180 research outputs found

    Prevalence of different components of the metabolic syndrome in type 2 diabetics attending tertiary care hospital in Himalayan region

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    Background: There are enormous studies on various aspect of Diabetes and Metabolic syndrome, majority of studies are on urban population, few in rural area but very few for the population living in far flung hilly region of Himalaya. The aim was to find the prevalence of different components of metabolic syndrome in Type 2 diabetics living in the hills of Himalaya and to find correlation with obesity.Methods: All the Type 2 Diabetic patients age 35 years and above attending the inpatients and out patient’s department of V. C. S. G. G. M. C and RI Srinagar, Uttarakhand from October 2012 to March 2013 were enrolled and were evaluated for metabolic syndrome by IDF (International Diabetes Federation) criteria.Results: 128 diabetics were enrolled (76 males and 52 females), the prevalence of obesity in patients of type 2 diabetics was 45.3%. There was poor correlation between obesity and type 2 diabetes (correlation coefficient 0.08) The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 40.6 % and high percentage (62%) had all five components of the syndrome.Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity and Metabolic syndrome is relatively lower in Type 2 Diabetics of Shivalik range of Himalaya (Uttarakhand)

    Enhancing Security in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing is emerging field because of its performance, high availability, least cost and many others. In cloud computing, the data will be stored in storage provided by service providers. But still many business companies are not willing to adopt cloud computing technology due to lack of proper security control policy and weakness in safeguard which lead to many vulnerability in cloud computing. This paper has been written to focus on the problem of data security. Service providers must have a viable way to protect their clients' data, especially to prevent the data from disclosure by unauthorized insiders. To ensure the security of users' data in the cloud, we propose an effective and flexible scheme with two salient features, opposing to its predecessors. Avoiding unauthorized access to user's data by signaling user by sending message to his/her mobile number at the start of transaction. Displaying fake information in case of unsuccessful login for avoiding further login trials by intrusion (Honeypot). Keywords: Cloud Computing, Authentication, Honeypo

    Study of inflammatory markers in idiopathic osteoarthritis of knee

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    Background: The aim of the present study was to analyse inflammatory markers in idiopathic osteoarthritis of knee and to formulate reliable disease markers in the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.Methods: This prospective study was conducted for 2 years in a tertiary care center in 60 patients with idiopathic osteoarthritis of knee and compared them with 60 controls that had no signs of osteoarthritis.Results: The hematological markers to study inflammatory basis of idiopathic osteoarthritis of knee suggested that ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) was more than 20 mm/hour in 83.3%. Serum rheumatoid factor (RF) and CRP (C-reactive protein) was positive in 8.3% and 13.3% patients respectively. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) was positive in 2 (3.3%) patients and negative in 58 (96.7%) patients. Synovial fluid analysis was done in 44 patients with RF positivity in only 1 patient. The control group has ESR less than 30 mm/hour and CRP was (<3 µg/ml). In the control group RF and ANA were similar to the normal population.Conclusions: Synovial fluid analysis is of value to rule out crystal arthropathies and pyogenic arthritis. The study indicates that ESR, CRP and RF collectively can serve as surrogate markers in idiopathic osteoarthritis of knee. Further studies need to be done to formulate reliable disease markers in idiopathic osteoarthritis of knee.

    Blue photon management by inhouse grown ZnO:Al cathode for enhanced photostability in polymer solar cells

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    We report the improvement in photostability of P3HT:PC60BM based bulk heterojunction solar cells deposited on Al-doped ZnO as a cathode layer replacing ITO as regularly used TCO in cells with N-I-P configuration. We experimentally and theoretically demonstrate that use of thicker ZnO:Al as cathode can successfully cut down the rate of photodegradation in short circuit current by ~40% and open circuit voltage by ~30% compared to the control device made on ITO based cathode. This effective reduction in photodegradation is understood to be coming from the absorption of ultraviolet and blue photon in the cathode layer itself. The loss in short circuit current due to the loss of blue photon in EQE is compensated by higher FF (lower series resistance) due to thicker ZnO:Al layer resulting in final device efficiency almost uncompromised with added benefit of reduced photo degradation. The experimental results are supported with optical simulations which show more absorption in the short wavelength region for the thicker ZnO films, compared to ITO films, deposited on glass substrates. This work also proposes using ZnO:Al cathode as a template for random textured front surface to potentially increase short circuit current by increase in photon absorption in active layer matrix by light scattering techniques. Our results provide an inexpensive pathway for improving the stability of organic photovoltaics without compromising the device performance

