3,077 research outputs found

    A VLBI Proper Motion Analysis of the Recoiling Supermassive Black Hole Candidate Mrk 1018

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    Mrk 1018 is a nearby changing-look AGN that has oscillated between spectral Type 1.9 and Type 1 over a period of 40 years. Recently, a recoiling supermassive black hole (rSMBH) scenario has been proposed to explain the spectral and flux variability observed in this AGN. Detections of rSMBHs are important for understanding the processes by which SMBH binaries merge and how rSMBHs influence their galactic environment through feedback mechanisms. However, conclusive identification of any rSMBHs has remained elusive to date. In this paper, we present an analysis of 6.5 years of multi-frequency Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) monitoring of Mrk 1018. We find that the radio emission is compact down to 2.4 pc, and displays flux density and spectral variability over the length of our campaign, typical of a flat spectrum radio core. We observe proper motion in RA of the radio core at -36.4 ±\pm 8.6 μ\muas yr1^{-1} (4.2σ\sigma), or 0.10c±0.02c0.10c \pm 0.02c at the redshift of Mrk 1018. No significant proper motion is found in DEC (31.3 ±\pm 25.1 μ\muas yr1^{-1}). We discuss possible physical mechanisms driving the proper motion, including a rSMBH. We conclude that the apparent velocity we observe of the VLBI radio core is too high to reconcile with theoretical predictions of rSMBH velocities and that the proper motion is most likely dominated by an unresolved, outflowing jet component. Future observations may yet reveal the true nature of Mrk 1018. However, our observations are not able to confirm it as a true rSMBH.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    A comparison of computational and experimental lift-off heights of coflow laminar diffusion flames

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    As a sensitive marker of changes in flame structure, the number densities of excited-state CH (denoted CH*), and excited-state OH (denoted OH*) are imaged in coflow laminar diffusion flames. Measurements are made both in normal gravity and on the NASA KC-135 reduced-gravity aircraft. The spatial distribution of these radicals provides information about flame structure and lift-off heights that can be directly compared with computational predictions. Measurements and computations are compared over a range of buoyancy and fuel dilution levels. Results indicate that the lift-off heights and flame shapes predicted by the computations are in excellent agreement with measurement for both normal gravity (1g) and reduced gravity flames at low dilution levels. As the fuel mixture is increasingly diluted, however, the 1g lift-off heights become underpredicted. This trend continues until the computations predict stable flames at highly dilute fuel mixtures beyond the 1g experimental blow-off limit. To better understand this behavior, an analysis was performed, which indicates that the lift-off height is sensitive to the laminar flame speed of the corresponding premixed mixture at the flame edge. By varying the rates of two key "flame speed" controlling reactions, we were able to modify the predicted lift-off heights so as to be in closer agreement with the experiments. The results indicate that reaction sets that work well in low dilution systems may need to be modified to accommodate high dilution flames

    Bi-allelic CAMSAP1 variants cause a clinically recognizable neuronal migration disorder

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    Non-centrosomal microtubules are essential cytoskeletal filaments that are important for neurite formation, axonal transport, and neuronal migration. They require stabilization by microtubule minus-end-targeting proteins including the CAMSAP family of molecules. Using exome sequencing on samples from five unrelated families, we show that bi-allelic CAMSAP1 loss-of-function variants cause a clinically recognizable, syndromic neuronal migration disorder. The cardinal clinical features of the syndrome include a characteristic craniofacial appearance, primary microcephaly, severe neurodevelopmental delay, cortical visual impairment, and seizures. The neuroradiological phenotype comprises a highly recognizable combination of classic lissencephaly with a posterior more severe than anterior gradient similar to PAFAH1B1(LIS1)-related lissencephaly and severe hypoplasia or absence of the corpus callosum; dysplasia of the basal ganglia, hippocampus, and midbrain; and cerebellar hypodysplasia, similar to the tubulinopathies, a group of monogenic tubulin-associated disorders of cortical dysgenesis. Neural cell rosette lineages derived from affected individuals displayed findings consistent with these phenotypes, including abnormal morphology, decreased cell proliferation, and neuronal differentiation. Camsap1-null mice displayed increased perinatal mortality, and RNAScope studies identified high expression levels in the brain throughout neurogenesis and in facial structures, consistent with the mouse and human neurodevelopmental and craniofacial phenotypes. Together our findings confirm a fundamental role of CAMSAP1 in neuronal migration and brain development and define bi-allelic variants as a cause of a clinically distinct neurodevelopmental disorder in humans and mice

