157 research outputs found

    Komparativna analiza broja ovaca u BJR i nekim evropskim državama

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    Sheep farming in Serbia, from year to year, notices a descending course in number of sheep, as well as in production of milk and meat. The main objective of this paper is the analysis of the number of sheep in Serbia and the surrounding countries (FYR). By comparing the current state of the total number of sheep (in 2011) with the state in the former Yugoslavia, the result shown is that there are 66% less sheep in Serbia compared to the total number seen in 1967 (base year). Compared to the last census from 2012, there is an increased number of sheep in Serbia, compared to previous year (2011) by 18.4%. Other former Yugoslav republics (FYR) also have a decrease in the total number of sheep: in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 76.5%, in Montenegro by 64.3%, in Croatia by 41.3%, in Macedonia by 63.5% compared to 1967 (base year), except for Slovenia, which has an increase in the total number of sheep by 83,000 head of cattle. In paper is given overview of the number of sheep for some European countries and for some part of world, in purpose of comparison with sheep state in FYR.U Srbiji ovčarstvo iz godine u godinu beleži silazni tok kako po broju ovaca, tako i po proizvodnji mleka i mesa. Glavni cilj ovog rada je analiza broja ovaca u Srbiji i u zemljama u okruženju (BJR). Upoređujući trenutno stanje ukupnog broja ovaca (2011) sa stanjem u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji dolazimo do rezultata koji ukazuju da je u Srbiji za 66% manje ovaca od ukupnog broja u odnosu na 1967. godinu (bazna godina). Poređenjem sa poslednjim popisu iz 2012. godine u Srbiji je povećan broj ovaca u odnosu na prethodnu godinu (2011) za 18.4%. Kod ostalih bivših jugoslovenskih republika takođe imamo smanjenje ukupnog broja ovaca: u BiH za 76.5%, u Crnoj Gori za 64.3%, Hrvatskoj za 41.3%, Makedoniji za 63.5% u odnosu na 1967. godinu (bazna godina), izuzev Slovenije koja ima povećanje ukupnog broja ovaca za 83 hiljade grla. U radu je dat pregled broja ovaca za neke Evropske države i za pojedine delove sveta, u cilju upoređivanja sa stanjem ovaca u BJR

    Mogućnosti za proizvodnju biomase na livadama i pašnjacima kao faktor unapređenja ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbiji

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    Proizvodnja kvalitetne sveže stočne hrane predstavlja važnu komponentu u stočarskoj proizvodnji. Kao takva je od strateškog značaja za stvaranje stabilnosti i oporavak stočarstva, naročito u planiniskim područjima Republike Srbije. Na teritoriji naše zemlje učešće livada i pašnjaka u strukturi zasejanih površina je zadovoljavajuće, dok je proizvodnja krmnog bilja zastupljena sa 9,1% površina. Shodno tome, mogućnosti za ishranu ovaca je pozitivan, čime se može smanjiti upotreba koncentrovanih hraniva i poboljšati kvalitet krajnjih proizvoda (mleka, mesa i vune). Radom je istaknuta geografska zastupljenost ovčarske proizvodnje po Regionima i njihovog udela u ukupnoj proizvodnji, kao i procentualna podela proizvodnje na prirodnim livadama i pašnjacima, čime se jasno stavlja na uvid stručne i naučne javnosti trenutno stanje, a daju i preporuke za buduće jačanje ovčarske proizvodnje u Republici Srbiji

    An austempering study of ductile iron alloyed with copper

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    Austempered ductile iron (ADI) has proved to be an excellent material as it possesses attractive properties: high strength, ductility and toughness are combined with good wear resistance and machinability. These properties can be achieved upon adequate heat treatment which yields the optimum microstructure for a given chemical composition. In this paper the results of an investigation the austempering of ADI alloyed with 0.45 % Cu for a range of times and temperatures are reported. The microstructure and fracture mode developed throughout these treatments have been identified by means of light and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It was shown that the strength, elongation and impact energy strongly depend on the amounts of bainitic ferrite and retained austenite. Based on these results, and optimal processing window was established

    Voluminozna (kabasta) stočna hrana kao faktor ekonomskog unapređenja ovčarske proizvodnje u Srbiji

