342 research outputs found

    Range firing and its Impact of Physiological Parameters

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    Any task completion requires the involvement of different parts of the brain and body depending on the complexity of the task on hand. When the task is as complex as the rifle marksmanship, it involves the application of cognitive skills, motor and sensory proficiency at the same time. The cognitive state can be recorded and analysed by using EEG, ECG and Blood Pressure modalities. The acquisition of core skill of firing at initial stage will induce stress, anxiety, fear, etc. in the trainees. The recordings using the modalities discussed above were done prior and post firing event in this study. The parameters of the trainees recorded prior to firing indicated the anxious, stressful state of the mind i.e. low cognitive state. The cognitive state got elevated post firing suitably indicated by the physiological parameters. This study is an aid to the armament training institutes to monitor the progress of the trainees and identifying poorly performing trainees so that suitable correction could be done at an early stage.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(3), pp.278-284, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.63.277

    Functional properties of rich sweet vermouth from wild apricot fruits

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    383-389Wild apricot fruit (Prunus armenica L.) found grown naturally in hilly areas of northern India. The fruit is highly acidic, fibrous but good in TSS (°B) and thus, not utilized commercially. However it is used in the preparation of traditional distilled alcoholic beverage moori which is not only higher in methanol (2268.35 mg/L) but also in microbial pathogens. The present study was conducted to prepare wild apricot sweet vermouth having different alcohol levels (15, 17 and 19%), different sugar levels (8, 10 and 12°B) and spices and herbal extract levels (2.5 and 5.0%). The base wine prepared from wild apricot fruits found to posses better antioxidant activity and total phenols over traditional drink moori. Further, the base wine contained residual sugars, desirable acidity, proper amount of TSS, low volatile acidity and satisfactory amount of total phenols and total esters and hence was found suitable for vermouth preparation. Out of three different alcohol levels used, the highest TSS, ethanol, higher alcohols and total esters were found in 19% alcohol level vermouth whereas, total sugars, titratable acidity and total phenols were recorded in 15% alcohol level wild apricot vermouth. Out of three different sugar level used, vermouth having 12% sugar had the highest TSS, reducing sugars, total sugars and total esters as well as total carotenoids. Further, 5% spices extract had more pronounced effect on TSS, total sugars, titratable acidity, total esters and total phenols than 2.5% spices level. On the basis of functional properties, a product having 8% sugar, 17% alcohol and 5% spices extract was adjudged to be best and recommended for further preparation


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    Garlic in Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda) for Health and Healing

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    Traditional Indian Medicine (TIM)- Ayurveda is a Sanskrit Language word, which signifies “true knowledge of life”. It is recognized as one of the oldest Traditional health care systems of the World by World Health Organization. In fact, it was a main stream health care system till the introduction of convention medicine in India. Plant, animal and mineral origin natural substances are used in Ayurveda for health and healing. Of them, Garlic is one of the plant origin substances. Garlic is known as Lasuna, which signifies, destroyer of diseases. The fresh plants of Garlic are used as edible food substance and also the dried cloves are on ripening to alleviate the disorders rationally in TIM. Garlic is recommended as physical strength promoting, intellect promoting and as aphrodisiac to maintain healthy state of life. Its properties like- unctuous, hot, pungent, heavy has been described to alleviates skin diseases, intra abdominal tumor, chronic rhinitis, hemicranias, epilepsy, fainting etc. Its continuous use causes internal hemorrhage. The medicated milk, medicated oil preparation are used orally as well topically. A number of pharmaceutical forms are seen in more than 3000 years old original scriptures of Ayurveda and also in later works as it was in use by successive generation in India. A comprehensive review on Garlic is highlighted here, including original references with scientific evidences

    Biodiversity assessment of sea cage farming sites in Gulf of Mannar, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Marine fin and shellfish farming is an age old practice across the globe to augment the seafood production and to supplement the protein rich food. The open sea cages are particularly advantageous for maintaining the brood stock of potential species like cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and silver pompano (Trachinotus blochii) for captive breeding. A large congregation of various bioresources are also found to be associated with cage farming (Imelda et al., 2010). In the present study, an attempt was made to understand the biodiversity of the cage farming area at Mandapam in Gulf of Mannar, India

    Improvement in Quality of Wine by Blending White and Coloured Grapes

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    Blending of juices from four white grape varieties viz., Thompson Seedless, Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc and Italia with three coloured varieties, viz., Shiraz, Ruby Red and Bangalore Blue, was done in 2:1 and 3:1 ratios to assess the effect of blending on wine quality. White varieties blended with Bangalore Blue recorded maximum titratable acidity (1.23%), while those blended with Ruby Red showed the least acidity (0.42%), Alcohol content in the wine ranged from 8.11% (Italia + Ruby Red, 2:1) to 12.04% (Chenin Blanc + Shiraz, 2:1). The range of values for tannin content (0.007% to 0.044 %) and total phenol content (228mg/l to 571mg/l) indicated that white varieties blended with the coloured cv. Shiraz had the lowest content of tannins and total phenols in wine, while, those blended with cv. Ruby Red showed highest content of these in the blended wines. Hence, among different blends, Chenin Blanc, Thompson Seedless, Sauvignon Blanc and Italia blended with the coloured variety Shiraz, in 2:1 ratio, produced good quality wine

