24 research outputs found

    Innovations and developments in single cell protein: Bibliometric review and patents analysis

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    BackgroundGlobal demand for food products derived from alternative proteins and produced through sustainable technological routes is increasing. Evaluation of research progress, main trends and developments in the field are valuable to identify evolutionary nuances.MethodsIn this study, a bibliometric analysis and search of patents on alternative proteins from fermentation processes was carried out using the Web of Science and Derwent World Patents Index™ databases, using the keywords and Boolean operators “fermentation” AND “single cell protein” OR “single-cell protein.” The dataset was processed and graphics generated using the bibliometric software VOSviewer and OriginPro 8.1.ResultsThe analysis performed recovered a total of 360 articles, of which 271 were research articles, 49 literature review articles and 40 publications distributed in different categories, such as reprint, proceedings paper, meeting abstract among others. In addition, 397 patents related to the field were identified, with China being the country with the largest number of publications and patents deposits. While this topic is largely interdisciplinary, the majority of work is in the area of Biotechnology Applied Microbiology, which boasts the largest number of publications. The area with the most patent filings is the food sector, with particular emphasis on the fields of biochemistry, beverages, microbiology, enzymology and genetic engineering. Among these patents, 110 are active, with industries or companies being the largest depositors. Keyword analysis revealed that the area of study involving single cell protein has included investigation into types of microorganisms, fermentation, and substrates (showing a strong trend in the use of agro-industrial by-products) as well as optimization of production processes.ConclusionThis bibliometric analysis provided important information, challenges, and trends on this relevant subject

    A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of L-carnitine L-tartrate to modulate the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    IntroductionL-carnitine (LC) has been associated with inflammatory mediator reduction and with downregulating the angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) receptor, which is the target of SARS-CoV-2 attachment.MethodsThis pilot phase 2 randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial contained two cohorts. Cohort 1 comprised 101 individuals with negative RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 test results who cohabitated with an individual diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Cohort 2 comprised 122 individuals with positive SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test results who were asymptomatic or had mild COVID-19 pneumonia symptoms. Participants in each cohort were randomized 1:1 to receive either 2 g elemental oral LC supplementation or placebo daily for 21 days. Primary endpoints included adverse events, SARS-CoV-2 infection incidence in Cohort 1, and disease progressions in Cohort 2. Secondary endpoints included between-group laboratory profile comparisons and Cohort 2 ACE1/ACE2 plasma levels. Disease progression was compared between the Cohort 2 groups using chest computed tomography.ResultsIn Cohort 1, two SARS-CoV-2 infections occurred in each group. The common adverse events included headache, dyspnea, and tiredness. In Cohort 2, platelet counts were elevated, and fibrinogen levels reduced in the LC group compared with those of the placebo group.ConclusionOur study showed that LC was well-tolerated and suggests it modulates coagulation pathways. Furthermore, chest computed tomography images of the Cohort 2 LC group showed significant lung lesion improvement, suggesting that LC may slow COVID-19 progression

    Obtaining bionanocomposites from PLA / PBAT blends with organophilic clay.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver bionanocompósitos a partir de blendas de PLA/PBAT e argila bentonítica nos teores de 3 e 6%. Inicialmente a argila bentonítica foi tratada com o sal Praepagen e avaliada as propriedades da argila modificada. Após a confirmação da organofilização da argila foram preparadas misturas de PLA/PBAT na proporção de 50:50 e adicionada argila nos teores de 3 e 6%. A fim de verificar dispersão do sistema foi realizado um sequenciamento de mistura utilizando oito diferentes condições de adição da argila nas matrizes de PLA/PBAT. As misturas foram preparadas em uma extrusora de rosca dupla e, em seguida, foram moldados corpos de prova pelo processo de injeção. Os ensaios de caracterização da argila mostraram por meio de difração de raios - X (DRX) que o sal foi incorporado à estrutura da argila confirmando assim sua organofilização. As curvas DSC apresentaram as temperaturas de transição características dos polímeros PLA/PBAT, bem como, da blenda PLA/PBAT e dos sistemas PLA/PBAT/Argila(OMMT). As propriedades térmicas de HDT não apresentaram diminuição de seus valores. Para as propriedades mecânicas de tensão no escoamento, deformação, módulo de elasticidade sob tração e flexão mostraram aumento das propriedades com a adição das nanopartículas. Os sistemas PLA/PBAT/Argila(OMMT) foram submetidos a ensaios de DRX e foi verificado deslocamento do picos d001 confirmando a intercalação do sal nas camadas de argila, evidenciando a formação de bionanocompósitos. Ao final, os bionanocompósitos obtidos pelas diferentes sequências de mistura foram submetidos a um estudo prévio de biodegradação e foi observado que a presença da argila acelerou o processo de biodegradação dos sistemas estudados.This study aimed to develop bionanocomposites from blends of Polylactide (PLA)/Poly(butilene adipate-co-tereftalico) (PBAT) and Bentonite clays using of 3 and 6%. Initially, the bentonite clay was treated with Praepagen salt and evaluated the properties of the modified clay. After confirmation of organophilization clay, mixtures were prepared from PLA/PBAT 50:50 in the proportion and added clay in the contents of 3 and 6%. In order to verify the dispersion system was performed a mixing sequence of eight different conditions of addition of the clay in the matrix of PLA/PBAT. The mixtures were prepared in a twin screw extruder and then were moulded specimens by the injection process. The characterization tests of the clay showed through - ray diffraction (XRD) that salt was incorporated into the clay structure thus confirming its organophilization. The DSC curves showed the characteristic transition temperatures of polymers PLA/PBAT as well as the blend PLA/PBAT and systems PLA/PBAT/Clay(OMMT). The thermal properties of HDT showed no decrease in their values. For the mechanical properties of yield stress, strain, tension and flexure, elasticity modulus showed an increase with the addition of nanoparticles. PLA/PBAT/Clay(OMMT) systems were submitted XRD tests d001 peaks dislocations confirming the intercalation of the polymer chains in the clay layers, indicating the formation of bionanocomposites. Finally, the bionanocomposites obtained by different sequences were submitted to a previous study of biodegradation and was observed that the clay presence accelerated the biodegradation the process the studied systems