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    Forage crops linking the plant and livestock production; under conditions where intensive livestock farming, production is based on the use of land, water and solar energy, and with respect for the principles of safe food and protecting the environment. The objective of this paper is to show the possibility of utilization of meadows and pastures, as well as the cheapest basic nutrients in animal feed production. To ensure a stable and economical production of milk, meat, wool, and of progeny in sheep production, great attention should be paid to the production of high-quality forage and concentrates. In Serbia of the total agricultural area of 5.051 thousand ga, meadows occupying 12,4% and pastures occupies 16,6%. Their total percentage paicupation is 19%, from which is obtained 2,1 t ha-1green mass or 0,8% of hay. Forage crops cultivated to 9,1% of total agricultural land used, while compared to the total sown area is 15%, for a total of meadows and pasture was 38,1% of that is used in livestock feed for cattle. This paper presents a comparative analysis of meadows and pastures in Serbia with the surface of the former Yugoslav republics, as well as the percentage of meadows and pastures in the total agricultural land in 2011 in Serbia and the former Yugoslav republics. Sheep production is primarily regionally distributed in the mountainous areas and regions where there is significant participation in grassland structure utilization of agricultural land.Proizvodnja krmnog bilja povezuje biljnu i stočarsku proizvodnju; gde se u uslovima intenzivnog stočarstva proizvodnja bazira na korišćenju zemljišta, vode i sunčeve energije, uz poštovanje principa proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane i očuvanja životne sredine. Cilj ovog rada je ukazivanje mogućnost iskorišćavanja livada i pašnjaka, kao osnovnih najjeftinijih hraniva u proizvodnji stočne hrane. Da bi se obezbedila stabilna i ekonomična proizvodnja mleka, mesa, vune, kao i priplodnog podmlatka u ovčarskoj proizvodnji, veliku pažnju treba posvetiti proizvodnji kvalitetnih kabastih hraniva i koncentrata. U Srbiji od ukupne korišćene poljoprivredne površine od 5.051 hilj. hektara, livade zauzimaju 12,4%, a pašnjaci 16,6%. Njihovo ukupno procentualno učešće iznosi 29,0%, sa kojih se dobija oko 2,1 t/ha zelene mase, odnosno 0,8 t/ha sena. Krmno bilje se uzgaja na 9,1% od ukupno korišćene poljoprivredne površine, dok u odnosu na ukupno zasejane površine iznosi 15,0%,što ukupno sa livadama i pašnjacima iznosi 38,1% površine koja se koristi u stočarstvu za ishranu stoke. U radu je prikazana i komparativna analiza površine livada i pašnjaka u Srbiji sa površinama bivših Jugoslovenskih Republika, kao i procentualno učešće livada i pašnjaka u ukupnom poljoprivrednom zemljištu u 2011. godini u Srbiji i bivšim Jugoslovenskim Republikama. Ovčarstvo je pretežno regionalno raspoređeno u brdsko-planinskim područjima i regionima gde je značajnije učešće pašnjaka u strukturi iskorišćavanja poljoprivrednog zemljišta

    Comparative Analysis of the Number of Sheep in FYR and Some European Countries

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    Sheep farming in Serbia, from year to year, notices a descending course in number of sheep, as well as in production of milk and meat. The main objective of this paper is the analysis of the number of sheep in Serbia and the surrounding countries (FYR). By comparing the current state of the total number of sheep (in 2011) with the state in the former Yugoslavia, the result shown is that there are 66% less sheep in Serbia compared to the total number seen in 1967 (base year). Compared to the last census from 2012, there is an increased number of sheep in Serbia, compared to previous year (2011) by 18.4%. Other former Yugoslav republics (FYR) also have a decrease in the total number of sheep: in Bosnia and Herzegovina by 76.5%, in Montenegro by 64.3%, in Croatia by 41.3%, in Macedonia by 63.5% compared to 1967 (base year), except for Slovenia, which has an increase in the total number of sheep by 83,000 head of cattle. In paper is given overview of the number of sheep for some Europea

    COVID-19 and Behavioral Factors of e-Payment Use: Evidence from Serbia

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    Banknotes and coins are some of the most frequently traded items in the world. Their current use, however, is unsustainable, and many countries are trying to digitalize their payment systems. The recent pandemic has accelerated this transition. Building on the Theory of Unintended Consequences, the aim of this article is to examine the influence of some pandemic-specific factors (in specific, hand sanitization, conspiracy theory mentality, and financial acumen) on the current and prospective use of e-payment. A particular aim of the study is to analyze these relationships in Serbia (as an example of a cash-centric society). The study is based on primary data gathered via a questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed for the purpose of this study. In total, the study examined N = 474 examinees. The results of this study confirm that the pandemic-induced variables are statistically significant predictors of e-payment use. In particular, hand sanitization, conspiracy mentality (reversely), and financial acumen positively affect current and prospective e-payment use

