593 research outputs found

    Lesley A. Beaumont: Childhood in Ancient Athens: Iconography and Social History. Routledge Monographs in Classical Studies. Routledge, London – New York 2012.

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    Sclera Detection Based on Image Analysis

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou detekce očního bělma v obrazech. Hlavním cílem je popsat využívané metody detekce v reálném prostředí, jeden vhodný algoritmus realizovat a ověřit na volně přístupných vzorech. Pro realizaci aplikace je použit programovací jazyk Python s knihovnou OpenCV a s klasifikátory Haar Cascade, které jsou nutné pro získání pozic očí a lidské tváře. Popsány jsou metody na bázi prahování obrazu a detektorů kontur, dále algoritmy pro vyhledávání podobně zbarvených bodů a predikce pomocí význačných bodů. Součástí práce je i porovnání úspěšnosti jednotlivých detekcí.This thesis deals with problematics of sclera detection inside images. The main aim of this work is describe of available sclera detection methods, realize one useful algorithm and verify it on on accessible samples. For implementation of application is utilized programming language Python with OpenCV library and Haar Cascade Classifiers, which are necessary for eyes and face detection. In thesis are described methods on thresholding bases and contour detection, algorithm for finding similar colored pixels and facial landmarks predictor. Part of this thesis is also comparison of success of individual detection460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Takashi Fujii: Imperial Cult and Imperial Representation in Roman Cyprus. Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien (HABES) 53. Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013.

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    BeoCreate elements: Designing an open loudspeaker

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    For hundreds of years, we have developed our society, production of goods and distribution to be the most efficient and profitable. That development has led us to a situation where the natural resources cannot stand the current development anymore. For this reason, we need to find new production and distribution systems, which reduce the impact on nature. In recent years some production methods have developed becoming more affordable to massesthan before. 3D-printers and CNC-routers, for example, provides the opportunity to average people to produce goods locally. At the same time, the movement of open-design has spread making it possible to share designs without complicated product copyrights. The development of Internet makes it possible to design globally and share the designs locally. Therefore we have all the tools to start designing for local manufacturing, local materials, and local communities, in digital era. In this thesis I explains why we need to start designing for local manufacturing and materials. Besides, I describe how the development of production methods and digital tools could contribute to a local manufacturing. Based on the knowledge I designed a loudspeaker system for audio company Bang & Olufsen. The system takes into account the use of local materials and business opportunity, but also the benefits that digital tools has to offer. For the concept development, I used Roberto Verganti`s Design-driven innovation method loosely. As aresult, I propose a product which works as an example of designing for local manufacturing. The product design followed existing principles of open design. The experimental process showed me that designing for local manufacturing needs the change of mindset from a designer. Designing for openness and local manufacturing results somewhat simple products, and there is a reason for that, which is the need of replicability. In the end, I propose that the practice and principles of open design should be explored more. The field of open-design is now scattered and under constant development. Therefore it is hard to specify the right methods and practices for open design and local manufacturing. The development of open-design and local manufacturing potentially creates new businesses and local empowerment. This thesis is a good example of how corporate is looking for future, emerging markets and trends. Eventually, smaller companies, individuals, and others will follow. Besides the product development, the thesis reveals how a corporate using design-driven innovationmethod can use external parties for exploring, and producing new concepts

    Needs and services at ward one, Valkenberg hospital

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    The mental health needs of patients entering the program at ward one, Valkenberg Hospital, are not routinely measured. Their presenting problems are frequently complicated by basic and social needs, which impact on recovery and re-integration into the community. The Camberwell Assessment of Need is a valid and reliable instrument used to measure the mental health needs of psychiatric patients. In this study, this instrument was used with some modifications to assess the needs of patients on admission to ward one. At discharge, these needs were explored to measure the extent to which services and interventions were useful in meeting those needs. Where not, questions aimed at elucidating impediments to care were asked. All 60 patients completing the program agreed to participate. The average number of total needs on admission was 9.2, which included an average of 6.7 unmet needs. Psychiatric needs were the most commonly reported, with a need in the area of "depression" being declared in 59 patients. Help received prior to admission was scant, and patients had high expectations of ward one. Help received from ward one was highest in areas of psychiatric needs, with 89.8% of patients receiving moderate or high help in the area of depression. More than two-thirds of patients reported receiving low help in basic areas such as accommodation, self-care, and sexual expression. The services most often regarded as useful were organised group activities and therapies. Paired t-tests revealed that the patients without borderline personality had more unmet needs on admission. Regression analysis suggests that younger age and lower level of education confer a greater risk of unmet needs on admission and discharge. The routine use of a needs assessment instrument is recommended as an aid to guide clinicians. Attention needs to be given to basic and social needs, such as accommodation, daily activities and company, prior to admission to hospital. Where these needs persist, the active involvement of a social worker and occupational therapist is suggested. The high numbers of unmet needs in domains other than psychiatric problems, requires the input of the multidisciplinary team