    Microtopography of the eggshell of Menacanthus eurysternus (Phthiraptera: Amblycera)

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    The egg laying sites, pattern and the egg morphology (SEM) of an amblyceran louse parasitizing Bank Myna (Acridotheres ginginianus) have been recorded. Unlike most of the species of the genus, Menacanthus studied so far, the eggshell of M. eurysternus lacks the apophyses (bristle like outgrowths arising from anterior portion of the eggshell). However, the opercular disc of M. eurysternus bears a polar thread and the micropyles are set along the opercular rim


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    Objective: Macrotyloma uniflorum (Horse gram) is an important legume widely consumed in the tropical south Asian countries including India. The present investigation is the elucidation of anti-inflammatory activity of M. uniflorum as it has several medicinal properties. The M. uniflorum was evaluated for inhibition of human secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) as a function of anti-inflammatory activity.Methods: The total phenols, antioxidant (DPPH scavenging), Anti-lipid peroxidation, PLA2 inhibition and lipoxygenase (5 & 15-LOX) inhibition activity of aqueous extracts of M. uniflorum coat and pulp were assayed by in vitro method. The aqueous extract of M. uniflorum seed coat was subjected to inhibit PLA2 enzymes from human inflammatory fluids (Human Synovial Fluid and Human Pleural Fluid) and snake venoms (Naja naja and Vipera russllii) using [14]C labeled E. coli by in vivo method. A further effect of substrate and calcium concentration on inhibition of VRV-PLA2 in presence and absence of M. uniflorum coat extract were assayed.Results: Aqueous coat extract of M. uniflorum shows higher phenolics and biological activity and inhibited all sPLA2 enzymes in concentration dependent manner. The IC50 values are found to be in the range of 11.42-20.88μg and IC50 values for 5-LOX and 15-LOX is 25.92μg and 32.47μg respectively. The extract effectively neutralized indirect hemolytic activity and showed similar potency in neutralizing the in vivo sPLA2 induced mouse paw edema.Conclusion: These findings suggest that, the active compound/s in extracts of M. uniflorum individually or synergistically responsible for observed sPLA2 inhibition.Â

    Liebetanzomyces polymorphus gen. et sp. nov., a new anaerobic fungus (Neocallimastigomycota) isolated from the rumen of a goat

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    An extended incubation strategy to culture slow growing members of anaerobic fungi resulted in the isolation of a novel anaerobic fungus from the rumen of a goat after 15 days. The novel genus, represented by type strain G1SC, showed filamentous monocentric thallus development and produced uniflagellate zoospores, hence, showing morphological similarity to the genera Piromyces, Buwchfawromyces, Oontomyces and Pecoramyces. However, strain G1SC showed genetic similarity to the genus Anaeromyces, which, though produces uniflagellate zoospore, also exhibits polycentric thallus development. Moreover, unlike Anaeromyces, strain G1SC did not show hyphal constrictions, instead produced a branched, determinate and anucleate rhizoidal system. This fungus also displayed extensive sporangial variations, both exogenous and endogenous type of development, short and long sporangiophores and produced septate sporangia. G1SC utilised various complex and simple substrates, including rice straw and wheat straw and produced H2, CO2, formate, acetate, lactate, succinate and ethanol. Phylogenetic analysis, using internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and D1/D2 domain of large-subunit (LSU) rRNA locus, clearly showed a separate lineage for this strain, near Anaeromyces. The ITS1 based geographical distribution studies indicated detection of environmental sequences similar (93–96%) to this strain from cattle faeces. Based on morphological and molecular characterisation results of strain G1SC, we propose a novel anaerobic fungus Liebetanzomyces polymorphus gen. et sp. nov., in the phylum Neocallimastigomycota

