge cycling

    Anxiety in the Time of Elections: Electoral Behavior Of Voters in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War

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    Predizborna kampanja uoči izbora 3. aprila 2022. godine odvijala se u specifičnim uslovima. Svega devet dana nakon što je 15. februara 2022. godine predsednik Republike Srbije, Aleksandar Vučić, raspisao prevremene parlamentarne izbore, Ruska federacija izvršila je invaziju na Ukrajinu. Rat koji je trajao je tokom čitave predizborne kampanje, kreirao je specifičan komunikacioni izazov za političke stranke. Osim toga, rat je uticao i na glasače, pobuđujući anksioznost usled eventualnog prelivanja negativnih posledica rata (bezbednosnih, ekonomskih, političkih, emotivnih) na Srbiju. U ovom radu upravo analiziramo uticaj ratom indukovane anksioznosti na izborno ponašanje glasača. Kvantitativni istraživački dizajn podrazumevao je analizu istraživanja javnog mnjenja sprovedenog neposredno nakon održanih izbora. Upitnik postizborne sondaže bio je fokusiran na proveru dve hipoteze o uticaj anksioznosti na izborno ponašanje: (1) preusmeravanje pažnje glasača sa unutarpolitičkih na spoljnopolitičke teme; (2) promenu preferencija glasača kada je u pitanju donošenje odluke za koga će glasati na izborima.The campaign for the 2022 elections in Serbia took place under specific circumstances. Just nine days after the President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić announced parliamentary elections on February 15, 2022, the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine. The war created a specific communication challenge for political parties. In addition, the war also affected the voters, causing anxiety due to the possibility of a spillover of negative consequences of the war (security, economic, political, and emotional) to Serbia. In this paper, we analyze the impact of war-induced anxiety on the electoral behavior of voters. The quantitative research design involved the analysis of a public opinion survey conducted immediately after the elections. The post-election survey questionnaire was focused on testing two hypotheses about the impact of anxiety on voting behavior: (1) redirecting voters’ attention from domestic to foreign political topics; (2) a change in voter preferences when it comes to deciding who to vote for in elections. The theoretical foundation of this paper is a cognitive approach to emotions. The descriptive and inferential findings of our study indicate that anxiety related to the Russian-Ukrainian war was a significant factor in voting behavior in the 2022 parliamentary elections in Serbia. Regardless of party affiliation, it was empirically confirmed for the first time in the Serbian local context that anxiety induced by crisis situations increases voters’ interest in relevant political information, increases the probability of changing voting preferences, and promotes involvement in the electoral process (turnout), as well as gathering around political options that guarantee stability or offer protective security policies (parties that were in power until the election and right-wing parties). However, these effects were not left to the spontaneity of political-psychological processes but were also successfully instrumentalized by the Serbian Progressive Party. Simultaneously increasing the anxiety of the voters and offering messages of reassurance, this party managed to divert the attention of the voters from other relevant issues and to keep its former voters together. The findings of this analysis contribute to the open debates in the field of Elections and Voting Behavior, as well as in the field of Foreign Policy Analysis

    Econometric model of non-performing loans determinants

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    The paper presents the use of the difference GMM and the system GMM for the purposeof determining the critical determinants of non-performing loans. The aim of the paperis to point out the theoretical advantages of GMM in relation to other (often used) panel data estimators in the study of NPLs, and to demonstrate its advantages in the case ofthe emerging markets in the countries of Latin America. The paper seeks to identify arelevant econometric model in order to demonstrate the impact of crucial macro and micro economic variables on the NPLs.No evidence was found in support of the significance of the impact of the inflation rate and the micro economic variables that were the subject of research in this paper

    Procenjivanje simptoma poremećaja igranja kompjuterskih igara na internetu (eng. Internet Gaming Disorder) kod studenata - internacionalna validaciona studija mere samoprocene

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    The present study evaluated the psychometric properties of a self-report scale for assessing Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) symptoms according to the DSM-5 and ICD-11 among 3270 college/univers ity students (2095 [64.1%] females; age mean 21.6 [3.1] years) from different countries worldwide. Croatian, English, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Turkish, and Vietnamese versions of the scale were tested. The study showed that symptoms of IGD could be measured as a single underlying factor among college/university students. A nine itemsymptom scale following DSM-5, and a short four-item scale representing the main ICD-11 symptoms, had sound internal consistency and construct validity. Three symptom-items were found non-invariant across the language samples (i.e., preoccupation with on-line gaming, loss of interests in previous hobbies and entertainment, and the use of gaming to relieve negative moods). This study provides initial evidence for assessing IGD symptoms among college/university students and will hopefully foster further research into gaming addiction in this population worldwide especially with taking into account language/cultural differences.U ovoj studiji su procenjena psihometrijska svojstva skale samoprocene koja je namenjena proceni simptoma poremećaja igranja kompjuterskih igrara na internetu (eng. Internet Gaming Disorder-IGD) prema DSM-5 i ICD-11 klasifikacijama mentalnih bolesti na uzorku od 3270 studenata (2095 [64.1%] devojaka; prosečna starost 21.6 [3.1] godina) iz više zemalja. Ispitana je hrvatska, engleska, poljska, portugalska, srpska, turska i vijetnamska verzija skale. Rezultati su pokazali da se kod studenata IGD simptomi mogu izmeriti instrumentom u čijoj osnovi leži jedan faktor. Skala od devet stavki koje se odnose na DSM-5 kriterijume i kratka skala od četiri stavke koja se odnosi na glavne simptome prema ICD-11 kriterijumima imaju zadovoljavajuću internu konzistentnost i konstruktnu validnost. Merna invarijantnost u odnosu na različite jezike je utvrđena za tri ajtema (preokupiranost igranjem onlajn igara, gubljenje interesovanja za dotadašnje hobije i zabavu i korišćenje igranja za rasterećenje od negativnih emocija). Ova studija je ponudila početne podatke za procenu simptoma poremećaja igranja kompjuterskih igrara na internetu kod studenata i nadamo se da će podstaći buduća istraživanja zavisnosti od kompjuterskih igrara u populacijama širom sveta uzimajući u obzir jezičke/kulturološke razlike