    Um estudo sobre a utilização da dispensa de licitação para compras e contratações de produtos para pesquisa e desenvolvimento

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    Este artigo buscou avaliar a dinâmica de utilização da nova dispensa de licitação para compras e contratações de produtos para pesquisa e desenvolvimento, que foi criada para conferir maior flexibilidade e agilidade no suprimento de materiais, insumos e serviços para suporte aos projetos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação (PD&I) de Instituições de Ciência e Tecnologia (ICTs) públicas no Brasil. Embora a nova opção de dispensa e licitação demonstre potencial para influir positivamente na qualidade das atividades de PD&I, a amostra avaliada sugere que essa nova opção legal não vem sendo aproveitada pelas ICTs públicas federais, com possível comprometimento da eficiência e da economicidade nas compras e contratações para suporte aos projetos de PD&I

    Development and Characterization of LLDPE Blends with Different UHMWPE Concentrations Obtained by Hot Pressing

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    To modify its characteristics, expand its applicability, and, in some cases, its processability, new blends using ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) have been developed. In this study, three different formulations of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and UHMWPE blends were prepared with 15, 30, and 45% (% w/w) UHMWPE in the LLDPE matrix. All mixtures were prepared by hot pressing and were immersed in water for one hour afterwards at a controlled temperature of 90 °C to relieve the internal stresses that developed during the forming process. The thermal characterization showed that the blends showed endothermic peaks with different melting temperatures, which may be the result of co-crystallization without mixing between the polymers during the forming process. The mechanical characteristics presented are typical of a ductile material, but with the increase in the percentage of UHMWPE, there was a decrease in the ductility of the blends, as the elongation at rupture of the blends was higher than that of the pure components. The morphologies observed by SEM indicate that there were two phases in the blends. This is the result of the system’s immiscibility due to the mode of preparation of the blends, wherein the two polymers may not have mixed intimately, confirming the results found with the thermal analyses

    Study of composites produced with recovered polypropylene and piassava fiber

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    This work addresses the use of piassava fibers (PF) as reinforcement for recovered polypropylene (PPr) in the manufacturing of composites. The composites were molded with variable amounts of PF (10, 20 and 30 wt%), with and without maleic anhydride functionalized polypropylene (MAPP) (10 wt%) as compatibilizer. The composites were characterized using mechanical tests (flexural, tensile, impact and hardness), thermal analyses (thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry), along with evaluations of heat deflection temperature, melting flow index, density and morphology. Tensile and flexural strength of composites increased with PF content, but impact strength decreased, since the material became stiffer. The use of MAPP in the formulations yielded superior properties, showing good fiber/matrix interaction. In all, the use of PF as reinforcement in PPr was considered an interesting way of reducing solid waste and to reinforce plastics, being a possible alternative for the substitution of wood in WPC composites

    Study of composites produced with recovered polypropylene and piassava fiber

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    This work addresses the use of piassava fibers (PF) as reinforcement for recovered polypropylene (PPr) in the manufacturing of composites. The composites were molded with variable amounts of PF (10, 20 and 30 wt%), with and without maleic anhydride functionalized polypropylene (MAPP) (10 wt%) as compatibilizer. The composites were characterized using mechanical tests (flexural, tensile, impact and hardness), thermal analyses (thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry), along with evaluations of heat deflection temperature, melting flow index, density and morphology. Tensile and flexural strength of composites increased with PF content, but impact strength decreased, since the material became stiffer. The use of MAPP in the formulations yielded superior properties, showing good fiber/matrix interaction. In all, the use of PF as reinforcement in PPr was considered an interesting way of reducing solid waste and to reinforce plastics, being a possible alternative for the substitution of wood in WPC composites

    Valorization of Marble Waste Powder as a Replacement for Limestone in Clinker Production: Technical, Environmental and Economic Evaluation

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    This research combines technical, environmental, and economic aspects regarding the utilization of Bege Bahia marble waste (BB) in clinker production. Three different eco-friendly clinkers were produced, investigated, and compared with one that is commercially available. BB was used to replace 49.2%, 77%, and 80.3% of the limestone by total amount of clinker. Two clinkers were selected to produce cement pastes, and their impact on compressive strength at 28 days was examined. The results suggest that substituting limestone with BB does not adversely affect the compressive strength of cement paste. Moreover, employing 77% or 80.3% BB in clinker production does not significantly influence the alite and belite contents but slightly increases the tricalcium aluminate and ferrite phases while reducing the periclase content. A life cycle analysis was conducted to assess the effects of replacing limestone with marble waste. The results revealed a substantial decrease in abiotic depletion, leading to conservation of substantial natural resources. Consequently, the utilization of BB in clinker production makes a significant contribution to environmental preservation while providing an effective alternative to limestone. In addition, the resulting clinkers serve as useful repositories, providing a permanent and sustainable destination for waste that is currently deposited in landfills. Finally, the economic viability was also examined under various scenarios based on the distance between marble and cement plants. The results highlight the transport distance of marble waste as the primary determinant of economic feasibility in utilizing this residue as a limestone replacement