230 research outputs found

    The evolution of social work as profession in France

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    L’objectiu d’aquest capítol és analitzar com han evolucionat les professions socials a França a partir de la seva història genealògica. El treball social, que es va desenvolupar en la confluència de tres històries: la substitució familiar (professió del treballador social), l’educació de joves amb problemes d’adaptació (professors especialistes), i la realització d’activitats amb animadors socioculturals, va experimentar una divisió en la segona meitat del segle XX. Tal com M. Autes assenyala, aquestes tres històries confluiran constantment tot i que cadascuna intenti definir el seu propi domini de competència.El objetivo de este capítulo es analizar cómo han evolucionado las profesiones sociales en Francia a partir de su historia genealógica. El trabajo social, que se desarrolló en la confluencia de tres historias: la sustitución familiar (profesión del trabajador social), la educación de jóvenes con problemas de adaptación (profesores especialistas), y la realización de actividades con animadores socioculturales, experimentó una división en la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Tal como M. Autes señala, estas tres historias confluirán constantemente aunque cada una intente definir su propio dominio de competencia.This chapter’s aim is to analyse the evolution of social professions in France, around its historical genealogy. Social work, built at the meeting of a triple history: familial substitution (social work profession), education of ‘maladjusted’ youth (specialist teachers), and activities with socio-cultural supervisors, has definitely suffered a break-up in the second half of the 20th century. As M. Autes underlines it, these three histories will constantly meet, even if each tries to mark its own domain of competence

    O ensino do trabalho social na Europa: o reconhecimento pela universidade em questão

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    Neste artigo, mostramos implicitamente, através do estudo do aparelho de formação em trabalho social nos países europeus, o desenvolvimento desta atividade e, sobretudo a diversidade que o caracteriza. Da mesma maneira que a prática profissional, a formação em trabalho social em nível europeu é múltipla. Assim, entre as escolas de formação, as escolas superiores e as universidades, diferentes tipos de ensino são realizados

    De la délinquance à la radicalisation

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    Dans les différents facteurs entremêlés qui conduisent les jeunes à se lancer dans le djihad, l’aspect biographique est trop souvent sous-estimé. Or les passages à l’acte reposent sur une généalogie directement liée au parcours de vie de ceux qui les perpètrent. Dans le cas de Mohamed Merah, l’embrigadement dans l’idéologie terroriste constitue la dernière étape d’un long parcours d’apprentissage de la violence commencé dans sa cellule familiale et poursuivi dans ses rapports avec les institutions. Une trajectoire accidentée qui, à travers l’accumulation des signes d’une défiance profonde vis-à-vis de toute autorité, faute de repères, conduit à la déviance

    Les jeunes issus de l’immigration confrontés à la discrimination

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    Les jeunes issus de l’immigration, dans leur difficulté à trouver du travail, font une expérience quotidienne et répétée des discriminations de classe sociale et d’origine ethnique. La société à laquelle ils appartiennent leur tend le miroir déformant de leur incapacité à s’insérer. Séduits par le mirage de l’égalité des chances, ils intègrent des humiliations en lieu et place d’un désir de reconnaissance qui reste sans écho. Les discriminations ne condamnent pourtant pas ces parcours à l’échec. Mais la réussite sociale se fait au prix de leur dépassement

    Comprensión lectora y producción de textos informativos en estudiantes de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Villa María-Chimbote-2022

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    El propósito del estudio fue establecer la relación entre la comprensión lectora y la producción de textos informativos en alumnos (as) del 1er. año \"A\" de secundaria de la Institución Educativa Villa María-Chimbote-2022. Se trabajó como metodología con la tipología de una investigación básica y con un diseño no experimental Transeccional Correlacional. Se usó el método de la Observación y para el registro de la información se utilizaron dos fichas de observación, una para cada variable las cuales fueron validadas previamente. La población estuvo constituida por 190 estudiantes del primer grado de educación secundaria de la I.E. Villa María y la muestra lo conforman 37 alumnos (as) del primer grado ?A? de educación secundaria. Se obtuvo como resultado un coeficiente de correlación de Pearson r = - 0,077 lo cual determina una relación negativa muy débil entre ambas variables y p = 0.653 > 0.05 consecuentemente se rechaza la hipótesis alterna y acepta la hipótesis nula. Indicando cuando una variable aumenta, la otra tiende a disminuir, pero de manera muy débil; es decir a mayor comprensión lectora, la producción de textos informativos es menorTesi

