552 research outputs found

    The effect of cheese powder in the functional properties of croissant pastry : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Technology in Food Technology at Massey University

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    The increasing use of cheese powder as an ingredient used by food manufactures can be related to the changing consumer needs, identifying new consumer preferences, marketing and obtaining an acceptable capital return. Cheese powder have been used in bakery products to improve their functional properties and impart flavour. Therefore, the development of cheese flavoured croissants was chosen to increase the utilization of cheese powder in the formulation croissant pastry. For this reason, the New Zealand Dairy Board (NZDB) predicted a brighter future for this type of dairy ingredient because of its dual acceptability of providing important functional characteristics and its cost advantage over other dairy products. The addition of cheese powder to croissant pastry resulted in affecting the dough's physical properties and baking characteristics; i.e, increasing the dough elongational viscosity, decreasing the farinograph absorption values, decreasing the specific volume of baked croissants, and croissant firmness results indicating significant differences as a function of time for storage. Cheese croissants containing ten percent level of Cheddar-20 cheese powder was found to be the only one to have statistically significant differences in most of the attributes compared to CP1 and CP2 cheese powder when used in the formulation. Ten percent level of cheddar-20 cheese powder received the highest score and preferred by 77.8% of the panellists. Therefore, the ten percent of cheddar-20 cheese powder level was chosen for further development including the determination of the new cheese powder mixing method with its time-temperature relationship and evaluation of the market trial. The new cheese powder mixing method (3% cheese powder mixed with dry ingredients, and 7% used to produce cheese paste) during which the paste was applied over the laminated dough and the cheese powder combined with the dry ingredients improved the cheese croissant quality characteristics when compared to the other mixing method (total 10% cheese powder mixed with other dry ingredients). The baking time-temperature relationship of the new cheese powder mixing method was twenty seven minutes at 275°F which gave the best quality characteristics for high volume, a golden brown crust colour and flaky texture. This method received the highest scores and the most acceptable cheese croissant by the panellists. The market evaluation results indicated that 87% of potential consumers preferred the cheese croissants. The total sales potential indicated to be approximately 2.000 tonnes/annum of finished product with a population of ten percent of the market share. The estimated net present value over five year product life was $3,206,000

    Incidence and predisposing factors of cognitive disorders following off-pump coronary artery bypasses graft surgery

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    Patients and Methods: A total of 171 patients who had undergone off-pump CABG without any history of psychiatric disorders were enrolled. Samples were selected according to a purposive sampling method. The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) questionnaire was given to each patients to assess the incidence of cognitive disorder during the first 24 hours of surgery in ICU. To compare creatinine, erythrocytes sedimentation rate, extubation time, and patients’ age between those with and those without postoperative cognitive disorder, independent-samplest test was employed. To compare two groups in terms of any history of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, and qualitative C-reactive protein (CRP), Chi square test was used. Results: Results showed that 75% of patients had postoperative cognitive disorder. There was a significant association between the history of hypertension, CRP, and preoperative creatinine levels in both cognitive disorder and control groups. Background: Cognitive disorder, which is a common problem for the hospitalized patients, is a fluctuating cognitive destruction that leads to the loss of consciousness. It is usually accompanied by increased mortality, prolonged hospital stay, and decreased rehabilitation. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the risk factors associated with cognitive disorder after coronary artery bypasses graft surgery (CABG). Conclusions: Given the significant prevalence of postoperative cognitive disorder and significant association between the history of hypertension, CRP, and preoperative creatinine and cognitive disorder, the detection of patient’s clinical symptoms may improve diagnosis, treatment, and even prevention of cognitive disorder. © 2014, Iranian Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ISRAPM); Published by Kowsar

    Examining the effects of reactive oxygen species on functional potential of HSCS during aging

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    The role of ROS in the hematopoietic system has been a subject that has received little investigation due to the hypoxic environment inherent in the bone marrow niche. Furthermore, it is not known whether or not oxidative damage accumulations play a role in the functional decline of HSCs associated with aging. Measuring DNA damage and ROS levels using the Fragment Length Analysis by Repair Enzyme (FLARE) assay, I show here that there are indeed significantly detectable levels of 8-oxoguanine, a lesion associated with ROS, present in both young and old murine HSCs. In an attempt to attenuate the presence of these lesions, a four-week treatment with the thiol-based antioxidant N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine was administered orally to mice. Analysis revealed significant decreases in oxidative lesions in both the young and old HSC compartment. Additionally, it was demonstrated that the NAC treatment significantly reduced number of baseline DNA breaks in old, but not young, HSCs. Together these results suggest that DNA damage accumulation is a dynamic process that changes as cells age. Further understanding of the role of ROS will help elucidate the importance of this type of DNA damage on the declining functional potential associated with aging

    Hypnosis as an Alternative to General Anesthesia for Orthopedic Hand Surgery: A Case Report

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    The effectiveness of psychological techniques such as patient education, cognitive and behavioral interventions, relaxation techniques, hypnosis, therapeutic suggestion interventions, and emotion-focused interventions has been assessed through the outcomes of postoperative pain, perioperative anxiety, quality of life, and recovery in adults. In this case presentation, we introduce using of hypnosis as an approach to pain control in hand surgery