    Calculation of the frequency response and bandwidth in low numerical aperture step-index plastic optical fiber using time-dependent power flow equation

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    Time-dependent power flow equation is employed to calculate frequency response and bandwidth of low numerical aperture step-index optical fiber excited with Gaussian-like light source with large width. Both, frequency response and bandwidth, are specified as function of the fiber length measured from the input end of the fiber. Analytical and numerical solutions are compared and good agreement between results is obtained

    Environmental and Financial Performance: Review of Selected Studies

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    The main objective of this paper is to examine selected literature on the relationship between environmental performance and financial performance on firm-level. Specific objectives are defined in accordance with the observed group of environmental performance measures. We decided to investigate environmental performance measured that refer to pollutant emissions, waste, and environmental disclosures. Examined studies cover different periods, regions, and companies. In observed literature, we found mixed results. The results depend on many factors such as the used environmental measures, the financial performance measure, the control variables, the industry type, and the characteristics of companies

    Proizvodnja krmnog bilja na području Gornjeg Podunavlja i Karpatske oblasti - stanje i mogućnosti

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    In this paper work is presented current state of forage crop production on administrative territory of Upper Danube region, which for the purpose of research includes the areas of following territories: Sombor, Apatin, Bač and Bačka Palanka; aslo in the administrative region of Carpathian area, which for the purpose of research includes next territory’s: Golubac, Kučevo, Majdanpek, Kladovo i Negotin. For research are used data of Repblical Statistical Office, the five-year period 2007-2011. As a reference value study examined the following parameters: total agricultural area; agricultural area of meadows and pastures; forage crops production in observed fields (clover, alfalfa, meadows and pastures). The aim of this analysis is to present the current state of production of fodder, the importance of production for agroecosystems, as well as opportunities for future growth of production and of great importance, and also economic and sustainable development of local communities these areas.U radu je predstavljeno trenutno stanje proizvodnje krmnog bilja na administrativnom području Gornjeg Podunavlja, koji za potrebe istraživanja obuhvata teritorije sledećih opština: Sombor, Apatin, Bač i Bačka Palanka; kao i na administrativnom području Karpatske oblasti, koja za potrebe istraživanja obuhvata teritorije sledećih opština: Golubac, Kučevo, Majdanpek, Kladovo i Negotin. Za istraživanje su korišćeni podaci Republičkog zavoda za statistiku, za petogodišnji period 2007-2011 godina. Kao referentne vrednosti istraživanja ispitivani su sledeći parametri: ukupna poljoprivredna površina; poljoprivredna površina pod livadama i pašnjacima; proizvodnja krmnog bilja u posmatranim oblastima (detelina, lucerka, livade i pašnjaci). Cilj ovakve analize je predstavljanje trenutnog stanja proizvodnje krmnog bilja, značaj proizvodnje za agroekosistem, kao i mogućnosti za buduće povećanje obima proizvodnje i sam privredni zanačaj i održivi razvoj lokalnih zajednica pomenutih oblasti

    The nutritive value of poultry diets containing sunflower meal supplemented by enzymes

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    The international limitations imposed on the utilization of meat and bone meals in animal diets, together with the increasing demand for soybean meal, create a necessity to search for other protein sources to economically balance compound feeds. In this regard it is important to note that sunflower is the best adapted high-protein crop available in some European regions and that is useful to use it in poultry farming as the replacement of other protein sources. Protein and many other nutrients are “imprisoned” to variable degrees, inside sunflower meal fibrous structures, and remain less available for digestion by the poultry’s own proteases and other endogenous enzymes. Added exogenous enzymes (phytase, hemicellulase, cellulase, carbohydrase, protease, etc.) offer a number of creative possibilities for breakdown and “liberation” of these nutrients, their easier digestion and absorption, and thus development of new nutritional standards and new diets formulation. Supplementation of poultry diets containing sunflower meal by different enzymes increasingly contribute to sustainable poultry farming by enhancing production efficiency, increasing the effectiveness of nutrient utilization and upgrading in environmental protection. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III46012