44 research outputs found

    Entanglement scaling and spatial correlations of the transverse field Ising model with perturbations

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    We study numerically the entanglement entropy and spatial correlations of the one dimensional transverse field Ising model with three different perturbations. First, we focus on the out of equilibrium, steady state with an energy current passing through the system. By employing a variety of matrix-product state based methods, we confirm the phase diagram and compute the entanglement entropy. Second, we consider a small perturbation that takes the system away from integrability and calculate the correlations, the central charge and the entanglement entropy. Third, we consider periodically weakened bonds, exploring the phase diagram and entanglement properties first in the situation when the weak and strong bonds alternate (period two-bonds) and then the general situation of a period of n bonds. In the latter case we find a critical weak bond that scales with the transverse field as Jc/JJ'_c/J = (h/J)n(h/J)^n, where JJ is the strength of the strong bond, JJ' of the weak bond and hh the transverse field. We explicitly show that the energy current is not a conserved quantity in this case.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, version accepted in PR

    A practical method to detect, analyse and engineer higher order Van Hove singularities in multi-band Hamiltonians

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    We present a practical method to detect, diagnose and engineer higher order Van Hove singularities in multiband systems, with no restrictions on the number of bands and hopping terms. The method allows us to directly compute the Taylor expansion of the dispersion of any band at arbitrary points in momentum space, using a generalised extension of the Feynman Hellmann theorem, which we state and prove. Being fairly general in scope, it also allows us to incorporate and analyse the effect of tuning parameters on the low energy dispersions, which can greatly aid the engineering of higher order Van Hove singularities. A certain class of degenerate bands can be handled within this framework. We demonstrate the use of the method, by applying it to the Haldane model.Comment: 19 page

    Dirac fermion time-Floquet crystal: manipulating Dirac points

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    We demonstrate how to control the spectra and current flow of Dirac electrons in both a graphene sheet and a topological insulator by applying either two linearly polarized laser fields with frequencies ω\omega and 2ω2\omega or a monochromatic (one-frequency) laser field together with a spatially periodic static potential(graphene/TI superlattice). Using the Floquet theory and the resonance approximation, we show that a Dirac point in the electron spectrum can be split into several Dirac points whose relative location in momentum space can be efficiently manipulated by changing the characteristics of the laser fields. In addition, the laser-field controlled Dirac fermion band structure -- Dirac fermion time-Floquet crystal -- allows the manipulation of the electron currents in graphene and topological insulators. Furthermore, the generation of dc currents of desirable intensity in a chosen direction occurs when applying the bi-harmonic laser field which can provide a straightforward experimental test of the predicted phenomena.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, version that will appear in Phys. Rev.

    Effect of paramagnetic fluctuations on a Fermi-surface topological transition in two dimensions

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    We study the Fermi-surface topological transition of the pocket-opening type in a two-dimensional Fermi liquid. We find that the paramagnetic fluctuations in an interacting Fermi liquid typically drive the transition first order at zero temperature. We first gain insight from a calculation using second-order perturbation theory in the self-energy. This is valid for weak interaction and far from instabilities. We then extend the results to stronger interaction, using the self-consistent fluctuation approximation. Experimental signatures are given in light of our results

    Non-Landau damping of magnetic excitations in systems with localized and itinerant electrons

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    We discuss the form of the damping of magnetic excitations in a metal near a ferromagnetic instability. The paramagnon theory predicts that the damping term should have the form Ω/Γ(q)\Omega/\Gamma (q) with Γ(q)q\Gamma (q) \propto q (the Landau damping). However, the experiments on uranium metallic compounds UGe2_2 and UCoGe showed that Γ(q)\Gamma (q) tends to a constant value at vanishing qq. A non-zero Γ(0)\Gamma (0) is impossible in systems with one type of carriers (either localized or itinerant) because it would violate the spin conservation. It has been conjectured recently that a non-zero Γ(q)\Gamma (q) in UGe2_2 and UCoGe may be due to the presence of both localized and itinerant electrons in these materials, with ferromagnetism involving predominantly localized spins. We present microscopic analysis of the damping of near-critical localized excitations due to interaction with itinerant carriers. We show explicitly how the presence of two types of electrons breaks the cancellation between the contributions to Γ(0)\Gamma (0) from self-energy and vertex correction insertions into the spin polarization bubble and discuss the special role of the Aslamazov-Larkin processes. We show that Γ(0)\Gamma (0) increases with TT both in the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic regions, but in-between it has a peak at TcT_c. We compare our theory with the available experimental data.Comment: 8 pages including Supplemental Material, version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Correlated Fermions on a Checkerboard Lattice

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    A model of strongly correlated spinless fermions hopping on a checkerboard lattice is mapped onto a quantum fully-packed loop model. We identify a large number of fluctuationless states specific to the fermionic case. We also show that for a class of fluctuating states, the fermionic sign problem can be gauged away. This claim is supported by numerically evaluating the energies of the low-lying states. Furthermore, we analyze in detail the excitations at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point of this model thereby using the relation to the height model and the single-mode approximation.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures; v4: updated version published in Phys. Rev. Lett.; one reference adde

    How to test the "quantumness" of a quantum computer?

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    We discuss whether, to what extent and how a quantum computing device can be evaluated and simulated using classical tools.Comment: Submitted 12.10.201