4,989 research outputs found

    Computation of irradiance in a solar still by using a refined algorithm

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    A refined solar algorithm from the ESP-r system has been used to calculate the distribution of solar irradiation inside a basin-type solar still. In the approach, surface finish, view factors and multiple reflections are taken into consideration in the computation of the solar radiation that reaches the surface of the saline water in the distillation system. The algorithm was applied to a solar still tested at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow (55 520 N, 4 150 W). Under the prevailing meteorological conditions, it was found that previous models overestimated the computed solar load on the saline water surface. The present modelling approach is demonstrated to exhibit a higher degree of accuracy than previous methods for irradiance distribution prediction, yielding new insights into approaches to solar still performance improvement. The modelling outcomes are presented and discussed

    Output characteristics of tidal current power stations

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    With increasing targets being set for renewable-derived electricity generation, wind power is currently the preferred technology. It is widely accepted that due to the stochastic nature of wind, there is an upper limit to the capacity that can be accommodated within the electricity network before power quality is impeded. This paper demonstrates the potential of tidal energy as a predictable renewable technologies that can be developed for base load power generation and thus minimise the risk of compromising future power quality

    Impact of using different models in practice - a case study with the simplified methods of ISO 13790 standard and detailed modelling programs

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    The updated ISO 13790 Standard is part of the new set of CEN Standards that supports the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requirement for a general framework for calculation of the energy consumption of buildings. The Standard sets out procedures for space heating and cooling energy calculations, allowing the use of three different methods: a simplified monthly quasi-steady state method, a simple-hourly method and detailed simulation. This paper examines the implications of allowing different methods to be used for assessing the energy usage. The research method used was to undertake a comparison of the various methods applied to a common building specification, with parametric analyses of variations in this specification. The paper discusses differences in results for heating and cooling requirements between the simplified methods and when a detailed simulation program (ESP-r) is used with constrained (according to the Standard) inputs and with a number of unconstrained inputs. The case where two different detailed simulation programs (ESP-r and EnergyPlus) are used in practice for the same building is also included and conclusions are drawn regarding the practical use of different detailed modelling programs against the simplified methods, as well as against each other

    Code Blue: methodology for a qualitative study of teamwork during simulated cardiac arrest.

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    IntroductionIn-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA) is a particularly vexing entity from the perspective of preparedness, as it is neither common nor truly rare. Survival from IHCA requires the coordinated efforts of multiple providers with different skill sets who may have little prior experience working together. Survival rates have remained low despite advances in therapy, suggesting that human factors may be at play.Methods and analysisThis qualitative study uses a quasiethnographic data collection approach combining focus group interviews with providers involved in IHCA resuscitation as well as analysis of video recordings from in situ-simulated cardiac arrest events. Using grounded theory-based analysis, we intend to understand the organisational, interpersonal, cognitive and behavioural dimensions of IHCA resuscitation, and to build a descriptive model of code team functioning.Ethics and disseminationThis ongoing study has been approved by the IRB at UC Davis Medical Center.ResultsThe results will be disseminated in a subsequent manuscript

    Into a Forest of Script

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    Critical examination of computational design in contemporary architectur

    The implementation of discrete demand management algorithms within energy systems modelling

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    Traditionally, demand side management (DSM) programs have been driven by utilities. With the prospect of growth in the utilization of building-integrated micro-generation, DSM offers opportunities for additional energy savings and CO2 emission reductions through better utilisation of local renewable energy resources. This paper examines the feasibility of using discreet demand management (DDM) to improve the supply/demand match. For many combinations of micro-generation and DDM controls, it is necessary to know the environmental conditions (i.e. temperatures and lighting levels) within the buildings being modelled. One method would be to embed all the renewable energy technologies and DDM algorithms within a detailed simulation program. An alternative method, investigated in this study, involves coupling two existing tools: a dynamic building simulation program (ESP-r) and a demand/supply matching program (MERIT) that incorporates DDM algorithms and renewable energy system technologies. These two programs interact at the time-step level and exchange calculated parameters (relating to loads, supply potentials and prevailing environmental conditions) to enable an evaluation of DDM techniques in terms of energy saving and occupant impact. This paper describes the technique and presents simulation results relating to a number of building cases

    Delivering building simulation information via new communication media

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    Often, the goal of understanding how the building works and the impact of design decisions is hampered by limitations in the presentation of performance data. Contemporary results display is often constrained to what was considered good practice some decades ago rather than in ways that preserve the richness of the underlying data. This paper reviews a framework for building simulation support that addresses these presentation limitations as well as making a start on issues related to distributed team working. The framework uses tools and communication protocols that enable concurrent information sharing and provide a richer set of options for understanding complex performance relationships

    Ten Years of Judicial Cooperation. Occasional Paper 4/2014

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    This paper intends to illustrate the respective roles and functions of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) on the one hand, and the Maltese national courts on the other. It will then define the scope and role of the judicial cooperation between the CJEU and the national courts, highlighting the procedure relating to the preliminary rulings. The paper will then briefly describe the cases brought before the CJEU involving Malta, including those concerning requests for preliminary rulings originating from Malta, and the direct actions by the European Commission before the Court of Justice, as well as those before the General Court. After a description of the rationale behind the publication of the book Malta u l-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal-Unjoni Ewropea (Malta and the Court of Justice of the European Union), and following the conference in which it was presented, the main points that emerged from the conference will serve as a backdrop to some statistical analysis pertaining to the Maltese cases, as well as some reflections on the current situation of the judicial cooperation obtained after ten years. It will propose that, besides a mere statistical analysis of the raw figures that emerge, one must rather address his attention to the spirit of EU membership, and reflect on whether Malta’s legal system has actually absorbed and understood the full meaning of the EU membership, ten years after it took place

    A Study of Acute Lobar Pneumonia

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