24 research outputs found

    Review On Laser Induced Breakdown spectroscopy: Methodology and Technical Developments

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    In this review we attempt to provide a brief account of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) methodology and technological developments. We also summarise various methods adopted for exploiting LIBS. Besides, a brief overview of combination of LIBS in conjunction with other methods is also given

    Experimental investigation of free jets through supersonic nozzles

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    In this paper, we report experimental investigation to improve the shape of a supersonic nozzle for rarefied flows to generate high axial density at extended distances from the nozzle. The reported work is significant for molecular jet/beam applications that require high center-line density and narrow jet profile. We investigate a parabolic nozzle whose profile is generated using the virtual source model of free expansion and compare its performance with a set of conical nozzles having different cone angles using simulations as well as experiments. All nozzles are made by additive manufacturing using ABS and performance is found to be satisfactory. Axial density and lateral spread of the jets are measured using a pitot tube assembly. The accuracy and operational limit of the pitot tube for rarefied flow is quantified by using established mathematical and empirical models for a sonic nozzle. The study demonstrates that the performance of the parabolic nozzle is comparable or slightly better as compared to conical counterparts. Moreover, the parabolic profile can be used for optimizing the opening angle for conical nozzles of various lengths

    Shielded ionisation discharge (SID) probe for spatio-temporal profiling of pulsed molecular beam

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    In this work we report a shielded ionization discharge (SID) probe which is conceptualized, designed and implemented for measuring temporal and spatial density profiles in a pulsed molecular beam. The probe detects and provides profiles of neutrals of the molecular beam using small discharge which is assisted by the thermionic emission of electrons from a hot filament. In this article, design and characterisation of the developed probe are discussed. The performance of the probe is demonstrated by measuring the spatio-temporal profile of a 1.5 ms pulsed supersonic molecular beam. The suggested SID probe can be used to characterize and optimise the pulsed molecular beam source used in tokamak fueling, SMBI plasma diagnostics, ion beam profile monitors, cluster beam experiments, chemical kinetics, and other supersoinc beam related applications

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of anisotropic emission from nano second laser produced aluminium plasma

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    Polarized emission carries captivating information and can help understand various elementary processes involving collisions within the plasma as well as in radiative transitions. In this work, we investigate the spatio-temporal dependence of the emission anisotropy of a nanosecond laser produced aluminium plasma at 100 mbar background pressure. We observe that the anisotropy of the emission spectra exhibits interesting spatio-temporal characteristics which in turn depend on the charge state of the emitting species. The degree of polarization (DOP) is found to reverse its sign along the plume propagation direction. Observed behaviour in DOP appears to be due to the contribution from various involved atomic processes. However, closer to the sample the contribution from the self-generated magnetic field predominantly affect the polarization. On the other hand, the effect of the self generated magnetic field on the observed polarized emission is insignificant as the plume propagates away from the sample. This is of particular interest in polarization resolved laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as spatio-temporal profile of the degree of polarization has to be properly taken into account prior to the spectral analysis

    Photoinduced proton transfer in 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid

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    Spectral and photophysical properties of 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid (3HNA) have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. In addition to its normal fluorescence, 3HNA exhibits a large Stokes-shifted emission that depends on its concentration, the nature of the solvent, pH, temperature and excitation wavelength. 3HNA seems to form different emitting species in different media. The large Stokes shift is attributed to species undergoing excited state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT). Ab initio calculations using configuration interaction (single excitation) reveal a single minimum in the potential energy profile corresponding to the primary form in the ground state. While semi-empirical calculations with CI (AM1/PECI=8) predict a double well potential, single point density functional theoretic calculations (B3LYP/6-31G∗∗) confirm the absence of a barrier in the ground state for proton transfer. In the first excited singlet state, however, there are two minima corresponding to the primary and tautomeric forms at both ab initio CIS and AM1/PECI=8 levels, thus accounting for the dual emission in 3HNA. The theoretical methods also account for the observed pH dependence of the spectral characteristics qualitatively correctly

    Importance of Agriculture in Pollution Control in Distillery Industry

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    89-91India is an agriculture-based country therefore agriculture-based industries possess an important place. In biotechnological era, the importance of agriculture has further augmented because by means of agriculture in addition to food products, we obtain new dimensions of energy resources also. As a result of depletion of resources of mineral fuels, sources of fuels from agriculture would become essential. Substances like biodiesel and gasohol have been accepted as transport fuel. Not only to provide fuel but in controlling the industrial pollution, role of agriculture has been gaining importance. Agriculture based distillery industry of the country bas become more important in the present scenario. This industry will play an important role not only in preparing wine and fulfilling the chemical requirements but in providing fuels like biodiesel and gasohol