    In-situ growth monitoring with scanning force microscopy during pulsed laser deposition

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    Imaging and mapping “new” land, species, organisms and processes created\ud possibilities to manipulate and control them. Microscopes enabled imaging objects\ud and processes that go beyond the human senses as vision, sense and hearing. This\ud information is required to understand physical and chemical processes such as\ud deposition and growth. Currently, there is also a clear need to monitor the\ud surface morphology during deposition. To image and map (non)conducting\ud surfaces with atomic resolution, Scanning Force Microscopy (SFM) can be used.\ud With physical vapor deposition techniques such as Pulsed Laser Deposition\ud (PLD) thin films of almost any material such as metal oxides can be deposited.\ud Finding the optimum deposition parameters, for material systems, is traditionally\ud done by trial and error. This can be a tedious and time-consuming process\ud especially when information on composition and morphology is lacking during\ud growth.\ud Diagnostic information during deposition of materials such as metal oxides is\ud up to now mostly derived from diffraction methods such as Reflection High\ud Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED), Surface X-Ray Diffraction (SXRD) and\ud Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED).\ud These instruments are based on diffraction and measure the periodic\ud arrangement of the surface atoms. However, the local surface morphology such as\ud the island density, the island size distribution and island shapes can not be\ud directly measured on a microscopic scale as opposed to imaging techniques such\ud as Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM). This instrument has a high spatial\ud resolution, but is usually not combined with deposition techniques and merely\ud used ex-situ*. This hampers quantitative studies to describe the nucleation and\ud growth because it is difficult to measure the evolution of the same microscopic\ud surface location and the surface morphology evolution could be influenced† by the\ud cooling procedure to room temperature, ambient exposure and ex-situ sample\ud preparation. This thesis describes a setup for in-situ growth monitoring with SFM\ud during Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD)

    Neurocognitive disorders in young adults commencing highly active anti-retroviral treatment in the Western Cape

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) remain prevalent in the era of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). The aim of the study was to investigate whether HAND are as prevalent in South Africa as in other regions, and whether individuals with HAND in South Africa will respond to HAART. The literature was reviewed to elucidate potential mechanisms of the development of HIV-associated dementia (HAD), the most severe form of HAND, and to establish the effect that HAART has exerted on HAND across diverse studies. A prospective clinical cohort study was initiated in Cape Town, comprising 170 participants. The reviewed literature suggests that HAD is likely mediated by a range of HIV-related factors (including possible difference in HIV sub-type) and host-related factors

    The behaviourally disturbed patient with HIV/AIDS

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    While HIV invades the brain early in the course of HIV infection,1 severe mental illness probably only occurs later in the disease.2 In many instances this may be the first presentation of a psychiatric illness in a younger person.In addition, the clinical syndrome may include manic and/or psychotic  features, together with neurocognitive disturbance. These patients are at risk of secondary opportunistic infections or other features of systemic  immunocompromise which may cause or confound the clinical picture

    Assessment and treatment of psychosis in people living with HIV/AIDS

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    The pathophysiology of psychosis and other forms of severe mental illness in HIV infection is complex, and multifactorial causation is likely in most instances. Severe mental illness has been identified as a risk factor for the acquisition of HIV infection and occurs as both a manifestation of opportunistic infections and a result of the neurotropic effects of the virus.1 A full psychiatric assessment in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) presentingwith psychosis is important but may prove difficult in many parts of South Africa. This paper presents a variety of algorithms to simplify the assessment and management of an HIV-infected patient with psychosi