    Resettling the unsettled: the refugee journey of Arab Muslims to New Zealand

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    Since the 1980s, nearly 5000 Arab and Muslim refugees have been resettled in New Zealand (RefNZ, 2007) as a result of political instability and wars that have riddled the Arabic-speaking region. Upon arrival in a resettlement country, refugees face many challenges in adjusting to their new environment (Simich et al., 2006; Valtonen, 1998). Arab Muslim refugees have specific concerns that are different to other refugee groups due to the major role Islam plays in the way Muslim people go about their lives, and due to the controversial image of Muslims in Western countries since the September 11th (USA) and July 7th (London) bombings. To date, relatively little attention has been paid to the various ongoing resettlement issues that these refugees deal with. This research attempts to fill in some of these gaps by addressing the resettlement experiences of Arab Muslim refugees in New Zealand. It is expected that this research will assist the policy making and migrant services sector (a) to understand the refugees' lived realities; (b) to confront the stereotypes associated with refugees in general, and the stereotypes associated with Arab Muslim refugees in particular; and (c) to address the issues and challenges faced by Arab Muslim refugees. The significance of this research is located in its potential to influence policy and practice in the fields of refugee resettlement, immigration, and counselling. In addition, this study will contribute to knowledge about Arab Muslim refugees, especially those living in New Zealand. Recently, studies in the fields of sociology, anthropology, and psychology on refugees and refugee resettlement have found that non-Western refugees experience a variety of resettlement and adjustment challenges when settling in Western societies. However, intensive research is needed on refugees' perspectives on their refugee journey, their resilience during resettlement, and the experiences that accompany the refugee journey. A deepened understanding of the phenomenon of the refugee journey may contribute to the development of appropriate support for refugees and foster welcoming host societies. It is therefore anticipated that this study of the refugee experiences of Arab Muslims will add to existing research on refugee resettlement and in particular Arab Muslim refugees in Western societies. Semi-structured, face to face interviews were conducted with 31 male and female Arabic-speaking Muslim refugees from Iraq, Sudan, Somalia, Kuwait, and Tunisia. The participants had been "resettled" in New Zealand for at least six months and up to eleven years. Most of the interviews were conducted in Arabic and then translated to English. The interviews were analysed using an eclectic approach including thematic analysis with elements of life story narratives. The findings that emerged from this research suggest that whatever the national and ethnic background of the refugee, there are common key issues and themes relating to the refugee journey and the challenges experienced by refugees during their resettlement. The interviews revealed participants' experiences of their lives as refugees, which were described in three separate stages that I have termed the "three legs of the refugee journey." The first leg of the refugee journey included the refugees' pre-migration experience: reasons for fleeing their homelands, becoming a refugee, and the impact of the refugee label on their lives in their resettlement country. The second leg of the refugee journey involved their experiences in adjusting to their 'new' lives after leaving Mangere Refugee Resettlement Centre (MRRC): their experiences with several resettlement agencies in NZ, their unforeseen resettlement challenges such as language barriers, unemployment, and their concern over raising their children in a non-Muslim society. The third leg uncovered the experiences participants went through after one year of their initial resettlement, and also explored methods of coping and resilience that participants used to overcome their ongoing resettlement challenges and mental health concerns, and their perspective on New Zealand as a resettlement country. This leg also included the participants' future aspirations and their long-term resettlement plans. Overall, participants were unprepared for the situation that faced them when they arrived in New Zealand. Their experience in the six weeks at the resettlement centre was disappointing for all of them and traumatic for some. Participants did not feel that they were equipped with "survival skills" for dealing with life outside the centre. All participants expressed that they had difficulties adjusting to their new life in New Zealand. In general, women found adjustment more difficult than men. Some participants expressed gratitude to New Zealand for accepting them as refugees. A minority were happy to remain in New Zealand, the majority were reluctant about staying, and a small number intended to return to their homeland or other Arab Muslim countries as soon as they could. It is significant that for the participants in this study, their identity as a refugee had an overwhelming impact on the way they talked about their lives. Participants had the perception that being labelled as refugees was a factor that alienated them from New Zealand society. Also, being Arab and Muslim as well as a refugee was seen as an additional disadvantage for resettlement opportunities in New Zealand and other Western countries. While Arab Muslim refugees share many of the concerns of other refugees, there are particular issues, including the challenge of maintaining their religious and cultural traditions, which they experienced as being in conflict with resettling in a Western country. Despite the fact that New Zealand has a long history in assisting in the resettlement of refugees, this research reinforces previous research in New Zealand which points to the inadequacies of the resettlement experience for refugees during all three legs of the refugee journey. The thesis therefore concludes with recommendations for improving refugee policies and services