    Kvercetin potpomaže akaricidnu aktivnost ivermektina u slučaju svinja prirodno oboljelih od sarkoptoze

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    Sarcoptic mange triggers continuous oxidative onslaughts, resulting in severe oxidative stress in pigs and, to date, no antioxidant has been evaluated for the treatment of naturally infested pigs. This randomized clinical trial aimed to assess the ameliorative potential of the antioxidant quercetin (QR) when integrated with ivermectin (IVM) in the treatment of sarcoptic mange in pigs. The control group (T0 , n=10) consisted of healthy subjects. The first treatment group (T1 , n=10) consisted of infested pigs receiving the standard treatment (subcutaneous IVM only) while the second treatment group (T2 , n=10) consisted of infested pigs receiving integrated treatment (subcutaneous IVM plus oral QR). On day 0, the circulating malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly higher and superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and antioxidative minerals (zinc, copper, iron) were lower in all infested pigs compared to the healthy subjects. On day 14 post-treatment, maximum recovery was observed in the MDA, SOD, GSH, CAT, TAC, zinc, copper and iron in group T2 and the results returned to normal earlier in group T2 than in T1 . Likewise, more significant improvements in parasitological cure rate, scratching index and skin score were recorded after treatment in group T2 than group T1 . These results suggest the greater effectiveness of IVM plus QR than IVM alone against sarcoptic mange, and quercetin may be recommended as an ancillary therapy with IVM to negate severe oxidative stress, improve post-therapy convalescence and produce a speedy recovery in pigs.Sarkoptoza u svinja pokreće poremećaje koji rezultiraju teškim oksidacijskim stresom za koji još uvijek nije otkriven antioksidans kojim bi se prirodno infestirane svinje tretirale. Cilj je ovog randomiziranog kliničkog istraživanja bio procijeniti antioksidacijski potencijal kvercetina (QR) u kombinaciji s ivermektinom (IVM) u liječenju sarkoptoze u svinja. U kontrolnoj su skupini (T0 , n=10) bile zdrave jedinke. U prvoj su pokusnoj skupini (T1 , n = 10) infestirane svinje dobile standardnu terapiju (samo IVM primijenjen supkutano), dok su infestirane svinje u drugoj pokusnoj skupini (T2 , n = 10) primile integriranu terapiju (supkutano IVM i oralno QR). Nulti dan cirkulacijski je malondialdehid (MDA) bio znakovito veći, dok su superoksidna dismutaza (SOD), reducirani glutation (GSH), katalaza (CAT), ukupan anitoksidacijski kapacitet (TAC) i antioksidacijski minerali (cink, bakar i željezo) bili smanjeni u infestiranih svinja u usporedbi sa zdravim jedinkama. Četrnaesti dan poslije liječenja uočen je maksimalan oporavak u pogledu pokazatelja MDA, SOD, GSH, CAT, TAC, cinka, bakra i željeza u skupini T2 te njihov raniji povratak na uobičajene vrijednosti u skupini T2 u odnosu na skupinu T1. Osim toga, u skupini T2 u odnosu na skupinu T1 zapaženo je znakovito poboljšanje u stopi izliječenosti parazitoze, indeksu grebenja i bodovanju promjena na koži. Ovi rezultati upućuju na veću učinkovitost IVM-a u kombinaciji s QR-om nego IVM-a upotrijebljenog kao samostalna terapija sarkoptoze u svinja. Zaključuje se da bi kvercetin mogao biti dodatna terapija uz IVM kako bi se poništili teški učinci oksidacijskog stresa, poboljšala poslijeterapijska rekonvalescencija i ubrzao oporavak svinja

    Environmental Valuation and Green Accounting for the future

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    Environmental valuation is the process of expressing a value for a particular good or service in a context of decision making usually in terms of money or numbers. It's also considered to be a measure or indices of social, biological, ecological and demographic status of the system. Marine and coastal ecosystems provide a wide range of services include the provisioning services, regulating services, cultural services and supporting services. Food provisioning in the form of fisheries catch, aquaculture, ornamentals and bio prospecting is the most vital services from this system. The Total Economic Value of (TEV) consists of use values and non-use values. The use value includes direct use value, indirect use value, and option value, whereas the non-use value is the existence and bequest value. Three approaches are used in the valuation techniques: Slated preference (contingent valuation and choice modelling); Revealed preference (market price, cost-based, production, travel cost); Benefit transfer. The overexploitation of resources, degradation of the ecosystem will directly affect the food security and employment of the coastal population and have an indirect effect on the regional and national economy. To address these issues, environmental valuation is considered to be one of the effective tools for the Scientists and Managers. The green accounting refers to efforts to modify the national income accounts from which GDP and GNP are calculated, to incorporate use and depletion of natural resources. Stocktaking and dimension are the backbone of green and social accounting. The Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14000) are the two frameworks developed for social and green accounting. The green accounting has applications in large scale and small scale business organizations. Development and implementation of green accounting will be a challenging issue for the companies coming in the years ahead. It is an interdisciplinary framework includes several magnitudes and divisions of environmental accounting. It needs a sound environmental policy, environmental accounts and their recording and training of the future practitioners to provide technical and legal basis of green auditing. The Kyoto protocol of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is a legal binding agreement with the developing countries and developed nations designed to reduce six greenhouse gases that are believed to contribute to global warming. The Kyoto Protocol is an environmental accounting in action on an international scal