51 research outputs found

    Formica rufa ants have a limited effect on the abundance of the parasitic fly Ernestia rudis in Scots pine plantations

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    Red wood ants (the Formica rufa group) are important predators which affect animal communities in their territory. Therefore, they are useful in forest protection. On the other hand, they also prey on beneficial organisms. We have asked whether Formica rufa L. affects the abundance of the parasitic flies Ernestia rudis (Fallén). Ten anthills situated in about 40-year- old pine plantations were used for the study. The presence of E. rudis cocoons was assessed in eight soil samples excavated in the surrounding of each nest at a distance of 2–17 m. Our results show a considerably lower abundance of E. rudis only to 4.5 m from the nests. The occurrence of Formica rufa ants therefore had no significant effect on the beneficial E. rudis population in plantation forests, where ants populations are low

    Responses at the stand and tree level to ice storm injuries in beech forests in eastern Serbia

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    The paper presents the study on the condition and structural stability of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands after the 2014 ice storm disturbance. The research was conducted in three pure beech stands on the Rtanj mountain in eastern Serbia. The stand condition after the ice storm was analyzed using changes in taxation elements. The assessment of tree damage was done according to the ICP Forests methodology, while the structural stability of the stands and individual trees was analyzed using the slenderness coefficient. The obtained results indicate very heterogeneous responses of beech stands to the negative impact of the ice storm. Heterogeneity is not only expressed between stands but also within individual stands. The stands after the ice storm are characterized by significantly reduced values of production indicators, but also by satisfactory stability, considering that the trees from the understory suffered the most. Statistically significant differences in the stability of trees of different dimensions expressed through the slenderness coefficient were determined. Consequently, the stands have maintained an appropriate level of stability thanks to the survival and resistance of the dominant trees that are the bearers of functions in these stands (trees with dbh > 40 cm). This indicates the great potential of silvicultural treatments that can increase the stability and resistance of stands in areas with a high risk of such phenomena. In addition, repressive action in the form of salvage logging has a very important role with the aim of ensuring the continuity of stands after damage has occurred

    Desperate times call for desperate measures: Short-term use of the common ash tree by gypsy moth larvae (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) under density and starvation stress

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    Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) feeds on a large number of tree species, while ash, Fraxinus spp. (Lamiales: Oleaceae) species are considered resistant and are only sporadically eaten. To assess the conditions under which late instar gypsy moth larvae (GML) can temporarily use non-host common ash (CA) (F. excelsior L.), and to evaluate their ability to recover from ingestion of this toxic food, we determined the relative growth rate, the relative consumption rate and the amount of produced feces in different laboratory feeding trials. Our report is the first to show that under specific circumstances, the resources acquired after short-term consumption of CA leaves can be utilized for larval growth. We varied the intensity of density and starvation stress prior to feeding on CA leaves. We observed that after moderate stress a group of GML was temporarily capable of coping with CA leaves. Although observed growth and consumption were much lower on CA than on the optimal host oak, Quercus cerris L. (Fagales: Fagaceae), CA-oak-switched larvae showed the ability to recover from short-term use of a toxic non-host foliage. This suggests that feeding on CA might enable GML to survive under conditions of food shortage


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    Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963) is an invasive leaf-mining moth originating from Asia. It develops on plants from the genus Tilia. The first finding of this species in Serbia was in 2013, and since then, the range of the species has spread, and we have found it at five more localities on T. cordata and T. tomentosa. Ph. issikii was studied at two of these localities. The existence of two overlapping generations was determined. No significant differences in the intensity of the attack between them were noticed. Differences existed only between the localities where the research was conducted and between the Tilia species on which Ph. issikii was found. As regards the lime species, the moth preferred T. cordata to T. tomentosa at both localities. Two species of parasitoids were reared from the collected material: Pediobius saulius (Walker, 1839) and Minotetrastichus frontalis (Nees, 1834)

    Diferencijalna dijagnostika bolesti svinja koje se karakterišu krvavljenjem u digestivnom traktu