    Which circulating antioxidant vitamins are confounded by socioeconomic deprivation? The MIDSPAN family study

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    <p><b>Background:</b> Antioxidant vitamins are often described as having “independent” associations with risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality. We aimed to compare to what extent a range of antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids are associated with adulthood and childhood markers of socioeconomic deprivation and to adverse lifestyle factors.</p> <p><b>Methods and Findings:</b> Socioeconomic and lifestyle measures were available in 1040 men and 1298 women from the MIDSPAN Family Study (30–59 years at baseline) together with circulating levels of vitamins A, C, E, and carotenoids (α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein and lycopene). Markers of socioeconomic deprivation in adulthood were consistently as strongly associated with lower vitamin C and carotenoid levels as markers of adverse lifestyle; the inverse association with overcrowding was particularly consistent (vitamin C and carotenoids range from 19.1% [95% CI 30.3–6.0] to 38.8% [49.9–25.3] lower among those in overcrowded residencies). These associations were consistent after adjusting for month, classical CVD risk factors, body mass index, physical activity, vitamin supplements, dietary fat and fibre intake. Similar, but weaker, associations were seen for childhood markers of deprivation. The association of vitamin A or E were strikingly different; several adult adverse lifestyle factors associated with higher levels of vitamin A and E, including high alcohol intake for vitamin A (9.5% [5.7–13.5]) and waist hip ratio for vitamin E (9.5% [4.8–14.4]), with the latter associations partially explained by classical risk factors, particularly cholesterol levels.</p> <p><b>Conclusions:</b> Plasma vitamin C and carotenoids have strong inverse associations with adulthood markers of social deprivation, whereas vitamin A and E appear positively related to specific adverse lifestyle factors. These findings should help researchers better contextualize blood antioxidant vitamin levels by illustrating the potential limitations associated with making causal inferences without consideration of social deprivation.</p&gt

    A randomized trial provided new evidence on the accuracy and efficiency of traditional vs. electronically annotated abstraction approaches in systematic reviews

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    Abstract Objectives Data Abstraction Assistant (DAA) is a software for linking items abstracted into a data collection form for a systematic review to their locations in a study report. We conducted a randomized cross-over trial that compared DAA-facilitated single-data abstraction plus verification ("DAA verification"), single data abstraction plus verification ("regular verification"), and independent dual data abstraction plus adjudication ("independent abstraction"). Study Design and Setting This study is an online randomized cross-over trial with 26 pairs of data abstractors. Each pair abstracted data from six articles, two per approach. Outcomes were the proportion of errors and time taken. Results Overall proportion of errors was 17% for DAA verification, 16% for regular verification, and 15% for independent abstraction. DAA verification was associated with higher odds of errors when compared with regular verification (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 1.08; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.99–1.17) or independent abstraction (adjusted OR = 1.12; 95% CI: 1.03–1.22). For each article, DAA verification took 20 minutes (95% CI: 1–40) longer than regular verification, but 46 minutes (95% CI: 26 to 66) shorter than independent abstraction. Conclusion Independent abstraction may only be necessary for complex data items. DAA provides an audit trail that is crucial for reproducible research

    Investigating the Near-Infrared Properties of Planetary Nebula II. Medium Resolution Spectra

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    We present medium-resolution (R~700) near-infrared (lambda = 1 - 2.5 micron) spectra of a sample of planetary nebulae (PNe). A narrow slit was used which sampled discrete locations within the nebulae; observations were obtained at one or more positions in the 41 objects included in the survey. The PN spectra fall into one of four general categories: H I emission line-dominated PNe, H I and H_2 emission line PNe, H_2-dominated PNe, and continuum-dominated PNe. These categories correlate with morphological type, with the elliptical PNe falling into the first group, and the bipolar PNe primarily in the H_2 and continuum emission groups. Other spectral features were observed in all categories, such as continuum emission from the central star, C_2, CN, and CO emission, and warm dust continuum emission. Molecular hydrogen was detected for the first time in four PNe. An excitation analysis was performed using the H_2 line ratios for all of the PN spectra in the survey where a sufficient number of lines were observed. One unexpected result from this analysis is that the H_2 is excited by absorption of ultraviolet photons in most of the PNe surveyed, although for several PNe in our survey collisional excitation in moderate velocity shocks plays an important role. The correlation between bipolar morphology and H_2 emission has been strengthened with the new detections of H_2 in this survey.Comment: 13 pages, 8 tables, 33 figure