    A Study on Features Extraction Techniques for Image Mosaicing

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents the review of feature detection techniques for image mosaicing which is an important research subject in the field of computer vision. Image mosaicing is the process of combining several overlapped images to create single continuous image. Feature extraction methods extract the distinct features from the images like edges, corners, etc. which can be used to match the similarity for estimation of relative transformation between the images. Features based methods have shown much advantage over direct mosaicing methods in both time and space complexity. Thus large number of research has been done around the feature extraction and feature matching algorithms to improve processing of algorithm execution in terms of speed and space. Here we discussed some techniques which are commonly used for the image mosaicing

    CB1R-Mediated Activation of Caspase-3 Causes Epigenetic and Neurobehavioral Abnormalities in Postnatal Ethanol-Exposed Mice

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    Alcohol exposure can affect brain development, leading to long-lasting behavioral problems, including cognitive impairment, which together is defined as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). However, the fundamental mechanisms through which this occurs are largely unknown. In this study, we report that the exposure of postnatal day 7 (P7) mice to ethanol activates caspase-3 via cannabinoid receptor type-1 (CB1R) in neonatal mice and causes a reduction in methylated DNA binding protein (MeCP2) levels. The developmental expression of MeCP2 in mice is closely correlated with synaptogenesis and neuronal maturation. It was shown that ethanol treatment of P7 mice enhanced Mecp2 mRNA levels but reduced protein levels. The genetic deletion of CB1R prevented, and administration of a CB1R antagonist before ethanol treatment of P7 mice inhibited caspase-3 activation. Additionally, it reversed the loss of MeCP2 protein, cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) activation, and activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) expression. The inhibition of caspase-3 activity prior to ethanol administration prevented ethanol-induced loss of MeCP2, CREB activation, epigenetic regulation of Arc expression, long-term potentiation (LTP), spatial memory deficits and activity-dependent impairment of several signaling molecules, including MeCP2, in adult mice. Collectively, these results reveal that the ethanol-induced CB1R-mediated activation of caspase-3 degrades the MeCP2 protein in the P7 mouse brain and causes long-lasting neurobehavioral deficits in adult mice. This CB1R-mediated instability of MeCP2 during active synaptic maturation may disrupt synaptic circuit maturation and lead to neurobehavioral abnormalities, as observed in this animal model of FASD

    Floristic Diversity and Indigenous Uses of Forest Vegetation of Dabka Watershed in Indian Central Himalaya

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    A species check list of flora is presented in and around Dabka watershed, District Nainital of Uttarakhand, together with preliminary Phytosociological data for the major species of communities. A total of 45 tree species, 09 shrubs and 32 species of grasses and herbs recorded. Results of quantitative sampling indicate that Adina cordifolia (IVI 66.26) species dominated in the watershed area. Other important woody associates include Quercus incana (IVI 26.74), Pinus roxburghii (IVI 14.64). The diversity range for tree layer was 3.16 followed by herbs (2.92) and then shrubs (1.84); all of the tree species were contagious distribution. Analysis of use diversity showed that the recorded species provide 8 Different uses to local communities. About 56% of the species are used for more than one use categories. Although some species have multiple uses, the average number of uses per species is three. The uses were placed under three major use categories, which had highest contribution of the total uses. These include food, medicinal and fuel/fodder/timber/ dye etc. use value of species shows that about 38% species use in medicinal purposes, 32% species used for edible purposes and 33% use as various purposes. The current work provide the baseline floristic and ecological data and documents the structure and composition of vegetation and also collect information about ethno-botanic used to explore the conservation status and folk medicinal knowledge of the surrounding peoples of the study area, for managers planners and policy makers to understand such simple method assessing the biodiversity of any potential area for conservation in any region. The finding suggest that, public awareness and community based management need to be encouraged at all levels in order to overcome the threats; further investigation into nutritional properties of all the species reported; study on the pharmacological attributes would help to understand their medicinal application. Furthermore urgent collection of germplasm from areas under human pressure is recommended
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