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    Krvavljenja u digestivnom traktu svinja se mogu javiti kod različitih proizvodnih kategorija svinja, ali najčešće su vezana za period posle zalučenja i tov. Krvavljenja u digestivnom traktu kod prasadi na sisi se najčešće javljaju kod akutnog klostridijalnog enteritisa prasadi na sisi koji je u literaturi poznat i kao hemoragično-nekrotični enteritis. Tokom odgoja prasadi i kasnije u tovu može se javiti hemoragična proliferativna enteropatija koja se karakteriše vrlo intenzivnim krvavljenjem u ileumu gde su prisutni ugrušci sveže krvi, ali bez prisutnih lezija na samoj sluznici (nema ulceracija). Sluznica je pri tome naborana kao posledica adenomatozne proliferacije nezrelih ćelija crevnih kripti, a hemoragična dijareja je česta pojava. Ezofagogastrični ulkus i ulceracije u želucu svinja mogu dovesti do manjeg subkliničkog gubitka krvi ili značajnijeg krvavljenja koje dovodi do melene i uginuća od posledica iskrvarenja. Kod dizenterije svinja, javlja se ulcerozni tiflokolitis koji se karakteriše prisustvom hemoragičnog sadržaja sa fibrinonekrotičnim membranama, a klinički rezultuje pojavom mukohemoragične dijareje koja sadrži primese sveže krvi. Infekcija Trichuris suis takođe može da prouzrokuje mukohemoragičnu dijareju kod teže infestacije. Sveža krv u fecesu svinja može se ustanoviti kod svinja sa anorektalnom traumom kao što je slučaj kod prolapsusa rektuma. Trovanje antikoagulantnim rodenticidima može takođe prouzrokovati intestinalna krvavljenja. Poremećaj u položaju creva koji se javlja kod intestinalne torzije su neizostavno praćena pojavom hemoragičnog infarkta creva i prisustvom sveže krvi u lumenu creva. Za razliku od ovog stanja gde je torzija po uzdužnoj osi mezenterijuma evidentna i zahvata najčešće i tanko i debelo crevo, krvavljenja u tankim i debelim crevima se mogu javiti i kod hemoragične bolesti creva (“hemorrhagic bowel disease”). Oba ova stanja završavaju se perakutnim uginućem pre nego što se pojavi krv u fecesu. Stanja praćena krvavljenjem u digestivnom traktu svinja su urgentna stanja i zahtevaju brzu dijagnostiku i uvođenje odgovarajućih terapijskih protokola ukoliko je efikasna terapija za takvo stanje dostupna.Zbornik radov

    The role of parasitic infections in the development of respiratory diseases in swine

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    Metastrongylidosis is a parasitosis caused by several species of nematodes of the genus Metastrongylus. The development of parasites goes through transitional hosts - earthworms. Infection occurs when pigs eat infected worms so infections are most commonly found in organic production and extensive breeding. The pathological effect of parasites begins with their larvae migratory movement from the lung capillaries to the lung tissue, during migration through the lung tissue, during the stay and activity of adults in the bronchi and aspiration of parasite eggs into bronchioles and alveoli. This is followed by the toxic effect of metabolic products of the parasite, which after resorption in the blood can lead to general intoxication. The predilection place of parasites is the posterior parts of the diaphragmatic lobe - margo acutus and margo obtusus. Affected animals show signs of dyspnoea and frequent vesicular respiration. In addition to the direct pathological action of metastrongylide, they transmit several diseases of pigs of bacterial and viral etiology. Two species of these parasites, Metastrongylus elongatus and Metastrongylus pudendotectus, have been identified in Serbia. The prevalence of both species varies from region to region. In the north of Serbia (Vojvodina), the presence of M. pudendotectus dominates, while in central and southern Serbia, M. elongatus is much more common. In Serbia, in individual (semi-extensive and extensive) housing, infections are found in 34-52% of animals and in 1-3% of swine in farms

    The role of parasitic infections in the development of respiratory diseases in swine

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    Metastrongylidosis is a parasitosis caused by several species of nematodes of the genus Metastrongylus. The development of parasites goes through transitional hosts - earthworms. Infection occurs when pigs eat infected worms so infections are most commonly found in organic production and extensive breeding. The pathological effect of parasites begins with their larvae migratory movement from the lung capillaries to the lung tissue, during migration through the lung tissue, during the stay and activity of adults in the bronchi and aspiration of parasite eggs into bronchioles and alveoli. This is followed by the toxic effect of metabolic products of the parasite, which after resorption in the blood can lead to general intoxication. The predilection place of parasites is the posterior parts of the diaphragmatic lobe - margo acutus and margo obtusus. Affected animals show signs of dyspnoea and frequent vesicular respiration. In addition to the direct pathological action of metastrongylide, they transmit several diseases of pigs of bacterial and viral etiology. Two species of these parasites, Metastrongylus elongatus and Metastrongylus pudendotectus, have been identified in Serbia. The prevalence of both species varies from region to region. In the north of Serbia (Vojvodina), the presence of M. pudendotectus dominates, while in central and southern Serbia, M. elongatus is much more common. In Serbia, in individual (semiextensive and extensive) housing, infections are found in 34-52% of animals and in 1-3% of swine in farms

    Kokcidioza svinja u farmskom držanju uzrokovana sa Eimeria sp.

