6 research outputs found

    Butadiene and Heterodienes Revisited

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    Surprising features in a recently published high-level calculation of the rotational profile of butadiene led us to compare butadiene with a set of 17 heterodienes. The rotational profiles for this large group of compounds varied widely, thereby possessing a high information content. These data were subjected to a Fourier analysis yielding 1- through 6-fold terms: the one-fold terms represent the change in steric energy on going from 180° to 0°, while the changes in the 2-fold terms correspond to the expected change in π-delocalization energy with structure; the 3-fold terms were significant and found to be linearly correlated to the average of the atomic charges of the atoms at the central single bond of the <i>cis</i>-forms, but their origins are still not clear; we propose a novel 1,4 π-interactions that may account for this phenomenon. The 4-fold terms were at times comparable in magnitude to the 3-fold terms but overall appeared to mainly modify the 3-fold terms slightly without introducing any qualitatively new features. The 5- and 6-fold terms were negligible

    Laser-Induced Fluorescence Study of the S<sub>1</sub> State of Doubly-Substituted <sup>13</sup>C Acetylene and Harmonic Force Field Determination

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    In the first half of this study, rotational and vibrational constants of six Franck–Condon bright vibrational levels of S<sub>1</sub> doubly-substituted <sup>13</sup>C acetylene are determined from laser-induced fluorescence spectra and an updated geometry of the trans conformer of S<sub>1</sub> acetylene is obtained. In the second half, we determine the quadratic force field of S<sub>1</sub> acetylene on the basis of the harmonic frequencies of four isotopologues of acetylene. The effects of both diagonal and off-diagonal <i>x</i><sub><i>ij</i></sub> anharmonicities are removed from the input harmonic frequencies. Results from both experimental and theoretical studies of various isotopologues of acetylene (including those from the first half of this paper) are used to obtain a set of force constants that agrees well with ab initio calculations. Our set of force constants for S<sub>1</sub> acetylene is an improvement over previous work by Tobiason et al., which did not include off-diagonal anharmonicities

    Tabletop Femtosecond VUV Photoionization and PEPICO Detection of Microreactor Pyrolysis Products

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    We report the combination of tabletop vacuum ultraviolet photoionization with photoion–photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy for sensitive, isomer-specific detection of nascent products from a pyrolysis microreactor. Results on several molecules demonstrate two essential capabilities that are very straightforward to implement: the ability to differentiate isomers and the ability to distinguish thermal products from dissociative ionization. Here, vacuum ultraviolet light is derived from a commercial tabletop femtosecond laser system, allowing data to be collected at 10 kHz; this high repetition rate is critical for coincidence techniques. The photoion–photoelectron coincidence spectrometer uses the momentum of the ion to identify dissociative ionization events and coincidence techniques to provide a photoelectron spectrum specific to each mass, which is used to distinguish different isomers. We have used this spectrometer to detect the pyrolysis products that result from the thermal cracking of acetaldehyde, cyclohexene, and 2-butanol. The photoion–photoelectron spectrometer can detect and identify organic radicals and reactive intermediates that result from pyrolysis. Direct comparison of laboratory and synchrotron data illustrates the advantages and potential of this approach

    Pyrolysis of the Simplest Carbohydrate, Glycolaldehyde (CHO−CH<sub>2</sub>OH), and Glyoxal in a Heated Microreactor

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    Both glycolaldehyde and glyoxal were pyrolyzed in a set of flash-pyrolysis microreactors. The pyrolysis products resulting from CHO–CH<sub>2</sub>OH and HCO–CHO were detected and identified by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization mass spectrometry. Complementary product identification was provided by argon matrix infrared absorption spectroscopy. Pyrolysis pressures in the microreactor were about 100 Torr, and contact times with the microreactors were roughly 100 μs. At 1200 K, the products of glycolaldehyde pyrolysis are H atoms, CO, CH<sub>2</sub>O, CH<sub>2</sub>CO, and HCO–CHO. Thermal decomposition of HCO–CHO was studied with pulsed 118.2 nm photoionization mass spectrometry and matrix infrared absorption. Under these conditions, glyoxal undergoes pyrolysis to H atoms and CO. Tunable VUV photoionization mass spectrometry provides a lower bound for the ionization energy (IE)­(CHO–CH<sub>2</sub>OH) ≥ 9.95 ± 0.05 eV. The gas-phase heat of formation of glycolaldehyde was established by a sequence of calorimetric experiments. The experimental result is Δ<sub>f</sub><i>H</i><sub>298</sub>(CHO–CH<sub>2</sub>OH) = −75.8 ± 1.3 kcal mol<sup>–1</sup>. Fully ab initio, coupled cluster calculations predict Δ<sub>f</sub><i>H</i><sub>0</sub>(CHO–CH<sub>2</sub>OH) of −73.1 ± 0.5 kcal mol<sup>–1</sup> and Δ<sub>f</sub><i>H</i><sub>298</sub>(CHO–CH<sub>2</sub>OH) of −76.1 ± 0.5 kcal mol<sup>–1</sup>. The coupled-cluster singles doubles and noniterative triples correction calculations also lead to a revision of the geometry of CHO–CH<sub>2</sub>OH. We find that the O–H bond length differs substantially from earlier experimental estimates, due to unusual zero-point contributions to the moments of inertia