592 research outputs found

    Србија и Илинденски устанак

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    The commotion in European Turkey in the first half of 1903 attracted the attention of Serbian politicians. However, preparations for the uprising in Macedonia coincided with a dynastic change in Serbia prompting Belgrade officials to give priority to internal issues. Besides, the attitude of the royal government was considerably influenced by the Great Powers and their active attempts at calming down tensions in the Balkans. In such circumstances, Belgrade's official attitude towards the occurrences in Macedonia was unambiguous. In keeping with the existing plan concerning the national question and in order to maintain good relations with the Ottoman Empire, Serbian politicians were determined to restrain from being involved in the complex situation caused by the uprising. Such decisions were largely influenced by the opinion of the competent circles in Belgrade that the uprising in Macedonia was stirred and supported by the Principality of Bulgaria and that, consequently, it was up to the politicians in Sofia to think about the possible consequences. In contrast with this reserved position of the officials, the fierceness of the events in Macedonia aroused turbulent and, in a sense, twofold reactions of various social circles and groups. The Serbian public, as could be heard in daily press and public statements, asked for a more active approach of the Serbian government above all, in terms of humanitarian aid to the Christians in the affected regions. On the other hand, uneasy about the passive attitude of official Belgrade, certain military circles displayed determination to protect Serbian interests in the south by implementing new forms of struggle. They set therefore, to muster up the first combat units despite the fact that Belgrade was expressly against Serbia's involvement in the armed conflict on the Macedonian soil. Such events, manifest exactly during the Ilinden uprising clearly indicated that the following period would witness a change in the general policy of the Kingdom of Serbia towards the Macedonian question and its adjustment to the new situation.Članak je posvećen odnosu različitih političkih činilaca Kraljevine Srbije prema Ilindenskom ustanku u Makedoniji, avgusta 1903. godine. Različit stav zvaničnog Beograda, oficirskih krugova i srpskog javnog mnjenja, prema ustanku, kao i zaoštravanje političkih prilika na Balkanu, doveli su do krupnih promena u postavkama srpskog nacionalnog rada u Makedoniji,u narednom periodu


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    Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act passed in 2010 is among the most significant regulatory reform acts since Great Depression. Proponents contend that its main provisions should help in preventing new financial distress, while detractors argue that it will endanger future economic growth due to too many restrictions on financial system and penalization of risk taking.Dodd-Frank zakonom o reformi Vol Strita i zaštiti potrošača iz 2010. godine predviđene su najznačajne regulatorne reforme fnansijskog sistema od Velike depresije. Predlagači su smatrali da njegove glavne odredbe treba da pomognu u sprečavanju nove fnansijske krize, dok su protivnici zakona smatrali da će zakon ugroziti budući ekonomski rast obzirom da previše ograničava fnansijski sistem i predviđa kaznene odredbe za preuzimanje rizika

    Nox and SO2 emission factors for Serbian lignite Kolubara

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    Emission factors are widely accepted tool for estimation of various pollutants emissions in USA and EU. Validity of emission factors is strongly related to experimental data on which they are based. This paper is a result of an effort to establish reliable NOx and SO2 emission factors for Serbian coals. The results of NOx and SO2 emissions estimations based on USA and EU emission factors from thermal power plants Nikola Tesla Obrenovac A and B utilizing the Serbian lignite Kolubara are compared with experimental data obtained during almost one decade (2000-2008) of emissions measurements. Experimental data are provided from regular annual emissions measurement along with operational parameters of the boiler and coal (lignite Kolubara) ultimate and proximate analysis. Significant deviations of estimated from experimental data were observed for NOx, while the results for SO2 were satisfactory. Afterwards, the estimated and experimental data were plotted and linear regression between them established. Single parameter optimization was performed targeting the ideal slope of the regression line. Results of this optimization provided original NOx and SO2 emission factors for Kolubara lignite

    Паладијум на угљенику у peg-400/циклохексану: каталитички систем kojи се може рециклирати и поново употребити за ефикасно декарбониловање алдехида

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    A simple methodology for the decarbonylation of aldehydes catalysed by commercially available palladium on carbon in a green two-solvent system is reported. Various aromatic, aliphatic and heteroaromatic aldehydes were transformed to the corresponding decarbonylated products in good yields. Product isolation from the reaction mixture is simple in practice, and the catalyst can be reused three times.Развијена је једноставна метода за декарбониловање алдехида користећи комерцијално доступни паладијум на угљенику уз употребу зелених растварача. Различити ароматични, алифатични и хетероароматични алдехиди могу се трансформисати у декарбониловане производе у добром приносу и без настајања споредних производа. Производи се једноставно изолоју из реакционе смеше, а исти катализатор се може употребити још три пута без значајног смањења приноса

    Religiosity and Altruistic Orientation in Economically Developed European Societies

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    In this paper, we examine the relationship between religiosity and altruistic value orientation in economically developed European societies. The data come from the European Social Survey (ESS). Religiosity within ESS is measured by three dimensions – self-evaluation, frequency of attendance of religious services apart from special occasions and frequency of praying apart from at religious services. Altruistic value orientation is measured by rating of personal importance of helping people and caring for others well-being. Using cross-sectional data from the last round of the ESS (from 2016), from thirteen economically developed European countries, we revealed very weak relationship between all three dimensions of religiosity and altruistic orientation. Secondly, using data from all the prior rounds of the ESS, from 2002 to 2016, we also examined trends of both religiosity and altruistic value orientation within the same societies. The results indicate decline of religiosity and rise of altruistic orientation in all of examined countries

