5 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Estetika Post Labioplasty Unilateral Antara Teknik Millard Dengan Teknik Tennison

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    Latar belakang : Estetika hasil operasi labioplasty sangat menentukan kualitas hidup pasien bibir sumbing. Walaupun terdapat banyak teknik labioplasty namun terdapat 2 teknik operasi yang paling sering digunakan yaitu teknik Millard dan teknik Tennison. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif observasional dengan metode komparatif untuk membandingkan Teknik operasi Millard Tennison. Teknik penilaian dengan menggunakan Mortier Score Modified untuk menilai Red Lip, White Lip dan Scars. Hasil: Penilaian Estetika Red Lip (Vermillion) Teknik Millard lebih baik daripada teknik Tennison. Penilaian Estetika White Lip teknik Tennison lebih baik daripada teknik Millard. Penilaian Estetika Scars Teknik Millard lebih baik daripada teknik Tennison. Kesimpulan: Estetika post labioplasty unilateral Teknik Millard lebih baik daripada teknik Tennison

    Effect of Stromal Vascular Fraction and Platelet-Rich Plasma Combination on Polymorphonuclear Cells in Wistar Rats Anal Trauma Model

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    Introduction: By relying on polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells, stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) contribute significantly in the healing process. Through anal trauma model, this study examined the effect of SVF and PRP combination on PMN counts in vivo. Method: Three groups of twenty-eight eligible Wistar rats anal trauma model randomly assigned to receive SVF and PRP combination (Group A), normal saline (Group B), or healthy controls (Group C). On days 1, 7, and 14, we examined at PMN cell counts in Groups A and B. Group C were sacrificed early to acquire baseline data on PMN cells. Results:  On the first day, Group A had more PMN cells than Group B, but this difference faded by days 7 and 14. On day 1, the test revealed a significant increase in PMN cells (p=0.002). Conclusion:  Combining SVF and PRP can improve PMN cells' acute phase of anal damage repair in viv

    Comparison between plasma lactate and lactate clearance with the impact of acute phase complication in burn injury patient

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    Severe burn can cause rapid loss of intravascular volume with resultant adecrease in peripheral blood flow which reduces tissue oxygen transport and inturn, increases plasma lactate. Plasma lactate and lactate clearance are usefulparameters to compare complicated and uncomplicated burn patients in theacute phase. The study aimed to evaluate the initial and 24-h plasma lactatelevels as well as lactate clearance as useful parameters to assess acute phasecomplications of burn patients. This was a cross-sectional study involving35 burn patients who admitted at Abdul Wahab Sjahranie District Hospital,Samarinda during the period of September 2018 to September 2019. Thestudy was immediately begun after admission of the patients. Plasma lactatelevels were measured at admission and24-h after the first measurement. Theacute phase complication was assessed 72 h after burns from the laboratoryparameter. Fisher’s exact test and t test using SPSS software version 24wereapplied for statistical analysis. The 24-h plasma lactate level (p= 0.001) andplasma lactate clearance (p = 0.002) were significantly correlated with theoccurrence of acute phase complications of burns. However, the initial plasmalactate level was not significantly correlated (p = 0.609). In conclusion, there isa significantly correlation between 24-h plasma lactate level and plasma lactateclearance are with the occurrence of acute phase complications of burns

    Combination of platelet rich plasma and stromal vascular fraction on the level of vascular endothelial growth factor in rat subjects experiencing deep dermal burn injury

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    Abstract Background The healing process of burns includes coagulation, inflammation, and remodeling. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is involved throughout this healing process. Stem cells from the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with stromal vascular fraction (SVF) can increase concentrations of growth factors, including VEGF. This is expected to accelerate burn healing. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a combination of PRP and SVF on VEGF levels in a rats model of deep dermal burn wound healing. Materials and methods This is an experimental research study in rats using a post-test control group design with 4 groups: A) control, B) Vaseline, C) topical PRP and SVF, and D) PRP and SVF injection. Burn wounds were induced according to the modified Guo method. Results In a rats model of deep dermal wound healing, topical Vaseline significantly increased serum VEGF compared to control. Topical application and injection of stem cells also significantly increased serum VEGF compared to control and Vaseline. The VEGF concentration was significantly higher following injection of PRP and SVF, suggesting that the injection route is more effective at increasing VEGF levels compared to the topical application of stem cells. Conclusion The combination of PRP and SVF, either by injection or topical application, can increase VEGF levels during the healing process from deep dermal burns