196 research outputs found

    SWAS and Arecibo observations of H2O and OH in a diffuse cloud along the line-of-sight to W51

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    Observations of W51 with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) have yielded the first detection of water vapor in a diffuse molecular cloud. The water vapor lies in a foreground cloud that gives rise to an absorption feature at an LSR velocity of 6 km/s. The inferred H2O column density is 2.5E+13 cm-2. Observations with the Arecibo radio telescope of hydroxyl molecules at ten positions in W51 imply an OH column density of 8E+13 cm-2 in the same diffuse cloud. The observed H2O/OH ratio of ~ 0.3 is significantly larger than an upper limit derived previously from ultraviolet observations of the similar diffuse molecular cloud lying in front of HD 154368. The observed variation in H2O/OH likely points to the presence in one or both of these clouds of a warm (T > 400) gas component in which neutral-neutral reactions are important sources of OH and/or H2O.Comment: 15 pages (AASTeX) including 4 (eps) figures. To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Selective emitters design and optimization for thermophotovoltaic applications

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    Among several solutions to exploit solar energy, thermophotovoltaics (TPV) have been popularized and have known great breakthroughs during the past two decades. Yet, existing systems still have low efficiencies since the wavelength range of optimal photovoltaic (PV) conversion is very small compared to the emitter spectral range. Selective emitters are a very promising solution to this problem. We developed numerical tools to design and optimize such emitters. Some of the resulting structures composed of two or four layers of metals and semiconductors are presented in this paper. We also show that the usual PV devices efficiency limits (30% for crystalline silicon under solar radiation, according to Shockley-Queisser model) can be easily overcome thanks to these structures.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Rotational excitation of methylidynium (CH+) by a helium atom at high temperature

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    We aim to obtain accurate rate coefficients for the collisional excitation of CH+ by He for high gas temperatures. The ab initio coupled-cluster [CCSD(T)] approximation was used to compute the interaction potential energy. Cross sections are then derived in the close coupling (CC) approach and rate coefficients inferred by averaging these cross sections over a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of kinetic energies. Cross sections are calculated up to 10'000 cm^-1 for J ranging from 0 to 10. Rate coefficients are obtained at high temperatures up to 2000 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, table with rate coefficients, accepted for publication by A&

    Spatial coherence of thermal near fields

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    We analyze the spatial coherence of the electromagnetic field emitted by a half-space at temperature T close to the interface. An asymptotic analysis allows to identify three different contributions to the cross-spectral density tensor in the near-field regime. It is shown that the coherence length can be either much larger or much shorter than the wavelength depending on the dominant contribution.Comment: 13 pages, 8 graphs, includes Elsevier elsart.cls preprint style. Submitted to Optics Communications (27 july 2000

    Coupled surface polaritons and the Casimir force

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    The Casimir force between metallic plates made of realistic materials is evaluated for distances in the nanometer range. A spectrum over real frequencies is introduced and shows narrow peaks due to surface resonances (plasmon polaritons or phonon polaritons) that are coupled across the vacuum gap. We demonstrate that the Casimir force originates from the attraction (repulsion) due to the corresponding symmetric (antisymmetric) eigenmodes, respectively. This picture is used to derive a simple analytical estimate of the Casimir force at short distances. We recover the result known for Drude metals without absorption and compute the correction for weakly absorbing materials.Comment: revised version submitted to Phys. Rev. A, 06 November 200

    Electromagnetic field correlations near a surface with a nonlocal optical response

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    The coherence length of the thermal electromagnetic field near a planar surface has a minimum value related to the nonlocal dielectric response of the material. We perform two model calculations of the electric energy density and the field's degree of spatial coherence. Above a polar crystal, the lattice constant gives the minimum coherence length. It also gives the upper limit to the near field energy density, cutting off its 1/z31/z^3 divergence. Near an electron plasma described by the semiclassical Lindhard dielectric function, the corresponding length scale is fixed by plasma screening to the Thomas-Fermi length. The electron mean free path, however, sets a larger scale where significant deviations from the local description are visible.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure files (.eps), \documentclass[global]{svjour}, accepted in special issue "Optics on the Nanoscale" (Applied Physics B, eds. V. Shalaev and F. Tr\"ager

    Casimir force between designed materials: what is possible and what not

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    We establish strict upper limits for the Casimir interaction between multilayered structures of arbitrary dielectric or diamagnetic materials. We discuss the appearance of different power laws due to frequency-dependent material constants. Simple analytical expressions are in good agreement with numerical calculations based on Lifshitz theory. We discuss the improvements required for current (meta) materials to achieve a repulsive Casimir force.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, graphicx, v4: Europhysics Letters, in pres

    On the use of fractional Brownian motion simulations to determine the 3D statistical properties of interstellar gas

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    Based on fractional Brownian motion (fBm) simulations of 3D gas density and velocity fields, we present a study of the statistical properties of spectro-imagery observations (channel maps, integrated emission, and line centroid velocity) in the case of an optically thin medium at various temperatures. The power spectral index gamma_W of the integrated emission is identified with that of the 3D density field (gamma_n) provided the medium's depth is at least of the order of the largest transverse scale in the image, and the power spectrum of the centroid velocity map is found to have the same index gamma_C as that of the velocity field (gamma_v). Further tests with non-fBm density and velocity fields show that this last result holds, and is not modified either by the effects of density-velocity correlations. A comparison is made with the theoretical predictions of Lazarian & Pogosyan (2000).Comment: 28 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. For preprint with higher-resolution figures, see http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~mamd/miville_fbm2003.pd

    Effects of spatial dispersion in near-field radiative heat transfer between two parallel metallic surfaces

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    We study the heat transfer between two parallel metallic semi-infinite media with a gap in the nanometer-scale range. We show that the near-field radiative heat flux saturates at distances smaller than the metal skin depth when using a local dielectric constant and investigate the origin of this effect. The effect of non-local corrections is analysed using the Lindhard-Mermin and Boltzmann-Mermin models. We find that local and non-local models yield the same heat fluxes for gaps larger than 2 nm. Finally, we explain the saturation observed in a recent experiment as a manifestation of the skin depth and show that heat is mainly dissipated by eddy currents in metallic bodies.Comment: Version without figures (8 figures in the complete version