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk tindak pidana penipuan dalam bidang pasar modal dan bagaimana penerapan sanksi dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 dan KUHPidana terhadap tindak pidana penipuan dalam bidang pasar modal.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pasar modal merupakan salah satu elemen penting dan tolok ukur kemajuan perekonomian suatu negara. Salah satu ciri-ciri negara industri maju maupun negara industri baru adalah adanya pasar modal yang tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik. Dari angka Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG), kita bisa mengetahui kondisi perusahaan-perusahaan yang listing di bursa efek. IHSG juga dapat mencerminkan kondisi perekonomian suatu negara. Merosotnya IHSG secara tajam mengindikasikan sebuah negara sedang mengalami krisis ekonomi. Pasar modal juga bisa dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk mengundang masuknya investor asing dan dana-dana asing guna membantu kemajuan perekonomian negara. 2. Jenis tindak pidana yang umumnya terjadi di pasar modal ada beberapa macam, antara lain penipuan (fraud), manipulasi pasar (market manipulation), dan perdagangan orang dalam (insider trading). Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1995 tentang Pasar Modal secara tegas melarang kegiatan perdagangan efek yang mengandung unsur penipuan, manipulasi, dan perdagangan orang dalam. Larangan ini dibuat untuk melindungi kepentingan masyarakat investor/pemodal, serta untuk menjamin agar proses perdagangan efek dapat berlangsung secara jujur dan sehat sehingga kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap industri Pasar Modal Indonesia dapat terus terjaga dan bertahan lama.Kata kunci: Tindak Pidana, Penipuan, Pasar Moda

    Case report: Secretory breast cancer in an 11-year-old girl

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    AbstractA lack of consensus about the optimal treatment modalities for breast cancer in children is because of its absolutely rare prevalence. In this article, the medical history and treatment of a secretory breast carcinoma in an 11-year-old girl is reported. Modified radical mastectomy (MRM) was performed on April 6, 2013. Systemic chemotherapy was performed after surgery because metastatic lymph nodes were found in the dissected axillary tissue. Long term follow-up had to be done

    An investigation of the computer training needs of the teachers and students at teacher colleges in Saudi Arabia

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    Worldwide discussion has been initiated about the role of computers and information technology in schools. In Saudi Arabia, the introduction of computers into education institutes has been a feature of development planning since 1990, but many educationalists assert that the technology is underestimated and blame inadequate teacher preparation.The main purpose of this study was to investigate the computer experience, computer knowledge, computer training needs and attitude toward computers of Teacher College teaching staff and students in Saudi Arabia. It also examines the availability of human and physical resources for appropriate training in this area.The survey sample was 147 teaching staff and 472 students drawn from all departments and levels of study in five men's Teacher Colleges, one from each of the five regions of the country. In addition, a small number of policy- makers (e. g. college deans and ministry officials) were interviewed.Data were collected via a questionnaire survey, using an instrument adapted from Fodah (1990), containing multiple- choice questions on computer experience, knowledge and training needs, and a 5- part Likert-type attitude scale. Information on computer courses, resources and related policy were addressed by semi-structured interviews. Lack of access to computers, deficiencies in computer knowledge and low computer experience were found among staff and students. Lack of computer training appears to be one of the main causes of low utilization; inadequate material and human resources are another obstacle. Nevertheless, both groups had positive attitudes to computers.If Saudi Arabia is to keep abreast of the information revolution, Teacher Colleges need a high level of equipment and service infrastructure, and well-prepared computer teachers and staff capable of training their colleagues and students to integrate computers in teaching and learning

    Regret-Optimal Control under Partial Observability

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    This paper studies online solutions for regret-optimal control in partially observable systems over an infinite-horizon. Regret-optimal control aims to minimize the difference in LQR cost between causal and non-causal controllers while considering the worst-case regret across all â„“2\ell_2-norm-bounded disturbance and measurement sequences. Building on ideas from Sabag et al., 2023, on the the full-information setting, our work extends the framework to the scenario of partial observability (measurement-feedback). We derive an explicit state-space solution when the non-causal solution is the one that minimizes the H2\mathcal H_2 criterion, and demonstrate its practical utility on several practical examples. These results underscore the framework's significant relevance and applicability in real-world systems.Comment: Submitted to ACC 202

    Potent Roles of Humor in EFL Classes in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study of Lebanese Perspectives

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    This paper attempts to scrutinize the attitudes and opinions of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructors and learners on the use of humor in higher education in Lebanon as a pedagogical tool in classroom contexts in building a harmonious relationship between instructors and students, lowering affective barriers to learning, keeping students attentive to class activities, developing creativity and increasing instructional effectiveness as well as students’ learning. It also aims to describe the instructors’ experiences in employing it in their classrooms and to determine the students’ perspectives on its potent roles in learning. In this exploratory study, a mixed-method design and a convenient sampling of participants were utilized. A total of 13 EFL instructors, working at 1 public and 4 private universities in Lebanon, and 86 EFL students participated in the study.  To describe and quantify their perceptions on the potent roles of employing humor in EFL classes, two online surveys of two sets of questions each, including closed-ended and open-ended, and four focus group discussions were administered. The overall qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data indicated that Lebanese EFL instructors and students have positive attitudes towards integrating humor as a pedagogical tool and as a fundamental part of the teaching strategies in EFL higher education classes since it creates an open communication climate, captures students’ interest in the subject matter, boosts attention, reduces anxiety, makes the instructor more approachable, and yields better instructor evaluation; however, the findings also revealed the need to train teachers to use humor artfully
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