    Family systemic psychosocial support for at-risk adolescents in Lebanon: study protocol for a multi-site randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Adolescents growing up in communities characterised by adversity face multiple risk factors for poor mental health and wellbeing. There is currently a scarcity of research on effective approaches for preventing and treating psychological distress in this population, particularly in humanitarian settings. The powerful impact of the home environment and family support is well known; however, approaches targeting the family are seldom developed or evaluated in such settings. We developed a brief family systemic psychosocial support intervention to be delivered through existing child protection systems with non-specialist facilitators. This paper outlines the study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of the intervention in Lebanon.Methods: We will conduct a single-blind hybrid effectiveness-implementation multi-site RCT comparing the locally developed systemic family intervention to a waitlist control group for families residing in vulnerable regions in North Lebanon and Beqaa governorates (including families of Syrian, Palestinian, and Lebanese backgrounds). Outcomes on a range of family, adolescent, and caregiver measures will be assessed at baseline (T0) and post-intervention (T1), and at a 3-month follow-up for the treatment arm (T2). Families will be eligible for the trial if they are identified by implementing organisations as being medium-to-high risk for child protection concerns and have one or more adolescent aged 12–17 who demonstrates significant psychological distress on a self-report brief screening tool. Families will be randomly assigned to a treatment or a waitlist control condition. Families in the waitlist condition will receive a group version of the programme after completion of the study, to allow us to assess feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary indications of intervention effects of this modality. The primary outcome is reduction in overall adolescent-reported psychological distress over time, with post-intervention (T1) as the primary endpoint. Secondary adolescent-reported outcomes include family functioning, psychosocial wellbeing, and emotional regulation difficulties. Secondary caregiver-reported outcomes include parenting style, family functioning, psychological distress, and emotional regulation difficulties. Discussion: This trial will provide the first assessment of the effectiveness of the family systemic psychosocial support intervention for use in Lebanon, with important implications for the use of systemic, low-cost, non-specialist interventions for this age range. Trial registration: Local registry: National Mental Health Program, Ministry of Public Health, Lebanese Republic. Registered on 19 October 2021 Lebanese Clinical Trial Registry LBCTR2021104870

    LEMUR: Large European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research. European contribution to JAXA's Solar-C mission

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    Understanding the solar outer atmosphere requires concerted, simultaneous solar observations from the visible to the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and soft X-rays, at high spatial resolution (between 0.1" and 0.3"), at high temporal resolution (on the order of 10 s, i.e., the time scale of chromospheric dynamics), with a wide temperature coverage (0.01 MK to 20 MK, from the chromosphere to the flaring corona), and the capability of measuring magnetic fields through spectropolarimetry at visible and near-infrared wavelengths. Simultaneous spectroscopic measurements sampling the entire temperature range are particularly important. These requirements are fulfilled by the Japanese Solar-C mission (Plan B), composed of a spacecraft in a geosynchronous orbit with a payload providing a significant improvement of imaging and spectropolarimetric capabilities in the UV, visible, and near-infrared with respect to what is available today and foreseen in the near future. The Large European Module for solar Ultraviolet Research (LEMUR), described in this paper, is a large VUV telescope feeding a scientific payload of high-resolution imaging spectrographs and cameras. LEMUR consists of two major components: a VUV solar telescope with a 30 cm diameter mirror and a focal length of 3.6 m, and a focal-plane package composed of VUV spectrometers covering six carefully chosen wavelength ranges between 17 and 127 nm. The LEMUR slit covers 280" on the Sun with 0.14" per pixel sampling. In addition, LEMUR is capable of measuring mass flows velocities (line shifts) down to 2 km/s or better. LEMUR has been proposed to ESA as the European contribution to the Solar C mission.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures. To appear on Experimental Astronom