    Physical and Anthropometric Comparison of Selected Team Games University Players

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    The purpose of the study was to compare the Anthropometric measurements and physical fitness components among team games. The subject for this study were forty-five (n = 45) male players in which fifteen of were handball sports, and remaining fifteen-fifteen were of Basketball and Volleyball sports. The subjects selected for the study were all India university players. The variables selected for the study under Anthropometric measurements were shoulder width, arm length, elbow breadth, waist circumference, calf circumference, and leg length whereas physical fitness components were speed, agility, explosive leg strength, and flexibility. All three selected groups were assessed for the anthropometric measurements as well as the physical variables required for the comparison using standardized procedure recommended by established literature. Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and the descriptive statistics were expressed as mean (SD) and standard deviation for each variable, while ANOVA test was applied to compare the groups on the basis of selected parameters. The results showed no significant difference in all selected anthropometric as well as the physical parameters except flexibility (F = 3.709; P = 0.033) at 0.05 alpha level and the researcher concluded on the basis of results that because of symmetricity in movement patterns in the court as well as the same nature of activity and anthropometric similarity (Height) did not create much difference in all selected anthropometrical and physical performance parameters while comparing handball, basketball, and volleyball players all together

    Дискримінантна модель для орієнтованого на навички прогнозування у жінок-гравців у крикет на основі вибраних параметрів результативності

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    Research Purpose. The study aimed to develop a discriminant model for cricketers on the basis of physiological & anthropometric variables. Material and Methods. The study included sixty female seniors BCCI board players representing five different states with mean age 23.4 ± 2.03, mean height 152.1 ± 3.44, and mean weight 52.4 ± 4.21. A multivariate technique was used to predict the cricket performance by classifying the players into batsmen and pace bowlers on the basis of selected physiological & anthropometrical variables. Results. All the assumptions were positively full-filled (Shapiro-Wilk test p > 0.05 and F = 8.121, p = 0.264 for Box’sM test) for applying discriminant analysis to develop the model. A total of eleven performance variables were initially selected for the study and after applying the stepwise statistical technique of discriminant analysis, the model selected certain variables, namely Muscle Mass (1.311), Fat (-0.182) & Shoulder Diameter (0.292) and showed its effectiveness as the Eigenvalue for the fit model was 0.848. Conclusion. A discriminant function F1 = -29.531 + (1.311 × Muscle Mass) + (-0.182 × Fat) + (0.292 × Shoulder Diameter) was developed. The percentage of total variation explained by the model was 71.9%. A total of 93.2% of the observations were correctly classified using the proposed discriminant model.Цель исследования – разработать дискриминантную модель для игроков в крикет на основе физиологических и антропометрических переменных. Материалы и способы. В исследовании приняли участие шестьдесят женщин-играков старшего возраста Управления по контролю за крикетом в Индии, представительниц пяти разных штатов, средний возраст которых составлял 23,4 ± 2,03, средний рост 152,1 ± 3,44 и средний вес 52 ,4 ± 4,21. Для прогнозирования результативности в крикете использовался многомерный метод классификации игроков на бетсменов и пейс-боулеров на основе выбранных физиологических и антропометрических переменных. Результаты. Все предположения были полностью выполнены (тест Шапиро-Уилка p > 0,05 и F = 8,121, p= ,264 по М-тесту Бокса) для применения дискриминантного анализа и разработки модели. Сначала для исследования было отобрано одиннадцать переменных результативности, а после применения поэтапного статистического метода дискриминантного анализа модель выбрала определенные переменные, а именно: мышечная масса (1,311), жир (-0,182) и диаметр плеча (0,292), модель показала свою эффективность, поскольку собственное значение соответствующей модели составляло 0,848. Вывод. Разработана дискриминантная функция F1 = -29,531 + (1,311 × мышечная масса) + (-0,182 × жир) + (0,292 × диаметр плеча). Процент общей вариации, объясняемый моделью, составил 71,9%. В общей сложности 93,2% наблюдений было правильно классифицировано с помощью предложенной дискриминантной модели.Мета дослідження – розробити дискримінантну модель для гравців у крикет на основі фізіологічних та антропометричних змінних. Матеріали та методи. У дослідженні взяли участь шістдесят жінок-гравців старшого віку Управління з контролю за крикетом в Індії, представниць п’яти різних штатів, середній вік яких становив 23,4 ± 2,03, середній зріст 152,1 ± 3,44 та середня вага 52,4 ± 4,21. Для прогнозування результативності у крикеті використовувався багатовимірний метод з класифікацією гравців на бетсменів і пейс-боулерів на основі вибраних фізіологічних та антропометричних змінних. Результати. Усі припущення були повністю виконані (тест Шапіро-Уілка p > 0,05 та F = 8,121, p = 0,264 за М-тестом Бокса) для застосування дискримінантного аналізу та розробки моделі. Спочатку для дослідження було відібрано одинадцять змінних результативності, а після застосування поетапного статистичного методу дискримінантного аналізу модель вибрала певні змінні, а саме: м’язова маса (1,311), жир (-0,182) та діаметр плеча (0,292), модель показала свою ефективність, оскільки власне значення відповідної моделі становило 0,848. Висновок. Розроблено дискримінантну функцію F1 = -29,531 + (1,311 × м’язова маса) + (-0,182 × жир) + (0,292 × діаметр плеча). Відсоток загальної варіації, що пояснюється моделлю, становив 71,9%. Загалом 93,2% спостережень було правильно класифіковано за допомогою запропонованої дискримінантної моделі