46 research outputs found

    Parenteralna ishrana pasa i mačaka

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    Inadequate diet combined with disease, injury or stress increases the metaobolic activity of patients to above the normal activity at rest. Sick or injured patients that are incapable of the intake of food and use nutritive matter through the digestive tract are indicated for parenteral feeding. Prior to the application of parenteral nutrition itself, it is necessary to carry out a series of clinical and laboratory analyses in order to determine which patients should actually be treated in this way. In order to determine the parenteral nutritive requirements, the veterinarian must assess the nutritive requirements of the patient, and on these grounds determine the type of solution that will be applied. It is very difficult to determine the precise requirements, so that certain relations are used in practice between the individual nutritive components that are based on the average requirements of these animal species. For parenteral nutrition, solutions are applied that are based on dextrose or glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In the course of the application of parenteral feeding, constant monitoring of the patient is necessary in the form of clinical examinations and laboratory tests.Neadekvatna ishrana u kombinaciji sa boleŔću, povredom ili stresom povećava metaboličku aktivnost pacijenta iznad normalne pri mirovanju. Bolesni ili povređeni pacijenti koji nisu u stanju da uzimaju hranu i koriste hranjive materije preko digestivnog trakta indikovani su za parenteralnu ishranu. Pre same primene parenteralne ishrane potrebno je izvrÅ”iti niz kliničkih i laboratorijskih analiza kako bismo odredili pacijente kod kojih je ona stvarno indikovana. Za određivanje parenteralnih nutritivnih potreba veterinar mora da proceni potrebe pacijenta za hranljivim materijama, na osnovu čega će se odrediti i vrsta rastvora koja će se primeniti. Egzaktne potrebe je veoma teÅ”ko odrediti, te se u praksi koriste određene relacije između pojedinih hranjivih sastojaka koje počivaju na prosečnim potrebama ovih vrsta životinja. Za parenteralnu ishranu koriste se rastvori na bazi dekstroze ili glukoze, aminokiselina, lipida, vitamina mikro i makro elemenata. Tokom primene parenteralne ishrane neophodna je stalna kontrola pacijenta u vidu kliničkih pregleda i laboratorijskih analiza

    Comparison of experimental and calculation procedures for estimation of lipophilicity: new ida derivatives

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    The lipophilicity expressed as the partition coefficient of newly synthesized IDA derivatives (DIETHYLIODIDA and DIIODIDA) and commercial IDA derivatives as well as theirs corresponding complexes with 99mTc was calculated using two computer programs: PACO and ChemOffice Ultra 2003 and determinated experimentally by extraction method. The correlation between: log P calculated by two programs; ChemOffice program and experimental log P; and PACO program and experimental log P, is r=0.76, r=0.81 and r=0.91 respectively.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Mogućnost adsorpcije mikotoksina (aflatoksin M1 i M2) u jogurtu adsorbentima na bazi prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita

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    Ways of milk contamination with mycotoxins, harmful effects of mycotoxins, as well as the possibilities for decontamination of mycotoxin contaminated milk are presented in this paper. The research results of efficacy of absorption of aflatoxins M1 and M2 in yogurt by natural and modified zeolite (clinoptilolite) are presented. In laboratory conditions, two amounts of both absorbents (0,2 and 0,6%), with and without addition of sodium caseinate were applied. It was determined that both absorbents had high efficiency for aflatoxin M1 and M2 absorption. The efficiency was higher without addition of sodium caseinate, and absorption of both aflatoxins was slightly higher on modified zeolite. Compared with lower amount of absorbents (0,2%), the higher amount of both adsorbents (0,6%) showed higher adsorption of aflatoxin M1 and M2. The sedimentation of absorbents in yogurt was not observed. The constant control, the prevention of contamination of milk with mycotoxins during the production proccess, together with utilization of absorbents, may be the an alternative way of food protection against the harmful effects of mycotoxins.U radu je dat prikaz rezultata ispitivanja efikasnosti adsorpcije aflatoksina M1 i M2 u jogurtu koriŔćenjem prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita (klinoptilolita). Ispitivane su dve doze prirodnog i modifikovanog zeolita (0, 2 i 0, 6 %) sa i bez dodatka natrijum kazeinata. Utvrđeno je da oba adsorbenta imaju visok stepen adsorpcije aflatoksina M1 i M2 u jogurtu. Njihova efikasnost je bila veća bez dodatka natrijum kazeinata, pri čemu je modifikovani zeolit dao povoljnije rezultate (>80%). Povećana doza (0,6 %) oba adsorbenata u odnosu na manju dozu (0,2%) imala je i veću efikasnost adsorpcije aflatoksina M1 i M2. Nisu primećeni tragovi taloženja adsorbenta u jogurtu. Dalje ispitivanje i usavrÅ”avanje ovog postupka adsorpcije može da doprinese većem izboru alternativnih reÅ”enja u zaÅ”titi potroÅ”ača od mikotoksina

