2,667 research outputs found

    The Minority Experience at Gettysburg College: The Hanson Years (1961-1977)

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    The years of C. Arnold Hanson’s term as president at Gettysburg College were years of turbulence, change, and challenge. Rising to the position of president in 1961, in the dawning of a dynamic era of modern American history, C. A. Hanson served well into the middle of the next decade, during which time he helped guide Gettysburg College through some of its most trying and vital changes. This was the era of the hippie and the free thinker, the era of the Women’s and Civil Rights Movements, the era of Vietnam and anti-war protests, the era that shaped modern American society and culture. During this period, one of the areas in which the most dramatic changes occurred was in the sphere of Civil Rights; Gettysburg was far from the forefront in dealing with bigotry, but it did confront the race issue. As this occurred on the national scale, efforts were made at Gettysburg to follow suit. Sadly, this was often difficult and unsuccessful, occurring “in fits and starts.” During C. A. Hanson’s tenure as president, minorities experienced discrimination as they pursued equal opportunities in education, faculty and administrators struggled to construct a successful strategy for integration, students brought down racial barriers through interaction, and above all, many African Americans demonstrated extraordinary strength of character in their fight for equality and acceptance into the Gettysburg College community. [excerpt


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    Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy,

    Banka (Jack) v. State, 136 Nev. Adv. Op. 81 (Dec. 10, 2020)

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    A criminal defendant who enters a plea is entitled to know about the consequences of his plea, in particular, the range of the fine which must be assessed against him. The standard for this disclosure is high: in the case of a fine, the existence of the fine must be disclosed, as well as the maximum and minimum amounts

    Pundyk v. State, 136 Nev. Adv. Op. 43 (July 16, 2020)

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    Expert witnesses may proffer testimony that embraces ultimate issues (such as a defendant’s mental state when he or she has entered a not-guilty-by-reason-of-insanity plea). However, such testimony must be otherwise admissible and not stray from opinions about factual matters to conclusions about the appropriate verdict

    Dialogical Encounter between Young Black Men and the Police in Dougherty County: Towards a More Effective Community Trust

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    Explore the topic of policing and black men in America. The focus of this study was to develop, test and employ a training intervention model that facilitated a community of trust between law enforcement officers and Black American youth. By administering a pre and post survey the data revealed whether perceptions changed between either side

    Oil, Hard Power and U.S. Hegemony

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    In late 2014 and early 2015, the United States dramatically increased its presence in the oil market. This tremendous increase in production, which placed the United States ahead of every OPEC country besides Saudi Arabia, caused a global change in supply and demand that dropped the price of crude oil to 58perbarrel.Thistranslatedtoanaveragegasolinepriceof58 per barrel. This translated to an average gasoline price of 2.55 per gallon nationally on Dec. 15, 2014. The price drop reverberated throughout the global economy, affecting countries from Malaysia to Norway. In Venezuela, for example, it is estimated that a one dollar drop in the price of oil will cost the country approximately $770 million in annual revenue. The United States’ decision to act influenced the entire world, and this is no surprise – economic control is just one of the many facets of hard power and hegemony

    Tech Platforms Are Essential Facilities

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    The Ethical Implications of the Kafala System

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    Despite regional and culture differences, Persian Gulf countries such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are bound together by their use of the kafala system. Established in the 1930s, the kafala system came from the Bedouin custom of providing foreigners protection, or in some cases, affiliation with a tribe when passing through controlled territory. It was described by Azfar Khan of the International Labour Organization in The Guardian as “the best tradition of Arab hospitality,” a high compliment in a culture characterized by generous people and traditions. However, the current incarnation of the kafala system is a bastardization of previous forms, replacing generosity with greed, and honesty with deceit

    Fiscal federalism and prospects for metropolitan transportation authorities in Portugal

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    Fiscal federalism refers to the attribution of public finance functions among different levels of government. We examine Portugal's metropolitan transportation sector through the fiscal federalist lens, in light of the country's decentralization efforts and new relevant legislation. We clarify basic principles of fiscal federalism and adapt them to the finance of metropolitan transportation systems – typically characterized by multiple jurisdictions, numerous externalities and equity concerns – showing the inadequacy of general practice. Portugal's overall public finance system partially adheres to fiscal federalist principles; the transportation sector less so. Metropolitan transportation faces particular troubles, with few direct user fees, prices inadequately reflecting costs, and heavy reliance on central government subsidies for public transportation investments and operations. A new law creating metropolitan transportation authorities is only modestly consistent with fiscal federalist principles, since it inadequately details financial responsibilities and remains under heavy central government control. Absent additional reforms, the new metropolitan authorities should aim to make the transportation finance system explicit and test incentive grants to induce inter-municipal cooperation.MIT Portugal Progra

    Continuing Education Dispositions of NCAA-DI Football Strength and Conditioning Coaches: A Qualitative Analysis

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    Background/Purpose: To explore the continuing education dispositions of collegiate football strength and conditioning coaches in the NCAA-DI. Methods: Qualitative content analysis was used on data collected via online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to explore the learning habits and values toward career long learning of eight (n=8) active collegiate football strength and conditioning coaches certified with either the National Strength and Conditioning Association or College Strength and Conditioning Coaches Association, and in full time employment as a college strength and conditioning coach for at least ten years. Results: Results identified themes associated with how coaches engage in continuing education throughout their careers and how they value such experiences. Coaches also provided insight in regard to how they felt continuing education could be improved for their personal practice and for future generations of strength and conditioning coaches. Conclusion: Findings support previous literature pertaining to how continuing education can exist as formal, informal, or nonformal and can be meticulously planned or interwoven into the day to day experiences of professionals
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