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    Parazitske infekcije predstavljaju stalne pratioce svinjarske proizvodnje, nezavisno od načina držanja. Pri tome je prisustvo protozoalnih infekcija zabeleženo u svim starostnim kategorijama s tim da je najveća prevalenca i morbiditet zabeležen u mlađim kategorijama prasadi. Sa stanovišta svinjarske proizvodnje, najvećeg značaja imaju kokcidije iz rodova Isospora, Eimeria i Cryptosporidium. Zavisno od starosti prasadi ove infekcije se kaskadno nastavljaju jedna na drugu a kao glavni izvor infekcije su apostrofirane krmače. Infekcija prasadi nastaje peroralno ingestijom oocisti koje se nalaze u izmetu svinja. U ovoj kategoriji životinja mesta infekcije su zaprljani mamarni kompleks krmača, izmet u boksevima koje prasad čeprka i konzumira (koprofagija je normalna pojava kod svinja), zaprljane šipke bokseva i sl. Pod klasičnom kokcidiozom svinja se podrazumava infekcija sa protozoama iz roda Eimeria spp. U Srbiji su zabeležene infekcije sa E. perminuta, E.debliecki i E. polita. U mlađim kategorijama prasadi procenat inficiranih jedinki je iznosio: Eimeria polita 4-9%, Eimeria perminuta 27-31% i Eimeria debliecki 3-24%. Kod tovljenika je procenat infekcija iznosio: Eimeria perminuta 27- 31%, E.polita 4-9%, E.debliecki 3-24% a kod priplodnih životinja E.perminuta 17-21%, Eimeria debliecki (12-23%) i E.polita 14-19%. Infekcije mogu nastati odmah po prašenju a obolenje se manifestuje između 7-11 dana života. Javlja se proliv (retko sa primesama krvi) i gubitak apetita, životinje gube u težini, imaju slabiji prirast a moguća su i uginuća. Patološke promene su prisutne u tankom i debelom crevu ali su najmarkantnije u jejunumu. Zapaža se kataralno zapaljenje, sluzokoža je zadebljala sa ređim tačkastim krvarenjima i deskvamacijom epitela. Zid creva je obložen mukofibrinoznim eksudatom koji ponekad pokriva nekrotična polja. Starije svinje stiču imunitet i predstavljaju glavne prenosioce parazita. Dijagnoza se postavlja koprološkim pregledom i uzimanjem briseva mukoze creva (na sekciji). Terapija svinja se vrši primenom kokcidiostatika od kojih su se najbolje pokazali toltrazuril, amprolijum i monensis i preparati na bazi sulfa jedinjenja.Zbornik radov

    Coenurosis of sheep in Serbia - case report

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    Coenurosisa is a zoonotic disease caused by the larval forms of Taenia multiceps which are great host's animals from the family of canids. The disease is global distribution but is most present in the Mediterranean, Middle East, Central Africa and Australia. Larvae exhibit tropism toward brain tissue, and cysts are usually located in the left hemisphere of the brain of small ruminants. Involvement of the brain can cause increased intracranial pressure, seizures, loss of consciousness, and focal neurologic deficits. During 2022 we examinee one flocks of 78 milking sheep reared on hilly pastures located below the Zmajevac hill (397 m), between the branches of the Osimćki mountains and the river Zapadna Morava, at an altitude of 178 m. Symptoms of ataxia, such as unsteady gait and stumbling, and depression were observed in 12 animals. In 5 sheep, continuous aimless or circular movement, wandering, was also manifested. In addition to these symptoms, in one sheep that died, visual disturbances were observed depression and unilateral blindness. All affected sheep were slaughtered and a pathoanatomical examination was performed. In the brain of all animals we revealed the presence of infestation with one to four coenuri 4.1-5.5 cm in size. The sites of predilection were the left hemisphere (48%), followed by the right hemisphere (40%) and the cerebellum (12%). The coenurus has a thin wall surrounding a single cavity that contains a clear fluid. When the cysts were opened, numerous scoleces were found inside, from 2 to 3 mm in diameter attached to the cyst wall. Each scolex has four circular suckers and two rows of hooks on a rostellum. The hook lengths are 147 to 165 µm and 87 to 125 µm.The results show that C. cerebralis was a major cause of the nervous manifestations of cenurosis in clinically affected sheep.Proceeding