    Uloga receptora za epidermalni faktor rasta u trombinom regulisanoj proliferaciji glatkih miÅ”ićnih ćelija krvnih sudova

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    Zajednički činilac u nastanku vaskularnih oboljenja kao Å”to su ateroskleroza, restenoza i hipertenzija je patoloÅ”ka proliferacija i akumulacija glatkih miÅ”ićnih ćelija krvnog suda (VSMC) u njegov unutraÅ”nji (intima) sloj. Trombin, ključni hormon koagulacionoaterogenetske mreže posreduje u regulisanju tonusa i propustljivosti krvnih sudova, migracije i proliferacije VSMC, privlačenja monocita i raznih proinflamatornih markera u aterosklerotske lezije i svoje efekte ostvaruje direktno kao serinska proteinaza i aktivacijom svojih receptora spregnutih sa G proteinom (GPCR). Pokazano je da trombin posreduje u proliferaciji VSMC transaktivacijom receptora za epidermalni faktor rasta (EGFR). Proces transaktivacije EGFR preko aktivacije trombinskih receptora, uključuje metaloproteinaze koje generiÅ”u ligande proteolitičkim cepanjem membranskih prekursora, kao Å”to je heparin vezujući epidermalni faktor rasta (HB-EGF) koji se vezuje za EGFR i aktivira ga, Å”to vodi proliferaciji VSMC preko nishodnih, signalnih puteva mitogenom aktiviranih protein kinaza (MAPK). U okviru ovog preglednog članka su prikazani i diskutovani novi literaturni podaci koji se odnose na: ulogu aktivacije EGFR u posredovanju proliferativnog efekta trombina na VSMC, razumevanje i reviziju koncepta trostruke kaskade transaktivacije EGFR stimulisane trombinom u mehanizmu proliferacije VSMC.The common factor in the development of vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and restenosis, is excessive accumulation and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) within inner (intima) layer of vessel wall. Thrombin, a key player in athero-coagulation maze, mediates the regulation of vascular permeability and contraction, migration and proliferation of VSMC, attracting monocytes and a variety of proinflammatory markers in atherosclerotic lesions. Thrombin exerts its effects either directly as serine proteinases and/or via activation of its G proteins coupled receptors (GPCR). It has been shown that thrombin mediates transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) within the process of VSMC proliferation. EGFR transactivation process through the activation of thrombin protease activated receptor (PAR), includes a matrix metalloproteinase cleavage of membrane ligands precursors such as epidermal growth factor like growth factor that binds heparin (HB-EGF) that binds to the EGFR and activates it, leading to VSMC proliferation via downstream signaling pathways of mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK). This review article presents review of the new literature data concerning: the role of EGFR activation in mediating the proliferative effect of thrombin in VSMC and understanding of the concept of the triple cascade of EGFR transactivation stimulated by thrombin in the mechanism of VSMC proliferation

    Trend of suicide by self-immolation in a 13-year timeline: was the COVID-19 pandemic a potentially important stressor?

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    IntroductionSelf-immolation is an uncommon way of attempting and committing a suicide, with a fatality rate of 80%. The risk factors in self-immolation victims vary depending on demographic characteristics, socio-economic and cultural factors as well as religious beliefs. Whether the COVID-19 pandemic was a potentially important stressor for self-immolation is still unknown, with insufficient studies examining this issue. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to examine the trend of self-immolation in a 13-year timeline, and the potential association of COVID-19 pandemic with the increase in the incidence and severity of self-immolation injuries in Serbia in 2021.Materials and methodsThe study included hospitalized patients due to intentional burns caused by self-immolation in the period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2021. Joinpoint regression analysis was used for the analysis of continuous linear trends of self-immolation cases with change points.ResultsWhile a rising trend was observed in the 2008ā€“2013 time segment, followed by a decline in the upcoming 2013ā€“2016 time segment, a significant increase reached its maximum during COVID-19 pandemic (2021), with annual percent change of 37.1% (pā€‰=ā€‰0.001). A significant increase in the median number of cases per year was observed during 2021 compared to the previous periods (7.5 vs. 2). Frequency of patients with a psychiatric diagnosis vs. those without a psychiatric diagnosis was significantly higher during than before the COVID-19 period (66.7 vs. 36.1%, pā€‰=ā€‰0.046).ConclusionIn our study, a significant increase in the frequency of suicide attempts by self-immolation during COVID-19 pandemic was noticed. There was also an increased frequency of pre-existing psychiatric illness among patients during the pandemic period. With limited high-quality data available, the study adds to a rising body of evidence for assessment of outcomes of the pandemic on mental health and recognition of stressors for self-immolation