    Analysis of investors’ preferences in the Montenegro stock market using data mining techniques

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    This article analyses the preferences of different types of investors to stock characteristics in the Montenegrin stock market. The majority of papers deal with stock portfolio analysis of the institutional investors. Since the number of individual investors in the Montenegrin market is much higher, the analysis of their trading behaviour is also very significant. In this article, using data mining techniques, we tested trading behaviour with stocks for both types of investors. We prove that data mining techniques, such as logistic regression, clustering and ecision trees, provide good results in this type of analysis. The analysis may be useful to the future investors, brokers and stock exchange

    Discrete-Time System Conditional Optimization in the Parameter Space with Nonzero Initial Conditions

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    The paper presents a new approach to the design of the classical PD controller for the plant in the closed loop control system. Proposed controller has two unknown adjustable parameters which are designed by the algebraic method in the two dimensional parameter space, by using the newly discovered characteristic polynomial of the row nondegenerate full transfer function matrix. The system relative stability, in regard to the chosen damping coefficient is achieved. The optimality criterion is the minimal value of the performance index and sum of squared error is taken as an objective function. The output error used in the performance index is influenced by all actions on the system at the same time: by nonzero initial conditions and by nonzero inputs. In the classical approach the output error is influenced only by nonzero inputs. Experimental results confirm that by taking into account nonzero initial conditions, an optimal solution is obtained, which is not the case with the classical method where optimization is performed at zero initial conditions

    Impact of pellet raw material on the energy and environmental characteristic of low power domestic stoves

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnih ispitivanja energetskih i ekoloških karakteristika peći male snage (8,5 kW) za sagorevanje drvenih peleta koja se koristi za zagrevanje domaćinstava. Celokupni postupak ispitivanja kao i projektovanje i izrada ispitne instalacije izvršena su u skladu sa zahtevima važećeg Evropskog propisa EN 14785 za ovu vrstu peći. Eksperimentalna instalacija je projektovana i izvedena u Laboratoriji za goriva i sagorevanje Mašinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ispitivanja su obavljena za tri toplotna opterećenja peći (minimalno, srednje i maksimalno) i sa tri vrste ispitnog goriva. Kao ispitna goriva korišćeni su peleti proizvedeni od bukovog drveta, čamovine i njihove mešavine, čime je omogućeno određivanje uticaja sirovine za proizvodnju peleta na proces sagorevanja. Obradom rezultata ispitivanja u skladu sa zahtevima standarda omogućeno je određivanje energetskih i ekoloških karakteristika ispitivane peći i njena klasifikacija prema kriterijumima definisanim standardom EN 14758.The results of experimental tests for determine thermal and environmental characteristics of low power pellet stove (8.5 kW) for combustion of wood pellets used for house hold heating are presented in this paper. Test procedure as well as design and manufacturing of test installation were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the applicable European regulation EN 14785 for ovens of this type. Test installation was de signed and assembled in the Laboratory for Fuel and Combustion at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Tests were conducted for three thermal loads of the stove (minimum, medium and maximum) and three types of test fuel. Used test fuels were produced from beech wood, fir wood and their mixture, which allowed determining impact of pellet raw material on combustion process. Recalculation of test results in accordance with the requirements of a standard provided determination of energy and environmental characteristics of the tested stove and its classification according to the criteria defined by standard EN 14785

    In Memoriam Prof. Mladen Jovanović, Ph. D.

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    It is with great sadness that we commemorate the passing of Professor Mladen Jovanović, one of the most distinguished scholars at the English Department of Niš University, who left us on November 8th, 2014. He was among the first associates of the teaching staff and one of the best loved professors at the department. Many generations of students who had the privilige of being taught and instructed by professor Jovanović will remember him as an exceptional expert in his domain, a great pedagogue and a warm and radient person. Professor Mladen Jovanović started his long-standing career at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš in 1974. Until 1996, he devoted his life and energy to promoting the quality of the course of studies at the English department. He imbued the studies of English in Niš with his outstanding professionalism, unreserved devotion to work and highest-quality knowledge that he was skillful in presenting and passing on to his students with ease. Along with lecturing on Phonetics, Semantics and the English language at the department, professor Jovanović was a very successful translator and interpreter. Some of his career highlights include the fact that he was one of the founders on the Yugoslav Translators Association, the organizer and host of the World’s Translators’ Congress in Belgrade in 1991, a UN peace keepers’ force interpreter in Lebanon, etc. Moreover, he was the author of numerous books, including dictionaries, among which were Savremeni kolokvijalni englesko - srpski, srpsko – engleski rečnik and Školski englesko-srpski/srpsko-engleski rečnik, textbooks in linguistic disciplines and handbooks in translation and interpreting such as Tehnika prevodjenja: praktični deo, as well as a number of papers and articles, enthusiastically read by his students and colleagues alike, not only for their quality content, but also for the clear expression and uncomplicated language. All of his grateful students will eternally keep in memory everything professor Jovanović had to teach them, not only about English, linguistics or translation, but also about life in general, about human kindness and the indispensable ingredients that composed a true professor