    Evolutionary rates and centrality in the yeast gene regulatory network

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    BACKGROUND: Transcription factors play a fundamental role in regulating physiological responses and developmental processes. Here we examine the evolution of the yeast transcription factors in the context of the structure of the gene regulatory network. RESULTS: In contrast to previous results for the protein-protein interaction and metabolic networks, we find that the position of a gene within the transcription network affects the rate of protein evolution such that more central transcription factors tend to evolve faster. Centrality is also positively correlated with expression variability, suggesting that the higher rate of divergence among central transcription factors may be due to their role in controlling information flow and may be the result of adaptation to changing environmental conditions. Alternatively, more central transcription factors could be more buffered against environmental perturbations and, therefore, less subject to strong purifying selection. Importantly, the relationship between centrality and evolutionary rates is independent of expression level, expression variability and gene essentiality. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis of the transcription network highlights the role of network structure on protein evolutionary rate. Further, the effect of network centrality on nucleotide divergence is different among the metabolic, protein-protein and transcriptional networks, suggesting that the effect of gene position is dependant on the function of the specific network under study. A better understanding of how these three cellular networks interact with one another may be needed to fully examine the impact of network structure on the function and evolution of biological systems

    Species richness, distribution and genetic diversity of Caenorhabditis nematodes in a remote tropical rainforest

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    BACKGROUND: In stark contrast to the wealth of detail about C. elegans developmental biology and molecular genetics, biologists lack basic data for understanding the abundance and distribution of Caenorhabditis species in natural areas that are unperturbed by human influence. METHODS: Here we report the analysis of dense sampling from a small, remote site in the Amazonian rain forest of the Nouragues Natural Reserve in French Guiana. RESULTS: Sampling of rotting fruits and flowers revealed proliferating populations of Caenorhabditis, with up to three different species co-occurring within a single substrate sample, indicating remarkable overlap of local microhabitats. We isolated six species, representing the highest local species richness for Caenorhabditis encountered to date, including both tropically cosmopolitan and geographically restricted species not previously isolated elsewhere. We also documented the structure of within-species molecular diversity at multiple spatial scales, focusing on 57 C. briggsae isolates from French Guiana. Two distinct genetic subgroups co-occur even within a single fruit. However, the structure of C. briggsae population genetic diversity in French Guiana does not result from strong local patterning but instead presents a microcosm of global patterns of differentiation. We further integrate our observations with new data from nearly 50 additional recently collected C. briggsae isolates from both tropical and temperate regions of the world to re-evaluate local and global patterns of intraspecific diversity, providing the most comprehensive analysis to date for C. briggsae population structure across multiple spatial scales. CONCLUSIONS: The abundance and species richness of Caenorhabditis nematodes is high in a Neotropical rainforest habitat that is subject to minimal human interference. Microhabitat preferences overlap for different local species, although global distributions include both cosmopolitan and geographically restricted groups. Local samples for the cosmopolitan C. briggsae mirror its pan-tropical patterns of intraspecific polymorphism. It remains an important challenge to decipher what drives Caenorhabditis distributions and diversity within and between species

    Efficient algorithms for reconstructing gene content by co-evolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In a previous study we demonstrated that co-evolutionary information can be utilized for improving the accuracy of ancestral gene content reconstruction. To this end, we defined a new computational problem, the Ancestral Co-Evolutionary (ACE) problem, and developed algorithms for solving it.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the current paper we generalize our previous study in various ways. First, we describe new efficient computational approaches for solving the ACE problem. The new approaches are based on reductions to classical methods such as linear programming relaxation, quadratic programming, and min-cut. Second, we report new computational hardness results related to the ACE, including practical cases where it can be solved in polynomial time.</p> <p>Third, we generalize the ACE problem and demonstrate how our approach can be used for inferring parts of the genomes of <it>non-ancestral</it> organisms. To this end, we describe a heuristic for finding the portion of the genome ('dominant set’) that can be used to reconstruct the rest of the genome with the lowest error rate. This heuristic utilizes both evolutionary information and co-evolutionary information.</p> <p>We implemented these algorithms on a large input of the ACE problem (95 unicellular organisms, 4,873 protein families, and 10, 576 of co-evolutionary relations), demonstrating that some of these algorithms can outperform the algorithm used in our previous study. In addition, we show that based on our approach a ’dominant set’ cab be used reconstruct a major fraction of a genome (up to 79%) with relatively low error-rate (<it>e.g.</it> 0.11). We find that the ’dominant set’ tends to include metabolic and regulatory genes, with high evolutionary rate, and low protein abundance and number of protein-protein interactions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The <it>ACE</it> problem can be efficiently extended for inferring the genomes of organisms that exist today. In addition, it may be solved in polynomial time in many practical cases. Metabolic and regulatory genes were found to be the most important groups of genes necessary for reconstructing gene content of an organism based on other related genomes.</p