    Drugs with the highest drug expenditure in the Republic of Serbia

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    Introduction: The policy concerning drugs represents a concentrated effort to achieve better health outcomes for all, with a particular focus on people's access to and rational use of medications. On the basis of pharmacoeconomic analyses, it is possible to modify established prescribing habits, it is possible to influence the creation of guidelines, development strategy and long-term health care planning. Aim: The aim of the work was to determine drugs with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia, and to compare the results obtained in three consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also, to analyze which are the most expensive medications listed in the National Register of Medications and what is the trend of changing them. Material and methods: The drug expenditure was monitored using the ATC/DDD methodology. It implies the classification of medications according to the internationally accepted ATC classification of drugs, while DDD, i.e. defined daily dose, is used as a statistical unit for consumption monitoring. The number of DDD/1,000 inhabitants per day provides an insight into how many inhabitants (out of 1,000 of them) used the observed medication and were exposed to its effects during one day. Results: The trend of expenditure of these medications was growing exponentially from 2016 to 2018. The most expensive medications per box are from group J - anti-infective drugs for systemic use and L - antineoplastics and immunomodulators, but their expenditure in the Republic of Serbia is very low. The drugs with the highest price per 1 DDD are: enzymes imiglucerase, laronidase and the biological medication basiliximab in all three years, but considering the indications and rare prescribing, the total cost for these drugs is not high. The largest funds in the Republic of Serbia for the mentioned period were spent on drugs such as: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol in combinations, trastuzumab, pantoprazole, amlodipine and rosuvastatin. Comparing the spending on L group of drugs in 2017 compared to 2016, there was a significant increase. Conclusion: The medications with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia are used very little compared to countries with good pharmacotherapy practice. The most expensive drugs are those that are used for special and rare indications, and large amounts of money are not allocated for them as for some cheaper, but more frequently prescribed drugs

    Antiproliferative and Proapoptotic Activities of Methanolic Extracts from Ligustrum vulgare L. as an Individual Treatment and in Combination with Palladium Complex

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    The aim of this study is to examine the growth inhibitory effects of methanolic leaf and fruit extracts of L. vulgare on HCT-116 cells over different time periods and their synergistic effect with a Pd(apox) complex. The antiproliferative activity of plant extracts alone or in combination with the Pd(apox) complex was determined using MTT cell viability assay, where the IC50 value was used as a parameter of cytotoxicity. Results show that antiproliferative effects of L. vulgare extracts increase with extension of exposure time, with decreasing IC50 values, except for 72 h where the IC50 values for methanolic leaf extract were lower than for the fruit extract. The Pd(apox) complex alone had a weak antiproliferative effect, but combination with L. vulgare extracts caused stronger effects with lower IC50 values than with L. vulgare extracts alone. The type of cell death was explored by fluorescence microscopy using the acridin orange/ethidium bromide method. Treatments with plant extracts caused typical apoptotic morphological changes in HCT-116 cells and co-treatments with Pd(apox) complex caused higher levels of apoptotic cells than treatment with plant extracts alone. The results indicate that L. vulgare is a considerable source of natural bioactive substances with antiproliferative activity on HCT-116 cells and which have a substantial synergistic effect with the Pd(apox) complex

    Parenteral feeding of cats and dogs

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    Inadequate diet combined with disease, injury or stress increases the metaobolic activity of patients to above the normal activity at rest. Sick or injured patients that are incapable of the intake of food and use nutritive matter through the digestive tract are indicated for parenteral feeding. Prior to the application of parenteral nutrition itself, it is necessary to carry out a series of clinical and laboratory analyses in order to determine which patients should actually be treated in this way. In order to determine the parenteral nutritive requirements, the veterinarian must assess the nutritive requirements of the patient, and on these grounds determine the type of solution that will be applied. It is very difficult to determine the precise requirements, so that certain relations are used in practice between the individual nutritive components that are based on the average requirements of these animal species. For parenteral nutrition, solutions are applied that are based on dextrose or glucose, amino acids, lipids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. In the course of the application of parenteral feeding, constant monitoring of the patient is necessary in the form of clinical examinations and laboratory tests

    Determination of low levels of cyanide with a silver/silver sulphide wire electrode

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    A silver/silver sulphide electrode is prepred quickly by holding a cleaned silver wire in vapours from molten sulphur. In 1000-10 mg l-1 cyanide solutions, the electrode exhibits a linear E/log CCN function which becomes slightly sinusoidal for 10-0.1 mg l-1 cyanide. The average slope is slightl super-Nerstian (10 mV/decade concentration). The applicability of the electrode is demonstrated for the determinations of microgram quantities of water-soluble cyanide from the Prussian blue pigments which are constituents of externally applied cosmetics. The home-made electrode provides results agreing with those obtained with commercially available electrodes